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高校综合统计是为高校领导决策提供科学、规范的依据,是高校现代化管理的手段之一。目前高校综合统计工作的现状与高校发展不相适应,要努力把高校统计工作提高到一个新水平,为高校的改革和发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

高校综合统计工作改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,统计信息是为决策服务,因此,高校决策离不开高校综合统计信息。然而,目前的高校综合统计工作获取的统计信息有其名而无其实,为统计而统计,而不是为决策而统计。在探究高校综合统计工作存在问题的同时,挖掘高校综合统计的病症所在,并提出改革建议。  相似文献   

搞好高校综合统计工作之我见宋慧(上海理工大学)高等学校是培养人才,进行科学研究的基地,在以经济建设为中心,改革开放不断深化的今天,怎样利用高校有限的人力、物力、财力资源,使其发挥最大的经济效益,关系到学校的生存。做好高校的综合统计工作,及时、准确地掌...  相似文献   

加强高校综合统计工作浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、做好高校综合统计工作对学校的发展与社会发展的意义 高校综合统计是对学校人事、劳资、财务、教师、教学、科研、基建、设备产业、图书资料、本专科生、研究生等发展规模实行数据化的汇总和管理,其统计数据应该真实有效地反映学校的规模、教育成果和水平,反映高校各院系、部门之间的内在关系。综合统计是高等学校实行科学化管理的重要基础工作,是认识教育现象及其发展规律的重要手段,为学校领导制订计划、决策提供翔实可靠的原始数据;高校各类的统计数据,也是国家教育决策的依据,在教育事业发展中发挥很大作用。 二、当前高校综…  相似文献   

高校统计是对高校实行科学管理的重要手段,是高校管理的重点之一.而高校统计工作的优劣依赖于高校统计队伍的建设,本文依据作者多年从事综合统计工作的经验,以理论为基础,以事实为依据,分析目前高校统计队伍存在的问题,并提出建设性的策略,试图为高校的统计队伍建设寻求更好的发展方向.  相似文献   

综合统计工作是高校办公室工作的重要组成部分,它对于高校领导的参谋助手作用是其他工作所无法替代的。但要充分发挥其作用,适应高等教育发展的需要,目前高校综合统计工作应迅速走出意识淡漠、被动应付、无归口管理的误区。  相似文献   

新中国的高校统计是随着高等学校的管理需要而逐步建立和发展起来的。虽然“文革”十年期间高校统计工作曾一度中断,但很快得到了恢复。党的十一届三中全会以来,随着教育改革的深入,高校统计工作的任务越来越重,作用显得越来越重要。1985年以来,高校统计工作由过去的部门统计,转上了综合的全行业统计,高校统计工作面也宽  相似文献   

高校科技统计工作实践中的问题与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等学校是国家科技创新体系中的重要组成部分,然而作为高校重要工作之一的现行科技统计工作却存在着诸多问题。本文在分析社科类科技统计与理工农医类科技统计关系的基础上,根据在科技统计工作中的实践经验,围绕高校科技统计体系和高校信息化建设,对高校科技统计工作提出若干改进建议。  相似文献   

全国高等学校社科统计工作概况全国普通高等学校人文社会科学研究统计年报制度,1991年由国家统计局批准正式建立,并纳入国家科技综合统计报表制度。这项工作在管理体制上,由国家教委社科司负责,各高校按行政区划由所在省、自治区、直辖市教委归口组织。各高等学校...  相似文献   

如何做好高校综合统计工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对高校综合统计的任务与调查项目,分析了目前高校统计工作中存在的问题,并提出了应对的措施。  相似文献   

现实中企业统计基础工作明显减弱主要表现在:企业统计工作得不到领导应有的重视、企业统计人员专业素质普遍较差、统计数据质量亟需进一步提高等方面。要搞好企业统计工作需从以下几点努力:转变认识.提升统计工作地位;强化培训,提高统计人员素质;健全制度,加强统计基础管理工作;结合实际,转移统计工作重心;搞好分析,发挥统计服务职能;建立完善企业统计制度、保证企业统计工作顺利开展;企业统计需要加强基础工作建设、不断提高统计工作水平;企业需要加强统计执法检查力度,确保统计数据的质量可靠;加大企业统计执法检查力度。  相似文献   

Criticism directed at the quality of UNESCO's education statistics led to the recent restructuring of the Organization's statistical services. This criticism, primarily supported by the World Bank and subsequently confirmed by consultants engaged by UNESCO, does not prove to be completely justified. In fact, a change in the political orientation of the statistical program appears to have been the main goal of the reform. Providing few significant (or new) recommendations to improve the other dimensions of data quality, the consultants’ reports essentially concentrated on the need for measuring and comparing educational systems’ performances in a strongly competitive world economy. While UNESCO's General Conference did not discuss the political aspects of the reform, the restructuring can be tied to UNESCO's loss of leadership to other international agencies, which have come to produce their own statistics and recommendations on education.  相似文献   

目前存在着较严重的统计掺水现象,其原因是多方面的,其危害性巨大,必须加大《统计法》宣传力度,建立统计责任追究制,严惩掺水主要责任人,使统计数据真正成为领导决策的依据。  相似文献   

试述企业统计创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提高企业统计信息化水平是企业信息化建设的一个关键环节,而现实的企业统计工作常常受到制约,因此应从统计观念、统计职能、统计技术、统计内容、统计人才等多个方面进行创新。  相似文献   

校长课程领导力是学校课程发展、教师专业发展与学生素养提升的重要保障。基于校长课程领导力的概念解读与维度分解,研究探讨了校长课程领导力的构成要素以及作用机制。以中小学校长为调研对象,采用描述性统计、PLS-SEM分别进行现状分析与模型检验,探究校长课程意识等对课程领导效能的关系。研究发现:中小学校长的课程规划与管理能力较强,课程意识与课程评估能力则较为薄弱;校长课程管理能力与课程评估能力直接影响课程领导效能,而校长的课程意识会经由六条中介作用路径正向影响课程领导效能。基于以上研究结果,提出了注重校长课程领导力培训的科学精准、加强对校长课程领导情智要素的实证研究、构建基于叙事的校长课程领导力提升机制的建议。  相似文献   

Many social work students feel anxious when taking a statistics course. Their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors after learning statistics are less known. However, such information could help instructors support students’ ongoing development of statistical knowledge. With a sample of MSW students (N = 101) in one program, this study examined students’ feelings of anxiety and confidence, beliefs about the relevance of statistics to their education and practice, and the relationship of these attitudes and beliefs to their actual statistical competence. The findings indicate that repeated exposure to statistics supports the development of statistical competence, particularly in relevant applied contexts like field education.  相似文献   

The development of statistical literacy is fast becoming the focus of a large part of mathematics instruction at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. This broadening of the mathematics curriculum to encompass a focus on statistics makes considerable demands on teachers. Most mathematics teachers acknowledge the practical importance of statistics and are willing to give more relevance to the teaching of statistics; however, many mathematics teachers do not consider themselves well prepared to teach statistics. The aims of this study were to investigate the conceptual understanding of statistics of prospective secondary mathematics teachers; the nature of their attitudes towards statistics and if there was a relationship between attitude towards statistics and conceptual understanding of statistics. Conceptual understanding was measured using a standard assessment instrument (comprehensive assessment of outcomes in a first statistics course) which allows comparison across other disciplines. Despite being very mathematically able and confident, the prospective mathematics teachers in this study do no better in the assessment than students from other (mostly non-quantitative) disciplines. This, perhaps, gives further evidence that statistical thinking is different from mathematical thinking and that a strong background in mathematics does not necessarily translate to statistical thinking. Conceptual knowledge was poor in some fundamental areas of statistics such as being able to properly describe the distribution of a quantitative variable and data production. The attitudes of these teachers towards statistics were measured using a widely used instrument (survey of attitudes towards statistics). The results indicate generally positive attitudes but an acknowledgement that statistics is not a subject quickly learned by everyone and requires discipline to learn. No strong correlation was found between attitudes and conceptual knowledge. It is recommended that in order to improve teacher knowledge, teacher education programmes must include tailored modules in statistics and highlight the differences between mathematical and statistical thinking.  相似文献   

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