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G849.414.53保龄球运动损伤之探讨=Study on sports injuries forbowler[刊,中,A]/张铭(国家体育总局体育科学研究所),杨齐(北京复兴医院)//沈阳体育学院学院.-2003,22(4)./123-125表3参8(SJ)保龄球//损伤//研究 通过问卷调查法,在对200名保龄球练习者运动损  相似文献   

G849.4 20031990板球运动中快速保龄球保护带的作用:干预研究=The effect of a fast bowling harness in cricket:an intervention study[刊,英,A]/Wallis R,Elliott B.Koh M//Journal of sports science.-2002.20(6).-495-506图3表7参29(MYL)保龄球//保护带//青少年//背部//损伤G849.4 20031991板球运动中快速保龄球肩定位的测量=The  相似文献   

论我国保龄球运动经营现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保证我国保龄球运动健康发展,促进保龄球运动水平的不断提高,本文就目前国内保龄球馆的经营现状与保龄球运动的发展趋势进行分析探讨,以求得到各界同仁的关心与重视  相似文献   

保龄球是以滚动的球碰撞按一定顺序排列的瓶子的运动,其雏形是中世纪在欧洲流行的一种游戏。这种游戏将九个瓶子排成菱形,故又称九柱游戏。十五世纪形成了国际通用的规则,并开始了室内保龄球运动。现行的十瓶保龄球源于美国,1874年国际保龄球联盟成立。1952年电动排瓶机的问世使本项运动有了急速的发展。三十年代,我国上海、大连等地公园内曾有过保龄球设施。保龄球的场地是平坦的地板,以耐磨、有弹性的枫、松木铺设  相似文献   

结合保龄球运动项目的特点,对影响保龄球运动员在比赛中心理状况的因素进行分析与研究,并提出相关的心理训练方法,帮助运动员增强自我调整和控制能力,以最佳的心理状态投入比赛,这对取得优异成绩,有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

梁永生 《新体育》2011,(2):45-45
篮球运动是一项身体接触性运动,可以通过接触性和非接触机制导致损伤。 手指和手腕的损伤 篮球运动中手指和手腕的损伤非常普遍,其损伤机制包括:与地面的接触;与球的接触;与其他球员接触;与篮筐的接触等。常见损伤为手指骨折、手指脱臼、扭伤、手腕扭伤。  相似文献   

蔡军 《时尚球类》2006,(1):46-46
虽然保龄球运动乍一看不是一种很激烈的运动,有很多朋友甚至认为,与其说保龄球是运动,不如说是一种娱乐活动。然而,保龄球一局约10分钟所消耗的平均能量高达167千焦耳,令人出乎意料地多。  相似文献   

探索如何在学校采用简易方法制作保龄球,开设保龄球项目,使广大的城市学校、农村学校师生都能投身到这项运动中,从而把贵族运动平民化、大众化的可行路子。我校的实践证明这一运动的开展深受广大师生的喜爱。  相似文献   

吴健 《体育教学》2006,(4):41-41
一、“保龄球”游戏 1、构思来源:保龄球运动 2、器材:实心球,沙瓶(注沙的矿泉水瓶)。  相似文献   

保龄球是英文Balling的译音。是在木板球道上滚球使之撞击球道前端10只木瓶的运动项目,也有人称之为地滚球。现代保龄球运动起源于15世纪德国的宗教仪式。那时,木柱被教徒们视为邪恶的象征,人们用球击倒木柱就可以免遭厄运,这就是现代保龄球的雏形。以后,保龄球逐渐走向民间,成为百姓们喜爱的游戏。  相似文献   

通过对我国不同位置优秀男子篮球运动员运动损伤情况的调查、了解,发现男子篮球运动员的损伤与场上位置有很大的关系,其中,前锋队员受伤率最高,其次是中锋和后卫队员。前锋队员易受伤的主要部位是膝关节和踝关节,中锋队员主要是腰背肌和膝关节,后卫队员主要是踝关节和指关节。造成这种情况的主要原因是不同位置上的运动员在比赛中技术动作要求不同,身体各部位所承受的负荷也不同。  相似文献   

我国优秀摔跤运动员运动损伤调查分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究目的:探讨我国优秀摔跤运动员运动损伤特征、损伤易患部位、导致损伤发生的原因,以期为第28届奥运会的备战提供有效的预防和治疗措施。研究对象:我国备战2004年奥运会的国家摔跤集训队三跤(男子古典跤、男子自由跤、女子自由跤)的44名重点运动员(包括奥运会的8名参赛运动员)。研究结果:从运动损伤性质和种类来看,三跤没有明显区别,都以关节挫伤、韧带损伤和肌肉拉伤最为常见,其次为耳廓损伤和劳损;从运动损伤的部位看,女子自由跤与男子自由跤没有明显区别,损伤部位多发生于膝关节、肘关节、指关节、耳部、肩关节和腰背;但男子古典跤腰背部损伤占第一位,其次为膝关节、肘关节;在三跤中,专项训练中发生的损伤最多;发生损伤的原因主要是准备活动不充分、动作不正确、慢性劳损和场地监督不够等;针灸、推拿是首选的治疗手段,其次为理疗、外敷药物、内服药物等。  相似文献   

青少年羽毛球运动员运动损伤调查与分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对121名青少年运动员损伤调查分析,显示羽毛球运动员损伤发生率较高,以踝、膝、腰、肩、手腕部位为多。膝、腰、肩、腕部损伤与本项目运动特点有关。腰部的骨性损伤多于软组织损伤。末端病、膝、踝关节滑膜炎及肩袖损伤,手腕扭伤及L3横突综合征,腰椎峡部裂是该项目运动常见损伤。且疗效欠佳,治疗期长,干扰训练大,应引起我们重视,并加强预防。  相似文献   

Fast bowlers are at a high risk of overuse injuries. There are specific bowling frequency ranges known to have negative or protective effects on fast bowlers. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) can classify movements in sports, however, some commercial products can be too expensive for the amateur athlete. As a large number of the world's population has access to an IMU (e.g. smartphones), a system that works on a range of different IMUs may increase the accessibility of automated workload monitoring in sport. Seventeen elite fast bowlers in a training setting were used to train and/or validate five machine learning models by bowling and performing fielding drills. The accuracy of machine learning models trained using data from all three bowling phases (pre-delivery, delivery and post-delivery) were compared to those trained using only the delivery phase at a sampling rate of 250 Hz. Next, models were trained using data down-sampled to 125 Hz, 50 Hz, and 25 Hz to mimic results from lower specification sensors. Models trained using only the delivery phase showed similar accuracy (> 95%) to those trained using all three bowling phases. When delivery-phase data were down-sampled, the accuracy was maintained across all models and sampling frequencies (>96%).  相似文献   

在高校排球教学工作中,做好对运动损伤的预防研究是保证课堂教学质量,实现对学生排球能力培养的关键教育措施。笔者结合实践教学经验,在文中先对排球运动损伤类型进行简述,之后分析了高校排球教学运动损伤的成因,最后对高校排球教学运动损伤的预防策略予以探讨,旨在促进高校排球教学质量的提升,实现对学生的全面素质培养。  相似文献   

In this study a method for determining elbow extension and elbow abduction for a cricket bowling delivery was developed and assessed for Jenny Gunn who has hypermobility in both elbows and whose bowling action has been repeatedly queried by umpires. Bowling is a dynamic activity which is assessed visually in real time in a cricket match by an umpire. When the legality of a bowler's action is questioned by an umpire a quantitative analysis is undertaken using a marker based motion analysis system. This method of quantifying elbow extension should agree with a visual assessment of when the arm is "straight" and should minimise the effects of marker movement. A set of six markers on the bowling arm were used to calculate elbow angles. Differences of up to 1° for elbow extension and up to 2° for elbow abduction were found when angles calculated from the marker set for static straight arm trials were compared with measurements taken by a chartered sports physiotherapist. In addition comparison of elbow extension angles at ball release calculated from the markers during bowling trials with those measured from high speed video also showed good agreement with mean differences of 0°±2°.  相似文献   

By looking at sports facilities for non-professional players in England, this article explores early commercialization tendencies in sports that proceeded the process driven by the professionalization of sports in the eighteenth century. A growing demand for purpose-built sporting facilities gave rise to commercialized tennis courts, bowling alleys and greens in London as early as the beginning of the sixteenth century which mainly addressed upper class ‘gentlemen’. These facilities were not mere sports venues but created semi-public leisure venues where particularly men could meet outside their homes and enjoy sports, gambling, drinking and other entertainments together. They were also strongly embedded in a wider network of similar semi-public facilities such as alehouses, taverns and inns that offered multi-functional services. Taking the examples of London and Bath, the article explores the growth and organization of tennis courts, bowling alleys and greens on a local level, and how these were interlinked with other contemporary leisure and entertainment businesses.  相似文献   

大学生网球运动损伤的调查研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对从事网球运动的学生运动损伤的特征、部位、种类,以及损伤原因进行了调查。结果发现,大学生网球运动损伤多以关节扭伤为主,集中在人体的腕、肘、肩及踝关节。损伤的主要原因是技术动作错误和局部负担过重,同时提出了预防网球运动损伤的措施和建议。  相似文献   

Lower back injuries, specifically lumbar stress fractures, account for the most lost playing time in professional cricket. The aims of this study were to quantify the proportion of lower trunk motion used during the delivery stride of fast bowling and to examine the relationship between the current fast bowling action classification system and potentially injurious kinematics of the lower trunk. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected from 50 male professional fast bowlers during a standing active range of motion trial and three fast bowling trials. A high percentage of the fast bowlers used a mixed bowling action attributable to having shoulder counter-rotation greater than 30 degrees. The greatest proportion of lower trunk extension (26%), contralateral side-flexion (129%), and ipsilateral rotation (79%) was used during the front foot contact phase of the fast bowling delivery stride. There was no significant difference in the proportions of available lower trunk extension, contralateral side-flexion, and ipsilateral rotation range of motion used during fast bowling by mixed and non-mixed action bowlers. Motion of the lower trunk, particularly side-flexion, during front foot contact, in addition to variables previously known to be related to back injury (e.g. shoulder counter-rotation), should be examined in future cross-sectional and prospective studies examining the fast bowling action and low back injury.  相似文献   


Lower back injuries, specifically lumbar stress fractures, account for the most lost playing time in professional cricket. The aims of this study were to quantify the proportion of lower trunk motion used during the delivery stride of fast bowling and to examine the relationship between the current fast bowling action classification system and potentially injurious kinematics of the lower trunk. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected from 50 male professional fast bowlers during a standing active range of motion trial and three fast bowling trials. A high percentage of the fast bowlers used a mixed bowling action attributable to having shoulder counter-rotation greater than 30°. The greatest proportion of lower trunk extension (26%), contralateral side-flexion (129%), and ipsilateral rotation (79%) was used during the front foot contact phase of the fast bowling delivery stride. There was no significant difference in the proportions of available lower trunk extension, contralateral side-flexion, and ipsilateral rotation range of motion used during fast bowling by mixed and non-mixed action bowlers. Motion of the lower trunk, particularly side-flexion, during front foot contact, in addition to variables previously known to be related to back injury (e.g. shoulder counter-rotation), should be examined in future cross-sectional and prospective studies examining the fast bowling action and low back injury.  相似文献   

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