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The development of key competences for lifelong learning has been an important policy imperative for EU Member States. The European Reference Framework of key competences (2006) built on previous developments by the OECD, UNESCO and Member States themselves. It defined key competences as knowledge, skills and attitudes applied appropriately to contexts. Now most Member States have incorporated key competences, or similarly broad learning outcomes, into their school curriculum frameworks. This is a necessary but insufficient step towards implementation; for the effective development of learners' key competences, assessment must also change. This article focuses on the challenge of assessing cross-curricular key competences in primary and secondary education. It is based on a major study for the European Commission (Gordon, et al., 2009), which drew on information gathered and validated with the help of experts in each of the 27 EU Member States. The study's typology of assessment provides a basis for reviewing some recent developments in Member States. Present challenges and innovative responses are addressed, including ‘unpacking’ key competences, ‘mapping’ them to contexts and ‘accessment’ of their full scope and range. Policy developments are considered in the context of the author's work with the European Commission's Thematic Working Group on the assessment of key competences. The article concludes with considerations for policy and practice.  相似文献   

This article aims at raising awareness of the key role the EU already plays in matters of teacher policy. It takes stock of European teacher policy related documents and activities, such as relevant strategies, presidency priorities, Council Conclusions, Commission working documents, the activities of thematic working groups, of networks, of data gathering and research, and the available supports of the Lifelong Learning Programme and of the European Social Fund. Based on this, the article provides a clear picture of the labour market need-driven, pragmatic context of teacher policies and also the main shared European teacher policy concepts, such as teacher competence profiles, the continuum of professional development and the support of teacher educators. These fundamental concepts were shared, developed and fine tuned in the process of Member States peer learning, a crucial and highly effective method of cooperation, which is also presented in the article. The article concludes by identifying both sides of the two-way interaction process of Europeanisation taking place between Member States and the EU in teacher policy development.  相似文献   

This article analyses the influence of the European Union’s educational policies on the implementation of devices for the recognition and the validation of informal and non-formal learning within public policies on education and training for adults in European Union Member States. Portugal and France are taken as examples. The European Union’s statements have influenced the development of devices for recognizing adult competences, regardless of the social, cultural and economic specificities of each country. However, sociocultural and sociopolitical characteristics influence the conditions under which recognition devices and the methods of their experimentation and generalization emerge, and are the vector of conflicts of interests between macro- and micro-sociological levels. There is at the same time a ‘culture of convergence’ impelled by the European Commission, and a process of adaptation in matters of cultural and territorialised practices, which aim to avoid marginalization. Data are drawn from official documents and interviews with people in charge of training institutions.  相似文献   

This article analyses the growing focus on teacher competences in European policy discourse against the backdrop of global convergences in education reforms. It traces key ideas, policy recommendations, peer learning and documents which underscore the relevance of teacher quality for education improvement, as recently stressed in the European Commission Communication and Staff Working Documents Rethinking Education. The intertwining of teacher competence frameworks with other areas of education policy is outlined — key competences in school education, the quality of initial teacher education, and the continuous professional development of teachers — teasing out reasons for their central role. Some insights from research and peer learning then explore key implications in the defining and implementing of teacher competence frameworks in national education systems. A comparative viewpoint further analyses current policy trends about teacher competences across European national contexts, in discourse and practice. In order to do so, a framework of analysis takes into account system features as key variables affecting national policy — roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, governance and education cultures, and the status of the teaching profession. Across the variety of policy practices, the analysis endeavours to trace some emerging patterns and trends, highlighting paradigmatic national examples, with some food for thought.  相似文献   

This article discusses recent policy developments in Europe regarding Roma and Traveller integration and Early Childhood Provision. After a long history of oppression, Roma issues have recently become prominent on the EU policy agenda. The article discusses how these relate to developments in other areas of policy: the European children's rights agenda and the recognition that early childhood education and care is a key policy tool to combat social exclusion. It gives background information on Roma and Travellers in Europe and discusses the consequences of subsuming the various communities under one umbrella term: Roma. The EU Commission is concerned with responses from Member States to the European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. The article argues that in order to address Roma children's experience from a holistic perspective, social justice and equality need to be key elements of early childhood education and care provision and training. The European policy developments that frame the article are examined from a local vantage point: the experiences of Traveller and Roma children in Ireland and the Irish Preschool Education Initiative for Children from Minority Communities.  相似文献   

1998年5月,欧洲四国教育部长签署了《梭尔邦宣言》,呼吁欧洲各国共同为建设一个开放的欧洲高等教育区而努力,这是欧洲高等教育发展史上的一个重要转折点。文章分析了《梭尔邦宣言》出台的背景,以及到目前为止它对欧洲国家高等教育政策所带来的影响。  相似文献   

According to the European Commission’s “Europe 2020” strategy, the early school leaving (ESL) rate in European Union (EU) Member States must be reduced to a maximum of 10 per cent by 2020. This paper proposes a nonlinear distribution method based on dynamic targets for reducing the percentage of early school leavers. The aim of this method is to provide policymakers with alternatives in terms of transferring the EU-wide headline target to individual national targets. Weighting was based on four indicators: ESL rate, unemployment rate, expenditure on education as a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP), and expenditure on schools per student. As a result, nine possible scenarios for ESL reduction have been constructed for each of the EU Member States in three groups: the whole EU up to June 2013 (EU27), EU Member States which joined before 30 April 2004 (EU15) and EU Member States which joined after 30 April 2004 (EU12). This method allows the European policy to be translated into specific national targets that would converge in the aggregate goal.  相似文献   

The emerging interdependent world order poses new challenges for States and citizens alike. For States, interdependence has meant a new concern with integration, whilst for citizens and authorities alike, greater mobility has raised new concerns about recognition of competences, qualifications, quality and transparency. The introduction of learning outcomes is one of the principal instruments to achieve this in higher education. This article analyses how the implementation of higher education learning outcomes (HELOs) can be seen as ambiguous governance and management tools, manifested as parts of international policy development and policy trends. These ambiguous tools intertwine with different disciplinary and stakeholder networks. The desire to implement HELOs in a more or less uniform way across as diverse contexts (countries, disciplines, institutions) as possible has led to a design strategy that favours generic definitions of learning outcomes. In the implementation process, these generic HELOs are experienced as ambiguous, meaning that they are characterised by an openness to different interpretations. This opens up a space of discretionary and interpretational latitude, either because HELOs are assimilated to traditional path dependencies, or because they allow institutional agents (such as institutional leaders and others) the space to introduce change. The ambiguity of HELOs simultaneously provides the flexibility for contextually‐diverse implementation, ensures less comparability than initially envisaged, and opens up the possibility for change, although change is contingent on structures and processes that are external to the policy process itself. HELOs are thus a paradigm case of the centrality of context in policy implementation studies.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, Poland has gone through a major transition process in which the challenges for education in terms of new approaches to learning and teaching have been compounded by broader changes such as the democratisation of structures and processes and the major economic and social changes. This article is a case study that examines the early stages of significant shifts in the learning and teaching process, the stepped approach that was taken and the different international influences. It was decided to focus on the top-down, policy level actions in order to trace how influences have shaped current policy on outcomes-based approaches and key competences, which are increasingly implemented in schools today. The Polish education and training system has been through a complex series of reforms, many simultaneously. The introduction of outcome-based approaches and key competences is part of much broader reforms that have affected mindsets and attitudes by having addressed the structure of the system (e.g. the length of compulsory education), school governance, the roles of principals and teachers, teacher training, etc. Parents' expectations have evolved and students are growing up in a much more connected environment with Internet and social networks and an exponential development of access to ICT and the need for digital competences and a range of key competences for lifelong learning and work (Gordon et al., 2009). Although change has taken place at all levels and in all sub-sectors of the system, this article focuses on general education in primary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

This paper examines policy formation on education in the European Economic Community during the early 1970s surrounding the 1973 report For a Community Policy on Education, known as the Janne Report. It examines Community policy-making processes that gave rise to the Janne Report. The text of the Janne Report is analysed with regard to permanent education, paid educational leave, and de-schooling as the fundamental principles for the harmonisation of educational policies. Reception of the Janne Report is examined in the context of expansion of the Community from the six original to nine Member States. The Community’s failure to engage in agreements on paid educational leave as envisaged in the Janne Report is discussed in relation to public debates in some Member States at the time.  相似文献   

Adult learning staff play a key role in making lifelong learning a reality. It is they who facilitate learners to develop knowledge, skills and attributes. At the European level there is a lack of information about various aspects of the profession, such as who they are, how they are recruited, what their specific roles and tasks are, what competences and qualifications they are expected or required to possess, what their employment status is, how their professional development is organised, how they are assessed, and how attractive their profession is. This article is meant to bridge this gap and describes the variety of contexts in which adult learning staff are working. Furthermore, it seeks to reveal the factors that promote or affect the quality of the work provided by these practitioners and will address a number of issues that should be on the agenda of policy makers. This article is based on the outcomes of a study that have been carried out by an international research group in the period 2007 -2008, under guidance of Research voor Beleid and PLATO University Leiden under contract of the European Commission (DG Education and Culture).  相似文献   

近年来,联合国教科文组织成员国的终身学习政策与实践的发展显示,年轻人和成人在生活经验中对于知识、技能与竞争力获取的需求日益增长,因为,当今他们的生活经验也面临着被衡量、被确认和承认。根据这种需求,许多成员国已经开发出了能够认可、核定与认证各种正式学习和非正式学习成果的机制,而更多的国家还在开发的过程当中。此次演讲将涉及到以下内容:1)回顾正式学习与非正式学习在教育与培训系统中的定位;2)分析正式学习与非正式学习认可、核定与认证对教育、经济和社会发展所做出的贡献;3)认可、核定与认证的过程:方法与工具;4)强调认可、核定与认证的参考点:标准、资格及资格框架;5)对被认可的利益攸关者及他们的作用定义;6)指出开发全国的认可、核定与认证系统面临的机遇与挑战。演讲总结部分包括对于首要任务、核心解决办法和开发全国的认可、核定与认证系统政策与策略的建议。这些建议包括:1)提倡增强将正式学习与非正式学习纳入到国民终身学习战略的认识;2)赋予缺少受教育机会的弱势群体以优先权;3)开发一个综合性的全国资格框架;4)加强过程、标准、衡量、评估工具与技术的开发;5)加强利益攸关者之间的交流与合作;6)转变现有教育和培训机构以及其他教育提供者;7)给学习者和潜在的学习者提供信息、指导和咨询;8)给联合国教科文组织成员国的技术协助提供方便,并加强重要人力资源的能力建设及优秀实践的分享;9)开发一个有成本效益与成本效率的金融支持体系;10)为地区间与次地区间的合作提供方便。  相似文献   

In VET systems, connectivity with the world of work has been on the agenda for many years: for Western and Southern European countries, since the 1980s as a consequence of the 1973 oil crisis, and then for Central and Eastern European countries, since the early 1990s. In the last few decades, awareness has grown that European prosperity depended heavily on the skills of the workforce and the innovativeness and competitiveness of the economy. In the EU, it has long been acknowledged that VET plays a key role in integrating young people in the labour market and providing skills and competences that foster innovation and entrepreneurship. More recently, VET has also been seen as a precondition to overcome the current economic crisis in Europe. This article analyses how institutions that provide VET can address these demands. It begins by describing European VET policy, characterising it as soft governance. Furthermore, based on data and insights from CEDEFOP and OECD research and publications, an overview is given of strategies and measure es and of the practice of VET providers connecting and cooperating with the world of work throughout Europe. The article goes on to analyse in greater depth the concept of horizontal accountability and stakeholder theory, providing a framework to study the external orientation and connectivity with the world of work of VET colleges in The Netherlands. The Dutch VET system is described and compared with other systems in Europe. Drawing on empirical data, the horizontal accountability processes in which Dutch VET colleges engage are unravelled, examining with which parties and about what they connect. Finally, some conclusions are proposed.  相似文献   

全息原理是基于全息现象抽象提炼的基本原理.全息现象是指整体上的任何一部分或母体系统中的任何一个子系统,都包含着整体或母体系统全部信息的现象.全息理论在社会学和教育学中也得到经验性的迁移和应用.核心素养的提出对课堂教学提出了新的挑战.从全息认识论来看,核心素养就是人的全面素养的基本全息单元,这也意味着这种素养的全息单元可以结构性复制到教育的任何一个环节或结构中.课堂教学是核心素养落实的最后环节,因此,基于核心素养全息认识论特点,构建全息课堂是落实核心素养的有效策略.全息课堂依据结构、发展、重演三大原理和思维为本、知识为体、迁移为法、实践为基、素养为核、智慧为重、整体建构、全息发展八大策略构建.依据全息课堂原理和策略构建全息课堂评价方案,以评价全息课堂实施效果.  相似文献   

教育的根本目的是立德树人,核心素养明确了教育前进的方向。如何在学科教学中体现教育目的,全面发展学生的核心素养,文章探讨学科素养的内涵及其与核心素养的关系,以及如何体现教育方针和学科教学特点,并对学科素养的落实和课程标准的实施提出建设性的建议和思路。  相似文献   

The article addresses the way in which EU policy‐making operates, explains the relevance of ‘lifelong learning’ for the European Commission and analyses the mechanisms by which the Commission has advanced policy‐making in education and training since the Lisbon Summit. The article reviews in particular the alleged lack of effectiveness of the Open Method of Coordination in education and, second, the notion that the EU advances ‘slowly and persistently’ in its acquisition of competences in this area.  相似文献   

The concept of competence is a recent introduction into the curricula of the Spanish education system, and applies to vocational training and university, but also to basic education. In both cases, the meaning and use of the term have differed, sometimes giving rise to confusion. There can be no doubt, however, that this incorporation has been of significant impact. On the one hand, it has generated considerable debate between those who consider the concept to respond to economistic arguments, removed from educational realities, and those who believe it to have a transformation potential that cannot be ignored. On the other, incorporation of the concept is leading to a series of modifications in school practices and in teaching and learning with whose consequences we are not yet acquainted. This article analyses the situation created by the introduction of key competences in Spanish compulsory education and seeks to gauge the potential this offers for improving opportunities for success at school. The authors believe that key competences are a reformulation of educational intentions, whose consequences for schools and teaching practices largely depend on the new interpretation of learning in the light of different approaches and research traditions.  相似文献   

When achieving long‐term sustainable growth, the key role is assigned to ­knowledge‐based competitiveness. The new EU Member States therefore face a double challenge on the Lisbon road. On the one hand, higher expenditure is required to improve the quality of research and education input and infrastructure, and on the other, innovation system changes are necessary to increase the efficiency of expended resources. At the same time, both supply and demand sides must be adequately balanced in policy supporting knowledge‐based competitiveness. On the supply side, the position of the new Member States in EU‐25 has been defined in the competitiveness matrix; on the demand side, specific attention is given to the quality of human resources as a prerequisite of competitiveness in the EU as assessed by Czech companies. Finally, recommendations are formulated for the competitiveness support both in the form of a comprehensive innovation policy and a more specific support to human resource supply for innovation.  相似文献   


The development of employees’ skills and competences has become a key driver of economic growth in the developed world. It is widely recognised that enhancing people’s skills and competences will be a major cause of future competitive advantage. Consequently, companies need to be able to identify precise areas where they have, or can build, distinctive competences. To meet these needs, various models and approaches for continuing engineering education have emerged. One such approach is the facilitated work-based learning (FWBL) model, the aim of which is to introduce an approach to tailor-made courses built on work-based learning (WBL) and problem-based learning (PBL). This paper addresses the implementation of tailor-made continuing engineering education in company settings through the use of FWBL. It draws on a huge amount of documentation produced within the Via Nord project, which was supported by the European Social Fund and engaged various companies in northern Denmark. The aim is to investigate how the FWBL model worked in practice when implemented as a means for tailor-made continuing engineering education applied in a company setting.  相似文献   

The current trend in science curricula is to adopt a context-based pedagogical approach to teaching. New study materials for this innovation are often designed by teachers working with university experts. In this article, it is proposed that teachers need to acquire corresponding teaching competences to create a context-based learning environment. These competences comprise an adequate emphasis, context establishment, concept transfer, support of student active learning, (re-)design of context-based materials, and assistance in implementation of the innovation. The implementation of context-based education would benefit from an instrument that maps these competences. The construction and validation of such an instrument (mixed-methods approach) to measure the context-based learning environment is described in this paper. The composite instrument was tested in a pilot study among 8 teachers and 162 students who use context-based materials in their classrooms. The instrument’s reliability was established and correlating data sources in the composite instrument were identified. Various aspects of validity were addressed and found to be supported by the data obtained. As expected, the instrument revealed that context-based teaching competence is more prominently visible in teachers with experience in designing context-based materials, confirming the instrument’s validity.  相似文献   

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