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分析了拉脱维亚反兴奋剂领域的现状,阐述了与遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》和《欧洲理事会反兴奋剂公约》以及2017年之前存在的《反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约法》有关的法律问题。世界反兴奋剂机构对成员国遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》情况进行的调查显示,拉脱维亚反兴奋剂体系在2017年之前存在若干不合规情况。尤其当时拉脱维亚国家反兴奋剂机构是国家运动医学中心下设的反兴奋剂部门,缺乏足够的自主性,也未有充足的资金来全面遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》和《欧洲理事会反兴奋剂公约》中规定的要求。  相似文献   

《世界反兴奋剂条例》(WADC)于2003年首次由世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)通过并于2004年生效。在希腊,议会根据第3516/2006号法律通过联合国教科文组织《反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约》,使这一版本WADC得以生效,并作为国际体育法在本国适用。经修订的2021年实施版WADC于2021年1月1日生效,通过第4791/2021号法律在希腊实施,并据该法成立了国家反兴奋剂组织。WADA禁用名单是第4791/2021号法律的组成部分,应在WADA发布3个月后根据第4791/2021号法律生效,无须国家反兴奋剂组织进一步行动。兴奋剂违规不会自动导致处罚。根据第4791/2021号法律第10条的规定,运动员可在无重大过失或疏忽的情况下,通过向最高体育纠纷解决委员会提起上诉,以及在某些特殊情况下向CAS提起上诉,以取消或缩短禁赛期。强调:国家反兴奋剂组织应为运动员提供一个国内争议解决框架,以促进独立性、效率和成本效益以及各级的一致性和程序公正。  相似文献   

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) played a major role in the development of contemporary anti-doping policy. Throughout its existence, and especially since the 1970s, UNESCO has viewed sport as an educational tool. Though it acknowledged the unique problems that drug use in sport presented, UNESCO was reticent to take a leading role in creating and enacting global policy regarding the issue. However, UNESCO eventually came to endorse the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2005 when its member nations adopted the International Convention against Doping in Sport. UNESCO's shift in attitude is explained through the application of institutional isomorphism, an organisational theory that explains the tendency of organisations in a given area or industry to become more similar over time.  相似文献   

世界反兴奋剂机构成立的目的之一即统一反兴奋剂规则。通过对加特林违禁案件进行分析,引出反兴奋剂规则统一适用的困难,包括不能直接适用WADA条例、体育组织之间规则相异以及各体育组织不遵守规则。采取文献资料法和案例分析法对这些困难进行阐述和分析,并联系反兴奋剂规则的最新发展展开讨论。  相似文献   

运用文献分析法,对世界反兴奋剂机构批准通过的2021年实施版《检查与调查国际标准》进行述评。目的在于及时把握世界反兴奋剂机构修订国际标准的最新动态,为正确理解与适用2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》提供帮助。2021年实施版《检查与调查国际标准》规定了签约方在制定检查分布计划、样本采集、样本储存与运输、进行调查等方面的技术和操作标准,要求签约方适用《体育特殊检测技术文件》和构建三级行踪信息数据库。新标准重视检查与调查的信息导向性,但总体上仍然将反兴奋剂组织与运动员置于不平等地位。  相似文献   

《世界反兴奋剂条例》是国际体育界反兴奋剂斗争的纲领性规则文件,新修订的《世界反兴奋剂条例》已于2019年11月在第5次世界反兴奋剂大会上通过,于2021年1月1日起实施。2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》强调反兴奋剂斗争的目的是维护健康价值以及保护运动员的权利,增设《运动员反兴奋剂权利规则》;将《技术文件》增列至世界反兴奋剂主要规则体系中;设立新的兴奋剂违规类型——阻挠报复举报行为;新增对社会毒品的单独规定;增设受保护人员、业余运动员2类主体;新增“情节严重加重处罚”条款;明确肯定“认罪协议”制度;删除“故意”构成要件中的“作弊”要素;修订“赛内”的定义;提高对公平听证的要求。中国反兴奋剂中心积极参与了《世界反兴奋剂条例》修订的意见征集工作。中国参照2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》颁布了全新的《反兴奋剂规则》。  相似文献   

2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》回应了俄罗斯集体兴奋剂事件,加大了对兴奋剂违规行为的打击力度,增强了对运动员权利的保护程度,适应了反兴奋剂技术手段的科学发展。2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》在新增“阻挠、报复兴奋剂举报”这一类违规行为、增设“受保护的人员”与“业余运动员”新型主体类型、为社会毒品设置单独条款等方面的修订显著成功,但也存在着相关条款之间协调不够、反兴奋剂机构与运动员之间程序权利不平衡等不足。研究分析了2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》修订条款的主要内容,并考察了修订的主要原因。  相似文献   

为捍卫体育精神和保护运动员的利益,国际体坛将纯洁体育视为不懈追求的目标。作为全球反兴奋剂最高权威机构,世界反兴奋剂机构为了能更好地完成纯洁体育的使命、回应质疑、捍卫公信力,进行了深入的组织架构调整,特别是在2018年和2022年对组织架构进行了较大的改革。通过文献资料、逻辑分析等方法梳理了世界反兴奋剂机构的建立及组织架构的概况,从世界反兴奋剂机构的独立性改革、开放性改革、管理职能改革、反兴奋剂能力改革四个维度阐述其改革实践,最后提出我国反兴奋剂中心组织机构的完善建议。  相似文献   

The reinforced anti-doping efforts, which were initiated with the foundation of the World Anti-Doping Agency, stand before a next development step. With the amendment of the World Anti-Doping Code in 2015, critical choices are to be made in order to achieve global harmonization. In particular the repressive system has proved not to be optimized and access to education and prevention of doping also needs to be reconsidered. Based on the practical experiences of the Austrian anti-doping work and the examination of the present situation open and fundamental problem areas are identified in order to provide impetus and solutions for the international anti-doping efforts.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(2):160-173
To show why the 1998 doping scandals led to the establishment of the World Anti-Doping Agency, this paper investigates how the IOC has created its organizational identity once confronted with the emergence of doping in sport. The paper endorses a new institutional understanding of organizations, which is combined with a critical discourse analytical framework. Through a systematic reading of the Olympic Review between 1960 and 2003 four main anti-doping discourses are outlined: health scientific, ethical, legal and educational discourses construct the meaning-providing horizon of IOC anti-doping commitment. The 1988 Ben Johnson doping incident is crucial for the understanding of the organizational changes occurring 10 years later. Immediately following the Seoul Olympic Games the IOC applies a warfare genre, which frames anti-doping as a declaration of war and constructs a narrative of the IOC as leading a successful battle against doping. The 1998 doping scandals reveal the opposite. Subsequently, WADA can be labelled IOC's institutionalization failure.  相似文献   

2015年《世界反兴奋剂条例》规定了有“篡改或企图篡改兴奋剂管制过程中的任何环节”(简称“篡改”)违规的相关规定(简称“篡改”规定)。“篡改”规定本身具有规制范围广泛、认定标准不明确、违规处罚裁量范围小、补充性等特点,使得该规定在反兴奋剂实践中的适用存在问题。2015年国际体育仲裁院审理的瑞塔·吉普图案和卡尔·穆里案较为典型地反映出了“篡改”规定的适用问题,同时也为“篡改”条款以及《世界反兴奋剂条例》其他相关规定的完善提供了思路。本研究认为,今后《世界反兴奋剂条例》的修订中可以进一步明确“篡改”违规的主客观要件,同时通过增加加重情节规定、加强反兴奋剂调查阶段运动员辩护权保护等方法,促进反兴奋剂规则体系的进一步完善。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,个人信息保护已成为十分重要的话题。世界反兴奋剂组织为了保障运动员等反兴奋剂活动参与者的个人信息权制定了《保护隐私和个人信息国际标准》。该标准从信息主体权利赋予,反兴奋剂组织义务承担两个方面对反兴奋剂活动中的个人信息进行保护。对该规则的考察是运动员等信息主体在反兴奋剂活动中维护其个人信息权利的基础,也是保障反兴奋剂组织涉个人信息工作合规开展的前提条件。同时,该标准仍存在运动员个人信息处理过度、个人信息安全保障欠缺、个人信息权利行使困难和信息处理者责任后果缺失的问题,相关规定有向反兴奋剂组织过度倾斜之嫌。应当对该标准的不足之处进行完善,以期实现运动员与反兴奋剂组织间的利益平衡。  相似文献   

郑文迪  姜熙 《体育科研》2021,42(6):41-49
“WADA诉俄罗斯反兴奋剂机构案”作为史无前例的“史诗级”案件,值得深入研究。通过文献资料、逻辑分析等方法对该案进行了系统性分析,研究发现,“WADA诉俄罗斯反兴奋剂机构案”在仲裁庭组成、仲裁庭审查权行使、签约后果性质、运动员权利保护、比例原则、集体惩罚等方面存在一些值得探讨的问题。同时,该案也暴露出体育仲裁中存在的一些问题,例如国际体育仲裁院(CAS)仲裁庭的审查程度及审查内容等。最后,结合案件情况与反兴奋剂领域现状,提出该案对未来完善兴奋剂治理体系和签约方合规方面的启示  相似文献   


On April 1, 2018, the new standards of compliance to the code of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) came into force. The new standards impact all sports. An important amendment has been made to an article of the existing code ‘Additional Roles and Responsibility of the Parties’. Now, all international federations and the unions in agreement with WADA are obliged to reject applications for holding all sporting events from countries that do not comply with the WADA code. By then, Russian elite sport remained in isolation because the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) had no license from WADA until a compromise agreement allowed Russia back into international sports in September 2018. The probability of obtaining permanent return to international sport was extremely low. In order to obtain the license, Russian sport authorities were asked to agree with the reports of Professor McLaren and to admit the existence of doping support in the country at the state level, which seemed improbable. In Russia, although the new standards of the World Anti-Doping Agency code have not caused special concerns it directly impact Russian elite sport. Unless certain conditions were met by 2019, there was a high probability that Russia would not be able to attend large international competitions in the near future, including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The situation dictates the choice of the new strategy of development for Russian sport and new model for the fight against doping, which can be not dependent on WADA. To date, there have been no real checks on WADA’s authority other than occasional decisions in the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Academics who are critical of WADA’s functions often find themselves marginalized when the purported global doping “crisis” should bring “all hands on deck” to provide a humanistic and scientific approach that is best for athletes past, present and future. The functions of WADA in investigating, charging and punishing athletes do not contribute to sustainable development of sport and the sports industry around the world, and create unipolar environment of influence on sports development. Therefore, in this article, we describe some alternative forms and new order of regulation of the anti-doping relations in sport.  相似文献   

裘韵 《体育科研》2020,(2):45-53
《反兴奋剂运动员权利规则》是由世界反兴奋剂机构下属的运动员委员会制定,执行委员会批准通过的首个明确规定运动员在反兴奋剂活动中权利的文件。作为运动员参与反兴奋剂活动的基础,该文件的制定与修订争议不断,多集中于文件名称、法律地位及其内容中不具有强制执行力的部分。在体育组织的干预下,起草者修改了文件的名称并澄清“这不是一份法律文件”,使该文件的意义与价值存疑。建议在日后的修订中慎重考虑文件名称的匹配性,在厘清该文件与《世界反兴奋剂条例》及国际标准关系的基础上,赋予其法律效力或给予象征性法律规则的地位,完善对受侵犯权利救济的指引,加快建立申诉处理机制。  相似文献   

柴毛毛 《体育科研》2019,(5):60-69,78
运用案例分析法,将证据法学和体育法学交叉综合,对国际体育仲裁院仲裁庭(CAS)就“Contador案”所作的裁决进行分析。以从CAS的裁决中寻找有益的观点,为完善《世界反兴奋剂条例》及以之为蓝本的其他反兴奋剂条例中关于证明责任分配与证明标准的规定提供借鉴。“Contador案”的裁决采纳了证据法学中将证明责任分为法定说服责任与提供证据的责任的观点,认为不承担法定说服责任的当事人在对方当事人举证困难的情况下,也应承担提供证据协助查明案情的责任。这一观点应当为《世界反兴奋剂条例》所借鉴,以补充细化第3.1条中关于证明责任的规定。  相似文献   

李小涵 《体育科研》2021,42(2):40-49
2019年公布的2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》(WADC)新增“大众运动员”(Recreational Athlete)这一主体并对其进行范围界定。对比2015年实施版WADC,新规则部分解决了这类运动员适用反兴奋剂规则时,举证责任重、减轻处罚难、权利易被侵害、兴奋剂教育缺失等问题。作为WADC的签署方,中国有关方面应当及时制定全新的《反兴奋剂规则》,并修订《体育运动中兴奋剂管制通则》。针对大众运动员制定反兴奋剂规则时,应当遵循新版WADC的理念,衔接我国现行规定,并切实考虑我国的实际情况。  相似文献   

虽然反对兴奋剂的各类国际法律文件之间是相互关联的,但由于具有盎格鲁-撒克逊风格的《世界反兴奋剂条例》(WADC)包含不同的私法规则,并非所有国家都会承认或在其国内法中进行修改,使其具有世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)所期望的应有约束性,因此越来越有必要形成一套更加严格和有效的干预规范。随着体育运动与人权之间的联系愈加紧密,各类体育组织和联合会也应当更加尊重保障人权的普遍法律文件,尤其是在进行国际体育仲裁时,尊重并保障被指控兴奋剂违规运动员的辩护权就相当重要。关于兴奋剂争议解决程序和解决方案,西班牙国家法院已有不同路径,但自2021年11月西班牙《反兴奋剂法》颁布以来,国家法院的权限受到限制,仅在某些情况下才能诉诸国际体育仲裁院(CAS)。此外,虽然西班牙在《刑法典》的危害公共卫生罪中规定了兴奋剂犯罪,同时规定了法院对国际范围内运输、贩运兴奋剂物质和方法的行为具有管辖权,但适用该罪名的有效刑事制裁较少。因此,在体育经济市场不公平竞争的大背景下,应当将兴奋剂犯罪列为一种经济犯罪进行惩罚。  相似文献   

To inform anti-doping policy and practice, it is important to understand the complexities of doping. The purpose of this study was to collate and systematically examine the reasoned decisions published by UK Anti-Doping for doping sanctions in rugby union in the UK since the introduction of the 2009 World Anti-Doping Code. Case files were content analysed to extract demographic information and details relating to the anti-doping rule violation (ADRV), including individuals’ explanations for how/why the ADRV occurred. Between 2009 and 2015, 49 rugby union players and one coach from across the UK were sanctioned. Over 50% of the cases involved players under the age of 25, competing at sub-elite levels. Reasons in defence of the ADRV focused on functional use and lifestyle factors rather than performance enhancement. An a priori assessment of the “need”, “risk” and “consequence” of using a substance was not commonplace; further strengthening calls for increasing the reach of anti-doping education. The findings also deconstruct the view that “doped” athletes are the same. Consequently, deepening understanding of the social and cultural conditions that encourage doping remains a priority.  相似文献   

Without taking a position on the overall justification of anti-doping regulations, I analyse the possible justification of Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) from such rules. TUEs are a creative way to prevent the unfair exclusion of athletes with a chronic condition, and they have the potential to be the least bad option. But they cannot be competitively neutral. Their justification must rest, instead, on the relevance of intentions to permissibility. I illustrate this by means of a set of thought experiments in which only an athlete’s intentions vary. I argue that the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE) sheds some light on TUEs and illustrate this by applying different readings of the DDE to the thought experiment. This underpins a justification of anti-doping exemptions very different from the approach adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). I argue for three changes to bring TUEs in line with this understanding: rewriting of the regulations, transparency, and a greater role for athletes in determining what exemptions are allowed, and when.  相似文献   

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