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Librarianship, like many occupations, requires emotional labor, which is an awareness of job requirements for emotional expression and the strategies used to express those emotions. Research on emotional labor suggests that performing emotional labor results in both positive and negative effects on individual outcomes, such as job satisfaction and job burnout. Since affective events are prevalent in library work and evidence suggests positive outcomes from emotional labor can be fostered, the ways emotional labor is performed in libraries should be studied. This research explores the key components of emotional labor: perceptions of display rules and the emotion regulation strategies of surface and deep acting. Data were collected from a sample of American librarians in 46 states from public, academic, special, and K–12 libraries who completed a survey. Bi-variate and multi-variate correlations, as well as ANOVAs, were used to test relationships among emotional labor constructs, job satisfaction, and job burnout. Results show evidence of significant associations with emotional labor among library employees in both the perception of display rules, as well as in surface and deep acting. Perception of display rules showed mixed results with job burnout and job satisfaction. Surface acting was found to be associated consistently with job burnout and decreased job satisfaction, while deep acting strategies were less strongly associated with negative outcomes. Findings suggest that library managers should clearly communicate display rule expectations to employees and work to build staff support to help meet those expectations. Library employees should be aware of occasions when they use surface acting and work to develop stronger deep acting techniques. The study contributes to an understanding of the influence of emotion management in the library workplace.  相似文献   

This article presents emotional labor in a library context and offers library managers strategies to minimize the negative effects of emotional labor on both staff and users. The components of emotional labor are explained and a framework of response levels is presented with strategies targeted to each response level: incident, training, supervision, human resources, and organizational culture. The strategies offer library managers some ideas for effectively managing emotional labor in their organizations. Understanding the effects of emotional labor and developing the tools that can offset potential negative outcomes can create a more positive work climate and better customer service.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to support library and information science (LIS) students and recent graduates considering academic librarianship so they can strategize their career preparation and job search endeavors based on recent graduates' experiences. The authors accomplished this by quantifying the academic and pre-professional experiences, aspects of the job search, and information about first librarian positions of recent graduates in the United States seeking positions as academic librarians. This article focuses on the factors which significantly influence successful and unsuccessful job search outcomes for different population groups represented in the study. For the overall survey population results show that applying early for jobs, gaining pre-professional employment in an academic library, participating in an internship or practicum at an academic library, and applying for positions out of state are significantly associated with successful job search outcomes. Other factors, such as pre-professional employment in a public library, are significantly associated with unsuccessful job search outcomes. Subsequent data analyses focus on respondents who identify as a person of color and on those who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin. Results for these groups varied in comparison to those for the overall, predominantly white, cisgender female survey population, underscoring the need to obtain robust demographics while seeking study participation in intentional ways to increase representation in the research.  相似文献   

This research explores the relationship between employees’ disposition and several important job attitudes. Dispositional affect is a personality trait that describes people's emotional responses to situations. This study explored how affective disposition influences the job attitudes of work engagement, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Data were collected from a sample of librarians, and the results show that affective disposition strongly predicted the three job attitudes in the expected directions. The findings contribute to knowledge of the role of personality in the workplace and provide guidance for library managers on how best to facilitate positive job attitudes.  相似文献   

Library employees hold perceptions about the fairness of the outcomes, processes, and interpersonal treatment in their workplaces. When employees feel the workplace is fair they are more likely to feel commitment to the organization, perform in-role and extra-role tasks, and experience job satisfaction. When employees perceive injustice in the workplace, research points to negative outcomes such as withholding work or even sabotage. To understand the antecedents of organizational justice, researchers carried out a national survey of librarians to compare the predictive power of perceived organizational support, job autonomy, job feedback, and job stress. Results indicate that increasing librarians' perceptions of organizational support and their autonomy, and providing meaningful and timely job feedback can increase overall perceptions of justice. Managers can enhance a climate of justice in their workplaces by developing strategies that target organization support, autonomy, and feedback to reduce a sense of injustice between and among employees.  相似文献   


The nature of academic librarianship is changing as librarians move away from the curation of material and into research support roles. Although this creates new opportunities it can be difficult for staff to learn the skills needed. The Office of Scholarly Communication at Cambridge University seeks to address this issue with the Research Support Ambassadors Programme, an initiative which skills staff in areas such as Research Data Management and Open Access. This case study outlines the evolution of the program from its pilot through to its recently completed second run in 2016. The challenges associated with running a cross-library training program are discussed and solutions highlighted. Also discussed is the impact that the program has had on participants. This case study will be of interest to those aiming to pursue a career in this area of librarianship and those looking at preparing staff for the future of the academic library.  相似文献   

图书馆职业懈怠产生的原因在于智力物化,具体表现为发展唯经济论、社会价值取向金钱化、图书馆员价值认知偏差、图书馆经营化4个方面。图书馆职业懈怠危害了馆员个人和图书馆事业的发展,其实质是图书馆精神缺失。开展图书馆榜样教育可以有效培育图书馆精神,克服职业懈怠,从而推动图书馆事业发展。  相似文献   

各个国家的公共图书馆作为地区图书馆事业的中心,它对本地区的图书馆负有辅导与协作、协调的责任.从图书馆事业具有普泛性的角度来讲,研究俄罗斯赤塔州普希金国立综合科技图书馆的发展状况,有助于推动我国图书馆事业的全面发展;有助于呼伦贝尔学院图书馆为中俄联合办学提供文献保障作出前瞻性的判断.  相似文献   

美国儿童图书馆学教育发端于19世纪末20世纪初,儿童图书馆学课程建设已有超过百年的历史。本文首先梳理了53个ALA认证的硕士学位教育项目和34个AASL-CAEP认证的学校图书馆硕士教育项目,系统展示了美国高校儿童图书馆学教育的概貌;然后筛选出84所高校的603门ELSY课程,并对这些课程进行了统计与内容分析。当前,美国ELSY课程按主题可区分为六大类型:文献类、服务类、管理类、职业类、研究类和实习类。ELSY课程有超过1/3(约占39%)为文献类课程,其核心内容为文献知识;有约1/4(约占26%)为服务类课程;实习类课程约占16%,每个学校都至少有一门实习类课程;管理类、职业类课程较少,分别占比8%和6%,并非每个学校都开设了此类课程;研究类课程占比最少,约占5%,是美国ELSY课程的短板。美国在ELSY课程内容建设上的经验与问题,可为我国设立和发展儿童图书馆学课程提供借鉴。表7。参考文献47。  相似文献   

从图书馆哲学概念和研究意义出发,利用已有的图书馆哲学研究成果,就“图书馆哲学”这一术语的提法、图书馆哲学与图书馆学理论基础的关系、用哲学的逻辑思维探讨图书馆哲学的必要性、图书馆哲学把教育哲学纳入讨论范围的必要性、图书馆学术研究应不应该以哲学理念作为始点、人文关怀与图书馆哲学的统一性以及图书馆哲学的深入应用与发展——图书馆2.0等几个问题提出了初步的看法,并倡导发扬哲学的批判精神。  相似文献   

图书馆事业治理体系与治理能力现代化研究属于宏观图书馆学的范畴。宏观图书馆学与微观图书馆学是一个有机整体,共同推动图书馆事业向前发展。我国图书馆事业的发达程度可以利用目标工具进行测量检验,以便量化不足。运用木桶理论可以揭示图书馆事业对教育改革和科技创新的作用机理。实践发展和历史任务表明,建立国家图书馆事业发展局是图书馆事业治理体系和治理能力现代化最全面、最有效的手段。  相似文献   

我国著名图书馆学家卢子博先生,为人师表,治学严谨,一生对图书馆事业执着追求,学术研究硕果累累,尤其对分类法、文献资源、信息产业、南京图书馆和我国图书馆事业未来的发展方向等等几个方面的研究具有开创性和前瞻性,为我国的图书馆事业作出了杰出的贡献.  相似文献   

While privacy is a core value of librarianship, privacy standards differ by library and library vendor. These types of guidelines are necessary and useful, but understanding them can be overwhelming. Academic libraries increasingly rely on third-party, cloudbased vendors to manage their systems and to provide access to their collections. When selecting library systems, library staff must understand privacy issues and be aware of how vendors use data. However, libraries do not always have the staffing, time or knowledge, and vendors are not always interested in upholding library values. The project examines the content of privacy policies for popular library systems used by Canadian academic libraries. The research aims to help librarians better understand the policies, to help them make informed decisions about their own library systems. The process used to code the privacy policies and the results of the coding are included alongside recommendations for vendors and library employees. Building on two seminal privacy studies, the methodology is revised for a Canadian context and updated with today's terminology and context, making it adaptable for other libraries and context around the world.  相似文献   


This article describes the role of exploratory teams in leading radical innovation within academic libraries, empirically expanding on Jantz’s research on the managerial and environmental conditions necessary for the creation of such units. Using historical and contemporary private-sector examples, as well as an in-depth case study from successful implementation of one such unit, this article documents the components, characteristics, and return on investment associated with academic library R&D. Finally, by tackling the concept of exploratory activities at the organization, team, and individual levels, the article presents actionable techniques for fully supporting, and adequately nurturing creative professionals whose job is to redefine 21st century librarianship.  相似文献   

Recent trends in librarianship point to themes of crafters, artisans, and makers in library spaces. The American Library Association's Center for the Future of Libraries includes the Maker Movement as one of its trends. Librarians can support these makers and entrepreneurs by thinking of libraries as a place to create through community building and engagement, and considering job skills needed for success and confidence to staff such spaces, but this transformation requires administrative support. This article summarizes this movement for libraries and suggests a route to success through a case study of a year-long grant on Making Maker librarians.  相似文献   

图书馆核心员工对于图书馆的发展具有关键作用,其离职行为会对图书馆创新能力造成很大负面影响.文章从图书馆核心员工离职这一现象出发,结合管理学中对离职原因的多路径"展开"模型理论及工作嵌入理论,进行了图书馆核心员工界定、其主动离职行为对图书馆创新能力的影响、主动离职行为的原因、以及削弱这种影响的员工保持策略的研究.  相似文献   

孙晶 《图书情报工作》2018,62(10):54-61
[目的/意义]探究高校图书馆员情绪劳动与工作满意之间的关系模式,以期为高校图书馆工作规划和实施人力资源管理提供参考。[方法/过程]通过理论分析和结构方程模型分析,探讨浅层扮演、深层扮演和中性调节3种情绪劳动策略对工作内在满意与外在满意的影响及作用机制。[结果/结论]研究结果显示:高校图书馆员采取浅层扮演策略对其内在、外在工作满意有显著负向影响,采取深层扮演策略和中性调节策略则对其工作内在满意有显著正向影响,而与其工作外在满意之间关系不明显。  相似文献   

The Special Libraries Association (SLA), an international professional association that represents 14,000 information resource experts, is a key influence in defining and meeting the research priorities of the special library community. In June 1986, SLA's Board of Directors formed the Special Committee on Research with the charge of determining if a research program was a necessity for SLA, and, if so, to establish a'comprehensive research strategy, in particular focusing on issues especially relevant to special librarianship and information management. In June 1988, The Board of Directors voted to establish an in-house research department and a standing Research Committee, which formulated a research agenda subsequently approved by the Board in June 1989. SLA's research agenda sets forth priorities and serves as the keystone to all research conducted by and for the Association. In June 1990, the SLA Board of Directors reaffirmed the Association's commitment to research by approving the Strategic Planning Committee's recommendation that research be one of the top priorities for the next five years. This article reviews SLA's research agenda, current research activities and future priorities, and comments on the importance of research to the special library community.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,网络环境的变化,传统的图书馆学理论思想已经不适应当今的图书馆发展模式,原有的研究方法也不适用于新形势下的图书馆学研究。因此,图书馆学的研究方法必须突破传统的束缚,将图书馆学理论外延化和内涵深入性两方面进行有机整合研究,将是未来图书馆学理论研究的发展导向,这样才能更好地推动图书馆学的理论观点不断发展创新。  相似文献   

图书馆与制度公正——制度图书馆学研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
从制度视角研究图书馆现象,认为图书馆是民主社会的制度公正的产物,图书馆制度体现了社会制度的公正性,图书馆制度是民主社会为了保障公民的知识权利而选择的一种制度安排。体现了知识自由、知识平等和知识共享的公正理念。最后,提出“制度图书馆学”这一新概念。  相似文献   

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