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在二语习得中,母语迁移起着重要的作用。英语反身代词与汉语反身代词“自己”的分布和指称有许多不同之处。在Chomsky的约束理论框架中,英语反身代词和汉语反身代词“自己”的区别也很大。本研究采用横向实证调查,描述不同英语水平的中国学生对英语反身代词的习得情况,参照二语习得中的迁移理论对调查结果进行解释,考察母语知识对中国学生习得英语反身代词的影响。  相似文献   

英语母语留学生汉语习得语法偏误研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周静  祝爱华 《天中学刊》2006,21(6):97-100
近年来,学术界对英语母语留学生汉语习得语法偏误研究取得了丰硕的成果。英语母语留学生语法偏误的类型有句法偏误、语义搭配偏误、语用偏误等类型。偏误形成的原因有内部原因和外部原因两个方面。今后对语法偏误的研究应注重实词研究,加强系统的整体研究,尤其是展开对语篇语境偏误的研究以及与其他母语学生习得的比较研究。  相似文献   

在二语习得中,母语迁移起着重要的作用。英语反身代词与汉语反身代词自己的分布和指称有许多不同之处。在Chomsky[1]的约束理论框架中,英语反身代词和汉语反身代词自己的区别也很大。本  相似文献   

反身代词是二语习得的重要组成部分。为了改变反身代词习得费时低效的现状,建议采用体验式教学法引导英语反身代词的学习。通过对母语为汉语的二语学习者习得英语反身代词进行搭建脚手架实践研究,创设与学习者生活实际紧密联系的话题,为学习者提供体验,从而优化语言输出方式,改进学习策略,提高反身代词习得实效。  相似文献   

英语中的反身代词内涵丰富,用法复杂,历来是语言学界争论的话题。由于汉语反身代词与英语反身代词在语言形式、语法功能等方面存在差异,因而中国英语学习者习得英语反身代词有一定难度,在实际使用过程中经常会出现词类、范畴类、句法类等错误。本研究拟在以中国学习者英语语料库为基础,分析不同层次学习者反身代词的使用频数和误用类型,进而对中国英语学习者反身代词的整体习得情况进行研究。  相似文献   

从母语为英语的留学生汉语语篇偏误中,特别是语篇衔接的角度研究母语对二语习得的影响情况,可以得出如下结论:1/3以上的汉语语篇偏误是由于母语因素造成的;母语因素影响汉语二语习得有空项影响、对称影响、非对称影响和斜配关系影响四种形式。  相似文献   

词汇使役化结构是英语的典型使役化结构,句法使役化结构是辅助的使役化结构。汉语正好相反。中国大学生在习得英语使役化结构时,习惯采用母语策略。教师不应一味抑制他们的母语策略而强调目的语策略,应该鼓励他们利用母语的正迁移来习得英语使役化结构。  相似文献   

黄薇 《文教资料》2012,(29):43-44
本文对以越南语为母语的留学生习得汉语程度副词“很”的偏误情况进行了调查,借此发现他们在习得过程中存在的问题,希望对学习者及对外汉语教学者有所帮助。  相似文献   

本文以被动结构为视角,通过语言迁移理论研究英语国家留学生的汉语句法习得,重点对比分析汉语和英语被动句结构的异同,描述英语母语留学生在意义被动句使用中出现错误的原因,并总结相应的教学方法以应用到具体教学中。  相似文献   

现代汉语中反身代词"自己"的习得成为第二语言习得的研究热点.以前根据乔姆斯基的约束理论以及后来的众多补充理论,都认为"自己"是符合普通语法的,不是汉语学习的难点.但是还是有许多欧美留学生在学习时犯错误.所以本文拟从理论上,实践上探索"自己"的教学方法.  相似文献   

本研究通过三个线上阅读(词-词呈现、部分-部分呈现和整句呈现)测量反应时间的实验,旨在探讨基于频率标准的词串结构能否作为一个整体在语言处理中进行存储和提取。受试包括英语本族人、高水平和低水平英语学习者。结果发现,本族人和高水平英语学习者拥有相似的语言处理机制,能够利用词串结构的整体性更有效地处理实验句中的词串结构,而低水平英语学习者则不能。作者同时用研究结果对二语学习者的隐性词汇知识作了探讨。  相似文献   

韵律信息影响着副词在句中的解读。在有“都”的句子中,大部分研究都认为如果重音在主语上,“都”有甚至之意;如果重音在“都”上,“都”表示总括之意。这种说法依赖于语感,缺少实验的验证。本文以实验研究的方式研究了汉语母语者和以汉语为第二语言的学习者解读带有不同重音的“都”字句的情况。研究显示,二语者利用韵律信息解读“都”字句歧义的情况同母语者存在着显著差异,这对目前强调语法的对外汉语教学带来了一些新的启示。  相似文献   

研究考察了韩国、日本和泰国留学生的汉语声调知觉,发现:零起点的韩国和日本留学生的知觉是连续性的,泰国留学生则表现出一定的范畴化特征,但和汉语母语者的知觉模式并不一致;初级水平的韩国、日本和泰国留学生表现出和汉语母语者一致的知觉模式,但在范畴化程度上和母语者存在差别;初级水平的韩国、日本和泰国留学生在知觉的范畴化程度上不存在差别。结果表明零起点学习者汉语声调的范畴化知觉受到母语经验的影响,但音高重音和声调语言的母语经验对声调范畴化知觉能力的发展并没有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

In English, positions of lexical stress in disyllabic words are associated with word categories; that is, nouns tend to be stressed more often on the first syllable, whereas verbs are more likely to be stressed on the second syllable (i.e. subject (noun) vs. subject (verb)). This phenomenon, which is called the stress typicality effect, has been shown to facilitate word recognition to native English speakers. However, there is little research on whether it also facilitates word recognition to non-native speakers of English, in particular, to English learners with a tonal first language. To fill this research gap, the present study investigated whether the stress typicality effect modulated word recognition in native speakers of Chinese who learned English as a second language. Both visual grammatical classification and lexical decision tasks were administered to ESL learners with intermediate and advanced English proficiency. The results revealed that Chinese intermediate ESL learners were not sensitive to stress typicality in English; however, the advanced learners were. The findings suggest that different performances in stress assignment among Chinese ESL learners were influenced by their English proficiency levels.  相似文献   

为了提高学生的外语(或二语)水平,很多国家降低了学生学习外语的年龄。这种做法和神经科学关于双语者二语习得起始年龄的研究结果相一致。相关的研究表明,早期的二语习得者其二语大脑加工模式类似于第一语言和母语单语者,而晚二语者的二语加工有激活脑区扩大、激活水平提高的倾向。早二语者更有可能获得接近母语者的二语水平。让学习者在较小的年龄接触外语是一个有效的方法。汉语是外语教育低龄化的受益语言,覆盖低龄学习者,帮助国外解决低龄学习者汉语教学师资问题应该成为汉语国际推广的重要内容。国内的对外汉语教学界要加强针对低龄儿童的教学研究,建立低龄儿童汉语教学师资培训机制,以顺应国外外语教育的发展趋势,促进汉语国际推广。  相似文献   

本文从约束、分布、指称三个方面概述了汉语“自己”与英语反身代词之间的相同点和不同点。针对“自己”与反身代词一系列不同之处,语言学家们采用了不同的分析策略来解释这些差异:即“语言差异说”,“参数差异说”和“移位差异说”。本文试图说明,在上述的各种理论中,都没能解释“自己”与英语反身代词差异的问题。而“词汇差异说”则为我们解释汉语中的反身代词提供了合理的理论基础。  相似文献   

重复阅读对外语水平的提高有多方面作用已得到多个研究的证实。本报告在阅读材料基本符合外语学习者水平的前提下,就外语重复阅读三个方面的问题,汇报两次同题阅读重复测试的结果:1)重复阅读能显著提高外语学习者的阅读理解水平,但针对不同水平对象的有效重复阅读次数可能并不相同;2)重复阅读对外语综合水平有较大差距的学习者效用的大小有基本对应关系,但对水平相当而初次阅读为及格成绩者的效能比对中等和良好成绩者更加显著;3)影响重复阅读效果的因素,除了学习者的综合外语水平这一基本要素外,工作记忆能对学习者、尤其是初次阅读及格程度的学习者起到更大作用。  相似文献   

Dyslexia is hard to diagnose in a second language. Poor performance on a test of reading may be caused by poor language proficiency in the second language or by limited schooling rather than by poor reading ability per se. This confound was supported in a study of 88 adult second language learners and 65 native language speakers. The incidence of dyslexia in the second language learners varied widely depending on the measure of reading. In order to reduce language and schooling confounds, a dynamic test of acquisition of basic decoding ability was developed. In the dynamic test, participants are taught three novel letters and to synthesise the letter sounds into new words. Results from the study indicated that the dynamic test provided results in accordance with the current IDA definition of dyslexia, while significantly reducing the influence second language vocabulary and amount of schooling. With the dynamic measure, the same cut-off point between dyslexic and non-dyslexic performance appeared valid in both native language speakers and second language learners.  相似文献   

The acquisition of English morpho-syntactic elements was studied in five adult L2 learners, all native speakers of Spanish, while they were enrolled in a pre-university intensive English program. Data were elicited through a variety of paired oral and written tasks over a three and a half month semester. Samples were analyzed to determine whether speech or writing served as the primary source of morpho-syntactic innovation. The five subjects demonstrated notable differences in their patterns of language development across both modalities. In general, however, writing appeared to be the preferred medium for the emergence of new morpho-syntactic forms and for the development of grammatical accuracy.  相似文献   

Previewing answer-choice options before finishing reading the text is a widely employed test-taking behavior. In the present study we examined whether previewing is related to item response accuracy and response time, using data from Chinese learners of varying English proficiency levels and English native speakers. We examined eye movement patterns of participants who completed online multiple-choice sentence completion tasks, and how previewing was related to reading performance and whether the relation varied as a function of English proficiency level. The results showed that, relative to no previewing, previewing was associated with a significantly lower probability of answering an item correctly but not with significantly longer response time. Importantly, these relations varied across English proficiency levels such that participants with higher proficiency performed better without previewing, but there was no difference for lower-intermediate learners of English. These findings suggest that previewing does not facilitate performance on a sentence comprehension task, but instead interferes with the comprehension process, particularly for individuals with relatively high language proficiency.  相似文献   

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