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The mission of Border Technikon in South Africa is to provide the best vocational and career education to students of all racial and cultural backgrounds in the East London area. The staff believes that an important component of this mission includes giving students marketable skills for the information age. Therefore, in 1996, the Technikon undertook an extensive program to implement new information technologies that would help fulfill the institution's mission. Implementing information technology at academic institutions in developing countries must address a special set of problems, some of which are technology gaps, educational deficits, and lack of adequate facilities. This paper describes some of the more unique problems the Technikon encountered, and a few solutions. During 1996, she served as a Senior Librarian at Border Technikon, East London, South Africa, under the Educators for Africa Program of the International Foundation of Education and Self-Help.  相似文献   

Implementing a program of supplemental instruction (SI) in the present climate of transition in South Africa requires attention to involving students in planning and conducting the new program. Involved in this process are political opportunities and constraints. This paper recounts the steps (and missteps) taken in beginning an SI program in high risk courses in two academic departments at Border Technikon: Accounting and Management. It documents the steps taken to enlist support of the Student Representative Council (SRC) in setting policy, selecting tutors, and maintaining the program's funding base. We maintain that a successful SI program must draw upon the energies of tertiary level students, both in roles as learners in the high risk courses and as student leaders at an advanced level. Some students may experience both roles. For this process to be more than an imposition from the outside, the program must be a partnership with faculty and students sharing a stake in the outcomes. Both groups must see that they benefit from the smooth working of the SI system. Our results to date indicate that such a joint ownership is occurring. During 1996, he served as the Director of the Academic Development Centre at Border Technikon, East London, South Africa, under the Educators for Africa Program of the International Foundation of Education and Self-Help.  相似文献   


Academic Development is a diverse and complex profession that is becoming an increasingly important aspect of higher education, albeit that in general terms it is not necessarily highly enough valued at institutional and departmental levels. To raise the profile of the profession it may be tempting to provide a narrow definition of the nature of Academic Development and the appropriate credentials of the ‘Developers’. Such a move could stifle the creativity and the diversity of skills that exist within the profession and that render it problematic to define. However, to place value on our chosen field it is important for Developers to work towards a shared conception of Academic Development as a unique profession. The intention of this paper is to contribute to the dialogue and discussion of this issue through critical reflection on my personal journey into this profession. While some of the issues raised by Andresen (1996) relating to the nature of Academic Development, pathways to credibility within the profession and issues relating to accredited programmes for Academic Developers are addressed, it is important to state that this paper is limited to reflections on my own journey, which I consider to be neither unique nor ordinary, into the profession.  相似文献   

The subject of this article is the development of a Dutch technical assistance programme for the Technikon Northern Gauteng, higher education institution in South Africa. As this institution is classified as an institution in need of assistance, it was qualified to develop an assistance project in collaboration with the Joint Financing Programme for Co-operation in Higher Education (MHO) of the Netherlands. The project, thus, has run since 1997. It involves five sub-projects linked to five Dutch higher education institutions. One of these, the staff development project, undertaken in collaboration with the University of Maastricht, is detailed. On the whole, the assistance received has been useful to Technikon Northern Gauteng and the project is judged a success.  相似文献   

This case study takes as its focus the work of the Fine Art graduate Dumile Johannes Ndita, who visually narrates his experience of life in contemporary South Africa. The artist graduated from Border Technikon, East London, an institution which teaches the narrative approach. It is the aim of the authors to illustrate how this method enables students to transfer lived experience into image. The three voices in this paper come from different backgrounds. The artist will explain the meaning of his drawings, the teacher will give background information on the community and culture in which he himself and the artist operate and outline teaching methods. Students taught by this method create work that has impact and meaning beyond the confines of the art school. To argue this point, the theoretician will add her voice and reflect on meta‐narratives presented in Dumile Johannes Ndita's drawings. Intricate inter‐textual patterns, shared and interconnecting institutional narratives tie our individual voices to those of the wider community and culture of present‐day South Africa and beyond.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):569-580

This article examines the comprehensiveness of the University of South Africa (UNISA) as an Open Distance Learning (ODL) institution and the challenges faced by experimental disciplines within ODL. Those challenges are brought about by the attempt to harmonize study and research programs in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) following the merger and harmonization of programs from the former distance learning UNISA and Technikon South Africa (TSA). The paper discusses the current realities with the aim to promote further debate on the place of ODL in science and technology programs in tertiary education such as UNISA in general and CSET in particular.  相似文献   

A research project which attempts to ascertain student perceptions of the problems they perceive as influences on their chances of academic success at a South African University is described. A questionnaire was used to measure the nature, strength, generality and persistence of perceived problems, as well as to illuminate the qualitative dimension of student perceptions of reasons for their experiencing such problems. The sample of students came from a group of non-traditional (black African, English second-language speakers) students at a University which has traditionally catered for a largely middle-class, white and English home-language speaking student intake. The results of the research project are described within the broader South African context and within the context of an Academic Support Programme which has been designed to assist non-traditional students in a particular University context. The results of the research project are also compared with the results of a similar study which was conducted at the University of Zambia in 1984.  相似文献   

2006年10月25日,由中国人民大学马克思主义学院、“三个代表”重要思想研究中心、当代中国研究中心和韩国韩中思想文化研究所联合主办的“中国和平发展道路对于亚洲各国的影响”中韩学者双边国际学术研究会在中国人民大学举行。来自中、韩、美三国的30多位专家、学者参加了会议。大家本着各抒己见、求同存异的原则,就中国和平发展对亚洲各国尤其是中国周边国家的影响、中国的和平发展与东亚地区的区域经济合作、中韩两国的现代化模式比较和韩国学者眼中的“中国和平发展道路”等几个议题进行了热烈讨论。为了把讨论引向深入,便于相关问题学术交流,现将部分专家、学者的发言摘要刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an investigation to identify the disciplinary strengths and the international standing of the higher education institutions in South Africa. Even though comparative assessments provide valuable information for research administrations, researchers and students such information is not available in South Africa currently. The Essential Science Indicators database of the Institute for Scientific Information is utilized for the investigation and six South African universities are identified to be included in the top 1% of the world’s institutions cited in the international scientific literature. The identified institutions are University of Cape Town, University of Pretoria, Orange Free State University, University of Witwatersrand, University of Natal and University of Stellenbosch. Analysis of the scientific disciplines in which the South African institutions meet the threshold requirements for inclusion in the database shows that the country has citation footprints in only nine of the 22 broad scientific disciplines. The article identifies the international standing of the South African universities in the various scientific disciplines, and elaborates on the consequences relevant to higher education and science and technology policy.  相似文献   

随着中国的经济进步和社会发展,中国共产党、中国政府和中国人民在认真总结自己发展成就的基础上,通过科学借鉴吸收其他国家的发展经验,明确地将中国的发展道路概括为和平发展的道路。中国和平发展道路及其取得的巨大成功,也日益引起世界各国尤其是与中国相邻的亚洲各国的关注和重视。为了探讨中国和平发展道路的成功经验,探讨中国的和平发展对于亚洲各国尤其是与中国相邻的亚洲各国的影响,  相似文献   

2006年10月25日,由中国人民大学马克思主义学院、“三个代表”重要思想研究中心、当代中国研究中心和韩国韩中思想文化研究所联合主办的“中国和平发展道路对于亚洲各国的影响”中韩学者双边国际学术研讨会在中国人民大学举行。来自中、韩、美三国的30多位专家、学者参加了会议。大家本着各抒己见、求同存异的原则,就中国和平发展对亚洲各国尤其是对中国周边国家的影响、中国的和平发展与东亚地区的区域经济合作、中韩两国的现代化模式比较和韩国学者眼中的“中国和平发展道路”等几个议题进行了热烈讨论。为了加深讨论程度、便于相关问题学术交流,现将有关专家、学者的发言摘要刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

东亚区域化的和平是世界和平发展的重要保证。东亚是当今世界最典型的快速发展地区,也是不同社会制度、不同经济利益交汇的地区。寻求发展之路、强国之路是东亚地区共同的主题。而和平发展对东亚国家来说就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

今天,东北亚的势态从外表看是平稳的,但是内部则是高度紧张的。  相似文献   

My intention is to explore the link between globalization and higher education restructuring in South Africa and whether it looms as a threat to democracy. I contend that an argument can be made that the ascendancy of market-driven concerns in defining the restructuring of higher education in South Africa may have the effect whereby higher education institutions (universities and technikons) become subordinated to the demands of the market place, which situation in turn, can be detrimental to the consolidation of South Africa's newly found democracy. First, I argue that the restructuring of higher education according to the ‘logic of globalization’ would not necessarily minimize socio-economic inequality, thus providing a major barrier to the move towards deepening democracy. However, the economic, political and cultural effects of globalization as determinants of higher education restructuring in South Africa are not going to disappear, at least not for the immediate future. Already the South African government considers as a central feature of its economic policy the meeting of the ‘challenge of international competitiveness … (and) an inability to compete will increasingly marginalise the South African economy (and), have profound effects on its rate of growth and consequences for the social well-being and stability of South African society’ (CHE 2000a: 20)

Second therefore, in order to safeguard and promote democracy, in spite of the market-bound trend, I assess some democratic prospects of a globalizing world in the restructuring of higher education. Like Jones (1998: 153), I contend that an argument can be made for achieving democracy in a sphere of corporate dominance if higher education is considered as a public good that allows space for the development of relations of trust, individual autonomy and democratic dialogue.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an innovative approach to faculty development where the centralized unit has established a network of locally-based faculty developers. In contrast to the more conventional model of faculty development where centralized units are vested with the responsibility for devising programs for faculty development for the University at large, this model draws on the expertise of faculty already at work in a particular area. Once appointed, the locally-based faculty developer provides support to colleagues in their shared work place and also contributes to the program offered by the centralized unit. This alliance between the centralized unit and the locally-based faculty developer has led to positive outcomes for both parties, and for the University community.Philip Candy, professor and Director of the Academic Staff Development Unit at the Queensland University of Technology, received his Ed.D. from the University of British Columbia. His research interests are mainly in the theoretical and conceptual aspects of adult education, and constructivist approaches to research and teaching. His book,Self-Direction for Lifelong Learning, won the 1991 Cyril Houle World Award for Literature in Adult Education. Jill Borthwick, a senior lecturer in the Academic Staff Development Unit at QUT, is coordinator of the Unit's Teaching Development Program. Her Ph.D. on developmental approaches to teacher education is from the University of Queensland, and her research interests are predominantly in the areas of gender studies, and language and literacy.  相似文献   

南非斯坦陵布什大学的汉语教学始于2000年,是目前为止南非唯一所进行正规中文面授教学的高等院校,中文部设在该校的文学院现代外语系。根据中南双方签署的双边教育合作协议,中国国家汉办于2005年首次向该校派遣汉语教师。南非与中国相距遥远,建交时间短,中国语言文化对于大多数南非人来说比较陌生,所以汉语推广在南非还存在若干的问题需要各方不断努力。  相似文献   

为了保障教师教育的质量,南非构建了从教师教育机构审查、教学项目认证、教师资格认证到教师专业发展的一体化质量保障体系,并为此成立了高等教育质量委员会、教育从业者委员会和行业教育培训局等质量保障机构。无论在机构审查标准、教学项目认证标准、教师资格认证标准、教师专业发展系统,还是教师专业能力描述、教师职业规范要求,教师专业发展内涵上都颇具特色,为教师教育质量保障制度体系的构建提供了有益的国际经验。  相似文献   

纽约也许是世界上多种族,文化最多元的地方。来自全球各个国家的人不远千里来到纽约追寻他们的美国梦,尽管不同语言,不同宗教信仰和不同的生活习惯,但是他们生活在同一个价值体系之下,都无可避免地被打上美国精神的烙印。尽管美国是一个以移民立国的国家,但是由于种族差异和语言的困难,许多新移民在新大陆倍受歧视。有意思的是,除了印第安人之外,谁也不是真正的美国原著民。从这种意义上讲,也许大家都是平等的,  相似文献   


This article aims to contribute to the knowledge of how the ‘scaling’ of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) activities is conceptualized in practice through transactional learning encounters. In the context of the UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, I discuss the re-actualisation of experiences as part of these encounters. The study is a result of data collected as part of a Re-Solve participatory research workshop held in South Africa in 2016, involving researchers and practitioners with experiences of ESD-activities in the Southern African region. To identify and analyse the transactional learning encounters a practical epistemology analysis (PEA) is used. The article draws on a Deweyan theory of learning as transactional encounters, supported with a tentative conceptual framework of scaling-ESD-activities-as-learning (SEAL). Throughout the study, I illustrate the transactional encounters, including the re-actualisation of participants’ past experiences of ESD-activities. These encounters enabled the conceptualization of contextually relevant concepts of scaling, thus constituting an enabling condition for reflective scaling practices.  相似文献   

An investigation into the attempts of Chemistry I students at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, to answer questions in an examination involving stoichiometry and chemical equilibrium revealed that the majority of the students do not fully understand either concept. These results are in line with studies carried out in other countries and it seems that the main difficulty with these topics is that they are highly abstract and first taught to students before they have reached the stage of formal operational thought. Concrete examples (not open to misinterpretation) need to be used when these topics are first introduced to students, and cooperative learning in small groups should be encouraged to give students an opportunity to identify and remediate their misconceptions in a nonthreatening environment. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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