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信息技术教育已经成为推动高中素质教育发展的新动力,在高中素质教育过程中发挥着非常重要的作用,然而高中信息技术教育中存在着不少问题,需要采取措施予以解决。文章分析高中信息技术教育的重要意义和高中信息技术教育存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决策略,希望能够积极推动高中信息技术教育改革步伐,提升高中信息技术教育教学质量。  相似文献   

In this article, the author explores the market phenomenon revealed in the practice of a mixed-ability grouping policy in Taiwan, and traces the influence of the wider educational contexts on the formation of the market phenomenon. Although there have been no major policies introduced with the intention of creating a market mechanism in Taiwanese education, the author found that the practice of the mixed-ability grouping policy in junior high level education has been shadowed by a self-initiated market mechanism. Junior high school educators perceive that parents value a high entry rate to the highest ranking academic high schools, and junior high schools develop strategies to boost pupils' academic performance and to attract future pupils. Under such circumstances, junior high level schooling and students are commodified on the basis of a single value – academic performance. The author argues that wider educational contexts, including the senior high school entry examination, and control over the provision of senior high level education, shape the market phenomenon in Taiwanese junior high level education.  相似文献   

"轻负高质"既是当前很多教育工作者所追求的一种理想境地,也是困扰教育界的难题。究其原因,"轻负高质"不是一个简单增减学业负担的问题,而是涉及教育活动的方方面面,甚至与整个教育环境中的各个因素都有着千丝万缕的联系。因而,仅仅依靠机械的线性思维很难厘清"轻负高质"所面临的千头万绪,必须要凭借一种有机的非线性思维来认识"轻负高质"。为了能从理论上对"轻负高质"进行科学的辨析,笔者尝试剖析生态视域下"轻负高质"的理念、关系及策略,以生态思维破解教育的"轻负高质"难题。  相似文献   

Using a longitudinal sample of Texas high school seniors of 2002 who enrolled in college within the calendar year of high school graduation, we examine variation in college persistence according to the economic composition of their high schools, which serves as a proxy for unmeasured high school attributes that are conductive to postsecondary success. Students who graduated from affluent high schools have the highest persistence rates and those who attended poor high schools have the lowest rates. Multivariate analyses indicate that the advantages in persistence and on-time graduation from 4-year colleges enjoyed by graduates of affluent high schools cannot be fully explained by high school college orientation and academic rigor, family background, pre-college academic preparedness or the institutional characteristics. High school college orientation, family background and pre-college academic preparation largely explain why graduates from affluent high schools who first enroll in 2-year colleges have higher transfer rates to 4-year institutions; however, these factors and college characteristics do not explain the lower transfer rates for students from poor high schools. The conclusion discusses the implications of the empirical findings in light of several recent studies that call attention to the policy importance of high schools as a lever to improve persistence and completion rates via better institutional matches.  相似文献   

姜阳 《科教导刊》2021,(3):157-158
本文的主要内容是根植于学生的阶段性心智发展规律,来合理布局高中化学的教育,从而帮助学生能够形成初中和高中化学之间的合理过渡,并且在进行具体研究的过程中,分析高中化学学习和初中化学学习的不同和衔接渠道,并且从课前准备、课堂教学以及课后辅导三个方面探究做好初中化学和高中化学教学衔接的应对方法,挖掘学生化学阶段性素养潜能,为今后初中化学与高中化学学习紧密化衔接,做足充分的过渡准备工作.  相似文献   

在简要介绍高新技术产业内涵的基础上,分析了张家口高新技术产业发展的现状和问题,并提出了发展张家口市高新技术产业的相关对策,即提高认识水平;明确高新技术产业发展定位;构建促进高新技术产业发展的政策环境;建设一支掌握高新技术的人才队伍;多渠道筹资;建设高新技术产业化发展基地;完善市场服务。  相似文献   

普通高中多样化发展是高中教育在普及背景下,满足学生多样化、个性化发展,办"人民满意的教育"的迫切需要。普通高中多样化发展过程中面临着多样化本质认识不清、高中类型单一、政策指引不明、经费投入缺乏、综合高中规模小、招生困难、师资薄弱、学籍管理矛盾、未来出路受制约等现实困境。丰富高中选修课程、保障学生课程选择权、提升综合高中发展空间等是普通高中多样化发展的未来之路。  相似文献   

采用修订的《家庭教养方式调查表》测查了470名普通中学生的家庭教养方式,并探讨了其中247名普通高中生家庭教养方式与321名职高生家庭教养方式的异同。结果显示,由24道题组成的调查表具有较好的一致性和效度;普通高中生父母对子女的要求程度和关心程度都显著低于初中生,父母对子女的要求程度显著高于其关心程度;尽管母亲对中学男女生的教养方式没有明显差异,父亲对男生尤其是高中男生的要求程度、对女生尤其是初中女生的关心程度都明显高一些;结合两个维度对中学生家庭教养方式进行诊断之后发现,采取放任型教养方式的父母的文化程度偏低,而权威型和溺爱型的父母文化程度则较高。应用该调查表对职业高中生的测查发现了类似的规律,但职高生父母对子女的关心程度明显高于其要求程度,这与普高生父母的做法刚好相反;尽管他们采用权威型教养方式的比例差别不大,但有更多的职高生父母采取了放任型和溺爱型的教养方式,采取专制型教养方式的职高生父母相对更少。  相似文献   

Educators in senior high schools are used to hearing, “Senior high schools today look the same as they did a hundred years ago.” Though the author has heard this and similar comments, she also has heard a great number of high school students talking with excitement about their learning experiences. She has worked with teachers and administrators who are passionately committed to ensuring that secondary-level students receive a high-quality education, and she has reveled in hearing parents sing the praises of the high school their children attend. So is senior high school education unjustly receiving a bad rap? This article describes a Change Practice Initiative implemented by a school district in Canada to ensure that structures and practices at its high schools are geared to the changing needs of students and educators, and the outcomes of this endeavor.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育的迅速发展,高校规模的不断扩大,高校档案管理的网络化、信息化、智能化成为发展的趋势,如何进行高校档案管理成为各高校迫切需要解决的问题。本文从高校档案管理的现状着手,分析了网络化管理的必要性,对网络化管理模式的可行性进行了论证,并对高校档案网络化管理中可能出现的问题提出应对措施,为高校档案网络化管理模式的实施提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

高校的政治理论课,思想品德课教师应从八个方面进行修养:政治观点高水准,理论修养高水平,学科知识高起点,行为实践高要求,社会关系高品位,个性心理高层次,素质技能高一筹,利益荣誉高姿态。  相似文献   

初中生升入高中后,会有一段时间无法适应高中学习,出现很多学习问题,产生学习心理障碍。因而高中英语教师要想办法使他们尽早进入高中英语学习状态,了解高中英语与初中英语的差异,调整好他们的心理状态和学习方法,避免他们盲目学习,浪费太多时间,导致他们失去学习英语的兴趣。  相似文献   

通过对化学概念关键期研究进行调查与分析,发现学生学习化学概念存在着前概念的影响;认为初三是学习化学概念的启蒙期,初三到高一为化学概念的衔接期,高一为化学概念入门关键期,高二为化学概念低潮期,高三为化学概念的系统化结构化的升华期。把握化学概念各关键期教学的特点和规律,有助于收到事半功倍的教学效果。  相似文献   

The behavioral and cortisol responses of Japanese infants and Caucasian American infants, 4 months of age, were observed during and following routine inoculation. The Caucasian American group showed a more intense initial affective response and a longer latency to quiet than the Japanese group; the Japanese group showed a greater cortisol response. A 4-group taxonomy was created based on high or low behavioral and cortisol response: high behavior–high cortisol, low behavior–low cortisol, high behavior–low cortisol, and low behavior–high cortisol. There were significant differences between the 2 groups of infants using this taxonomy: Infants in the Caucasian American group were more likely to fall in the high behavior–low cortisol group, while infants in the Japanese group were more likely to fall in the low behavior–high cortisol group.  相似文献   

采用问卷法研究了1791名不同年级、性别、学校类型中学生师生关系与友谊质量的特点,结合同伴特征和问题行为分析了学校氛围对中学生学校人际关系的影响,并探讨了中学生学校人际关系与社会适应的关系。结果发现:(1)中学生的师生关系总体上重点校好于非重点校,初一、高一好于高二,在亲密性和支持性维度上,年级与学校类型、年级与性别的交互作用显著;(2)中学生的友谊质量总体上重点校好于非重点校,高一、初一略好于初二,女生好于男生,学校类型与年级的交互作用显著;(3)重点校拥有不良同伴的学生和问题行为较多的学生比例均显著少于非重点校;(4)师生关系与友谊质量各维度可以预测中学生社会适应过程中的自我肯定、自我烦扰和社会疏离感。  相似文献   

The present study examines the dynamic relationship between academic performance of high school students and their respective learning and study strategies. Two hundred thirty-six high school students were recruited to participate in this study by completing a Chinese version of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory - LASSI, to probe into the relationship. Results found that (1) there were clear differences to the learning and study strategies used by high school students with high academic performance, and those with low academic performance; (2) all the three components (Will; Self-regulation and Skill) were equally important to differentiate high academic achieving high school students from low academic achieving high school students within the strategic model of learning; and (3) a numbers of learning and study strategies were effectively predicting the academic performance of the high school students. All of these result patterns confirm that learning and study strategies used by high academic achievers and low academic achievers as well as the components used to predict students’ academic performance in the high school setting are quite different from the patterns revealed in the tertiary education sector.  相似文献   

论"好大学"理念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一个国家的高等教育系统中,一流大学的数量是极其有限的.好大学不等于一流大学.要实现我国高等教育的跨越式发展,就应该倡导好大学理念.有科学的大学定位,遵循大学规律的科学制度,高品位的大学人文环境,能凝聚优秀教师并培养优秀人才,有良好社会声誉的大学就是好大学.要建设好大学,一要对大学进行科学定位,二要有理想主义的大学精神,三要创建高品位的人文环境,四要制定科学规范的制度.  相似文献   

采用《中国中学生心理健康量表》调查1783名示范性高中学生的心理健康现状,结果发现:示范性高中学生在量表各个因子上的检出率为4.3%~18.5%,学习压力和情绪不平衡两个因子的检出率接近20%,显示示范性高中学生的心理健康状况不容乐观;示范性高中男生的心理健康状况好于女生;汉族和少数民族示范性高中生心理健康状况没有显著差异;一类示范性高中学生的心理健康状况好于二类和三类示范性高中学生;示范性高中二年级学生的心理健康状况低于一年级和三年级;来源为城市的示范性高中学生心理健康状况好于来源于农村和乡镇的示范性高中学生;心理课开课情况和学校心理服务状况对示范性高中生的心理健康状况有显著影响.  相似文献   

论高等教育的市场化取向改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
高等教育市场化取向改革,是一种以市场为导向的改革,其目标在于建立起一种与市场经济发展要求相适应的、计划调控和市场调节有机结合的高等教育资源配置机制。近年来的高等教育改革,同时存在着市场化取向不明显、市场化取向发生方向性偏差甚至是反市场化取向等现象,这些现象带来了高等教育办学资源的浪费、办学效益不高和有失教育公平等问题。必须在更新思想观念、改革管理体制、推进高校后勤社会化、加强依法行政和依法办学等方面对高等教育的市场化取向改革加以正确引导。  相似文献   

The Motivation for Educational Attainment (MEA) questionnaire, developed to assess facets related to early adolescents’ motivation to complete high school, has a bifactor structure with a large general factor and three smaller orthogonal specific factors (teacher expectations, peer aspirations, value of education). This prospective validity study investigated the utility of each factor in predicting high school dropout or completion of a general education development (GED) certificate versus completion of a high school degree. Participants were 474 (55.1% male) ethnically diverse students who were originally recruited into a larger longitudinal study in Grade 1 on the basis of academic risk. Fourteen years later, 373 had obtained a high school diploma, 15 had obtained a GED, and 86 had dropped out of high school. During their first year of Grade 9, participants were administered the MEA. Using multinomial logistic regression with high school graduation as the reference outcome and controlling for Grade 9 letter grades, reading and math test scores, gender, and ethnic/racial group status, scores on the latent general factor and the latent peer aspirations factor predicted high school dropout versus high school graduation status. Neither the general factor nor any of the three specific factors predicted GED completion versus high school graduation. Ethnicity, but not gender, moderated the associations between scores on the general factor and high school graduation versus dropout.  相似文献   

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