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谈高校学生管理工作的创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学生管理工作是高校管理工作的重要组成部分,在新时期,搞好学生管理工作要针对学生的新特点,创造性地开展工作。  相似文献   

In recent years counselors have attempted to clarify their role for their employers and/or supervisors. These attempts although well-intentioned, have achieved limited success because supervisors in community mental health centers, principals in schools, deans in community colleges and universities, and employers in governmental agencies continue to heap administrative and secretarial tasks upon counselors. This leads to a reduction in counselor-client contact hours and an increase in counselor burnout. Suggestions are presented here to help counselors understand the employers' frame of reference—an important first step in initiating change.  相似文献   

校政合作背景下,高职辅导员在参与创业指导过程中,面临创业知识的匮乏性、创业实践的缺失性和指导时间的间断性等不足。因此,高职辅导员要不断加强自身创业指导能力,努力将角色定位为创业知识的学习者、教育方案的参与者、团队组建的指导者、创业计划的把关者和全程培养的领路者。  相似文献   

Practicing school counselors (N = 512) were surveyed, using the Role Questionnaire (J. R. Rizzo, R. J. House, & S. I. Lirtzman, 1970), to determine levels of role conflict, role incongruence, and role ambiguity. Additionally, 8 characteristics of the participants' positions as school counselors were examined to determine what factors might affect role stress. Data were examined for the total group and by school level. Elementary school counselors were found to have lower levels of role conflict and role incongruence than high school counselors. Believing that the job matched their initial perceptions, that they were adequately trained, and that peer supervision was available were predictors of reduced role stress among the group and for various school level subgroups.  相似文献   

我国学校心理健康教育的困境与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国学校心理健康教育目前存在角色定位不清晰 ,管理机构缺乏 ,合格辅导员欠缺 ,教材内容粗糙、难操作 ,方法、途径、手段简单机械的困境。提出摆脱困境就必须走法规化、专业化与本土化之路  相似文献   

The authors examined the perceptions of future school administrators regarding the role of the school counselor. The study was designed to assist counselor educators and school counselors in identifying potential barriers that could interfere with establishing comprehensive developmental counseling programs that are supervised by principals and superintendents. Future administrators rated crisis intervention, assisting with transitions, and personal counseling as the most important duties of school counselors; however, some respondents identified administrative and disciplinary duties as significant ones for the counselor.  相似文献   

为增加高等学校辅导员工作的吸引力,教育部颁发了双线晋升政策,辅导员在职业晋升时可以同时申请职级和职称两个系列。使用扎根理论研究路径考察案例学校辅导员在双线晋升政策要求下如何应对职业晋升,发现名义上提供双重机会的双线晋升政策,因与辅导员的工作特征不相匹配,实质上变成了辅导员晋升的双重困境。尽管辅导员在不同的情境和干预条件下采取了不同的行动策略,但他们对晋升后的结果都不满意,以致这项意图良好的政策产生了预期外后果:在政策目标、手段和结果各方面都出现了名实分离的情况。之所以出现这种悖论,是因为辅导员晋升中存在政府逻辑、专业逻辑与市场逻辑的错位。此悖论不仅给辅导员的专业认同带来了巨大困惑,而且对辅导员的专业化提出了挑战。对那些为了在学术竞争中名列前茅而实施类似政策的学校而言,本研究结果具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

高等学校辅导员队伍建设是教师队伍和管理队伍建设的重要内容。建立辅导员队伍建设的长效机制是高校学生工作的一项重要工作任务。本文对辅导员建设的长效机制——“建立系统的管理体制、选拔培养机制、培养机制、考核机制和激励机制”进行了阐述。  相似文献   

高校学生管理法治化进程中辅导员的角色定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析高校与学生冲突的原因,明确高校与学生具有行政和契约性质的民事双重法律关系,提出在学生管理法治化对辅导员队伍的具体要求,明确辅导员在思想政治教育、学生管理、权利维护与义务督促、校园文化建设和生涯辅导等多个方面承担着多重角色。  相似文献   

The role of alcohol or drug use has been underestimated in the etiology and diagnosis of the physical, academic and psychological problems of the college student; so has the fact of being the child of a parent with substance use disorder (SUD). SUD can masquerade behind a multitude of problems seen by college counselors such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, social and academic difficulties. The price of unrecognized SUD for the student is continued dysfunction. The price for the counselor, floundering therapy. Even when SUD and other or other problem(s) co-exist (dual diagnosis), treatment may still fail (or remain incomplete) if SUD is not identified and treated. The current principles of SUD diagnosis are outlined here with the purpose of raising the consciousness of counselors, deans, doctors, or other health or administrative personnel to the concern of college student SUD so that casualty among students may be minimized. Brief reference is also made to the problems of being the child of an alcoholic or other substance abusing parent.  相似文献   

International student counselors play an important role in guaranteeing international education functionality, management standardization and service professionalization, and in upgrading the management level of international education, the sustainable growth of high quality overseas students in China, thus enhancing the competitiveness of China’s higher education in the international education market. This research highlights that international student counselors should be well-staffed to bear responsibilities in the areas of international students’ organization, management, counseling, education and guide. For that purpose, counselors should be selected from professionally, ideologically and politically qualified faculty members, as a part of the whole ranks of student affair workers.  相似文献   


The role of the vocational counselor as perceived by vocational directors, vocational counselors, secondary school principals, and secondary school counselors was ascertained. Further, role perceptions held by vocational counselors and secondary school counselors with varying demographic characteristics were determined. Null hypotheses were formulated and tested utilizing analysis of variance with Scheffe's test and the Wilks' lambda portion of multiple discriminant analysis. Among the four groups, significantly different means existed relative to 44 of the 70 role statements and significantly different perceptual profiles resulted. Significantly different means existed on 13 items among vocational counselors and on six items among secondary school counselors when role perceptions and different combinations of teaching and world-of-work experiences were examined.  相似文献   

Although social skills training (SST) programs have been shown to improve children's long-term developmental outcomes, school personnel are not typically able to implement such programs. This article outlines the institutional and organizational supports, trainer selection criteria, and the training needed for school counselors to successfully implement and sustain a SST program for children. Social skills programs will only become routine in the classroom if the school setting provides administrative support for skills training, and structures to encourage implementation of SST programs (especially substantial and ongoing training based in the classroom setting). In addition to organizational level considerations, SST trainers need to be socially competent, be able to manage children in small groups, be familiar with the theoretical model underlying the SST program, have the opportunity to practice delivering the program, and have positive attitudes toward delivering the program. The procedures for selecting, training, monitoring, and evaluating school counselors who are SST trainers are described.  相似文献   

河南省高校辅导员职业认同状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查显示:河南省高校辅导员职业认同度较高,但职业意志水平较低。女性辅导员职业认同度显著高于男性辅导员,专职辅导员的职业认同感显著高于兼职辅导员。高校辅导员职业认同在年龄上存在显著差异,26~35岁的辅导员职业认同水平最低。在工作时间维度上存在统计学意义上的差异,工作时间越长,职业认同水平越低。基于此,高校应分析辅导员职业认同的影响因素,从政策支持、体系建设等方面提高其职业认同水平,促进辅导员队伍建设的专业化。  相似文献   

近十年来国内探讨辅导员专业发展问题取得了较为丰富的研究成果,但研究主体多为辅导员以外的教育学者、教育管理行政人员,研究内容多为宏观问题。以在学生工作第一线的辅导员身份,综合辅导员的专业背景、培训程度、专业知识和技能、专业角色、专业发展五个方面实证分析辅导员专业化程度,为研究高校辅导员专业化提供新的视角和客观依据。  相似文献   

高校辅导员肩负着大学生法制教育的重要职责,是开展第二课堂实践的骨干力量.如何发挥好辅导员作用,增强法制教育的实效性是高校法制教育亟需解决的现实问题.本文提出构建双主体发展模式是实施大学生法制教育的一种新思路,并对法制教育双主体发展模式的内涵、优势以及实现路径进行了分析与探索.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that counselor self-awareness is important to counseling effectiveness. The purpose of the present study was to determine if there were differences in perceived effectiveness between counselors who said they related self-awareness to their counseling role and counselors who believed self-awareness was unrelated to their role. Those counselors who did not relate self-awareness to counseling received higher client ratings of effectiveness than did counselors who related self-awareness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the level of partnership between the school counselor, families and the local community in Jordan, as well as highlighting the factors that affect this partnership. A “School Counselor Involvement in School-Family-Community Partnerships Scale” was developed and administered to a sample of 152 school counselors in order to measure the level of such partnerships. The results indicated that the school counselors’ involvement was more prominent in providing services and information for students and parents, and coordinating efforts to raise the academic level of students. The results revealed that counselors’ attitudes, self-esteem, and school climate represented the most salient factors that affected school-family-community partnerships. Findings also recognized barriers to counselors’ involvement, including communication with parents and lacking the necessary skills. Based on the findings, it seems that Jordanian school counselors need training and efforts to overcome barriers related to partnership behaviors.  相似文献   

高校辅导员的专业化建设包含宏观和微观两个层面。宏观层面是指从国家政府的视角推进辅导员专业化的系列措施;微观层面是指辅导员个人的专业化成长的过程。从宏观看,辅导员的专业化建设包括学科专业化建设、教育专业化建设、人格专业化建设三个方面。在师范院校设立辅导员专业,构建辅导员专业的学科体系是推进学科专业化的重要途径。加强辅导员的团队管理及实现研修培训的常态化是推动辅导员教育专业化的必然选择。把好辅导员的入口关、注重辅导员的人格取向是推动人格专业化的重要途径。  相似文献   

高校女性辅导员因有自己的性别特质、心理特点,且承担着更多的婚姻家庭责任,在辅导员这一角色扮演中,有着自身特有的角色冲突。其中角色内冲突主要表现为女性辅导员的自身角色局限性与辅导员的角色要求之间的冲突以及女性辅导员的自身发展与辅导员职责之间的冲突;而角色间冲突主要表现在职业角色与家庭角色间的冲突。女性辅导员的角色冲突容易引发职业倦怠,对辅导员队伍稳定及学生教育管理工作易产生负面影响。针对角色冲突问题,可从高校和女性辅导员自身两个层面人手采取相应的调适对策。  相似文献   

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