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The results of lEA (The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) PIRLS 2006 (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) has showed that Latvia has the 6th largest gender gap in reading literacy scores and that is an indication of a serious problem of education in this country. The purpose of the paper is to find out reasons behind boys' low achievement to help improve their reading literacy. The proposed hypothesis is that boys and girls are differently affected by the same factors. If that is so, teachers, parents and other education practitioners should be aware of this fact to adapt reading literacy studies for both genders at maximum efficiency. In this research, PILRS 2006 data are used and different structural equation models are created to find out which factors have the most influence on boys' reading achievement. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is based on achievement scores and student and parent questionnaire data. The model formed using all population data was applied to boys' and girls' data separately to observe different influence of the same factors on students reading achievement scores. The comparison of standardized coefficients of structural equation model among five countries (Spain, Russian Federation, Lithuania, Latvia and Trinidad and Tobago) has been performed. Running the same model over different boys' and girls' data of different countries has showed that the strengths of relationships among the variables are similar. It was expected to observe noticeable differences between SEM coefficients of boys' and girls' data, but it turned out that big gender differences in reading achievement does not mean big differences in standardized coefficients of structural equation model and vice versa. It is found that school environment has greater impact on boys reading literacy.  相似文献   

“have been”是be的完成时态形式,其后所接词语不同,表达的意思各异。 1.have been+to…意为去过某地 1 have been to the GreatWall twice.我去过长城两次。 His father has been toParis three timds.他父亲去过巴黎三次。  相似文献   

Unit61.How long have you been in class today?你今天在班里待了多长时间?※been是系动词be的过去分词形式。有好几种表现形式:一般现在时态形式是am,is和are,过去式是was和were,现在分词形式是being。※have been in...在……多长时间了I have been in the cinema for three hours.我在电影院里呆了三个小时。辨析:have been to,have gone to与have been in三者都是现在完成时态“,have/has been to 地点”表示去过某处,现在已经回来,不在那里了;而“have/has gone to 地点”则表示到某处去了,现在还没有回来,可能在去的途中;也可能在…  相似文献   

The worries & wishes of 14 -19 years-old adolescents of Abadeh, Bavanat & Khorambid cities in the north of Fats province are investigated in this research. The wishes & worries are measured by wishes measurement scale (WMS) and Ahwaz worry inventory (AWI) respectively. The Ss consisted of 300 Adolescents (150 girls & 150 Boys) that selected by ratio sampling method. The most important results of project are as following :(1) there are significant positive correlations between wishes & worries. (2) Girls in comparison with boys have been significantly higher on emotional-psychological and moral-philosophical wishes. Further more, they haven't been different on somatic- physical & social - familial wishes. (3) In self -esteem, vocational, other relations, insecurity, detail problems worries and AWI, girls have been significantly worrier than boys. While in cognitive & future worry factors their situation have not been different. (4). According to the influence of gender on adolescents, worries and wishes for prompting of their mental health should be used in different ways.  相似文献   

形容词比较级用于双方对比,说明一方比另一方怎么样,用“比较级+than”的结构来表示,比较级前不带冠词。如:1.This pen is better than that one.这支笔比那支好。2.Helen wrote more carefully than she did last year.海伦比去年写得更仔细了。但在下面几种情况下,比较级前要加the:一、表示两者中一个怎么样,没有出现than表示比较,而出现的是of等表示范围的词。1.She is the older of the two sisters.两姐妹中,她大。2.Who is Tom? He is the fatter of the two boys.谁是汤姆?两个男孩中,较胖的那个是汤姆。二、表示程度或…  相似文献   

1.玛丽从未去过太空博物馆。误:Mary has never gone to the space museum.正:Mary has never been to the space museum.析:have/has been to意思是“曾经去过某地”,现在已不在那里了;have/hasgone to意思是“去某地了”,表示已到了目的地或在途中,说话时该人不在现场。  相似文献   

上星期一我去上学,看到两个男孩正在爬一辆卡车。我赶快走过去让他们下来。两个男孩下来了,我告诉他们爬卡车很危险。这两个男孩觉得很不好意思,保证以后再也不这么做了。但是过了一会儿我很惊奇地看到他们在追一辆装满东西的三轮车,追上后他们用力推起来。我跑过去帮起他们来。dangerous:['deind"#r$s]adj.危险的promise:['pr%mis]v.保证tricycle:['traisikl]n.三轮车 Last Monday I went to school. I saw two boys climbing a truck. I hurried to them and asked them to come down from the truck. The two boys came down and I …  相似文献   

row/rau/指“响声”,“闹声”,“吵架”,“争吵”,常与动词“make”或“kickup”连用,组成短语“make a row”或“kick up a row”,表示“大吵大闹;发出喧闹声”。例如:We heard a row outside.我们听到外面有喧闹声。When the teacher left the room,the boys kicked up a row.老师离开教室后,男孩们就吵闹起来。They had been good friends,butthey had a row last week about som trivial matter.他们一直是好朋  相似文献   

一、用作副词,表示地方和方向,与here相对,意为“在那里”、“往那里”。例如: Don’t go there.不要到那儿去。I have never been toBeijing, but I hope to gothere next year. 我没有去过北京,但我希望明年去那里。  相似文献   

小朋友们都知道boy的意思是“男孩”,可是在下面的句子中,六个“boy”没有一个是“男孩”的意思,请看: One boy is a boy. Two boys,half a boy. Three boys,no boy. 它们是什么意思呢?告诉你们吧,其实  相似文献   

the 比较级 of the two 名词:两者中较……的一个,用of连用时,比较级前用the。如:1)My brother is the taller of the two boys.我的兄弟是两个男孩中较高的一个。  相似文献   

“too…to…”结构意为“太……以致于不能……”,表示结果有否定的意思,too后面接形容词或副词,to后面跟动词不定式作结果状语。如: The boy is too young to join the army.这男孩太小了不能参军。一、“too…to…”结构可以转换为其他几  相似文献   

【词语过关】otherother用作形容词时,意思是“其余的;其他的”,可修饰单/复数可数名词;others泛指“另外的人或物”。例如:I have no other place to go.我无处可去。Do you have any other questions?你还有别的问题吗?Each of us must think of others.我们每个人都必须为他人着想。the other特指“其余的”,当其后接单数可数名词时,表示两者中的另一个;当其后接复数可数名词时,表示某一范围内其余所有的人或物。例如:Jack has two cups.One is black,the otheris red.杰克有两只杯子。一只黑色,另一只红色。There are fifty students in our class;twenty are boys,the other students are girls.我们班有五十名同学,二十名是男生,其余的都是女生。the others表示“(一定范围内)其余的人或物”。例如:I know only one or two of the students.The other...  相似文献   

1.add to/add…toadd to表示“增加,增添”,其中add是不及物动词,to是介词;add…to表示“把……加到……上去”,其中add是及物动词,to是介词。例如:1)Fireworks added to the attraction of the festivalnight.烟火使节日之夜更加生色。2)Would you please add a few notes tO the article?请您给这篇文章加几条注释好吗?2.apply to/apply…toapply to表示“适用,提出申请或要求等”;apply…to表示“把……应(施)用于……等”,例如:1)The principle of diligence and frugality applies toall undertakings.勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。2)We should apply the theory to practice.我们应该把理论应用到实践中去。  相似文献   

Oscar Wilde has always been regarded as a controversial writer.A variety of literary criticism has been made on his works in the pure literary way.In this paper,the writer tends to obtain his viewpoints from analyzing Wilde’s piece of works Model Millionaire with the approach of Appraisal Theory,which is part of Systemic-Functional Grammar.  相似文献   

1、他的书比我的新。[误]His book is newer than my.[正]His book is newer than mine.[析]在比较等级句型中,比较的对象必须是同类事物才能进行比较。2、他是两个男孩中较聪明的一个。[误]He is cleverer of the two boys.[正]He is the cleverer of the two boys.[析]比较级用于两者之间时,比较级前一般不加the,但若比较级后不用than,而用“of the two…”表示两者间“较……的一个”比较级前必须加the。3、汤姆是凯特的最好朋友。[误]Tom is Kate′s the best friend.[正]Tom is Kate′s best friend.[析]形容词最高级前有形容词性…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION At this moment, novel concepts of “negative” media, having negative refraction and/or “double negativity” and their physical consequences and plausible applications are drawing considerable at- tention from the science and engineering community. In the past few years, considerable progress has been made in electromagnetic (EM) waves. It is our wish to generalize such concepts to acoustic waves. Since the concept of negative refraction, negative constitutive relationships…  相似文献   

1.I haven’tcleaned out the refrigerator yet.我还没清理冰箱呢。2.Have you watered the plants yet?你浇过花草吗?3.Have you ever been to Beijing?Yes,I have been there twice.你去过北京吗?是的,我去过两次。  相似文献   

1.他是其中一个懂英语的男孩。误:He is one of the boys who knows English. 正:He is one of the boys who know English. 析:先行词是名词复数boys,定语从句的谓语也必须用复数。但当one前面有the,the only,the first,the last或the right  相似文献   

何晓丽 《海外英语》2014,(16):185-186
From the awakening and the development of feminism, to the formation of the Cinderella complex, much attention has been paid. As we know the reason of the popularity of Cinderella complex is patriarchal rule forces that reigns the world, the only way to remove this psychological problem is the reconstruction of the concept of gender relationship. This essay tries to find some reasons for the popularity of the Cinderella complex by some analysis of the developing of Cinderella mode and Cinderella complex, thus giving some measures.  相似文献   

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