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在抽样调查中对于误差的控制是抽样技术的核心环节.如何降低或消除非抽样误差是在统计工作中经常遇到的问题,也是抽样调查必须面对的问题.从神秘顾客检测法中非抽样误差的表现形式及形成原因入手,计算非抽样误差形成的相应偏差,建立误差计量模型,最终提出针对性的减少非抽样误差的硬性控制措施.  相似文献   

课堂教学是精心预设和动态生成的统一,在“出错”和“改错”的探究过程中。课堂才是最活的,教学才是最美的,学生的生命才是最有价值的。课堂教学中应当正视学生的错误,当“回答别样”时,引领探究;当“回答错误”时,宽容鼓励;当“回答不广”时,延伸拓展;当“回答不精”时,辨别引导。  相似文献   

在许多人的心中,美术学科被视为“小学科”,往往不被教师和学生家长所重视,这种认识上的偏差已经影响到学生对美术的态度,当问及学生为什么不好好学习美术时,通常会听到这样的回答:“学了有什么用呀?”,其实,美术这“小学科”同样也蕴含着“大学问”。作为美术教师,要改变学生及家长对美术这一学科的偏见,为学生提供更多的主动实践的机会.  相似文献   

运用程序偏差概念考察诉讼程序运行,是我国诉讼法研究的新视角。诉讼的程序偏差,是指诉讼程序的制度设计和实践运行偏离了程序规则的要求而产生的缺点和错误。这些缺点和错误有的是程序本身固有的和先在的,即程序内在偏差;有的是由程序实践中介入的非理性因素影响而产生的,即程序衍生偏差。他们都会对诉讼程序的公正运行产生我效应,因而诉讼程序运行应当关注程序偏差并最大限度地校正偏差、消解效应,以保证诉讼程序运行达到合理化。  相似文献   

通过对评价性词汇认知偏差的理论研究,对评价性词汇的内涵、词汇与感受的联系以及评价偏差的种类进行探讨,发现认知偏差的产生乃是由词义和记忆本身的模糊性、评价者之间信息的不对等性以及情景和评价性词汇本质的不同造成的。心理之于心理学,正如词义之于词汇,唯有使其内涵更加丰满、分类更加清晰、描述更加精确、比较更加具体,心理测量和统计中的偏差才能在理论上达到最小化,科学主义心理学的研究才有其本质意义。  相似文献   

本文阐述了由劳动的主观条件产生的按劳分配的历史局限性和由劳动的客观条件而产生的按劳分配的偏差的本质区别,论证了按劳分配的曲线形式同按劳分配偏差的客观必然性以及二者的内在联系。详细分析了按劳分配偏差的不同表现形式以及发展趋势,得出按劳分配的偏差是社会主义商品经济的必然结果的结论。  相似文献   

知识偏差是信息不对称造成的一种认知偏差,具有普遍性和顽固性的特点,广泛存在于人们生活和工作各个领域,对个体的决策判断影响较大,但还没有完全有效的除偏技术消除这种偏差。另外,目前国内外关于知识偏差产生的理论解释还缺乏比较一致的比较有说服力的理论模型。  相似文献   

认知偏差是指人们在相互接触和交往的过程中,对他人形成印象时产生的误差。由于认知是行为的基础,若教师的认知产生偏差,势必影响其教学行为,从而会产生负效应,所以研讨物理教师的认知偏差现象,对物理教学质量的提高无疑具有积极的推进作用。  相似文献   

用热力学方法对二组分非理想溶液进行分析得出:(1)若组分A具有正偏差,则组分B也具有正偏差;若组分A具有负偏差,则组分B也具有负偏差;(2)在形成具有正偏差的非理想溶液时伴随有吸热效应和体积增大;(3)在形成具有负偏差的非理想溶液时伴随有放热效应和体积减小的结论。  相似文献   

问卷调查是采用抽样调查方式,利用设计好问题的表格,收集数据资料并对其进行统计分析的一种调查方法,但问卷调查的结果常常会受到抽样误差和非抽样误差的影响,尤其是后一般难以控制。因此,研究各个阶段非抽样误差的成因,采取不同措施分别加以控制就十分必要。  相似文献   

The papers in this special issue provide a comprehensive examination of the prevalence and implications of positive biases in perceived academic competence at different ages in different countries. Main results showed that marked positive biases were rare, were associated with performance goals, were more adaptive than negative biases, but were not necessarily less adaptive than realistic self-views. I discuss the papers within an analysis of theoretical shifts from early emphases on the benefits of veridical self-appraisal, through emphases on the benefits of positive illusions, to recent inquiry into the possibility that positive biases have both benefits and costs. I suggest how the functions and consequences of positive versus accurate self-appraisals might differ among high and low achievers, and in different learning contexts.  相似文献   

阐述了游戏教学受当代社会过于追求娱乐文化的影响,出现了教学内容低俗化、教学方式娱乐化、教学过程形式化和教学主体的观念偏失等偏误。从社会学的视角,分析造成这些偏误的主要原因有:教育本真的迷失、娱乐对人的精神世界的消解、后现代思想对教育主体角色的解构、商品化社会的利益驱动。  相似文献   

The content of research methods courses in tertiary education, as revealed by popular textbooks, tends to focus largely on procedural aspects of research investigations. Although following proper procedures is essential for reaching valid and reliable outcomes, there is another attribute of good quality research that is often missing from research methods courses and textbooks: appropriate decision making and the avoidance of cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias and base rate neglect. In this essay, some of the more common cognitive biases are highlighted with examples from everyday life in order to illustrate how these biases can influence decision-making processes when reading about or conducting research investigations.  相似文献   

J函数是1-G(t)和1-F(t)的比值.文章把关于G(t)和F(t)的估计扩展到J(t)并对其进行了比较研究,包括偏差、样本方差和最大偏离的比较.  相似文献   

根据烟尘检测的原理和方式不同可将探测方法分为取样法与非取样法两种,文章针对各自范畴的不同,分别介绍了几种常见方法。对光学法的优势作了详细的阐述,对散射法进行了模拟,并对几种方法进行了横向、纵向的对比分析。  相似文献   

继20世纪50年代中期批判胡适之后,80年代末至今,思想界、学术界兴起了研究胡适的风潮,遗憾的是,众多研究章和作风乎毫无例外地存在着各自的乃至共同的误区。  相似文献   

教师对教师尊严的认知偏差是导致教师尊严逐渐式微的一个重要原因。当前对教师尊严的认知偏差有:过度重视外在他人的给予;过度追求经济收入的提高;教师尊严是一种普遍性尊严。对教师尊严的正确认知应是:教师尊严是自尊与尊重的统一;教师尊严的获得在于对教育使命的坚守;教师尊严是一种获得性与差异性尊严。  相似文献   

In three studies we looked at two typical misconceptions of probability: the representativeness heuristic, and the equiprobability bias. The literature on statistics education predicts that some typical errors and biases (e.g., the equiprobability bias) increase with education, whereas others decrease. This is in contrast with reasoning theorists’ prediction who propose that education reduces misconceptions in general. They also predict that students with higher cognitive ability and higher need for cognition are less susceptible to biases. In Experiments 1 and 2 we found that the equiprobability bias increased with statistics education, and it was negatively correlated with students’ cognitive abilities. The representativeness heuristic was mostly unaffected by education, and it was also unrelated to cognitive abilities. In Experiment 3 we demonstrated through an instruction manipulation (by asking participants to think logically vs. rely on their intuitions) that the reason for these differences was that these biases originated in different cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Accurate, rational, and scientific decision making is now considered to be the most important skill in science education. Many studies have found that overconfidence bias is one of the cognitive biases hindering people from achieving such decision making. Gender and country play crucial roles in overconfidence bias. For instance, some particular cultures and genders tend to be more overconfident than others. However, whether or not the two variables interact to influence overconfidence bias also indirectly influences decision making, especially in the context of science education. The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of country and gender on performance, confidence, and overconfidence bias in the samples of Indonesian and Korean high-school students while doing on a biology exam. The twenty-one American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) questions on the topics of genetics and evolution were administered to 297 Indonesian and 235 Korean high-school students, in their first and second years. Every question was featured with a question asking students how confident they are in answering the question correctly. The two-way Analysis of Variances (2-way ANOVA) test was used to answer the research questions. Based on the analyses, we found no significance interactional effects of gender and country in test scores. In contrast, we found a significant interactional effects in both confidence in genetics and evolution. Regarding overconfidence bias, for which that we merged both concepts, we found that country had a higher influence on students’ overconfidence bias than did gender. Additionally, we found the hard-easy effect phenomenon followed overconfidence bias phenomenon. The relationships between country, gender, science education, cognitive bias, and overconfidence bias are discussed. Suggestions for reducing overconfidence bias are also provided.  相似文献   

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