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目前的《中国手语》还存在着词汇量不全面、手指字母和书空过多以及手势太复杂等诸多缺陷。语言是不断发展变化的,不同语种也在互相影响和融汇。通过搜集研究浙江聋人自然手语,和《中国手语》词汇进行对比分析,梳理出一些更能体现概念的意义和系统性,手势相对简洁形象、更易理解的以及《中国手语》中未收录的自然手语。建议《中国手语》的修订要适当吸纳自然手语的精华,从而推动中国通用手语的统一规范和推广普及。  相似文献   

关于中国手语推广与研究情况的调查分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
20 0 4年我国进行了首次全国性中国手语推广与研究情况的调查。调查显示:不同群体大多数人支持手语的规范统一,对《中国手语》书的修订持赞成态度。同时也反映出《中国手语》书的普及率低的问题及原因,聋人群体与健听人群体对手语使用方面的看法存在比较大的差异。本文提出在中国手语推广和研究工作上应该做到三个坚定不移。  相似文献   

手语是聋人的一种特殊语言。《中国手语》是目前唯一全国通用的手语工具书,然而词典中一些手语的手势设计不够科学合理,如:有些手语的手势太复杂,有些手语的基本词打法不统一,有些同字异义动作无区别,有些同类手语设计方法较混乱、手指字母使用过多,有些手语手势更改了社会约定俗成的固定打法等等,影响了信息传递、沟通交流及教育教学效果。现梳理出部分欠合理手语词汇,以期为《中国手语》的修订提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

作为中国聋人的"普通话"--《中国手语》,1989年开始编辑,1990年出版,1994年又出版了《中国手语》(续集),共收集5596条词目,为规范手语、提高聋人的语言和沟通能力提供了条件.  相似文献   

中国手语的规范化工作需要建立在对各地聋人使用手语的调查基础之上,为此笔者在上海地区对手语动词的使用进行了调查.本文简述了此次调查的目的和方法,对调查数据进行了大致的梳理,比较了自然手势和手势汉语,各地手语及《中国手语》中的部分动词,分析了与手势动词相关的语法结构问题,并根据上海手语动词的调查结果对手语规范化提出相关建议.  相似文献   

聋生自然手语的研究与思考   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文从聋生自然手语与文法手语的关系入手,从与《中国手语》不同的自然手语、聋生自创的《中国手语》中没有的自然手语及表示短语和句子的自然手语等方面,通过对一些常用词语及短语、句子的比较与分析,初步探究学生自然手语的特点和规律,并由此得到一些启示与思考。  相似文献   

<正>一、自然手语与文法手语之争1.手语的地位由于生理缺陷,聋人无法通过听觉获取有声语言,手语自然成为他们与外界沟通与交流的工具。手语是聋人以手的动作、身体姿势和表情进行交际和交流思想的工具。手语是否能算得上是一种语言,人们历来都争议不休。1996年12月在马来西亚召开的国际聋教育研讨会上通过的《吉隆坡宣言》确定手语为聋人第一语言。确立了手语的独立语言地位。2.自然手语和文法手语的异同  相似文献   

以汉语和手语对比为研究方法,以手语培训教材《中国手语实用会话》为样本,对聋人手语会话省略特征进行研究。结果发现,聋人手语会话省略具有两大特征:第一是手语表达的特殊性,汉语的一些词语手语并不直接通过手势表达,而是通过方向、运动、空间布局、手指指点、表情体态完成特殊表达,实际并未省略,具有特殊表达的特点;第二是相对空缺性,汉语中一些词语,手语中并不存在,形成相对省略,具有空缺性的特点。基于此,聋人语文教学应明确手语语言特点,加强聋人对手语的学习,运用对比语言学方法。以汉语和手语对比为研究方法,以手语培训教材《中国手语实用会话》为样本,对聋人手语会话省略特征进行研究。结果发现,聋人手语会话省略具有两大特征:第一是手语表达的特殊性,汉语的一些词语手语并不直接通过手势表达,而是通过方向、运动、空间布局、手指指点、表情体态完成特殊表达,实际并未省略,具有特殊表达的特点;第二是相对空缺性,汉语中一些词语,手语中并不存在,形成相对省略,具有空缺性的特点。基于此,聋人语文教学应明确手语语言特点,加强聋人对手语的学习,运用对比语言学方法。  相似文献   

《中国手语》汇编明确指出:中国手语对促进聋人参与社会生活、提高自身文化素质、开展国际交流活动起到了积极的作用,满足了聋人基本的生产生活。统一手势是必要的。但最根本的是要让聋人形成和发展语言,提高正确理解和运用有声语言的能力,使他们更快地融入主流社会,成为主流社会中的一份子,这就需要运用书面语。  相似文献   

为使修改后的《中国手语》推广更有实效性 ,需了解推广工作开展多年的状况 ,及对进一步推广的意见 ,特进行此次调查。内容包括对推广的主要对象和机构、推广的有效载体、推广效果及原因、手语新闻、聋校开设手语课等的看法。调查结果表明 :在今后的推广工作中应 :1.提高对推广工作的认识 ;2 .大力利用媒体的优势进行宣传、推广 ;3.成立专门组织 ;4 .手语新闻增加字幕 ;5 .在聋校开设手语课。  相似文献   

The roles of interpreters in an inclusive classroom were examined through a qualitative, 3-year case study of three interpreters in an inclusive school. Interviews were conducted with interpreters, classroom teachers, special education teachers, and administrators. The interview data were supplemented with observations and field notes. Results indicate that in addition to sign interpreting between American Sign Language and speech, the interpreters clarified teacher directions, facilitated peer interaction, tutored the deaf children, and kept the teachers and special educators informed of the deaf children's progress. The interpreter/aides and the classroom teachers preferred this full-participant interpreter role, while the special educators and administrators preferred a translator role. Classroom teachers were more comfortable with full-time interpreters who knew the classroom routine, while the special educators and administrators feared that full-time interpreters fostered child and teacher dependence. These issues are discussed in terms of congruence with the Registry of Interpreters code of ethics and how integration of young children might be best facilitated.  相似文献   

For more than a century, educators have recognized the low academic achievement of deaf children in America. Teacher training programs in deaf education historically have emphasized medical-pathological views of deaf people and deaf education rather than appropriate pedagogies that draw upon and build on deaf students' linguistic and cultural knowledge. A recent and growing interest in educating deaf children bilingually acknowledges the value of American Sign Language and English in the classroom. The authors address the dire need for prospective teachers and teacher educators to rethink their views of deaf people and, in doing so, rethink the teaching methodologies in deaf education.  相似文献   

手语研究与聋人康复和聋校教学   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
手语是聋人交流的主要工具 ,尽管它比口语抽象程度要差 ,但与其它交流方式如笔谈或读唇相比要方便的多。由于聋人普遍使用手语 ,我们不能忽视它在聋人康复中的重大意义。近年来 ,聋人教育体系正在逐步确立和完善 ,并且已经延伸到了高等教育阶段。但是在有关聋人教学的方面 ,仍存在许多困难 ,例如手语研究滞后 ,这都会影响教育效果和聋生的发展。因此我们必须努力去改革和发展中国手语  相似文献   

离群聋儿自创手势与中国手语的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对19名农村离群聋儿自创手势的调查分析,得出聋儿自创手势的表达特点:(1)模仿事物的基本外形特征;(2)模仿事物的典型动作和神态;(3)表达事物的用途或功能;(4)直观模拟动作行为;(5)指代现场的事物。本文通过比较离群聋儿自创手势与中国手语后得出:聋儿具有发展手语的先天的生物学基础,具有获得手语的潜能,离群聋儿的自创手势是对生活经验的符号化,但他们的自创手势有局限性,抽象程度不高,是一种前手语(Pre-Sign language),中国手语的构成不完全是任意性的。  相似文献   

This article explores the journey of eight hearing families of bimodal-bilingual deaf children as they navigate the decision-making process reflecting their beliefs and values about American Sign Language (ASL) and English through their family language policy framework. The resources offered to families with deaf children often reflect a medical view, rather than a cultural perspective of being deaf. Because medical professionals, educators, and specialists who work with deaf and hard-of-hearing children have a strong influence on family members’ opinions, beliefs, and attitudes about being deaf, it is even more crucial to correct misconceptions about ASL and empower families to develop a family language policy that is inclusive of their deaf and hard-of-hearing children. This article informs researchers, teachers, and other professionals about the potential benefits and challenges of supporting the families’ ASL and English language planning policy.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study examines deaf people’s experience of the Roman Catholic Sacrament of Confession in two Catholic schools for deaf children in the Republic of Ireland from 1950 to 1990. The article fills a gap in Catholic deaf education literature that fails to uncover the experiences of deaf children. It provides space for their storied lives based on a total of 10 loosely structured individual interviews conducted with a purposeful sample of deaf adult participants who were past pupils of Catholic schools. Using ethnographic data, the study illuminates the views of participants concerning the learning obstacles created by a school policy dominated by oralism which prohibited use of Irish Sign Language. The article uncovers children’s experiences of the Sacrament of Penance for disobeying classroom rules against signing. Participants found their schooling experiences exemplify notions of stigma and stereotyping. As children, their response was to either subvert or submit to their school’s policy and religious practice. The findings make a useful contribution to current debates on language issues pertaining to teaching, learning and communication in deaf education. This paper concludes that, although heavily stigmatised in the past, Irish Sign Language has an important role in cultivating equitable access to Religious Education.  相似文献   

中国聋人手语脑功能成像的研究   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9  
本研究采用功能性磁共振脑成像 (fMRI)技术 ,首次以中国手语作为实验材料 ,通过外显手语和内隐手语刺激的比较 ,探查中国手语在聋人左、右半球大脑皮层的功能定位情况。研究的结果表明 :( 1 )手语与有声语言的绝大多数功能区是叠合的 ,与正常人和美国手语的研究结果相似 ,聋人的视觉性语言优势半球也是在左半球。语言的半球单侧化现象以及语言大脑功能定位区很少受语言模式特征的影响。 ( 2 )聋人手语的信息加工过程包括语言加工和视觉空间认知 ,语言加工模块与空间认知加工模块之间是存在一定的共享成分 ,这为跨模块可塑性理论提供了实证依据。 ( 3 )研究进一步表明 ,手语是一种有助于促进聋人大脑语言区活动的刺激 ,倡导在聋教中采用“双语教育”和强调中国手语的语言地位  相似文献   

A bilingual model has been applied to educating deaf students who are learning American Sign Language (ASL) as their first language and written English as a second. Although Cummins's (1984) theory of second-language learning articulates how learners draw on one language to acquire another, implementing teaching practices based on this theory, particularly with deaf students, is a complex, confusing process. The purposes of the present study were to narrow the gap between theory and practice and to describe the teaching and learning strategies used by the teachers and parents of three elementary school children within a bilingual/bicultural learning environment for deaf students. The findings suggest that strategies such as using ASL as the language of instruction and making translation conceptual rather than literal contribute to literacy learning. Findings further indicate that some inconsistencies persist in applying a bilingual approach with deaf students.  相似文献   

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