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We theorise an interdisciplinary arts practice university course and consider the forms of educational imaginary challenged by our curriculum. We argue for the disruptive and generative potential of what we call diffractive pedagogy as an example of the type of learning that can take place when materiality and entanglement are considered as vital constituents. Through self-expression and interweaving across disciplinary boundaries, the potential to produce, embody and theorise simultaneously can be realised. Student bodies do not exist in isolation from one another, or from the environment. It is indeed impossible to separate the dancer from the dance, the teacher from the student, and the bodies from the environments and objects to which they relate. This being true, our student body reproduced our teaching bodies as abject, as messy and peripheral to their imaginings of university education. Materially, student bodies remade the limits to which their consciousness was imaginatively drawn. Through our embodied work, unconscious change began the processes of affecting students’ imaginaries of university education.  相似文献   

在分析校园文化的主客体要素的基础上,认为校园文化德育功能发挥的内在机制表现为:第一,大学生在参与校园文化创造中接受德育;第二,校园文化在对大学生的熏陶中实现其较强的德育功能。  相似文献   

周义 《教育学报》2005,1(3):77-82
大学中的科学研究,于今似乎已是无可置疑的大学功能之一。然而这项据云是德国洪堡提出、旋即被世界大学界奉为圭臬的理念,却在洪堡提出的几十年后就被英国的纽曼特地反对过。大学科研已成为撼动中国大学教育的几大问题之一。需要指出的是,纽曼所反对的应是洪堡主张的异变结果,而非大学学自发、自由的科学研究,洪堡主张实际与纽曼的“自由教育”殊途而同归,他的“大学科研”是摆放在“自由”这一西方浪漫哲学的前提之下的。近年来我国急功近利的“大学科研”早已疏离了洪堡的本意,恰恰成为纽曼所警告的对象。  相似文献   

Jean Walrond 《Interchange》2008,39(2):185-203
The number of people living in Canada of Caribbean heritage has increased substantially over the past forty years. This paper examines aspects of Caribbean culture and Caribbean education culture to explore if Caribbean Canadians can claim a Caribbean education philosophy. The research claims there is one. The article suggests that this philosophy should be recognized and considered in the education of Caribbean Canadian youth to prepare them for national and global citizenship. In all its analyses and observations, the paper consistently sees relevant education, especially one that takes people’s socio-cultural background into account, as important for human well-being.  相似文献   

本文分别对"现象、教育现象、南通教育现象"进行了内涵阈定;论述了其六大显性书写:高考15年领先、德育品牌全国关注、素质教育经验全国推广、各项竞赛叫响世界、名校名师影响广远、西部支教贡献突出;并从五个层面进行了文化诠释:崇教文化、包容文化、民生文化、农耕文化、创生文化。  相似文献   

The introduction of spaces that encouraged the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in higher education became a reality in the early 1980s. Since then, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educators and leaders have worked tirelessly to find their ‘fit’ within the Western academy, which continues to impose a colonial, Western educative framework onto Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. More recently, universities are attempting to move towards a ‘whole of university’ approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander higher education. To achieve such a major shift across the academy, Indigenous values, perspectives and knowledges need to be acknowledged as a strong contributor to the environments of universities in all core areas: student engagement, learning and teaching, research and workforce. In a move to achieving a ‘whole of university’ approach which revolves around Aboriginal culture and knowledges, the Wollotuka Institute at the University of Newcastle developed a set of cultural standards, as part of an international accreditation process, to guide a culturally affirming environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff. This environment acknowledges the unique cultural values and perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In this paper, the authors explore, from an Indigenous Standpoint, the creation of a university environment that privileges Aboriginal values, principles, knowledges and perspectives. The paper exposes how traditional Aboriginal Songlines, particularly in Aboriginal education, were disrupted, and how the creation and emergence of a contemporary environment of Aboriginal educational and cultural affirmation works towards the re-emergence of Songlines within higher education.  相似文献   

In this paper we draw upon 14 semi‐structured interviews with the participants in a teacher‐researcher project on the theme of ‘ensuring African Caribbean attainment’ with the aim of shedding light on the purposes, processes and lived experiences of teacher research in a difficult and contentious intellectual and practical domain. After briefly reviewing the history and policy background of teacher research in England, we introduce the project and the specific purposes and motivations of its various stakeholders. In the second half of the paper we analyse the challenges and the rewards of participating in the project, including the challenges of facilitating teacher research, and we review the key implications of the research for policy and practice. We conclude that, in trying to make teacher research happen in a way that is meaningful and productive for those involved (whether as facilitators or teacher researchers), three things have to be negotiated at once: new roles for academic facilitators, new dimensions of teacher roles, and a viable conception of research that is authentically teacher research. All of these things involve rethinking assumptions about what it means to be a teacher and an academic and what is meant by research. Drawing on the lessons of this project, we suggest that the central challenge of building successful teacher research is the creation of genuine partnerships, characterised by respectful and critical dialogue, between university staff and teacher researchers.  相似文献   

This article explores an understanding of learning as authentic enquiry and language as a social practice of meaning construction as the theoretical perspectives underlying an educational initiation beyond mainstream tertiary language education. With a general ethnographic approach and relying on multiple data sources, we investigate critical practices of teaching medical English in an Iranian university and illustrate a contextualized instance of enquiry-based language learning that embodies enquiry and discovery in two senses: students’ research and learning about the content for oneself, and moving away from spoon-feeding views of academic language education to experience language in real social contexts. On this basis, we argue for stepping beyond predetermined content-based approaches to university language teaching and call for living the language that is being learned, which involves enquiring, experiencing, discovering, challenging, and owning it.  相似文献   

The call for teachers and schools to become more research-engaged is resonating stronger than ever with government efforts to improve research impact and educational quality in the United Kingdom (UK) and many other countries. In these endeavors strengthening the social network structure and collegial relationships that enable collaborative research and learning in schools are often overlooked. This longitudinal, multi-method case study focused on understanding this pivotal social dimension. It examined in what way and to what extent research-engaged relationships are developed and value for practice is created among school colleagues. The context was a secondary school that is part of a longstanding school–university research partnership in the UK. Social network and survey data, school documents, individual narratives, and interview data were collected and analysed during one academic year. Results reveal that school leadership adopted an approach in which they combined the development of formal structures and informal networking to foster a significant increase in research-engaged interactions among school staff. Two key elements of the school–university research partnership were distinguished as powerful drivers of fostering research engagement. Outcomes show that the increased research engagement led to diverse types of value creation in both the core and periphery of the research network of school staff.  相似文献   


As we move forward in the new millennium, the call for reform in teacher education programs increases. One reform model, offered by Nel Noddings, focuses on the students’ affect, emotion, and intellect. Noddings proposes the use of fidelity—focusing on the individual and the quality of relationships—as a cornerstone in teaching and teacher education. Fidelity in teacher education utilizes a process that includes modeling, dialogue, practice, and confirmation. This paper explores the fundamentals of a fidelity‐based approach to teacher education and examines a university course and its fieldwork component by analyzing the structure and methods of each using the fidelity framework. If we expect our pre‐service teachers to create caring learning environments, they must first be taught about caring environments by their professors. The use of fidelity in teacher education programs is one model that allows for caring environments as well as content application.  相似文献   

It is obviously possible to argue that education is always an arm of social policy. However, there are just as surely degrees of directness between the agendas of noneducational authorities and what happens in school and university classrooms. This article considers what appears to be a direct example of a particular public policy agenda, the so-called “war on obesity,” translated into curriculum. My intention is to rouse the field from its slumber and to ask whether we are content for others to decide what and how we will teach health and physical education in schools and universities. I do this by examining a specific example of health and physical education curriculum. However, this is not a call for resistance to the intrusion of outsiders; we always need to listen to others. My question is whether the voice of physical educators matters at all when it comes to the practice of physical education.  相似文献   

The authors make a plea for multicultural education at all levels of education in the United States but particularly at the level of higher education. For them, earlier conceptions of multiculturalism have not worked, be they assimilation, transitional multiculturalism #opanother term to designate the melting pot#cp, and finally, what the authors call residual multiculturalism or what might also be called tokenism or the attempt to be overly all‐inclusive in terms of emphasis of the particular. The authors propose a variety of multiculturalism that while emphasizing the core values of cultures serves as a unifying factor in a culture of difference. The latter must be incorporated into curricula, but not in a particularistic fashion; rather, “the myriad groups must be interwoven into the very fabric of the university experience”.  相似文献   

Current and former students of two professors in a southern research university and a community educator, all participants in an African-centered research collaborative/apprenticeship, describe what and how we study together and our struggle to use our knowledge and research in service to our community. We uplift the works of key Pan-African/Black/Africana Studies/Nile Valley scholars to illustrate the African epistemic foundation of our collaborative/apprenticeship. We describe how we utilized the methodology of narrative inquiry to explore our experiences as participants in the HeKA (Heritage Knowledge in Action) research collaborative and how HeKA has provided ways of knowing and being centered in our culture and heritage. We present our findings, which include some of the dilemmas of Black doctoral students and emerging scholars engaged in HeKA and how this collaborative/apprenticeship serves as an emancipatory praxis to enable the next generation to realize their goals of partisan research and pedagogy in higher education.  相似文献   

What are North American Jewish day schools doing when they engage in Israel education, what shapes their practices, and to what ends? In this article, we report on a multi-method study inspired by these questions. Our account is organized around an analytical model that helps distinguish between what we call the vehicles, intensifiers, and conditions of day school Israel education. Our discussion explores the possibility that when it comes to Israel education, schools have shifted from a paradigm of instruction to one of enculturation. This shift, we suggest, is indicative of a generalized anxiety about students' commitments to Israel and about their capacity to advocate for Israel when they “come of age” at university.  相似文献   

This study portrays recent research?Cpractice connections found in 18 design research reports focusing on the creation of instructional solutions. Solutions in different stages of development varied greatly in duration, ranging from one lesson to a whole year curriculum, spanned all levels of education, many subjects (science, math, language, culture, teacher education, etc.). Close collaboration between researchers and practitioners was prominent in all of the 18 projects studied. Participants in primary and secondary education projects have quite distinct roles regarding the teaching and researching, but they design their instruction solutions often collaboratively. Nearly all projects reported on how designed solutions were anchored in research, either from literature or from in-house project data. All articles indicated that research fed (re-)design, but few specified how. Based on our findings, we call for increased research and reporting on the specific strategies employed by design research participants to facilitate the production of new theoretical understanding through design of instructional solutions.  相似文献   


More and more school districts in the United States are enacting morality or character education into their schools' curricula to address what they see as their students' declining moral behaviour. Utah, a state that was a homogeneous religion-based culture for 100 years, has not been immune to this need. However, the contrast between the programs being used in the now-diversifying and undiversified areas of Utah reveals what can create the sense of need to which Utah is responding. This article examines the moral environment in three school districts in Utah--one highly diversified, one in the process of diversifying and one as-yet undiversified. It reviews the various moral and character education programmes being used in these three environments and compares and contrasts their methods in terms of literature, textbooks and activities. The article concludes with an evaluation of these programmes' relative effectiveness in their specific environments.  相似文献   

The notion of competencies has been a familiar feature of educational reform policies for decades. In this essay, Pádraig Hogan begins by highlighting the contrasting notion of capabilities, pioneered by the research of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. An educational variant of the notion of capabilities then becomes the basis for exploring venturesome environments of learning: environments that are hospitable to the cultivation of such capabilities among students and their teachers. In this exploration Hogan emphasizes disclosing the kinds of relations that constitute such environments. In particular, he identifies four kinds of relations and investigates the interplay among them. In the second part of the essay, Hogan reviews an ongoing research project in Ireland that has been promoting such environments in postprimary education: Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century. Although the project avoids proffering universal claims about “what works,” its rationale and conduct nevertheless call policymakers' attention to what has worked and to the reasons why.  相似文献   

科学与人文相融——论结合专业教学进行人文教育   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
依靠全体教师 ,结合专业教学进行人文教育 ,是深化大学文化素质教育的关键。要解决结合专业教学进行人文教育的问题 ,首先要从理论上弄清科学与人文的关系。科学与人文性质不同 ,但两者是相通的 ,时代呼唤科学与人文的融合。调查表明 ,结合专业教学进行人文教育的方式是丰富多彩的 ,主要有 :起于知识、启迪精神、渗透美育、行为互动、营造氛围、以悟导悟、以人为本、提升境界 ,等。着力提高教师自身的人文素养 ,是在专业教学中渗透人文教育的必要前提 ,也是当前的迫切需要  相似文献   

大学后勤文化建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后勤文化是大学文化的组成部分,后勤文化也是教育文化,而且与当今社会提倡的低碳生活和绿色环保是紧密相联系的;后勤文化包含管理文化、社区文化、服务文化、卫生文化、绿色文化、美食文化、安全文化、节约文化、关系文化、服饰文化、生活文化等;从后勤教育性的理念思考和实践提出:应重视后勤文化建设、发挥大学后勤文化的功效、建设文化型的...  相似文献   

大学文化的科学内涵   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
大学文化是大学在长期办学实践的基础上,经过历史的积淀、自身的努力和外部环境的影响,逐步形成的一种独特的社会文化形态。它以大学人为主体,以知识及其学科(专业)为基础,主要凝聚在大学拥有的深厚的文化底蕴之中,是大学精神文化、物质文化、制度文化和环境文化的总和,是大学作为人类社会知识权威的文化基础,是人类先进文化的重要组成部分。大学文化是大学核心竞争力之所在,主要包括凝聚力、教育力、创造力和影响力,是大学赖以生存、发展、办学和承担重大社会责任的根本。  相似文献   

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