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台湾私立高等教育经历了半个多世纪的起伏发展,私立院校学校数、在校生数、毕业生人数都不断增长,大大超过了公立高校相应规模。近年来,私立高校的招生与就业面临的竞争日趋激烈,各私立高校纷纷采取多样的招生策略与就业辅导措施,积极开拓大陆的招生与就业市场也成为了台湾私立高校的未来走向之一。  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, Chile and Mexico have been implementing neoliberal policies to reform their higher education systems. This report compares the development and impact of those policies within three main areas in both countries, namely: (1) trends and characteristics of the growing private higher education sector, (2) commercialisation and business-like trends that private academia is experiencing and, finally, (3) it discusses how all this has created tensioning situations with assessment and accrediting agencies to ensure quality in their private higher education systems. This study shows that private higher education is facing the following challenges in both nations: (1) an uncritical implementation of neoliberal policies, (2) that there is a very unregulated legislation that has allowed many private institutions to profit within loopholes in the law, (3) that quality has become a central concern and some of the mechanisms applied to correct it have not been effective, showing a lack of a comprehensive system of quality assessment, and (4) that enrolment has grown but with several mismatches that challenge the initial goal of advancing economic development through human resources capacities. Alternative policies are discussed.  相似文献   

周燕  梁樑 《教育与现代化》2006,(4):64-68,17
近年来,不论是西方发达国家,还是亚洲发展中国家,均在积极地实施私立高等教育发展政策,这有力的推进了各国高等教育的普及化进程。我国私立高校起步较晚,相应的政策尚不完善,所以,他国的成功经验对我们不无启示。  相似文献   

A pressing question about the expansion of higher education is whether it tends to be inclusive, in the sense of bringing in larger proportions of persons from disadvantaged backgrounds, or diversifying, in that higher education tends to differentiate as it expands, or both, by bringing more persons into an increasingly stratified system of higher education. This paper addresses the question with evidence on higher education expansion in Scotland. Data are drawn from six waves of the Scottish School Leavers Survey from the late 1980s to the start of the new millennium. Binary and multinomial logit models are estimated to examine changes in inequality during this period, which was characterised by substantial expansion in both secondary qualifications and postsecondary enrolment. The results show that, in contrast to the general pattern of stable inequality observed in most nations, overall social inequalities in Scottish higher education enrolment declined over time. However, this decline did not occur in all sectors but was limited to the lowest-status institutions. These findings illustrate how expansion can serve both inclusive and diversifying ends.  相似文献   

当前,构成我国高等教育的两大系统是全日制普通高等教育和成人高等教育,而高等教育自学考试却不属于这两大系统。弄清和理顺高等教育自学考试与全日制普通高等教育之间的价值关系,有利于二优势互补,从而推动我国高等教育事业的更快发展。  相似文献   

This article considers the potential role of private institutions in the development of Russian higher education. After decades of a government centralised higher education system, there is a clear trend towards the privatisation of education institutions and the diversification of education practices. Some commentators consider this to indicate that the Russian State is losing control of education; others welcome private initiatives, both in formal and informal education. Russian higher education has also been greatly challenged by the current demographic gap: the total number of secondary school graduates expected in 2012 is half that of 2006. This strengthens the competition for the enrolment of students in private and public (federal and municipal) institutions. Based on recent interviews with senior management at a number of provincial private universities, this article suggests possible avenues for private universities to extend into the education market and considers the implications.  相似文献   

21世纪高等教育的扩展:开放学习的角色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在最近的将来,发展中国家高等教育的入学人数会继续飞速扩张,这将改变作为公立机构的高等教育的院校结构并导致牟取盈利的私立院校的数量激增,它们将更多地运用以技术为媒介的学习。远程学习是否真的会使学习更开放?如何能让开放大学保证更多地运用网络学习(eLearning)而不会造成参与的阻碍?开放教育资源(OERs:Open Educational Resources)运动能够在扩大学习材料共享的同时保证质量并降低成本吗?院校应如何革新自己的组织机构以适应这个新的世界?  相似文献   


Homeschooling is legal and growing in many countries but is virtually forbidden by law in Germany and a few others. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has reviewed and upheld this ban. Is home education a human right? How do these courts employ their jurisprudence of proportionality to find banning home education does not violate relevant constitutional or human rights norms? Why does Germany forbid home education? Why does the ECtHR uphold Germany’s position? What does this divergence imply about the right of home education and the jurisprudence of these courts? If the promise of human rights is individual liberty then a system that justifies or endorses state control of education for the purpose of cultural conformity can be said to be far too statist for a free and democratic society. In this article, I argue that both the German Constitutional Court (FCC) and the ECtHR have adopted an approach to education rights that is profoundly mistaken. I conclude that home education is a right of parents and children that must be protected by every state. Nations that respect and protect the right of parents and children to home educate demonstrate a commitment to respecting human rights; nations that do not, such as Germany and Sweden need to take steps to correct their failure to protect this important human right.  相似文献   

Although we know a great deal about college choice in nations such as the United States, we know considerably less about how college choice operates in settings lacking well-defined hierarchies between higher education institutions. In the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, students from high socio-economic status backgrounds are over-represented in the Ivy League, Oxbridge, and grandes écoles, respectively. In nations without these hierarchies, how do privileged families distinguish between very similar institutions? Using the example of Canada, notable for its relative institutional flatness, I show that privileged families construct their own hierarchies and tap into established hierarchies in other nations. The data come from an ethnographic study of two elite private high schools in Toronto, Canada.  相似文献   

高中教育与高等教育之间存在着密切的关系,它的性质和状态会对整个教育系统产生影响.高中教育与高等教育的关系随着社会和教育的发展而发生变化.当前促使高中教育与高等教育关系发生变革的因素主要有两个:其一是其自身所存在的单一化、等级化、封闭化、绝对化等问题对高中教育和高等教育产生了负面影响;其二是高等教育大众化、终身教育的兴起、民办教育的发展、教育国际化等要求这种关系发生变革.目前,高中教育与高等教育的关系,出现了从单向依赖走向双向互动、从合作到衔接、从刚性到弹性等新特征.  相似文献   

中国民办高等教育回顾与前瞻   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国民办高等教育已经走过了二十五个春秋,时至今日,虽然取得了一定成绩,但仍属于"弱势群体".尤其近年来民办高校倒闭事件频发,引发了人们对民办高等教育的担心和疑虑.有人不免发问,中国民办高等教育是否还有发展的空间?要回答这一问题,就需要对民办高等教育发展的历史和未来进行一番梳理和探讨.事实上,无论是从国际高等教育发展趋势来看,还是从我国经济发展水平、大众对高等教育的需求、国家财政供给能力以及政府的政策态度来看,中国民办高等教育都将有巨大的发展,这是历史发展的必然.  相似文献   

美国作为高等教育最发达和最早实现高等教育大众化的国家,在高校招生考试制度如何适应高等教育大众化方面有许多经验可资我们借鉴。当前,我国高校招生考试改革必须在功能上由“选拔”转向“选择”,在内容上应适应大众化教育的要求进一步科学化。  相似文献   

全球化与大学--不平等世界的神话与现实   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于全球化对高等教育的影响,已经有许多讨论了。有人认为,全球化、互联网与科学共同体可以使各国在知识相互依存的新时代,在高等教育这一竞技场获得平等的机会。有人则宣称,全球化不但意味着世界性的不平等,而且会导致大学“麦当劳化”。也有人认为,当前高等教育所面临的压力,从高等教育大众化到私立高等教育的增长,都是全球化的结果。在这些假设中,有些是正确的、符合实际的,但是也存在不少误解。本文的目的在于“揭示”高等教育全球化与国际化的真实状况,着重讨论全球化对高等教育的一些影响方式。本文特别关注的是:全球化在怎样影响着发展中国家,特别是那些在未来几十年面临着高等教育规模扩展的国家。  相似文献   

The expansion of higher education led by private universities in Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores the role of the Korean government in expanding private higher education over time and attempts to examine the impact of such expansion on access to and equity in higher education. The enrolment rate in Korean higher education has increased to over 80% within the past 60 years. This can be attributed to two factors: the rapid expansion of private universities which currently enrol about 80% of undergraduates, and the Koreans' educational aspirations rooted in the cultural esteem for education. The government's role is also paramount in the expansion by deregulating private universities. However, higher education expansion, mainly led by private resources with minimal government funding, has resulted in educational inequity. The Korean case demonstrates the importance of maintaining a balanced act between regulating and promoting the expansion of private higher education for a developing economy.  相似文献   

发展中国家高等教育入学人数在可预见到的未来将持续快速增长。公立高等学校的面貌将改变。一些快速扩大的私立、营利性教育机构会更多地利用以技术为媒介的教育形式。远程教育的扩展会真正使学习变得更加开放。怎样确保更广泛地使用电子学习不会给学习者带来困难,以开放教育资源的利用活动来保证高质量、低成本的学习资料的供给,是开放大学在新世纪所要面临的问题。  相似文献   

日本高等教育改革所依据的市场原则主要体现在以下几方面:日本高等教育市场的不均衡性;国立与私立大学的学费差额与考试竞争成本之音质关系;教学的质量-成本费用函数与消费者效用的关系;日本的雇佣制度与大学的作用;大学的遴选机能与劳动市场的变化。市场原理的有效笥在日本高等教育改革中得到较充分的应用,特别是国立与私立大学并存的高等教育结构体制将会发生重要的改变。  相似文献   

Specialised learning environments provided through private schooling may increase educational quality, which may increase the likelihood that citizens will pursue human rights through civic engagement. We employed 2-stage least squares year and country-level fixed effects and examined how private schooling could affect political rights, civil liberties, and economic freedom indices in 174 nations across the globe from 1999 to 2014. We used an innovative instrumental variable, fluctuations in the short-run demand for schooling within countries, over time, in order to predict private schooling. Our results suggest that an increased share of private schooling enrolment at the primary level leads to enhanced political and economic freedom.  相似文献   

高等教育成本分担理论是美国当代著名教育财政专家约翰斯通教授提出的。他认为,高等教育成本应由政府、学生及家长、高校和社会捐赠者共同分担。通过对中美两国私立高校高等教育成本分担现状的研究表明:我国民办普通高校在性质上类似于美国的私立营利性授予学位大学。因此,借鉴美国的经验,加快对我国民办普通高校的分类管理体制改革势在必行。  相似文献   

We exploit changes in student funding policies across the four UK nations and the Republic of Ireland to conduct a natural experiment investigating the marginal effect of differing tuition fee levels on students' enrolment behaviour. Whilst previous international research suggests increases in fees suppress demand and disincentivise cross‐border educational migration, some studies in North America and Germany find an element of inelasticity of demand. In the UK, various commentators have predicted marked shifts in student mobility in response to variation in tuition fee prices by country, trends expected to sharpen following substantial planned rises in tuition fees from 2012. After outlining tuition fee policies in the UK and Ireland, we analyse data on student enrolment destinations across the five countries for the period 2000–2010. We find little evidence to support the notion that student mobility is driven by economic ‘rationality’. Enrolment rates have risen despite increases in tuition fees and there is a long‐term trend for students to stay at home. Students seem not to be ‘pushed’ out‐of‐country by higher fees, but may be discouraged from moving if fees are lower in‐country. Student mobility within the UK and Ireland follows well‐worn paths from and to specific countries and institutions. Finally, we consider the implications of our findings for student mobility in general and forthcoming changes to UK student funding policies in particular.  相似文献   

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