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在倡导"全民阅读"的大背景下,阅读推广研究成为图书馆学情报学最活跃的研究领域之一。研究方法对于提升阅读推广研究质量具有重要意义。选取思辨研究法、理论移植法、案例研究法、调查研究法、实验法、文献分析法、比较分析法等一般研究方法,分析其在阅读推广研究领域的应用现状、适用领域、研究贡献和存在的局限性。对研究方法的完善与规范使用提出建议。  相似文献   

数据显示,社交媒体已超越搜索引擎,成为互联网第一大流量来源,网络传播的营销进入了新的社会化媒体营销时代。本研究将选取不同领域的产品进行案例分析及对比,选择的领域包括实体的品牌以及虚拟的文化产品,选取的案例是文化产品领域大火的电视剧《人民的名义》、实体领域的品牌香奈儿对于新浪微博平台的运用,来研究社会化媒体背景下的有效的传播策略,最后提出结论,认为在社会化媒体大背景下,传统产品进行创新的营销是其突破点之一,但是手段必须适度而不可过量,产品或者是品牌最终的目的应该是吸引到真正的社交媒体的粉丝,能够将这部分粉丝的黏性不断提高,然后形成一个基于自身品牌的社交媒体关系网络。  相似文献   

互联网的兴起标志着信息的革新,信息获取的方式大大影响了品牌传播的模式。在传播媒介由传统媒体发展至移动互联网,企业应该如何结合新媒体的特点来制定品牌传播策略?本文以微信平台为主要研究对象,分析在品牌传播过程中呈现出的特征,结合真实案例分析研究相应的营销策略。  相似文献   

胡姬花古法小榨花生油品牌传播案例令人倍感振奋,它融合了当代品牌传播和市场营销的诸多新思维和新元素,可谓食品行业品牌与营销策划的奇葩。笔者认为该案例在如下三方面做得非常出色。以文化筑就品牌个性笔者曾发表过一篇论文《本土企业品牌个性塑造的出路》,认为本土企业在品牌个性塑造上与国外著名企业相比尚有差距,但中国文化中的勤劳、智慧、坚韧、神秘都是几千年来被世人认可的优势文化。这些丰富的民族文  相似文献   

正推荐理由作为社会科学领域的研究方法之一,近年来案例研究法逐渐受到国内外学者的重视,但这并不能掩盖人们对于案例研究方法的偏见和误解。正如作者罗伯特·K.殷所说,在几乎所有的社会科学研究方法中,案例研究得到的关注和指导可能是最少的。正因为如此,人们往往将其与定性研究、描述性研究等概念混  相似文献   

丛挺 《出版科学》2014,(4):72-72
推荐理由作为社会科学领域的研究方法之一,近年来案例研究法逐渐受到国内外学者的重视,但这并不能掩盖人们对于案例研究方法的偏见和误解。正如作者罗伯特·K.殷所说,在几乎所有的社会科学研究方法中,案例研究得到的关注和指导可能是最少的。正因为如此,人们往往将其与定性研究、描述性研究等概念混  相似文献   

文章总结我国公共图书馆品牌建设实践现状,梳理佛山市图书馆品牌建设历程,采用案例研究法分析“易本书”家藏图书共享服务创新项目的品牌建设路径,从建立品牌化运作模式、提高用户满意度和忠诚度、强化品牌宣传形成合力3个方面提出公共图书馆服务品牌建设策略。  相似文献   

区域媒体的品牌建设作为全媒体传播格局中重要布局,是贯彻落实习近平总书记所提出的全效媒体的实现路径,是媒体融合的关键一步。但其在建设过程中面临着种种困境,这些困境表现为地域性媒体的影响力问题,央级、省级媒体的优质资源辐射延伸到市级、县级地区,促成了地域性媒体的纵深发展。通过建设区域媒体的品牌影响力评估体系来推动其突破地域限制,展开全局性传播新阶段,采用不断更新的企业品牌评估方法建设媒体品牌影响力评价体系,为全国各地的媒体的发展情况进行检验和反思,同时也为我国的媒体品牌影响力研究提供体系性的研究。本研究运用文献研究法、 CEObrand品牌评价法、深度访谈法初步构建了较为完整的区域媒体品牌影响力评价指标体系,该评价指标体系由3个一级指标和30个二级指标组成,力图构建起比较客观、科学的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

图书馆学研究方法的识别和应用是图书馆学理论研究的重要组成部分。本文在系统梳理方法论体系研究的基础上,选取10本图书馆学领域的核心期刊,对每篇论文所使用的研究方法进行编码与统计,利用自动抽取和人工编码相结合的方式调查图书馆学研究方法的应用现状。沿用图书馆学方法论的“三层次说”体系,将研究方法划分为一般科学方法、专门研究方法和跨学科研究方法三个方法层次。其中,一般科学方法包括理性思辨法、历史研究法、比较分析法、新旧三论法、实验观察法、调查研究法、案例分析法、统计分析法、数据挖掘法、系统及技术介绍和模型法;专门研究方法包括文献研究法、内容分析法、计量分析法、引文分析法、关联分析法、评价研究法;跨学科研究方法包括数理方法、经济学方法、心理学方法和社会学方法等。立足中国实践,不同方法层次下各类研究方法在图书馆学研究的具体应用中相辅相成,互为补充,对于解决中国问题、传播中国声音具有重要意义。表1。参考文献68。  相似文献   

病毒视频广告与SNS由于各自的特点,具有了结合的可行性。这种新式的传播方式也在一定程度上对经典的传播学理论进行了新的诠释。该文主要采用文献研究法、内容分析法等研究方法,搜集SNS中病毒视频广告的传播路径与具体案例,分析传播过程中所体现出来的传播学理论及其适用性。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the application of the case study method to investigate the process used by students in secondary school and undergraduate academic settings to locate and use information through the library. The case study method has, in most recent years compared to investigations of 20 to 30 years ago, become established as the primary research technique used to document student thought processes in topic focus and in source selection. Direct observation and interviewing successful library users, two tools common to the case study method, may also lead to examination of student selection and critical use of evidence for research projects as students move beyond the traditional library collection. These tools have also proven to be useful as researchers in recent studies are more interested in an analysis of student use of information as evidence rather than conducting studies which only document student location and citation of resources. Selected studies which illustrate this evolution are drawn from the dissertations and field studies related to secondary school and undergraduate bibliographic instruction.  相似文献   

科学传播是共享科学技术研究和开发的相关信息的人类传播活动,可促进科学共同体与公众的沟通,参与并提高公民科学素质的研究和实践领域。在新冠疫情的背景下,其重要性和研究价值愈发凸显。为了梳理近十年来国内外科学传播发展的状况,跟踪该领域前沿研究进展,对比国内外研究之差异和差距,本文借助文献计量学方法、共词网络分析和知识图谱等手段,对科学传播领域的研究论文发表情况进行总结,并从研究机构、学术期刊、作者、国家和地区等不同维度对科学传播的学科建制发展进行深入剖析。最后,通过共词网络分析,本文对此领域的研究内容和主要议题进行分析和可视化呈现,以期为科学传播领域的研究者、实践者乃至参与其中的公众提供参考和启发。  相似文献   


Crisis communication research establishes the importance of relationships between organizations and their publics. While theoretical treatments and case studies support this relationship, limited empirical investigations have examined how organizational responses to crisis influence public responses. This study sought to determine if grocery shoppers responded differently to organizations engaging in crisis communication practices and those that do not. Results indicate that respondents express stronger intention to continue purchasing from an organization and see the organization as concerned and respectful of the consumer when it engages in crisis communication practices. The discussion section addresses implications of these findings for future research and public relations practice.  相似文献   

The use of structural equation modeling (SEM) in communication research has become increasingly popular in recent years, with SEM being commonly used as the primary method of data analysis in studies published within the field’s journals. However, despite its widespread use, there are persistent misapplications of SEM in published empirical studies in the communication sciences. Of these types of misuse, the most troubling are those related to the exploitation of flexibilities in data collection and analysis. Given the number of decisions that must be made when analyzing and reporting structural equation models, decisions which often remain undisclosed, the potential for researchers to exploit flexibilities in SEM research is high. To assess the extent of this problem, as well as the more longstanding types of misuse (i.e., omission of information and disclosed “bad practice”) identified by prior studies, we undertake a methodical review of studies employing structural equation modeling within major journals in the field of communication between the years 2007 and 2011. Articles were coded on the characteristics of the sample, characteristics of the model tested, as well as for various potential problems that we defined a priori. The most serious issues are identified, and recommendations for future standards in SEM research are suggested.  相似文献   

In this special forum, communication researchers relate their experiences and perspectives on funded research. Their thoughts highlight that (a) communication studies are coming of age in funded research; (b) funded research requires institutional investment and professional recognition; (c) the processes and skill needed to successfully seek and manage funded research can be learned; (d) it is important to recognize the similarities and differences among funding organizations; and (e) funded research can produce intellectual and organizational creativity within the field. The special forum is intended to stimulate thinking about the contribution of funded research to the knowledge base, research careers, academic reputation, and social responsibility of the communication field.  相似文献   

In this special forum, communication researchers relate their experiences and perspectives on funded research. Their thoughts highlight that (a) communication studies are coming of age in funded research; (b) funded research requires institutional investment and professional recognition; (c) the processes and skill needed to successfully seek and manage funded research can be learned; (d) it is important to recognize the similarities and differences among funding organizations; and (e) funded research can produce intellectual and organizational creativity within the field. The special forum is intended to stimulate thinking about the contribution of funded research to the knowledge base, research careers, academic reputation, and social responsibility of the communication field.  相似文献   

传播是社会组织进行危机管理所倚重的手段.结合禽流感事件、以SARS事件作为研究个案,本文力求从传播学的维度对社会危机事件应对中发生在信息、沟通等范畴内的传播乱象以及大众传媒缺位与功能缺失问题作了分析与梳理,希冀通过危机传播研究为危机管理提供有益的思考和思路.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this research article are to explore the concept of communication tools using Facebook, and to evaluate the performance of the East West University (EWU) Library Facebook page as a communication tool. The EWU Library Facebook page uses a variety of strategies and techniques to engage with its patrons. The author's intention is to examine this library Facebook page, which is explored using a case study method. This article also focuses on how Facebook facilitates collaborations between the library and the patron's community, as well as the implications for academic libraries in the future. This case study reviews the literature on the use of social networking while focusing on Facebook as a communication tool and engaging libraries in social networking. The article emphasizes the author's experience of working in an academic library to identify the main trends in providing services based on posting various topics through the Facebook page of the EWU Library, Bangladesh. The numerous issues in adapting Facebook as a communication tool and an exploration of the opportunity and drawbacks of the use of the Facebook application in academic libraries are also discussed.  相似文献   

针对学科领域中热点研究主题探测,尝试综合运用共词分析方法与自组织映射(SOM)方法,在词频统计的基础上,分析高频主题词在文献中的共现,并作为输入数据利用SOM Toolbox进行SOM聚类分析,得到领域热点研究主题。以传统医药领域为例进行实证分析,结果表明该方法对领域中热点主题探测有一定效果。  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):276-280
Graduate courses are designed to help students learn discipline-specific knowledge, theories, and methods, but also to socialize them into the larger professional network. The awards assignment in this paper is designed to familiarize students with a wide variety of scholars and research within a field of study, to engage them creatively with synthesizing and assessing a field of study, to build strong arguments, and to enhance their socialization and networking opportunities.

Course: Any graduate-level survey course focused on a particular area of communication studies (e.g. instructional communication, health communication, family communication).

  • (1)?Understand the historical, philosophical, and foundational roots of a field of study, including people, concepts, theories, and research studies.

  • (2)?Critically evaluate scholars, constructs, theories, and research.

  • (3)?Develop sound and supported arguments regarding critical evaluations and decisions.

  • (4)?Socialize students into a field of study.

  • (5)?Begin building students’ scholarly networking opportunities.


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