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Soccer players should achieve an energy intake that provides sufficient carbohydrate to fuel the training and competition programme, supplies all nutrient requirements, and allows manipulation of energy or nutrient balance to achieve changes in lean body mass, body fat or growth. Although the traditional culture of soccer has focused on carbohydrate intake for immediate match preparation, top players should adapt their carbohydrate intake on a daily basis to ensure adequate fuel for training and recovery between matches. For players with a mobile playing style, there is sound evidence that dietary programmes that restore and even super-compensate muscle glycogen levels can enhance activity patterns during matches. This will presumably also benefit intensive training, such as twice daily practices. As well as achieving a total intake of carbohydrate commensurate with fuel needs, the everyday diet should promote strategic intake of carbohydrate and protein before and after key training sessions to optimize the adaptations and enhance recovery. The achievement of the ideal physique for soccer is a long-term goal that should be undertaken over successive years, and particularly during the off-season and pre-season. An increase in lean body mass or a decrease in body fat is the product of a targeted training and eating programme. Consultation with a sports nutrition expert can assist soccer players to manipulate energy and nutrient intake to meet such goals. Players should be warned against the accidental or deliberate mismatch of energy intake and energy expenditure, such that energy availability (intake minus the cost of exercise) falls below 125 kJ (30 kcal) per kilogram of fat-free mass per day. Such low energy availability causes disturbances to hormonal, metabolic, and immune function.  相似文献   

在我国各个行业都加速迈向世界舞台中央的新时代,我国的职业联赛改革也要树立制度自信,结合实际找到一条适合自身发展特点的道路。运用文献资料、访谈、录像观察等方法对现阶段CBA联赛竞赛规则与规程中的中国特色进行归纳和提炼,研究认为:(1) CBA联赛改革坚持走中国特色的发展道路是经验之路、自信之路、必经之路和优选之路。(2)中国特色主要体现在特殊外援制度、半职业与业余裁判相结合制度、常规赛按上赛季排名分组制度、季后赛出线制度、主教练申请录像回放制度、大学生球员选秀注册优惠制度、统一组织体能测试制度、赛前理论考试制度。根据联赛存在的问题提出了尝试多元灵活的外援引入与使用制度、探索新型开放的裁判培养与管理制度、构建公平均衡的常规赛分组动态调整制度、打造促进国家队球员历练的季后赛出线制度、优化服务主教练需求的录像回放申请制度、强制实现通畅的大学生球员选秀制度、调整完善有实效的体能测试制度、精细打造多功能的赛前理论测试制度等优化方略。  相似文献   

在足球比赛中,足球运动员自身的身体素质是非常重要的。与其他体育项目一样,足球比赛对于足球运动员的身体素质同样有着独特的要求。足球比赛与其他项目相比有着极大的不同,本文以谈足球比赛中身体素质的重要性为题,从足球比赛中身体素质的重要性、足球对运动员身体素质的要求、提高足球运动员身体素质建议三方面展开论述,深度讨论足球比赛中身体素质的重要性。  相似文献   

大学生羽毛球运动员赛前情绪与心理准备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
羽毛球运动员成绩的优劣,不仅取决于临场技战术的发挥水平,而且取决于赛前情绪与心理准备的程度。对大学生羽毛球运动员赛前情绪状态及其产生的原因进行了分析,提出了运动员赛前心理准备的内容及赛前心理状态的调节方法,旨在对赛前运动员的心理指导提供帮助。  相似文献   

散手运动员赛前降体重过程中的中医药调理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用系统的中医药调理方法,配合传统降体重方法控制散手运动员赛前体重,能使运动员机能状态不受明显影响,同时为祖国传统医药学在体育领域的应用提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

帆板运动员的赛前准备,对提高运动成绩,取得比赛的胜利具有重要的意义。研究的结果认为:做好运动员赛前的心理准备,熟悉比赛的器材、规则、比赛的场地、制定正确的比赛计划是运动员赛前务必做好的大事,也是取得比赛最后胜利的重要因素。  相似文献   

We examined the factors affecting the outcome of cricket matches played in the English one-day county cricket league. In particular, we focused on the home-field effect and the importance of winning the pre-match toss of a coin to determine a team's strategic decision to bat first or second. A home-field effect appeared to be confirmed in that home teams won 57% of all matches with a win/loss result. A logistical regression model was used, with the outcome variable defined in terms of a home team win/loss. We found that while winning the toss is an important aspect of a one-day cricket match, other factors tend to dominate in determining the result, especially team quality and match importance for the home and away teams in the overall league context. Our results also indicate, not surprisingly given the nature of cricket attendance and spectating, that the crowd effect is largely insignificant. The results of our study do not support any rule changes requiring the abandonment of the coin toss to determine batting order.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of age and spa treatment (i.e. combined sauna, cold water immersion, and jacuzzi) on match running performance over two consecutive matches in highly trained young soccer players. Fifteen pre- (age 12.8 ± 0.6 years) and 13 post- (15.9 ± 1 y) peak height velocity (PHV) players played two matches (Matches 1 and 2) within 48 h against the same opposition, with no specific between-match recovery intervention (control). Five post-PHV players also completed another set of two consecutive matches, with spa treatment implemented after the first match. Match running performance was assessed using a global positioning system with very-high-intensity running (> 16.1-19.0 km · h(-1)), sprinting distance (>19 km · h(-1)), and peak match speed determined. Match 2 very-high-intensity running was "possibly" impaired in post-PHV players (-9 ± 33%; ± 90% confidence limits), whereas it was "very likely" improved for the pre-PHV players (+27 ± 22%). The spa treatment had a beneficial impact on Match 2 running performance, with a "likely" rating for sprinting distance (+30 ± 67%) and "almost certain" for peak match speed (+6.4 ± 3%). The results suggest that spa treatment is an effective recovery intervention for post-PHV players, while its value in pre-PHV players is questionable.  相似文献   

篮球运动员体能恢复的营养学手段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
训练后疲劳的及时恢复是篮球训练的重要环节。运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,针对篮球运动的特点结合运动营养补剂的研究成果,对篮球运动员恢复的营养学手段做出分析探讨。在篮球训练与比赛过程中平衡膳食、合理使用运动营养补剂是运动员消除运动疲劳、提高体能的有效手段。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated changes in creatine kinase, perceptual and neuromuscular fatigue of professional rugby league players after match-play. Twenty-three male rugby league players (10 backs, 13 forwards) had their creatine kinase, perceptual ratings of fatigue, attitude to training, muscle soreness, and flight time in a countermovement jump measured before and 1 and 2 days after (day 1 and day 2 respectively) league matches. Total playing time, offensive and defensive contacts were also recorded for each player. Creatine kinase was higher both 1 and 2 days after than before matches (P < 0.05) in forwards and backs. Similarly, perceived fatigue and muscle soreness were higher than pre-match on both days 1 and 2 (P < 0.05), but did not differ between groups (P > 0.05). Jump performance was lower on day 1 but not day 2 for both groups (P < 0.05). While total playing time was longer in backs (P < 0.05), relative frequencies for all contacts were greater in forwards (P < 0.05). Contacts for forwards were correlated with all markers of fatigue (P < 0.05), but only flight time was correlated with offensive contacts in backs (P < 0.05). Despite the mechanisms of fatigue being different between forwards and backs, our results highlight the multidimensional nature of fatigue after a rugby league match and that these markers do not differ between positions.  相似文献   

The Australian Services cricket teams of both WWI and WWII played an important role in the immediate post-war period. A number of the players involved went on to forge successful Test cricket careers. This paper mentions the exploits of some of the players involved in these matches with particular focus on Cecil (Cec) Pepper. Cec Pepper represented the WWII Australian Services Team with distinction during the exhausting schedule of matches played in England, India and Australia from June 1945. However, in the match between the Australian Services Team and South Australia played at the Adelaide Oval over the Christmas–New Year period of 1945/1946, Pepper was involved in a controversial incident with the South Australian captain Donald Bradman and umpire Jack Scott. The incident and its subsequent ramifications were to have a huge impact on Pepper's cricket career. Pepper should have been in contention as a future Australian Test player. Instead, his career took another direction completely. This paper discusses Pepper's career and traces further links between the three Adelaide protagonists, Bradman, Scott and Pepper. A comparison is also made between Cec Pepper and other Australian spin bowlers of the era.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to examine the effect of equipment scaling, through the modification of tennis ball compression, on elite junior tennis players (aged 10 years) within a match-play context. The two types of ball compressions that were compared were the standard compression (the normal ball) and 75% compression (termed the modified ball). Ten boys and 10 girls participated in the study. Participants were stratified into pairs based on their Australian Age Ranking and gender. Each pair played two two-set matches: one match with standard compression balls and one match with modified balls. The characteristics of each match were analysed and compared. The results showed that the use of the modified ball increased rally speed, allowed players to strike the ball at a lower (more comfortable) height on their groundstrokes and increased the number of balls played at the net. Ball compression had no effect on the relative number of winners, forehands, backhands, first serves in and double faults. The results are discussed in relation to skill acquisition for skilled junior tennis players.  相似文献   


The consumption of carbohydrate and protein after exercise improves muscle glycogen synthesis and attenuates the decrease in immune function seen with endurance-type exercise. However, the impact of consuming commercially available beverages on glycaemic, insulinaemic, and immune responses during recovery from rowing training has not been investigated. Twenty-one male and female rowers completed four trials in a randomized order. Commercially available beverages were consumed in volumes providing 1.2 g carbohydrate · kg?1 body mass, upon completion of ~90 min of rowing at 60–70% maximum oxygen uptake, interspersed with up to five 5-min intervals at or above race pace. Blood samples were taken before and 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min after consumption of the beverages for analysis of insulin and glucose and at 90 and 360 min for the analysis of cortisol and interleukin-6 (IL-6). The high-carbohydrate sports beverage and the meal replacement beverage produced a significantly larger (P<0.05) glucose incremental area under the curve than the sports-specific meal replacement beverage or the flavoured milk beverage. The high-carbohydrate sports beverage and the sports-specific meal replacement beverage produced a significantly lower (P<0.05) insulin incremental area under the curve than the meal replacement beverage or the flavoured milk beverage. The meal replacement beverage produced both a high glycaemic and insulinaemic response, suggesting that it may produce a higher rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis. There was a significant interaction between time and beverage for IL-6 (P=0.001), but not for cortisol (P=0.779). These results indicate that the impact of post-exercise nutrition on immune response may not be exclusively mediated by an attenuation of the cortisol response.  相似文献   

Within society, there are many publications regarding expectations of firm performance. These include analysis, industry insiders and ranking service. Within sports, bookmakers provide betting odds that reflect the expected outcome of matches and are determined by several factors. The purpose of this study is to analyse the determinants of expected match outcome (i.e. betting odds) and compare them to those of actual match outcome. Data from the 2010/2011 season of the German Bundesliga (soccer) are made available that are combined with betting odds for each match. Regression results show that several factors, such as difference in standing between team and opponent, difference in competitions played, difference in points earned over the last five matches, differences in standing last season and home advantage significantly influence expected match outcome. On the contrary, actual match outcome is only determined by the latter two factors.  相似文献   

The goal of training is to prepare the distance athlete to perform at his or her best during major competitions. Whatever the event, nutrition plays a major role in the achievement of various factors that will see a runner or walker take the starting line in the best possible form. Everyday eating patterns must supply fuel and nutrients needed to optimize their performance during training sessions and to recover quickly afterwards. Carbohydrate and fluid intake before, during, and after a workout may help to reduce fatigue and enhance performance. Recovery eating should also consider issues for adaptation and the immune system that may involve intakes of protein and some micronutrients. Race preparation strategies should include preparation of adequate fuel stores, including carbohydrate loading for prolonged events such as the marathon or 50-km walk. Fluid and carbohydrate intake during races lasting an hour or more should also be considered. Sports foods and supplements of value to distance athletes include sports drinks and liquid meal supplements to allow nutrition goals to be achieved when normal foods are not practical. While caffeine is an ergogenic aid of possible value to distance athletes, most other supplements are of minimal benefit.  相似文献   

目的:观察U-19足球运动员比赛后前卫、后卫队员机体生化指标变化.方法:检测足球比赛前后13名前卫队员和16名后卫队员的血液指标水平.主要血液指标为:Alb、FFA、TG、BUN、CK、LDH、COT、WBC、IgG、IeA、ISM.结果:比赛后前卫和后卫队员的血液指标比较,除了前卫队员赛后BUN和CK水平高于后卫队员(P<0.01),其他指标没有统计学上的差异.在前卫中,运动后除TG和IgG没有显著性变化外(P>0.05),Albumin、FFA、BUN、COT、LDH、CK、WBC等指标的水平高于运动前水平(P<0.01),IgA、IgM等指标低于运动前水平(p<0.05或P<0.01).后卫队员中,运动后除了BUN指标没有统计学差异外,其他指标的变化趋势和前卫队员一致.结论:足球比赛后前卫和后卫队员蛋白质和脂代谢加强、肌组织损伤程度增加、免疫系统功能下降.  相似文献   

Dietary analysis of Academy soccer players highlights that total energy and carbohydrate intakes are less than optimal, especially, on match-days. As UK Academy matches predominantly kick-off at ~11:00?h, breakfast is likely the last pre-exercise meal and thus may provide an intervention opportunity on match-day. Accordingly, the physiological and performance effects of an increased calorie breakfast consumed ~135-min before soccer-specific exercise was investigated. English Premier League Academy soccer players (n?=?7) repeated a 90-min soccer match simulation on two occasions after consumption of habitual (Bhab; ~1100?kJ) or increased (Binc; ~2100?kJ) energy breakfasts standardised for macronutrient contributions (~60% carbohydrates, ~15% proteins and ~25% fats). Countermovement jump height, sprint velocities (15-m and 30-m), 30-m repeated sprint maintenance, gut fullness, abdominal discomfort and soccer dribbling performances were measured. Blood samples were taken at rest, pre-exercise, half-time and every 15-min during exercise. Although dribbling precision (P?=?.522; 29.9?±?5.5?cm) and success (P?=?.505; 94?±?8%) were unchanged throughout all time-points, mean dribbling speed was faster (4.3?±?5.7%) in Binc relative to Bhab (P?=?.023; 2.84 vs 2.75?m?s?1). Greater feelings of gut fullness (67?±?17%, P?=?.001) were observed in Binc without changes in abdominal discomfort (P?=?.595). All other physical performance measures and blood lactate and glucose concentrations were comparable between trials (all P?>?.05). Findings demonstrate that Academy soccer players were able to increase pre-match energy intake without experiencing abdominal discomfort; thus, likely contributing to the amelioration of energy deficits on match-days. Furthermore, whilst Binc produced limited benefits to physical performance, increased dribbling speed was identified, which may be of benefit to match-play.  相似文献   

优秀网球运动员流畅心理状态的诱发因素及其可控性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、访谈法,对优秀网球运动员流畅心理状态的诱发因素及其可控性进行研究。结果显示:诱发优秀网球运动员流畅心理状态的5个维度依次为合理的赛前准备、良好的自信心与动机、及时的赛中调节、对手和同伴的发挥、适宜的比赛情境;优秀网球运动员流畅心理状态具有可控性;男女网球运动员对流畅心理状态的可控性认识无显著性差异。  相似文献   

The potential effect of fatigue on stroke production in tennis players is still controversial. The aim of this study was to analyse the tennis serve speed and accuracy in prolonged male professional matches played on grass courts. We analysed tennis serve statistics from five-set Wimbledon matches (n?=?15; 30 players). Results showed that match duration averaged 208.3?±?28.3?min. The overall serve speed was 177.0?±?10.2?km/h in the first set and 176.1?±?11.7?km/h in the fifth set (p?=?.34). The difference of all accuracy values of first set serves was not significantly different from those of the fifth set: percentage of valid first serves, 63.1?±?11.1% vs. 62.3?±?11.8%, respectively (p?=?.78); percentage of “aces”, 11.2?±?9.1% vs. 10.0?±?8.9%, respectively (p?=?.39); percentage of “winners”, 2.6?±?7.6% vs. 1.2?±?2.2%, respectively (p?=?.36); percentage of “double faults”, 2.8?±?3.0% vs. 2.8?±?3.4% (p?=?.97). In conclusion, tennis players were able to maintain constant serve speed and accuracy over five-set matches played on grass courts. Professional tennis players are capable of overcoming fatigue and/or make movement adjustments to effectively perform complex technical strokes like the serve throughout matches played on grass courts lasting more than 3?h in average.  相似文献   

血液微量元素和抗氧化能力与运动员的体能以及生理状态密切相关。研究旨在通过对比摔跤运动员在比赛前后的抗氧化能力和微量元素水平的变化,从而为青少年运动员的营养补充提供理论依据。方法:选取24名我国优秀青少年(12名女性和12名男性)运动员为受试对象,通过模拟高强度的摔跤比赛,并在比赛前后采集运动员的血液样本,检测血液中活性氧(ROS)含量,抗氧化剂酶的活性以及硒、锌、铁、铜、镁和锰的浓度,测评受试者的血液微量元素与抗氧化能力。结果:运动员在摔跤比赛后,无论男、女运动员,血液中镁元素含量显著增加,硒元素含量显著下降。结果显示:硒元素的变化与氧化应激指标以及抗氧化酶的变化呈现密切的相关性。其中活性氧指标与赛前静态相比表现出显著的统计学差异,呈现明显的氧化应激状态。研究提示:对摔跤运动员进行硒元素的补充极为必要。  相似文献   

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