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英美目录学的源流与发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
以英美为代表的西方目录学发端于 15~ 16世纪 ,有着深厚的技术和实用传统。几百年来 ,英美目录学在理论和实践方面取得了长足发展。研究英美目录学之所长 ,为我所用 ,对于发展我国的目录学具有重要意义。参考文献 2 6。  相似文献   


The aim of this series is to highlight English language books that recently have been granted awards by major scholarly societies. This installment focuses on disciplines in the natural sciences and engineering/technology. Because award winning books have high core collection potential, selectors may want to give them priority for purchase.  相似文献   

<正>1927年"四一二"事变发生后,原先的国共合作破裂,白色恐怖笼罩着整个上海,共产党组织在上海的活动全部转入地下状态。在上海生存和活动的中共各级党组织,利用对上海情况的熟悉,为反击反动政权的镇压和迫害,推进革命的深入,组织开展了各种秘密活动。  相似文献   

Recent efforts to amend the Freedom of Information Act (F.O.I.A.) suggest that the Act has caused widespread problems felt by its administrators. In order to test the validity of this suggestion, the authors surveyed F.O.I.A. administrators throughout the Federal government and report the findings from this survey here. These findings indicate that the administrators generally have positive perceptions of the Act, yet generally support specific proposed amendments to it.  相似文献   

Irving E. Fang Those Radio Commentators (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1977—$14.95)

Judy Fireman TV Book: The Ultimate Television Book (New York: Workman Publishing Co, 1977—$7.95, paper with a hardback also available)

Raymond William Stedman The Serials: Suspense and Drama by Installment (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1977—$12.95)

Madeleine Edmondson and David Rounds From Mary Noble to Mary Hartman: The Complete Soap Opera Book (New York: Jove Books (Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich), 1977— $1.75, paper)  相似文献   

从解放前的军队管理到解放后的军管会管理,中国共产党建国后对电影实施的"统一管理",正表现出新兴国家急切希望控制电影这种大众传媒,把自己的权力渗透其中,去影响公共领域建构的明确意图,这正是哈贝马斯所描述的公共领域的"社会的国家化"进程."社会的国家化"强调的是国家的公共权力对整个社会生活的渗透与影响,并由此导致公共领域发生结构的转型.本文通过对建国之初电影的"社会国家化"进程进行回顾与检讨,使之对今天的电影传播提供一定的启示与警醒.  相似文献   

关于美国信息立法的探索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄奇  王玲 《情报学报》2000,19(4):385-390
信息立法是有关信息法的制定。信息法是一国为管理信息产业而制定的为调整信息活动而产生的各种社会关系的法律规律的总和。文章先概述了信息法的内涵,然而从四个方面公民信息自由与隐私保护、知识产权保护、商业信息保护、信息的安全保护等对美国的信息法作了说明  相似文献   

2000年的美国总统大选,表面上让人难以捉摸,其实,一切都在法制轨道上运行,留下了深深的法制轨迹. 按照1787年宪法"总统任期四年"的规定,美国的大选年极易确定.从1792年华盛顿当选第二届总统迄今,只要能被4整除的年份即为大选年.但宪法仅规定:"国会得决定各州选出选举人的时期以及他们投票的日子;投票日期全国一律",[1]而并未确定一个固定的日期.因此,大选日变化较大.华盛顿当选时,各州指定总统选举人的日期、选举人投票的日期,为原邦联时期的国会所规定.从1792-1844年,大选日多在大选年的12月第一周举行[2].1845年,国会通过一条法令,把全国的大选日固定在大选年的"11月第一个星期一之后的第一个星期二"[3],1848年11月7日,辉格党人泰勒成为第一位在统一的大选日当选的总统.这一关于大选日的规定至今维持不变.  相似文献   

In terms of positioning a student for Ph.D. admission, the decision to complete a thesis or comprehensive exams as one's M.A. capstone is based on much speculation, but little systematic study. This study surveyed M.A. and Ph.D. Communication program representatives about doctoral programs' admission preferences and practices regarding applicants holding M.A.s from other institutions, as well as perceptions of their institution's students' actual capstone choices. In nearly half the cases, doctoral program representatives were unaware of whether students admitted with M.A.s had elected the thesis, comprehensive exams, or some other capstone option. Additionally, the results show that Ph.D. programs prioritize students' writing samples, statements of reasons, and GRE scores when deciding admission. There were discrepancies between M.A. program representatives' perceptions of what information weighed most heavily with doctoral admissions committees and the priorities reported by Ph.D. program representatives.  相似文献   

美国学术图书馆数字参考服务现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
被全球业界炒得沸沸扬扬的"数字参考服务",至今仍未有一个明确的定义,有关专家给出了这样一个说法,即"用户可通过某些电子方式,如E-mail,电子论坛、网络留言版等提交问题,并可得到图书馆工作人员以同样方式传递过来的答案.而那些通过电话或直接面对面交流的解答方式.  相似文献   

进藏先遣连是我军挺进西藏阿里的第一支人民武装。该连在独立骑兵师一团党委委员、保卫股长李狄三,连长曹海林,指导员李子祥和副连长、特级战斗英雄彭清云的率领下,历尽千辛万苦,穿越“万山之祖”的昆仑山,成功到达西藏北部的扎麻芒保,并与后续部队胜利会师,完成了解放阿里的历史使命。在进军阿里的前前后后,全连50多名同志壮烈牺牲……  相似文献   


Analyses of pigments from palettes used by J.M.W. Turner (active c.1792–c.1850) by means of microscopy, microchemical analysis, thin-layer chromatography, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy are given. The occurrence of pigments in Turner's dated oil paintings and watercolours is also given, arranged by five-year periods. These findings are discussed in the context of published analyses of pigments from the first half of the nineteenth century. Turner used cobalt blue, emerald green, viridian, orange vermilion, barium chromate, chrome yellow, chrome orange and chrome scarlet within a few years of their known dates of discovery. It has become clear that Turner was using, or at least experimenting with, practically all the pigments known to be available at that time. In a few cases, in the light of these results, ideas on the availability of pigments to English artists have been revised backwards to the first known date of manufacture. Turner also possessed and used a wide range of red and yellow organic pigments, but few organic greens. The dyestuff extracted from Rubia tinctorum L. madder on an aluminiumcontaining substrate can be distinguished from the same madder on different substrates by its strong pink fluorescence in both ultraviolet and green light. The other red organic pigments (a second madder, brasilwood and cochineal dyestuffs on a range of substrates containing aluminium, copper, iron, aluminium/copper and clays) show negligible fluorescence. The red organic pigments were used in oil medium as well as watercolour, the yellows only in watercolour medium.  相似文献   

《Philosophical Books》1961,2(2):14-14

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