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选取甘肃、贵州、新疆三地143名中小学数学教师作为研究对象,通过问卷调查的方法,采用描述性统计、独立样本T检验、单因素方差分析等探索数学教师认识信念的现状以及背景因素差异。研究发现:数学教师认识信念总体呈进步倾向,但倾向程度存在一定的差异;各维度信念倾向由强到弱依次为师生角色认识信念、数学教学认识信念、数学学习认识信念和数学本体认识信念;性别、教育背景、教龄、职称、学历等因素对数学教师认识信念均产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

数学教师的认识信念由数学认识信念、教学认识信念组成。数学认识信念指教师对数学本体的认识,包括二元绝对论、多元绝对论、分离性相对绝对论、联系性相对绝对论、相对可误论等5种观念。教学认识信念指教师对教学本质的认识,包括行为主义、认知主义、信息加工建构主义、个人建构主义、社会建构主义等5种观念。数学认识信念与教学认识信念相互交织形成数学教师特有的二维认识信念倾向系统。从对数学的真理性、价值性、客观性、结构性的不同认识,可以考量教师的数学认识信念倾向,从对教学目的、教学本质、教学方法、教学操作、学习本质、学生角色、学生学习能力、影响学习的因素的不同认识,可以考查教师的教学认识信念。将认识对象与认识倾向结合,组成一个测量数学教师教学认识信念的特殊量表。  相似文献   

利用数学教学认识信念二维结构量表,研究职业院校不同教龄段数学教师数学教学认识信念各个维度的情态及认识信念之间的差异性,并分析认识信念的倾向性.不同教龄段教师对13个维度的认识有共性,但差异性明显,且同一教龄段教师对同一维度的认识也呈发散情形.职业院校数学教师的数学认识信念偏向于传统客观主义数学观,教学认识信念偏向于现代相对主义教学观.数学教学认识信念和教龄存在一定程度的相关性.  相似文献   

张乐乐 《高教论坛》2022,(12):39-43
教师信念是教育教学改革和教学质量提升的首要条件,也是教师专业发展的内在动因。数学教师的专业信念是其教育信念的关键部分,研究翻译并使用TEDS-M专门针对小学职前数学教师开发量表,抽取其中数学本质的信念、数学学习的信念、数学成就的信念三个维度作为调查内容,对民族地区某师范院校小学教育理科方向432名师范生的专业信念进行考察。总体上,师范生具有进步的数学专业信念。经过师范教育,师范生专业信念有一定发展,但并没有发生颠覆性的转变,不同民族、年级,对数学不同兴趣程度的师范生在专业信念上具有显著性差异,大四师范生相比于其他年级、汉族相比少数民族师范生具有更为进步的专业信念。  相似文献   

农村中小学数学教师职后培养是一项复杂的系统工程,要在考察时空背景的变化中认识农村中小学数学教师专业核心素养培养的必然要求,理解并把握教师教育体系的转型变化、乡村振兴战略的政策要求、城乡教育一体化的增效期待、核心素养育人的实践规约等方面对农村中小学数学教师专业核心素养培养的期待。农村中小学数学教师专业核心素养培养的内涵并非存在于教师专业发展相关理论的逻辑推演中,而是生成于农村中小学数学教师专业核心素养培养的现实关怀与基本问题的反思中,指向农村中小学数学教师课程与教学的胜任度。作为农村中小学学生数学核心素养培养的前提,要关注农村中小学数学教师群体在专业发展上的差异,探寻农村中小学数学教师专业核心素养培养要素的特质,聚焦农村中小学数学教师专业核心素养培养的体系性。  相似文献   

学生数学认识信念的研究述评   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
学生数学认识信念是理解学生数学学习过程的关键成分之一.学生认识信念的研究属于个体认识论研究范畴.研究发现,学生的数学认识信念对学习产生消极影响,即学生所持有的信念对促进学习是无效的.目前,对影响学生认识信念形成的因素研究主要发生在数学教育领域,而关于学生认识信念的发展研究主要集中在教育心理学界.关于数学认识信念对学习影响的研究主要集中在学生数学认识信念对数学学习的情感和动机、行为参与、认知过程和数学学业成就的影响.学生数学认识信念的形成与发展,既深受学生的学习环境的影响,又深刻影响了自身的学习过程.  相似文献   

数学教师知识的主要构成成分有数学知识、教育学知识和心理学知识.398名中小学数学教师对数学本质和数学史知识的认识存在显著性差异;掌握教育理论知识的情况、掌握数学课程知识的情况存在显著性差异;掌握教师品德知识的情况,掌握学生数学学习认知方面知识的情况存在显著差异.数学教师需进一步加强有关知识的学习,应针对不同学段教师的情况开展更加有效的教师培训.  相似文献   

柳树林 《考试周刊》2011,(71):81-82
升入初中后很多学生依然沿袭着以往的数学学习方法,因此很不适应七年级的数学学习。因此中小学数学教师必须关注和研究中小学数学连续性教学问题,分析和总结小学数学与中学数学在内容上、教法上、学法上的差异,研究中学生数学成绩下降的原因。本文主要论述了关于中小学数学教学内容的连续性对比和采用的衔接策略,以及中小学数学教学方法上连续性策略。  相似文献   

从学生的信念、数学教学的信念、数学的社会文化价值等几个维度调查不同学程的数学教师对平面几何的教学信念。研究表明,不同学程的数学教师对平面几何教学都维系着较高的信念,并且在这几个维度均存在显著性差异;对"平面几何应用价值"的信念认同程度方面,小学数学教师倾向一般,而初中、高中数学教师比较倾向同意;初、高中数学教师对于平面几何的文本意义大都默认"文本权威"的现象,教师和学生只是被动地接受,而小学数学教师却敢于运用自身经验去参与和重写文本。因此,一方面,需要加强教师的本体性知识的培训;另一方面,数学教师在平面几何教学中需要强调其学科价值。  相似文献   

“信念是解释其行为的关键”,教师的数学信念决定了他的数学观、数学教育观.直接或间接地影响着学生的数学观,影响着他们的数学学习观和数学表现及其学习动机。同时,新的数学课程标准将情感与态度作为其总体目标之一.数学观成了中小学数学教育的内容和目标。因而.数学教师必须端正数学信念,以理解新课程的基本理念.保证其顺利实施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in students’ mathematics achievement and in their attitudes toward mathematics. Another purpose was to examine mathematics teachers’ beliefs and their perceptions of their male and female students’ ability. The sample consisted of 692 students (353 girls, 339 boys) between the ages of 12 and 16 years, enrolled in grades 7–9 at four private schools in Lebanon. Data were collected using the Attitudes Toward Mathematics (ATM) scale (Aiken in Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 5, 67–71, 1974), school records, and interviews with teachers. Results showed no significant gender differences in either achievement or attitudes toward mathematics, thus dispelling the common belief that female students in traditional cultures do not perform well in mathematics and dislike the field. A main effect for grade level was found with ninth graders significantly outperforming their younger counterparts. Also, teachers viewed mathematics as a male domain and attributed boys’ success to ability and girls’ success to effort. They also interacted with boys more frequently regardless of the nature of the exchange. Implications for future research and for instructional practice are overviewed.  相似文献   

为使教育援藏更具实效性和针对性,经过深入实地调查,发现影响西藏初中数学教育发展的主要因素是生源问题、语言问题、教师培训问题和升学压力.建议改进“送培进藏”的培训方式、加强对中小学数学教学语言的研究.  相似文献   

运用程黎和郑昊(2017)设计的中小学创造性课堂环境评估表(教师版),调查发现中小学数学教师感受到的创造性课堂环境因素分为六个维度:(1)教师给予学生的支持;(2)教师对课堂的领导掌控力;(3)教师放权;(4)学生之间的关系;(5)促进学生间的交流;(6)提高学生的凝聚力。中小学数学教师对课堂的领导掌控力和促进学生间的交流在学历、职称、学段、学校类型和教师所获得的荣誉上都有显著性差异。初中数学教师在给予学生的支持、促进学生间的交流、提高学生的凝聚力及教师对课堂的领导掌控力等维度上都优于高中与小学数学教师。小学数学教师更重视放权让学生在课堂上的创造性表现,而高中数学教师则相对较少放权让学生在课堂上表现。获得省级及以上荣誉的教师对于课堂掌控及放权让学生表现上优于其他类型的教师,未获得荣誉的教师在课堂上的各方面都略差于获得过荣誉的教师。研究生学历的教师对课堂的领导掌控力、放权让学生在课堂上表现、与学生间的关系、促进学生间的交流以及提高学生的凝聚力这些维度上都比其他学历的数学教师更好。高级教师放权让学生在课堂上表现、对课堂的掌控力以及给予学生的支持和促进学生间的交流上都比其他级别的教师更好。重点学校的数学教师在创造性课堂环境的各个维度上都优于普通学校的数学教师。女教师给予学生的支持以及促进学生间的关系与交流上要优于男教师,男教师在对课堂的掌控力、放权让学生在课堂上表现及提高学生的凝聚力上比女教师稍有优势。这些结论对引导和干预中小学数学教师积极营造创造性的课堂环境有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

数学教育技术是指运用各种理论和技术,通过对数学教与学的过程和资源的设计、开发、利用、管理和评价,以实现数学教育教学优化的理论和实践.中小学数学教师教育技术应该包括:数学教育技术的应用意识、数学教学设计、数学教学媒体使用技术、数学教学资源的利用与建设、数学教学实施、数学教师专业成长的技术.  相似文献   

Not much is known about mathematics teachers’ values, and no assessment tool is available for measuring these to get more insight into their perspectives. The goals of this study are to construct the Mathematics Teachers’ Values Questionnaire (MTVQ) and to determine mathematics teachers’ values about teaching mathematics using the MTVQ. In order to do this, data have been gathered for exploratory factor analysis (n = 637) and confirmatory factor analysis (n = 573) while developing the instrument, and a proportional stratified random sample has been formed consisting of 2226 Turkish middle and high school mathematics teachers working at schools that provide more religious education than other middle and high schools. Five components have been extracted: relevance (C1), practice (C2), information and communications technology (ICT; C3), teaching approach (C4), and consolidating (C5). One result of the study reveals the mathematics teachers emphasize the least ICT value and the most consolidating value.  相似文献   


Perceptions of differences in the participation and achievement of girls and boys in school science and mathematics have given rise to considerable curriculum research and professional development. This research, and the practices arising from it, has aimed at increasing the participation of girls in ‘non‐traditional’ school subjects, with the ultimate goal of enhancing girls’ post‐school options. Mathematics and science have been seen as critical in this respect, particularly the higher levels of mathematics and the physical sciences.

This research and professional development have contributed to our understanding of the issues and have no doubt affected the post‐school options of some girls. However, there is also dissatisfaction at the lack of significant change that has flowed from this work. A more critical analysis is now emerging, leading to a deeper questioning of the assumptions that underlie research and development in the field. Ironically, at the same time there are reports that funding for research into aspects of gender issues is now taking an even lower profile than in recent years (Tisdall 1992).

This paper has emerged from debates relating to gender issues from the perspective of two teachers, one of science and the other of mathematics. The debates were precipitated by a move from work as school teachers to work in higher education, where there is an explicitly stated responsibility for research as well as teaching. The change in our labour served to highlight personal questions about the legitimation of different accounts of education in research, science and mathematics education and gender issues. It was in the process of grappling with the apparent plethora of research methods that we began to look at the epistemological assumptions of research into gender issues in science and mathematics education.

For us then, there are three major interrelated and overlapping areas of concern. One is related to the epistemological assumptions that pervade science and mathematics in schools. The second also concerns epistemological assumptions, those relating to educational research, particularly into gender issues. The third raises the ontological question of the conceptualization of gender within the research. We needed a conceptual framework to enable us to critique the normalization of the debates and uncover the problematics within each of these three concerns. At the same time, the framework had to allow an examination of the interrelatedness and continuities between them. It was the normalization and apparent consensus surrounding these issues that was disturbing for us. This we recognized as a depoliticization of social institutions which are essentially political. It was against this background, and in acknowledgement of some feminist critiques (Fraser 1989), that we use a framework developed by Habermas (1972), which recognizes the political dynamic of epistemological positions, and allows us to make explicit the politics of educational research.

Our starting point, in this paper, is Habermas's work. We outline the three ‘knowledge‐constitutive’ interests of this schema, and describe their implications for education. We then explore the dominant perspective within science and mathematics education. Having described this context, we examine the gender research with particular attention to the conceptualization of gender. With reference to Habermas's framework the epistemological and ontological assumptions of this research are explored, and the possibilities and limitations are discussed. This is used to examine the epistemological basis of different research methodologies.

We contend that there is a relationship between the scientific paradigm, the organization of education and the framing of research. Further this relationship has constituted the field of research about gender and science and mathematics and limited its potential for explanation.  相似文献   

普通高师《数学学科教学论》课程是数学教师教育的一门基础理论课程。为了进一步提升这门课程的教学质量,使其教学和基础教育数学课程改革相接轨,使普通高师培养的学生顺利进入基础教育课程改革的实践之中。我们开展了面向中小学数学教师的问卷调研,试图对《数学学科教学论》课程教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我国数学教育学学科建设始于对“中学数学教材教法”相关问题的探讨,经历了作为一门课程的“数学教育学”、作为系列课程的“数学教育学”及作为学科群的“数学教育学”和“数学教育学”的主题研究繁荣等几个发展阶段,初步形成了具有中国特色的数学教育学学科。数学教育学是一门涉及数学、教育学、哲学、心理学、文化学、传播学、教育技术学、思维科学等有关内容的新兴交叉学科,在数学教育学的学科建设过程中,通过理论与实践两方面研究,形成了数学教育专门研究人员与一线教师组成的研究团队,发展、完善了有中国特色的数学教育学科体系。今后,数学教育学学科建设仍需关注理论体系建构、研究团队建设、研究视角拓展等问题。  相似文献   

以1998-2018年中国知网收录的数学教师信念研究的论文为基础,从相关论文发表时间、论文作者、关键词、研究主题和研究方法 5个维度进行统计分析。研究发现:数学教师信念最近十年来才引起研究者较高重视,已形成两个研究群体,取得系列研究成果,但在后续研究中仍需注意接轨国际研究、夯实理论基础、创新研究方法、拓展研究主题等。数学教师信念的特征、数学教师信念各要素间的互动机制、数学教师信念与实践的关系、数学教师信念与其他心理变量的关系、发展数学教师信念的方式等是值得关注的主题。  相似文献   

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