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面向循环经济的绿色大学评价指标体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
循环经济是21世纪国际社会推进可持续发展新型实践模式,绿色大学的建设与发展应面向循环经济。作者剖析了基于循环经济理念的绿色大学的科学内涵,研究了绿色大学评价指标体系的设计原则,构建了面向循环经济绿色大学评价指标体系的主要内容,对于科学评价绿色大学的建设水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

"绿色大学"建设是时代发展的需要,是高等教育发展的趋势。在创建"绿色大学"的十余年里,理论研究方面取得了相当大的进展,主要包括"绿色大学"的概念、建设"绿色大学"的内容以及"绿色大学"的评价指标。虽然经过多年的发展,但其理论研究中还是存在着一些不足,需要理论工作者进一步的改进和完善。  相似文献   

创建"绿色大学"是时代赋予高等院校的使命与责任.后勤部门在绿色大学创建中具有独特的环境教育优势与绿色服务功能,但存在着"对绿色大学认识片面,绿色服务观念淡薄;绿色科技意识欠缺,资源浪费严重;垃圾量大,校园环境污染突出"等新问题.为此,在创建"绿色大学"过程中,后勤部门要积极开展绿色教育,倡导后勤绿色服务;同时要研究与应用绿色科技,对垃圾进行分类处理,促进绿色校园的建设工作.  相似文献   

清华大学在我国首次提出把清华建设成绿色大学的全新办学理念,但近两年以来,国内对此积极响应者并不多。张远增在《教育发展研究》上撰文指出,出现这种现象的原因主要是对绿色大学的概念及其评价缺乏系统、深入的研究。他认为,绿色是可持续发展的替代词。绿色大学与环保特色大学和重点大学有很大区别。从办学的理念来看,绿色大学就是用可持续发展理念作指导,立足学校长远发展来组织和实施学校当前的各项工作,保持学校持续发展潜力的大学。 从办学过程来看,绿色大学就是具体实施可持续发展战略,通过不断自我否定进行连续可持续自我…  相似文献   

通过对绿色大学的相关背景研究,分析其发展情况和绿色大学的内涵,本文构建一套绿色大学的指标体系和评价方法,为我国绿色大学的建设与评价提供参考。  相似文献   

本文分析了“绿色大学”的主要研究内容和理论研究进展,指出“绿色大学”研究中存在的主要问题和基本的发展趋势。  相似文献   

建设绿色大学是高校推进生态文明建设的内在要求,是高校可持续发展的必然选择,能将低碳经济和环境保护思想融入大学文化中,落实于人才培养的全过程,以期更好地培育高素质的绿色人才。本项研究通过对大连市金州新区高校机动车使用状况的走访调研,收集了五所高校师生的问卷信息并进行了整合与分析,为建设绿色低碳校园提出可行性建议,从而全面推进绿色校园建设。  相似文献   

近年来,建设"绿色大学"已成为当今世界高等教育研究的新领域和高等教育改革与发展的新话题.文章分析了美国高校建设"绿色大学"的经验与问题,旨在为我国高校建设"绿色大学"提供借鉴与启示.  相似文献   

阐述大学绿色教育问题的起源,并分析研究大学绿色教育的目的、现状及时代意义。  相似文献   

创建绿色大学已成为我国高等院校发展的新目标,树立绿色意识是绿色大学建设的关键。在校大学生是高等院校的主力军,提高其绿色意识既是绿色大学建设的重要手段,又是绿色大学的最终目标。衡阳师范学院已将绿色大学建设纳入学院十二五发展规划,调查大学生的绿色意识对其绿色大学建设具有重要意义。采取问卷调查、个别访谈以及实地考察等方式,得知大学生对绿色大学的认识处于认知层面,具有了良好的绿色态度,但绿色行为不容乐观。  相似文献   

Egon Brunswik (1903–1955) first made an interesting distinction between perception and explicit reasoning, arguing that perception included quick estimates of an object’s size, nearly always resulting in good approximations in uncertain environments, whereas explicit reasoning, while better at achieving exact estimates, could often fail by wide margins. An experiment conducted by Brunswik to investigate these ideas was never published and the only available information is a figure of the results presented in a posthumous book in 1956. We replicated and extended his study to gain insight into the procedures Brunswik used in obtaining his results. Explicit reasoning resulted in fewer errors, yet more extreme ones than perception. Brunswik’s graphical analysis of the results led to different conclusions, however, than did a modern statistically-based analysis.
Eileen DelanyEmail:

Jeremy Athy   is a graduate student in cognitive psychology at Bowling Green State University, where he received his M.A. His research centers on problems of object recognition. Jeff Friedrich   was a graduate student at Bowling Green State University. He received his BS in psychology and human development at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and his MA from Bowling Green State University. His major research interests are in human judgment and decision making. Eileen Delany   is a graduate student in clinical psychology at Bowling Green State University. She specializes in Health Psychology and is interested in conducting research and working in clinical settings.  相似文献   


University rankings are increasingly important internationally, and in the UK include a sustainability ‘Green League’. However, there is little evidence about experiences of studying in ‘sustainable universities’. We report an empirical study at five universities in varied positions in the Green League, exploring students’ energy literacy, environmental attitudes and perceptions of their institution’s energy-saving efforts. Although the link to energy literacy is not clear, findings suggest that there are significant differences between students’ environmental attitudes at universities placed at different points in the league. In addition, students at higher ranked universities are more positive about their university’s energy-saving efforts, suggesting that these institutions may exhibit more overt manifestations of sustainability. This is important since students report being more likely to choose energy-conservation behaviours if there is visible representation of energy use. The study is the first to attempt a comparison between universities at different positions in a sustainability ranking.  相似文献   

Summary The responses to the survey are more diverse than the authors anticipated. ECEE seems to attract people from many disciplines, specializations, and backgrounds. They read a great variety of journals and belong to many different organizations. The number of people with a strong interest in environmental education during the early childhood years seems to be growing. Individuals interested in becoming more involved in environmental education at the early childhood level may wish to contact the ECEE networking center at Bowling Green State University for further information. Individuals with ideas for the future direction of the network are also encouraged to contact the center. Interest has been expressed in establishing a World Wide Web page for the network. Look for this as a possible next step. For further information or suggestions relating to the network, contact Dr. Ruth Wilson, Department of Special Education, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. Contact can also be made by phone (419/372-7278), fax (419/372-8265), or e-mail (rwilso2@bgnet.bgsu.edu).  相似文献   

在高等院校开设绿色化学公共选修课程是高校素质教育的一个重要组成部分.根据在全校开设绿色化学公共选修课的教学实践与体会,提出了自己的一些看法,供大家参考和讨论.  相似文献   

David Rees has written over 20 novels for children and young adults, includingThe Exeter Blitz (Carnegie Medal, 1978),The Green Bough of Liberty (Other Award, 1980), andThe Flying Island, just published. He has also taught at Exeter University and at California State University, San Jose. Rees has published two collections of critical essays on children's writers,The Marble in the Water andPainted Desert, Green Shade, and is currently at work on a third collection.  相似文献   

The ability to teach one’s self is a critical skill for workers in the 21st century because of the rapidity of change and innovation. To educate students to meet this challenge, we need to re-envision curriculum with the goal of producing graduates who have the ability to complete the transition from novice to expert after graduation and continue to deepen their expertise throughout their careers. Using engineering education as a model of current efforts in curricular revision, we present a method for curricular review based on learning types in order to design an undergraduate experience that is transformative and congruent with a learner-centered approach. Michael Harris received his Ph.D. in Public Policy from Indiana University, his Master’s degree from Tel-Aviv University, and his undergraduate degree in economics and business administration from Ben-llan University. He is a graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Education Institute for Educational Management (IEM) and Management Development Program (MDP). Dr. Harris serves as the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Kettering University. Roxanne Cullen holds a Ph.D. in English from Bowling Green State University with a specialization in Composition Theory and Rhetoric. She is currently Professor of English at Ferris State University, where she has also held various administrative posts.  相似文献   

分析矢量场中的重要定理,电磁场理论的重要数学工具——格林定理。研究格林定理中的空间闭区域上具有一阶及二阶连续偏导数的函数。分析公式中函数的方向导数和拉普拉斯算子。利用高斯公式证明格林定理,利用格林公式和两类曲线积分之间的联系分析导出平面上的格林公式。  相似文献   

19世纪60至90年代的裁撤绿营是清朝开国以来一次最大规模的裁军,多重因素的纠结缠绕所产生的政治合力,主导着裁军的路径及其进程。从主观上说,清政府试图通过裁军而达到复活旧制的目的,对已经老态龙钟的绿营进行自我完善与调节,而不想从根本上否定绿营兵制。客观上裁军仅仅是局部的改良,是在原有体制内的修补、回旋和苟延残喘,未能挣脱原有体制的束缚。裁军目的的单一性和有限性,留下了种种后遗症,预示着更深刻的混乱和制度断裂,并在不久的将来引发更大的裁军风暴。  相似文献   

格林函数法是数学物理方程中的一种重要方法,同时也是物理专业学生必须掌握的一种方法.以物理情景为依托,阐述了格林函数的物理意义,并对格林函数的对称性作了三种详细的证明.这将有助于理解和灵活地应用格林函数.  相似文献   

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