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学习信念是动机的重要影响因素之一。文章以网络环境为背景,利用《网络环境中教师学习信念的调查问卷(TBWLS)》和《中小学教师基于网络的专业发展的动机水平调查问卷(WTPD)》两个工具,以112名中小学教师为调查对象,探讨其在网络环境中进行专业发展的过程中,其学习信念的种类与水平,并在此基础上,探讨其与动机的关系。该研究结果包括:(1)在网络环境中教师从事专业发展活动时所持有的学习信念包括3个维度,其专业发展动机包括4个维度;(2)网络环境中教师所持有的学习信念与在年龄和网络使用时间三个维度上没有明显的差异性,但在性别维度上有显著性差异;(3)教师基于网络的专业发展动机与其学习信念呈现显著正相关关系,高水平的学习信念可以引发高水平的动机。  相似文献   

以素质教育为核心的教育改革对学校管理带来了冲击与挑战。它要求教师转变传统的教学观,学习新的知识和教学方法。校长是学校管理的关键人物,其领导实践对于帮助教师发展具有重要作用。本研究采用质性研究方法,尝试揭示两位校长在真实情境中帮助教师发展的领导实践全貌与过程。研究发现,促进教师发展的校长领导力主要具有以下三方面的特征:(1)以提升教师专业知识与技能的工具取向为主;(2)以转变教师认知、情感与态度的文化取向为辅;(3)在规范教师教学行为与激发教师改革动机之间寻求平衡。  相似文献   

通过研读文献,统计20002016年间在CSSCI外语类和教育类期刊上发表的与教师专业发展环境研究相关的论文可以发现:(1)构建生态的发展环境是研究者形成的普遍共识;(2)虽然对教师专业发展环境的层级结构有不同划分,但总体分为教师心理环境、学校环境和社会环境三个层次;(3)研究多以介绍专业发展环境或划分层级结构为主,缺乏实证研究;(4)探索改善外语教师专业发展环境的策略是今后研究的趋势。文章所得结果对我国外语教师专业发展环境研究具有启示意义。  相似文献   

通过研读文献,统计20002016年间在CSSCI外语类和教育类期刊上发表的与教师专业发展环境研究相关的论文可以发现:(1)构建生态的发展环境是研究者形成的普遍共识;(2)虽然对教师专业发展环境的层级结构有不同划分,但总体分为教师心理环境、学校环境和社会环境三个层次;(3)研究多以介绍专业发展环境或划分层级结构为主,缺乏实证研究;(4)探索改善外语教师专业发展环境的策略是今后研究的趋势。文章所得结果对我国外语教师专业发展环境研究具有启示意义。  相似文献   

李宏强 《海外英语》2013,(13):90-92
该项研究采用问卷调查和访谈的方法,考察了地方普通高校外语教师专业发展的状况。研究发现:(1)地方普通高校外语教师具有良好的敬业精神和教学技能;(2)他们具有迫切的专业发展需求并呈现不同层次;(3)地方普通高校外语教师专业发展存在着教学任务繁重、知识结构不合理、科研意识不强和脱产再学习的机会少等突出问题。这一结果对于促进我国外语教师专业发展具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

视频研究是学习科学研究中倡导的运用视频技术探究学习、教学与教育过程的一种重要方法。通过研究者运用视频研究促进在职教师的学习与专业发展的一个案例,具体描述了该案例中面向4位教师的视频研究活动的设计与实施,并基于对教师视频研究活动中的话语分析,发现有效的视频研究活动设计能够促进教师:(1)转变原有观念,发展教学理解与专长;(2)主动参与学习,对新知的获得持积极倾向;(3)发展视频研究的意识,获得视频研究的方法和策略。最后就视频研究在教师学习与专业发展中的有效设计与运用问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

李琼  王恒 《教师教育研究》2012,(3):26-30,10
研究以北京市2538名小学教师为样本,从教师的专业精神、学生观、教学效能感、教学组织与管理、教学反思与研究、学科知识、学科教学知识、教学特色及专业自主发展意识九个方面考察了小学教师的专业生涯发展类型。聚类分析的结果表明:(1)小学教师的专业发展类型可分为四类:模仿学习或被动应付型;经验积累或重复型;发展教学风格型;发展教学思想型;(2)不同发展类型的教师在九个专业方面的发展表现出一致性,其差异主要表现为不同专业发展水平的量的差异;(3)教师专业发展路径呈现出动态多维性。  相似文献   

教师专业自主发展意识对教师的专业成长至关重要,采用《教师专业自主发展意识问卷》对西北连片特困地区1000名中小学教师进行了调查,研究发现:(1)随着教龄和职称的提升,教师专业自主发展意识也在不断提高;(2)大专学历教师的专业自主发展意识最高,中专其次,本科最低;(3)女教师的专业自主发展意识略高于男教师;(4)主课教师的专业自主发展意识高于非主课教师;(5)建校历史越长,教师的专业自主发展意识越高;(6)13-24个班级规模学校的教师专业自主发展意识最高;(7)城市教师的专业自主发展意识明显高于乡镇教师。  相似文献   

互联网作为教师专业发展平台,教师的专业发展动机是保证教师在这个平台中有效实施专业发展的心理因素之一。本研究以教师专业发展动机作为研究对象,通过调查问卷,在对网络环境中教师专业发展动机结构进行描述的基础上,进一步从教师个体因素和自我效能感两个维度探讨动机的影响因素以及在实践中应注意的问题。本研究的结论包括:(1)网络环境中教师专业发展动机结构包括"个人专业发展兴趣""外部的期望与鼓励""社会接触的需要"和"充实/逃避现实生活的需要"四个维度;(2)教师的背景因素(年龄、性别和网络使用时间)与其在网络环境中的专业发展动机之间没有显著相关关系;(3)教师在网络环境中所具有的自我效能感与其专业发展动机之间呈现显著正相关,因此可以通过优化自我效能的途径达到激发和维持高水平动机的目的。  相似文献   

以信息技术为核心的现代技术被越来越多地应用到向教师传播知识和信息当中,文章系统地分析了技术与教师的关系,发现技术的介入为教师的实践活动提供了有力的资源和工具支持,并且成为教师专业的构成要素,能有效地促进教师的专业成长。对技术支持的教师学习方式,信息时代教师认知的个性化、社会化、分布式和情景化特征变迁,以及技术支持的教师学习活动方式及其效用进行了文献研究,对国内外利用技术支持教师学习的主要项目和平台进行了介绍。  相似文献   

The integration of technology into the classroom remains a challenge for those involved. A concept-guided approach to the development of technology has been suggested as a way of meeting this challenge. This multiple case study was performed in the context of a project in which five elementary schools in The Netherlands with a school concept that was labeled as either ‘traditional’ or ‘innovative’ developed and realized up to four technology-supported learning arrangements in line with their schools’ educational concepts. Through embedded case studies, including analysis of the learning arrangements and focus group interviews with the teachers involved, we found that in general the developed technology use became integrated in the teachers’ classroom practices at all schools to a similar extent. Some differences were found between the schools, but hardly any were found between the school types. Both practical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Background and purpose: To date, there has been little research on the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) for delivering a mobile technology-supported science curriculum. To address this, a TPD model for a science curriculum supported by mobile technology was developed and evaluated in this paper. The study reported focuses on the establishment of the TPD model and exploration of its impact on teacher behaviors in the curriculum implementation.

Sample, design, and methods: In the study, two representative science teachers’ implementation of the science curriculum was presented together with an in-depth study of the TPD sessions. The data from the teacher-led PD working sessions, classroom observation and teacher interview were collected. Mixed methods and case study were used to analyze the teacher performance on the PD working sessions and on the curriculum implementation.

Results: Our findings suggested that teachers benefited from the structured TPD which provided opportunities for sharing, extensive feedback, and reflection of the curriculum implementation. It showed that teachers had transformed questioning from traditional ways into constructivist-oriented patterns in the classroom. More student-centered activities were conducted and complemented with teachers’ various scaffolds for learning. Analysis of learning artifacts attested to improvements in students’ conceptual understanding of science.

Conclusion: TPD refers to a continuing and dynamic system for PD which needs to be changed and elaborated based on teacher needs, school context and the problems and challenges encountered in the teaching practice. TPD development and teachers’ growth in the belief and competences on the instruction constitute a mutual evolution process. Their evolution could guarantee the apt enactment and spread of the curriculum innovation to impact depth, to sustain and to spread.  相似文献   

Recently, technology-supported formative assessment has caught researchers’ increasing attention. Most of the relevant studies have been carried out in experimental situations to demonstrate the effectiveness of technology-supported formative assessment for learning. However, little is still known about how technology-supported formative assessment is viewed and experienced by teachers in their classrooms. To fill this gap, this study investigated teachers’ voices and practices when they used a formative assessment multimedia learning environment (FAMLE) in their classrooms during three semesters, which involved continuous platform refinement. The findings show that the teachers encountered a number of problems in four major aspects, namely students’ engagement, assessment task design, feedback and follow-up issues. FAMLE went through corresponding refinement in two rounds. A change was evident in teachers’ pedagogical practice of FAMLE from summative and revision use, diagnostic use, to integrative use.  相似文献   

This paper explores how a learning theory enriched a collaborative teacher inquiry discourse where lesson study was adopted as the educational action research model to promote teacher professional development. Four Grade 9–10 biology teachers in Singapore drew from variation theory to collaboratively plan and teach new genetics content as part of teacher research. As a researcher-facilitator, I have drawn from the teachers’ experiences of infusing variation theory into their teaching practice, of developing their own theories of teaching and learning, and of developing student-focused pedagogies to highlight the roles variation theory played. These included providing concrete examples of patterns of variations teachers could use, increasing the teachers’ attention and sensitivity to students, and developing the teachers’ theoretical lens in their approach to teaching. Reflecting on the teachers’ experiences, I made an appeal for teachers’ development of theoretical lenses in teacher inquiry, and bridging of theory and research to teaching practice.  相似文献   

The connection between teacher inquiry, professional development and school improvement was recognised 30 years ago by Lawrence Stenhouse. Stenhouse contributed many valuable insights into the role of practitioner enquiry in creating and utilising knowledge about teaching and learning, much of which is still to be applied systematically in teacher education and professional development. This paper draws on the Learning to Learn Phase 3 Evaluation, a three‐year‐action research project in which teachers in primary and secondary schools across the UK completed three cycles of practitioner inquiry to explore tools, pedagogies and other innovations which would promote dispositions of ‘learning to learn’ (L2L). The paper focuses on identifying those aspects of being involved in L2L that support teachers’ learning and the way that the teachers themselves understand the impact on their professional development. Data from over 60 semi‐structured interviews undertaken over the three years of the project, the case study reports compiled by teachers at the end of each year of the project and collaborative workshops involving teachers and university researchers as co‐inquirers are used to explore teachers’ learning. Qualitative methods are used to develop a thematic analysis of the interviews, case studies and the teachers’ understanding of the relationships between inquiry, research and continuing professional development (CPD) in order to identify categories and generate key concepts that can inform a theoretical understanding of the impact of professional inquiry on teachers’ learning. The findings contribute to our understanding of the role of inquiry and research in schools in supporting professional learning by suggesting how tools and models of working are developed.  相似文献   

学科教育技术课程是培养教师实施信息技术与学科教学深度融合能力的重要载体.为了探讨如何建设深入学科的教育技术课程,采用内容分析和深度访谈等方法研究了英属哥伦比亚大学的一门在线教育硕士项目课程--"运用技术教数学与科学".研究发现:该课程以TPACK理论和有意使用技术的教学思维框架为指导,其课程特色是以融合为导向,以问题为纽带,以探究为核心,以作品为中心,以协作为形式.这充分体现了整合性STEM教育的5个关键特征:STEM多学科融合,基于问题的学习,基于探究的学习,基于设计的学习,基于协作的学习.研究启示:(1)以学科教育技术为依托培养教师的信息化教学能力;(2)以学科交叉融合为导向培养教师的跨学科教学能力;(3)以信息技术支持的跨学科教育为切入点培养社会需要的创新型人才.  相似文献   

混合式学习获得成功的重要因素:五种假设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于面对面学习与数字化学习的经验,混合式学习作为二者的结合,成为当前富有前景的学习概念。但是混合式学习能否有效促进学习?哪些是影响混合式学习获得成功的重要因素?从教学方面来讲,要使混合式学习发挥真正的效用,必须正确认识混合式学习的经济价值和教育价值,用课程理念来设计学习过程,根据学习需求选择学习工具,综合考虑教学元素,帮助学生和教师做好新角色的准备。  相似文献   


Chemistry is a subject which involves a number of abstract concepts, making it a difficult and frustrating learning process for many students. Educators and researchers believe that technology could provide an opportunity to address this problem. However, it is challenging to find a model for appropriately and successfully integrating technology into chemistry education. Therefore, in this study, a review was conducted on the technology-enhanced chemistry learning studies published in Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) journals from 2010 to 2019. This study searched the target articles from the Web of Science (WOS) database and excluded those studies that did not adopt a comparative research design. Finally, 60 studies were included in this research trend analysis. A coding scheme was developed for the types of technology, the types of learning tools, the roles of technology in chemistry learning, learning topics, learning environments, participants, research designs, and the learning outcomes the researchers evaluated. From the analysis results, it was found that (1) inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry courses were the main learning topics, while the formal classroom was most often referred to as the research setting. The most frequently discussed issue was students’ learning achievement. (2) Regarding technology integration, offering students learning content through personal computers was the main activity mode. The technology was used for lower-level implementation, that is, providing supplementary materials for students. (3) Finally, using keyword analysis, it is possible to extract the recent concerns of the researchers, and from the results of the study, it is clear that the researchers are placing increasing emphasis on learners’ experience and skill development in the learning process. Accordingly, this study highlights the features of the research trends and then provides suggestions for researchers in the technology-enhanced chemistry learning field.


Teachers play an important role supporting young people to form their career identities and to make successful transitions into further learning and work. In England, there has been limited research that has looked specifically at the role of teachers and none of which has tried to establish a measure of teacher attitude toward careers work. This article details the development of the Teachers’ Attitudes toward Career Learning Index, which was created to measure attitudes and engagement in career learning on teachers in England. The instrument went through a survey design process which included content validity and construct validity components. The process identified five underlying factors in teachers’ attitude and engagement in careers work: (1) career learning and support practices, (2) school career strategy attitudes, (3) subject career learning attitudes, (4) career support attitudes, and (5) school career strategy practices. This process helped refined initial theoretical constructs regarding teachers’ roles in careers learning.  相似文献   

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