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全面实施素质教育,教师队伍的整体素质至关重要。加强教师培训是提高教师队伍素质的有效措施。但只有熟悉教师的角色特征及内涵,教师培训才有针对性和实效性,教师的专业化才能实现。  相似文献   

试论中职到高职教师角色的转变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中等职业学校升格为高等职业院校后,高等职业教育对教师提出了新的角色要求。部分中职教师不能及时转换角色,出现对高等职业教育不适应的现象。为了尽快实现角色转换,中职教师除了对新角色有一个比较清晰认识和把握,形成自觉的“角色”意向外,学校还要创造一定条件和氛围来加以促进。  相似文献   

国家基础教育课程改革能否成功,改革目标能否实现关键在教师。就教师而言,要适应新课程教学,就必须通过继续教育对新课程充分理解、诚心接受、热情投入、有效实施,并根据新课程要求不断提高自身综合素质,实现角色的转变.  相似文献   

高职数学教学应面向全体学生,做到“人人学有价值的数学,人人都能获得必要的数学,不同的人在数学上得到不同的发展”。高职数学教师应从“教数学”的理念转变为“用数学”教学理念,准确把握教师的角色定位,实现高职数学教学的新突破。  相似文献   

新课改下教师角色转换的压力及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师从传统定位向新角色转换的制约因素有四个方面:根深蒂固的传统观念,教师总体素质还不高,现阶段的教育的评价体系,师生代沟;教师要成功地实现角色转变,需要切实转变教师的教育教学观念和教学行为模式,建立和完善促进教师角色转换的制度或机制  相似文献   

新一轮的基础教育课程改革中,每个教师必须突破自身的素质局限和角色定位,不断完善知识结构,大胆改革教育方式,逐步构建新型的师生关系.最终实现新环境下塑造新角色。  相似文献   

新的教育技术和教师角色的转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着信息技术的迅速发展,教育技术出现了新的特征。本文探讨在新的教育技术下教师角色所赋予的新内涵,同时就如何实现教师角色的转换提出新的见解。  相似文献   

在新课程标准下,教师将在新课程中实现自身的发展。教师要从传统的角色中走出来,从教育教学的规律出发给自己的工作和作用定位,进而形成新的教育教学行为。  相似文献   

新历史课程标准的颁布,要求教师从传统角色中走出来,形成新的角色,并在教学活动中不断完善新,从而适应课程改革的需要。因为教师角色的发展和变化不是一个静态的过程,是整个教学活动实现的过程,历史教师必须要通过实际教学活动来实现对自身的角色构建。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革强调教师课堂角色的转变。然而,如何“扮演”多重角色、如何辨别“权威者”角色以及如何理解新角色中的“新”等等都是教师在实际教学过程中面临的困惑。对它们进行深入分析有助于教师走出困惑,更有利于课程改革进一步地深化。  相似文献   

论中国职业教育"双师型"师资的产生与内涵演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育“双师型”师资是我国教育结构调整、人才培养类型转型和职业教育发展形态变化等因素综合作用的产物,它的内涵随着社会经济条件的发展而不断变化。从深层次分析了“双师型”师资内涵的七种典型表述,指出了各自的优缺点,旨在为我国职业教育“双师型”师资的理论发展和实践探讨提供参考。  相似文献   

Can teacher education be reconstructed to help teachers acquire the knowledge and skills they need to teach disadvantaged populations as proposed by new theories of learning? What shape should this type of teacher education take? After making a case for a transformative teacher education, responsive to current thinking in teaching and learning, I present two instances of school-based approaches to educating teachers that incorporate elements of constructivist, cognitive, and developmental theory when teaching poor rural children. I discuss these cases vis-à-vis their reach and potential for the future of teacher education.  相似文献   

University-based teacher education faces intensifying pressure to prove its effectiveness. This has prompted renewed interest in program redesign. In this article, we argue that enacting meaningful redesign requires university-based teacher educators to learn new ways of thinking and acting not only with teacher candidates but also with their university and K-12 colleagues. Drawing on Engeström’s expansive learning theory and our own efforts to redesign our teacher education program along a practice-based teacher education model, we delineate a conceptual framework and illustrate how it supports the organizational learning necessary to enact change in university-based teacher education. The expansive learning redesign framework specifies conceptual tools and social practices to guide, enact, and sustain university-based teacher education redesign. It acknowledges the multi-organizational nature of university-based teacher education and provides tools for engaging K-12 educators in the redesign of teacher education.  相似文献   

独立学院是中国特色的新型民办高校   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
独立学院是我国经济社会发展和高等教育改革的产物,它推动了我国高等教育大众化的步伐。独立学院是民办高等教育的一部分,其办学模式分A、B两种类型,B类独立学院系"国有民办"性质,是适合中国国情、具有中国特色的新型民办高校。社会上出现的种种反对独立学院的观点是片面的,站不住脚的。应采取各种措施积极扶持独立学院,稳步发展独立学院。  相似文献   

教师发展学校是借鉴美国专业发展学校的经验构建的,是大学与中小学合作、以中小学为基地建设的、促进教师专业发展的新型学校。教师发展学校的建立对于创造新型教师教育,培养新型教师,实现教师教育一体化具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

教师教育的变革给地方师范大学发展带来了前所未有的挑战;《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》颁布及全国教育工作会议的召开,对教师教育提出了新的要求;我国研究生教育结构性调整,为地方师范大学发展提供了新的视角。笔者认为,地方师范大学将挑战与要求转化为发展动力,抓住难得发展机遇,提升教师教育人才培养层次,扩大教育硕士规模,坚持培养原则,创新培养保障措施,确保培养质量,是其充分发挥自身优势与突出办学特色,在激烈市场竞争中谋求长远发展的较佳选择。  相似文献   

There are two central questions determining the pedagogy of teacher education: (1) What are the essential qualities of a good teacher, and (2) How can we help people to become good teachers? Our objective is not to present a definitive answer to these questions, but to discuss an umbrella model of levels of change that could serve as a framework for reflection and development. The model highlights relatively new areas of research, viz. teachers’ professional identity and mission. Appropriate teacher education interventions at the different levels of change are discussed, as well as implications for new directions in teacher education.  相似文献   

确立主体性的教师教育观念,建立一体化的教师教育体制,创建主体性的教师教育过程,实行主体性的教育管理方式,是主体性教师素质的培养要求。本通过主体性教师的概念界说、教师教育的现实反思和改革构想,旨在探寻我国教师教育改革与发展的途径与方法。  相似文献   

我国教育发展的新形势对教师素质提出了全方位的要求,教师职业道德素质成为教师教育的关键.明确师德建设目标,探究师德建设途径,加强师德建设在当前意义重大.  相似文献   


Dialogic pedagogy is being promoted in science teacher education but the literature on dialogic pedagogy tends to focus on explicit voices, and so runs the risk of overlooking the important role that material objects often play in science education. In this paper we use the findings of a teacher survey and classroom case study to argue that there is a gap in the way that science teachers think about the role of materials and that this could be addressed by changes in the theory base of teacher training, augmenting the current constructivist and dialogic theory with the addition of new materialism in the form of Barad’s ‘Agential Realism’. Our findings suggests that science teachers do not regularly explicitly consider the relationship between the material resources they deploy and the dialogic learning taking place. We argue that science teacher training and professional development should pay more attention to the material-dialogic relationships in the learning that emerges in science classrooms.  相似文献   

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