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大学教师的社会角色及责任与使命   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
大学教师的社会角色不同于一般教师,大学教师集教育者、研究者和知识分子三种社会角色于一身.不同的社会角色要求大学教师担当不同的社会责任与使命.作为教育者的教师,其责任与使命的核心是"教育爱";作为研究者的教师,其责任与使命的核心是追求真理、追求学术;作为知识分子的大学教师,其责任与使命的核心是通过社会文化批判而促进社会文化的进步.正确认识大学教师社会角色的特殊性,对于探讨大学教师的社会责任与使命具有重要意义.  相似文献   

论大学教师的文化底蕴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学教师与其他职业相比,有着自身的特点。其文化内涵表现为社会角色的多样性,即大学教师承担着教育者、研究者与公共知识分子的角色;学术职业的献身性,即大学教师以学术为业,追求真理;行为方式的独立性,即大学教师以自我为中心,自主决定教学、科研活动;伦理道德的示范性,即其伦理道德不仅是学生的楷模,也是社会的表率。  相似文献   

近代中西思想交汇、新旧文化冲突的大背景决定了教会大学里的教师来源多元化:外籍教师、国内学者和留学教育人才。教会大学教师因此呈现了多元角色特征,在学校中是教育者和学术研究者,在社会生活中是社会服务者和革命者。  相似文献   

现代大学制度建立以后,大学教师作为知识分子的代表被认为是真理的化身、道德的榜样和社会的良心,而学术自由理念及其制度是大学教师形塑其角色行为的基础。随着学术分工制度的发展,大学教师的传统角色受到质疑,并正在发生角色的转换。  相似文献   

当前正处于社会转型时期,高等教育的社会环境随之发生根本性变化。作为大学核心的大学教师,承担着教育者、研究者和知识分子三重角色。大学教师通过不同类型的角色扮演,展示自我个性,实现自身价值,履行社会职责。然而,由于不同角色之间存在较大的差异,彼此难以有效调和,其角色正面临着教学与研究、学术与行政、批判与规训等一系列矛盾与问题。活动方式的差异,倒错的大学逻辑结构以及项目制的科研管理是诱发大学教师角色冲突的重要因素。正视并客观、科学地分析大学教师角色冲突的诱因,对促进大学教师发展、提升大学教师素质以及实现高等教育顺利转型具有深远意义。  相似文献   

教师的角色问题是幼儿教育领域一个基本而又重要的问题,对教师角色的认识与理解在相当程度上影响着幼儿教育改革。在人类社会进入信息时代之际.重新认识.正确理解教师的角色对于促进幼儿的发展具有重要意义。我们认为.信息时代幼儿教师的基本角色既是教育者义是研究者,作为教育者幼儿园教师应该是引导型,方法型因材施教型和创造型教师;作为研究者,幼儿园教师应该足学习型研究型教师。  相似文献   

教师的角色问题是幼儿教育领域一个基本而又重要的问题,对教师角色的认识与理解在相当程度上影响着幼儿教育改革。在人类社会进入信息时代之际,重新认识、正确理解教师的角色对于促进幼儿教育的发展具有重要意义。我们认为,信息时代幼儿园教师的基本角色既是教育者又是研究者。作为教育者,幼儿园教师应该是引导型、方法型、因材施教型和创造型教师;作为研究者,幼儿园教师应该是学习型和研究型教师。  相似文献   

大学教师既以专业知识分子的身份活跃于教育专业场域内,又在社会的公共场域中扮演着公共知识分子角色,两种角色并非绝然分开,而是相互交织的。因而,大学教师面临着社会角色定位的困境,无论从学术发展的角度或社会进步的层面,大学教师的社会角色必须重新建构与正确定位:"专业"的知识分子是大学教师角色建构的起点,"专业性"与"公共性"的碰撞是大学教师角色冲突的表现,"专业性"与"公共性"的融合是大学教师角色重塑的必然诉求。  相似文献   

陈嘉 《教育文化论坛》2011,3(4):136-136
大学教师作为一个特殊的知识分子群体,对于社会和大学的健康发展影响巨大。随着社会多元化和市场经济发展对大学的影响和冲击,教师作为知识传道者的角色得到强化和巩固,而作为知识分子的角色意识却正在淡化,其后果就是教师对社会的批判和引导日渐式微,导致大学教育教学活  相似文献   

在高等教育的认识论哲学和政治论哲学的影响下,大学教师作为科学研究者角色和社会服务者角色凸显,而作为教育者角色式微。高等教育的生活哲学观秉持重创造、过程、个性、差异的生成性思维,重视教师的自我生成、学生的自我生成以及教学相长之师生之间的自我生成,为大学教师育人角色的重塑提供了合法性的依据。  相似文献   

In this paper I examine the phenomenon of university teachers as researchers in their own classrooms. I use examples of three research teams in which we studied: (1) student response to a science and society course; (2) teacher and student perceptions of inquiry in a physics course; and (3) teaching and learning about the nature of science in an elementary science pedagogy course. In addition to describing each study, I compare their purposes, researcher roles, and actions taken. I use these comparisons to address the ideological clashes and dilemmas of ownership, action, and quality that arise in this kind of research. Finally, I comment upon the significance of university teachers as researchers for themselves, their institutions, and the research community.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study of the daily life of an art teacher educator. It examines the intellectual, moral, emotional, and physical undercurrents of this work and how these qualities are reflected within the daily context of the pre‐service university — or college‐level classroom environment. To date, few research studies have examined the daily practices of university or college‐level faculty members who prepare art teachers and how these faculty members go about their jobs. The author spent an academic term as a participant observer and researcher in the art teacher educator's secondary art education methods course. Examples and narratives from this study are forwarded, as well as a discussion on the importance of this form of inquiry for art teacher education today.  相似文献   

学科教学论教师是专业的教师教育者,是生产和传播教师教育知识的学术人.在教师教育大学化过程中,学科教学论教师的专业发展受到普通大学教师学术范式的影响,注重探究理论,轻视教学实践.教师教育的科学发展呼唤学科教学论教师的专业身份回归教师教育者本位.  相似文献   

Online instructors need to take on a multi‐dimensional role and to be an effective online educator they are required to possess a varied and wider range of competencies. Preparing teachers for online education involves preparing them for a wide variety of roles and developing related competencies. However, the extent of emphasis required to be placed on each of these roles or competencies during a teacher training program may vary according to its culture and the context. The investigation reported in this article obtained expert opinions with regard to the priority and criticality of eight online instructor roles identified in earlier research on online education. Pedagogical roles received the highest priority by the respondents, followed by professional, evaluator, social facilitator, technologist, advisor, administrator, and researcher roles. These results have implications for teacher education and further research pertaining to the context in India.  相似文献   

In this inquiry, the author inquires into her shifting ‘self’ as a researcher/teacher educator in teacher professional development. The ‘self’ in question is acknowledged as being historically, culturally and locally specific. It is also acknowledged as unfixed or unstable; constructed from and in response to various, and often competing, discourses. As an autoethnographic inquiry, this article presents vignettes of the self/researcher/teacher educator embedded in the messiness and complexity of lived experiences and it represents her attempts to make sense (albeit partial and provisional) of these experiences. Central to the inquiry is an examination of the roles played by serendipity and by writing itself in the processes of sense- and self-making.  相似文献   

Recent policy documents from the Ontario Ministry of Education called for teachers to present a more authentic view of the nature of scientific practice at all levels of education. Sadly, this call for substantial curriculum change coincided with severe cuts in the education budget. The authors describe how two teachers collaborated with a university‐based researcher/teacher educator to design and implement more authentic science in a Grade 7 classroom. The ways in which the teachers changed their views about science and science teaching, the anxieties they experienced, and the institutional constraints that impacted on their practice are discussed, and some more general features of the action research experience are described. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 521–539, 1999  相似文献   

The origins of the medieval university appear to be twofold: on the one hand, the training in the liberal arts that took place in various sorts of schools and academies that can be traced back to the classical era in European history as well as to the golden age of Arab‐Islamic civilization, and on the other hand, the need to offer possibilities for practical training for a trade. The first type of training was by its nature reserved to a social elite. The latter, that in the medieval period was associated with trade guilds and apprenticeship systems, was for the working classes. The medieval university arose from the union of these two types of training and education as embodied in an institution that began as guilds of students and teachers and/or as cathedral schools. The result was the university that offered training in certain intellectual professions (theology, medicine, and law) but that required prior mastery of the liberal arts. As the fruit of this intellectual and vocational union, the university continued to absorb and to disseminate the principal intellectual trends of succeeding periods in European history, first Aristotelianism and then later the experimental sciences, finally, in recent years, taking on a major research and development function.  相似文献   

高校教学评价活动的设计与实施不仅需要斟酌评价方法的科学性、可行性,也要考虑参与评价活动的个体或组织之间行为伦理的合理性、公正性问题。大学作为伦理性实体不仅自身存在着伦理关系,还要以自身伦理的实践为学生和社会起到示范和引领作用。高校教师作为教育者担负伦理道德代言人和伦理道德教育家的角色,高校教师作为“学术人”也要遵循一套学术伦理规范。大学教学不仅传授知识和技能,更为重要的是影响大学生的思想道德,所以大学教学内在地具有伦理属性。教学评价是对大学教师的教学进行价值判断的活动,其具有特殊的伦理品格。在实践上,教学评价的目的应为师生的全面自由发展,在评价主体应包含教师本人,评价内容应该全面且侧重师德的发展性,评价过程应公开、公正、公平。  相似文献   

高职院校青年教师承担着教育者、研究者、企业实践参与者的多种角色。受各种角色性质不同、院校工作要求以及自身能力等因素的影响,青年教师在工作中存在着不同程度的角色冲突。高职院校需要通过给青年教师搭建成长平台、引导青年教师重视研究、建设教师文化以及帮助教师自主发展等方式化解角色冲突。  相似文献   

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