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英国RAE与我国CDR同为评估机构为促进高等教育质量而实施的评估,均以学科为评估对象,对高校的科研质量进行的评估活动。但这两种评估活动在实施主体、指标体系、运行程序等方面均有很大差异。英国的高等教育质量评估工作在国际上享有盛誉,将其与我国的学科评估进行对比,探寻差异,可以为我国高等教育学科评估工作的完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

英国高等教育质量评估体制,经历了从大学自治到强化外部控制,再到以大学自治为主、内外结合的演变过程.英国的外部评估体系完善,具有明确的目的与细化的目标.评估的针时性和可操作性很强.英国进行外部评估最主要的机构是英国高等教育质量保证署(QAA)和英格兰高等教育拨款委员会(HEFCE).英国的评估标准科学合理,它主要由综合质量保证体系(包括学术资格框架、学科基准、专业规格、实施规则等),教学和科研评估体系(包括教学质量评估、科研水平评估等)两部分组成.各部分都有详尽的评估指标和等级标准.通过对QAA质量评估体系产生发展过程及其指标体系的构建进行探讨,对中国高等教育质量评估体系的构建提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

英国的高等教育质量评估机制包括高等学校内部质量评估机制,高等教育质量保证署(QAA)进行的教学质量评估和学术评估,高等学校科研评估,由此提出了英国的高等教育质量评估机制对我国高教评估的启示,包括大力发展非政府中介组织的教育评估,建立相对灵活的评估指标体系以及加强评估中的竞争机制,评估机构与国际接轨。  相似文献   

欧洲部分国家高等教育评估综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、英国高等教育评估英国高等教育以其悠久的历史和较高的质量而闻名于世界。20世纪60年代~90年代,英国高等教育建立了较为完善的高等教育质量保证与评估体系。英国高等教育质量保证和评估体系由高校外部监督与评估系统、高校内部保障系统和民间监督评估系统(如大学排行)等3个部分组成。1.高校外部监督与评估系统英国高等教育质量保证机构(QAA)对全英国的高校提供统一的综合质量保证服务。QAA所做的主要工作是对高校的学术标准、教学质量和管理进行评估,另外还提供了一些有助于说明学术标准的参考要点。同时,学科或专业评估是QAA质量…  相似文献   

米红  李晶 《煤炭高等教育》2008,26(4):115-117
英国高等教育科研评估对科研质量的促进是不争事实,但随着社会的进步,科研评估对工商业及整个知识经济社会发展作出的贡献却“养在深闺人未识”。文章从宏观角度分析政府在科研评估中对科研与工商业合作促进的政策导向;从微观的计算机学科案例角度,以历次RAE评估为脉络梳理分析该评估中逐渐融入的对工商业及社会发展起促进作用的信息。通过对RAE评估潜在功能的宏微观研究,以期为更好地发展我国高等教育评估提供新启示。  相似文献   

REF(Research Excellence Framework)全称卓越研究评估框架,它将取代现行的大学科研评估(Research Assessment Exercise,简称RAE)模式,成为英国用于评价大学学科科研质量及选择性地分配高等教育科研机构研究经费的主要办法.REF框架在其发展的过程中涌现了革新思想,反映英国高等教育管理的调整和变化,在各方的一些创新方案纷至沓来的同时,也伴随着某些万众期待的美好蓝图的黯然失色,这期间的进展与波折非常耐人寻味.  相似文献   

英国政府于1986年开始实行高校科研水平评估(简称RAE),主要目的是为了加强科研拨款的透明度和选择性,并提高科研质量,目前已进行六轮.根据高等教育发展,RAE三不断做出调整与创新,对英国高校的科研质量、学科和研究人员产生了巨大的影响.  相似文献   

王旭 《高教研究与实践》2005,(3):60-62,F0003,46
随着我国高等教育发展规模的进一步扩大,如何在规模扩大的同时保障高等教育质量的问题已成为人们日益关注的焦点,质量评估成为调控和保障高等教育质量的有力的手段。英国的高等教育一贯被人们视作“正统”的代表,其较为完善的评估体系被大多数国家认可并借鉴。本文仅就英国的科研评估方式进行探讨,并从其科研评估中介机构的角度进行分析,得出我国应该建立拨款中介机构的启示,以期对我国高等教育评估体系的完善有所作用。  相似文献   

1986年开始实施的英国大学科研水平评估(RAE)是由英国高等教育基金会组织实施,针对全英范围内高等教育机构的科研质量进行评估的活动。在成功实施了五轮的基础上,根据社会发展以及高等教育的变化,2008RAE在实施原则、组织结构、时间安排、评估小组成员的提名与任命、提交内容与形式以及评估的方法与程序等方面做相应的调整。  相似文献   

英国科研评估制度(RAE)作为一项独特的制度设计,具有自身的显著特点,给英国高等教育带来了巨大的影响.该制度为我国高等教育评估制度的发展与完善提供了诸多的启示与借鉴:一是建立非官方中介评估机构;二是对不同层次的大学进行分类管理与评估;三是成果评价的质量与数量并重;四是加强评估过程的公正公开性.这对于改进我国哲学社会科学研究评价,促进高等学校哲学社会科学健康发展,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

英国RAE大学科研评估制度及其对大学科研拨款的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着英国高等教育规模的不断扩张以及政府财政压力的日益增长,为了加强科研拨款的选择性和透明度,提高政府科研拨款的使用效率,英国自1986年开始推行RAE大学科研评估制度。该制度对促进英国大学的科研水平、学科的调整等,起到了积极的作用。我国可考虑建立权威的半官方性质的中介评估机构,加强对科研拨款制度的研究,寻找评估与拨款结合的生长点。  相似文献   

学科是大学的根基和细胞,是否拥有世界一流学科很大程度影响到一所大学能否成为世界一流。通过研究泰晤士高等教育、上海交通大学世界一流大学研究中心、美国新闻和世界报道、德国高等教育研究中心等机构发布的大学排行榜,观察其学科评价的异同,就如何客观、科学地评价世界一流学科进行学理探讨,进而针对其中存在的问题,如学科宽度和广度、学科国际地位、研究原创性、学科平衡等作些思考。  相似文献   

The relative age effect (RAE) refers to that children born early in their year of birth show higher performance compared to children born late in the same cohort. The present study evaluated whether RAE exists within non-competitive physical education (PE) attainments, change in RAE magnitude with age, and possible gender differences. The results show a drop in PE attainment and a difference in number of high and low marks between the first and second half-year. Of the pupils who attained the highest mark, 73% were born in the first 6 months. In lower-secondary school, RAEs were larger in girls compared with boys. A possible explanation for the results is that the PE-teachers might be inspired by product-oriented criteria.  相似文献   

This article examines how the UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), along with the development of performance indicators, fits into the production of research within a changing policy context. The historical evolution of the RAE from 1985–2001 is considered, before looking specifically at how research output (in the form of journal publications) was, and is, assessed. Changes in process and output measurements necessitated a move from quantitative to quality evaluation, which affected both academic publishing and the role of journals within the RAE. The issue of quality – in terms of perceptions and performance – as applied to both is explored.  相似文献   

Relative age effects (RAEs) explain the (dis)advantages individuals experience as a result of when they are born relative to a pre-determined cut-off date. Within an interuniversity setting, academic timing (AT) may moderate the RAE pattern due to some student-athletes having eligibility years that do not correspond with their birth years. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the RAE and AT on interuniversity football players. A series of chi-square goodness of fit tests (χ2) revealed no RAE when all student-athletes were analyzed together as well as among those who were delayed (i.e. eligibility years that correspond with a younger cohort), and a traditional RAE among those who were on-time (i.e. eligibility years that correspond with their year of birth). Student-athletes ranged between 1 and 12 years delayed, with the majority of these athletes being delayed by one (30.76%) or two years (30.97%). This study suggests that there may be advantages to student-athletes delaying their participation within football, as these delays may help mitigate the overall RAE by equalizing playing opportunities for relatively younger student-athletes. However, delaying eligibility raises concerns about equity, particularly for those progressing to interuniversity football directly out of high school who may have to compete for roster spots against student-athletes who may be up to 12 years delayed.  相似文献   

Program evaluation may be described as a tri-level process. At one level there is diagnostic and developmental evaluation of the learners. At a second level, there is evaluation of the program against its own objectives. And, at a third level, there is evaluation of the program as compared against a criterion program. Traditional programs can be evaluated successfully at each of three levels. However, innovative programs present obstacles to effective evaluation at two levels: (I) learner diagnostic and development; (II) and, (III) relative program effectiveness. It is only at Level II, where the innovative program is judged against its own objectives, that traditional evaluation methods are productive.The purpose of this paper is to describe the tri-level process model used in the evaluation of an innovative secondary program and to discuss the deficits of the model as suggested by the case study reported here. In addition, implications for the evaluation of innovative programs is discussed against a background of the Tyler (1971) model for instructional evaluation.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of survey data designed to explore the perceived impact of research selectivity (in the form of the Research Assessment Exercise [RAE]) on academic work in UK universities and examines their implications for women academics and gendered cultures in the light of recent writing on the position of women in UK academia. If at least part of women's disadvantage in the academic labour market is to be explained by their invisibility in predominantly ‘masculinist’ institutions, then it is possible that an institutional emphasis on research productivity combined with explicit, independent and standardised monitoring and evaluation of research output might render visible research contributions hitherto overlooked by male-dominated institutional hierarchies. However, the findings would indicate that whilst it might very well be in the short-term interests of some well-placed women (and men) ‘to play the RAE game on alien terms and win’, in the long term the RAE treadmill is unlikely to create either the institutional space or the cultural will to advantage a broad range of women academics as an occupational group.  相似文献   

英国从1986年开始实行高校科研评估,四到五年进行一次,已经在1986、1989、1992、1996和2001年进行了5次,即将进行第6次评估。英国的高校科研评估从研究成果、研究环境、受同行尊重方面对高校的科研水平进行评估,评估结果与拨款直接挂钩。高校科研评估对英国高等教育发展产生了很大影响,既有正面的也有负面的。通过对英国高校科研评估提出的背景、内容、过程、指标和标准等方面进行较为全面的分析,研究揭示了英国高校科研评估的优缺点,以及对我国开展高校科研评估的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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