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An ontological causal relation is a quantified relation between certain interactions and changes in corresponding properties. Key ideas in physics, such as Newton’s second law and the first law of thermodynamics, are representative examples of these relations. In connection with the teaching and learning of these relations, this study investigated three issues: the appropriate view concerning ontological category, the role and status of ontological causal relations, and university students’ understanding of the role and status of these relations. Concerning the issue of proper ontology, this study suggests an alternative view that distinguishes between interaction and property at the macroscopic level, in contrast to Chi and colleagues’ influential view. Concerning the role and status of the relations, we conclude that fundamental ontological causal relations should be regarded as knowledge at the core of relevant physics theories. However, upon analysis of participants’ responses, this study finds that university students’ views on the status of the heat capacity relation and Newton’s second law are quite different. Several possible educational implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

在专业学习过程中,总是有一些概念或知识比较抽象难懂,课堂上老师费尽口舌,学生也难以全面掌握理解。总有一些技能需要学生反复操作,可离开了教学器械学生难以巩固。如何切实培养学生的操作技能,成为专业教学必须解决的问题。利用学生对网络课程资源的信息反馈及平台数据分析,对构建的在线教育综合平台学习资源进行优化,探讨开展“数据库技术基础”课程的线上线下混合式教学实践。指出以学生为主体的教学模式,把学生从被动接受者转变为主动学习者并加深知识内化,提高了学生的学习能动性,也加强了学生和教师之间的交流和沟通,有效提升了教学效率。  相似文献   

“事必有法,然后可成”,在职业学校政治课教学中,改进教学方法,重视导人语,可激发学生学习热情;采用启发式教学,培养学生的创造性思维;理论联系实际,教书育人相结合;应用讨论教学法,充分发挥学生集体智慧。创设情景,寓教于乐,开展自我教育。教无定法,在教学工作中只有遵循科学的教学原则,运用正确的教学方法,才会取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This article describes and evaluates an innovative way to teach a counseling theories and practices course to beginning counseling students. Cognitive and affective learning processes, continuous and systematic feedback, small group dynamics, and a cross-sectional approach to teaching theoretical concepts and techniques are described. This approach was implemented by using the following instructional format: didactic, demonstration, task simulation, and self-exploration. Evaluation included self—peer, student-staff, and staff-student evaluations and used measures obtained from six instrumented indices. Results suggest that this approach might be a useful alternative to teaching the traditional didactic course in theories and practices of counseling.  相似文献   

通过对一些实例的分析 ,得出 :不仅量子理论和经典理论之间存在对应关系 ,而且牛顿力学和相对论力学之间、几何光学与波动光学之间也存在对应关系 ,因此 ,对应原理具有普遍性。把它渗透到教学中 ,将有利于提高学生的学习、研究素质。对进一步科研也有指导性作用。  相似文献   

运用Matlab软件构建了可独立运行、囊括多个经典光学实验的仿真平台。本文以“牛顿环干涉”为例,系统介绍了仿真功能,并探索《光学》实验的可视化教学模式。构建的《光学》仿真平台其物理现象突出、操作性强,可极大提高学习兴趣及教学质量。  相似文献   

This article, based upon the field of comparative didactics, seeks to contribute to the identification of generic and specific features in the teaching and learning process. More particularly, its aim was to examine, through the study of two different school subjects: biology and English as a second language, how passive didactic differentiation can develop and account for the gap in progress growing between more-able and less-able students. For our analysis, we adopt a didactic viewpoint basing our study on what is going on in the class when the teacher and her students interact and use notions borrowed from the Joint Action Theory in Didactics. At the end of the article, we mainly argue that more teacher training focused on ‘objects of learning’ and ‘knowledge-in-use’ is necessary if we want teachers to be able to produce didactic milieus adapted to students with mixed abilities and, more generally, if we want to increase epistemic access.  相似文献   

随着新课改的实施,传统的以知识为本位的教学理念受到否定,新的以学生发展为本的教学理念呼之欲出。要实现以学生发展为本的理念,突出学生在学习过程中的"主体性"地位,就要将历史教学放置在一种宽松、有趣的环境中,不断碰撞学生思维的火花,充分调动学生的自主学习能力,提高历史教学效果。这就是需要历史情境教学。  相似文献   

传统的数学知识观把数学知识看成是概念、原理、定理,符号等和静态集合体,将数学教学看成是“传授-接受”,有必要对其进行教育学的批判,而现代数学知识观测把数学和知识看成是一种动态的生成过程,将数学教学看成是“活动-建构”强调学生自身的经验与体验,数学学习是一个主动建构的过程。  相似文献   

新工业革命下,未来工作要求和相关能力的变化需要劳动者能够快速适应新环境、新情况、新技术,采取自主工作行动找到创造性的解决方案,工程教育需要新的教学理念、创新性的学习环境和学习方法以应对挑战.学习工厂为学习者提供跨学科的基于实践经验的学习机会,学习者在接近真实生产的环境中通过自主行动完成企业生产流程中面向产品全生命周期的...  相似文献   

机械基础是机械类专业的一门专业基础课,课程涉及知识面较广,知识点较多,概念抽象,理论性较强。学生学习难度较大,教师教学中必须突出"学生"这个主体,教学活动设计要围绕学生好学而进行,教师的角色应该是学生学习活动的组织者、引导者、参与者和激励者,采用"先做后学;先会后学;先学后教;讨论是学习的常规;读和做,缓说破——促进感悟,开发潜能;"等教学方法,促进学生知识、技能、素质的综合提高。  相似文献   

This article presents the main results of a research examining the didactic transposition of history and philosophy of science in high school level. The adaptation of history of science to this particular level, addressing some aspects of the nature of science aiming at the students’ critical engagement, was analyzed by examining both the historiographic requirements of history of science and the pedagogical recommendations of science teaching. The research included the elaboration of a pilot course on the history of optics, with historical texts and educational activities, and its application in a high school. We used three episodes of the history of optics, addressing some epistemological points, especially criticizing the naive empirical-inductive view of science. It was possible to identify a series of obstacles in using history of science and conveying philosophical views. Their analysis resulted in devising strategies to surmount or to circumvent them. We implemented those strategies in the classroom and analyzed the data that was obtained. As a result, we substantiated several of our proposals and found that some solutions require improvement. We suggest some generalizations, which can be understood as initial parameters for guiding the use of history and philosophy of science in science teaching. We used a qualitative methodology of educational research to plan, to collect and to analyze the data, examining the interaction between students, teacher and knowledge.  相似文献   

刘玲 《成才之路》2020,(8):112-113
小学生的思维以具体形象思维为主,对抽象知识的理解和接受能力还比较弱。在数学教学中,教师可巧妙借助几何直观,使抽象的问题形象化、具体化,从而降低学生的学习难度,提高教学效率和教学质量,提升学生数学核心素养,为学生终身学习奠定坚实基础。文章结合教学实践,对数学教学中几何直观应用进行探研。  相似文献   

课堂教学是教师向学生传授知识的主要阵地,课堂教学质量的好坏直接影响学生的学习效果。本文阐述了课堂教学中必须坚持激励机制原则;提升教师主导作用,丰富课堂激励内涵;合理运用课堂教学激励机制策略,充分发挥学生主体作用;以便营造良好的课堂教学氛围,调动学生的学习兴趣,激发学生接受知识的主动性和积极性,从而提高课堂教学质量。  相似文献   


A large diversity of theoretical frameworks exists in the physical education literature. This article focuses on two of those frameworks to examine their compatibility and their complementarity. The classroom ecology paradigm concentrates on the balance between three task systems, two vectors, and programs of actions proposed by the physical education teacher and negotiated by students. The didactique research program studies the teaching and learning processes using the concepts of didactic contract and didactic milieu that focus on how the knowledge content emerges within teacher and students’ joint action. The article underlines the complementarity and the compatibility of the two frameworks when analyzing teaching and learning in physical education. It argues that the gray areas left by the classroom ecology paradigm could be filled with the insights of the didactique research program. A concise example of how the two frameworks have already been utilized is presented.  相似文献   

We will attempt a synthesis from various research perspectives that have analyzed the alterations that knowledge inevitably goes through while percolating into classroom activities. We will try to identify some of their causes and will illustrate them with examples in genetics. First, we will discuss some research on knowledge transformation when genetics knowledge is popularized (Staerklé and Clémence 2002), to show how knowledge is transformed in specific predictable manners as it moves from experts to general public. Then, we will draw from a large body of (French) research in didactic transposition (Chevallard 1991) in order to highlight what knowledge characteristically thrives or is lost as it percolates into school practice and learner’s knowledge. We will then draw from Huberman’s (Science Communication, 4(4), 478–510, 1983) analysis of knowledge use in schools the specificities of knowledge that teachers effectively use. All three perspectives reveal that cognitive and social environment are crucial determinants of what knowledge will be found in schools. An ecological metaphor explains how different cognitive environments from research into education favor knowledge adapted to specificities of this ecosystem. This transposition of knowledge is therefore not decay but inescapable and necessary. Ignoring this transposition has considerably reduced the effectiveness of many educational reforms. We will combine these three to propose an evolutionary perspective that could inform ways of expressing research into educational recommendations fed into the system to optimize the didactic transposition process.  相似文献   

The nature of science is a complex theme, and continues to be the subject of advanced and ongoing scholarship, drawing upon a range of disciplines. Therefore, whatever is presented in school science as being ‘the’ nature of science must at best be a simplification, and so there is a need to form judgements about which simplifications are most appropriate. Effective ‘curricular models’ of science concepts are designed simplifications of scientific models that guide teachers by indicating target knowledge that is deemed appropriate in terms of the prior learning and conceptual development of a group of learners, and which is both ‘intellectually honest’ and a suitable basis for further learning. A similar approach can guide teaching about the nature of science. A consideration of the English National Curriculum offers an example of how aims relating to the teaching of the nature of science may not be realised in the absence of a suitable explicit curricular model to guide teaching.  相似文献   

在新课程改革背景下,通过"走别人的路,让自己来说吧"的实践,形成了独具特色的中学地理"1+1"有效课堂教学模式。该模式的基本思想是知学情、重创造、共发展,从而提升师生生命质量。基本特色是:先学后教,以学定教;以案导学,小组合作;课堂前移,作业前置;突出学生的主体地位。采用导学案导学、小组合作助学、展示质疑促学、点拨延伸拓学、检测评价验学等有效措施,把对知识掌握的关注转变为对学生成长发展的关注,把促进学生的发展落到实处,让新课程的理念在课堂教学中落地生根。  相似文献   

A large scale study involving 1786 year 7–10 Korean students from three school districts in Seoul was undertaken to evaluate their understanding of basic optics concepts using a two‐tier multiple‐choice diagnostic instrument consisting of four pairs of items, each of which evaluated the same concept in two different contexts. The instrument, which proved to be reliable, helped identify several context‐dependent alternative conceptions that were held by about 25% of students. At the same time, students’ performance on the diagnostic test correlated with the location of the schools, students’ achievement in school science and their attitudes to science learning. However, students’ grade levels had limited influence on their understanding of basic concepts in optics as measured by the instrument.  相似文献   

应用光学是光学工程重要的技术基础,也是一门应用性极强的课程。科学设置与课程配套的实验教学环节是充分调动学员学习兴趣、牢固掌握应用光学基础知识和技能的关键环节。在调研分析国内外应用光学实验教学现状的基础上,结合自身的教学体会和本单位的实际情况,对如何科学地设置应用光学实验环节的教学体系进行了系统的研究,并提出了构建设想。  相似文献   

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