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美国的语言教育政策是维护英语权威地位、排斥其他语言的政策。研究美国的语言政策可以帮助我们了解美国的民族政策和美国文明的实质,也会给我国语言教育政策的制定和语言战略的规划带来有益的借鉴和启示。我们要增强民族文化意识,保护少数民族语言,维护我国语言文化生态多元性;制定理性的、符合我国国情的外语教育政策,有效抵制英语教育对民族文化的渗透;加强外语语种规划,确定我国的"关键外语"。  相似文献   

越南是一个多民族与多语言的国家,语言生态复杂且丰富,值得进行深入研究。越南少数民族语言生态及语言政策的演变和历史、政治等因素有着不可分割的联系。基于语言生态与语言政策理论,文章综述了越南少数民族语言生态,从地位规划、本体规划和习得规划三个方面梳理了其少数民族语言政策,分析了其少数民族语言生态与语言政策的特点与面临的挑战,以期丰富我国语言生态与语言政策的国别研究,同时为我国制定语言政策提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

任何社会,都需要进行语言地位规划,确定社会通行语与通行文字。语言地位规划一般是由政府领导的,但是,中国古代语言地位规划的实现具有多元性特点:只有在改朝换代或统治民族发生变换的时期,政府在语言规划中的地位才会凸显出来;常规时期的语言地位规划,往往不是通过政府的语言文字政策直接实现的,而是通过政府对经学的提倡间接实现的。经学的提倡实现了社会书面语的规划,同时也确立了社会通行文字的规范标准。  相似文献   

中国的语言和方言众多,其复杂性是其他国家所不能及的,因此实施合理的语言规划与语言政策对国家统一、各地区人民间的交往、语言教学,以及汉语国际地位的提升等方面有至关重要的意义.本文通过使用相关的语言政策与语言规划的理论,展示了中国语言使用现状的概貌,并期望帮助各类语言教师在语言教学中正确理解并遵循国家制定的语言政策.  相似文献   

语言政策是一门实用性的学科,旨在解决社会中存在的各种语言问题。自"一带一路"倡议提出以来,有关沿线国家的语言及其语言政策的研究成为了语言学界关注的热点之一。东帝汶是"一带一路"沿线国家之一,历史上先后经历了葡萄牙殖民、印尼占领和公投独立三个时期,进而对其语言生态产生了一定的影响。结合Ruiz提出的语言规划观模型,东帝汶在三个时期内的语言政策可分别被概括为"语言放任政策""语言同化政策"和"语言多样化政策"。对三个时期语言政策的梳理,有助于总结后殖民国家语言政策的规律,同时也响应了语言研究服务国家战略的需求。  相似文献   

本研究着重对比分析了中国、瑞典与美国三个国家听障教育中的手语政策,特别对三个国家在手语语言地位和手语习得方面的战略规划展开剖析.瑞典手语政策强调手语与本国语并重的双语教育做法,美国手语政策则强调把手语同化到有声世界;在政策的具体实施和多语言使用方面,瑞典与美国的手语政策都存在着不同程度的问题.与瑞典和美国相比,中国的手语政策存在不少短板与问题,特别是在手语语言地位规划、手语习得规划、语言建设策略以及具体推广措施方面,亟待进一步完善和提高.  相似文献   

本文在“语言生活层级”观念的指导下,讨论领域语言规划的若干问题.回顾中国百余年来语言规划的发展历史,会发现国家语言规划首先是依托教育领域开始的,接着逐渐向行政、文化、社会服务行业等领域延伸.时至今日,已经发展到各领域做好本领域语言规划的时代了.领域语言规划的基本内容,一是支撑国家语言政策,二是建立与工作质量相关的领域语言文字规范标准,三是解决领域语言问题.领域语言规划的基本运作机制,应当是行业主管部门“主管”,国家职能部门指导,专家队伍学术支撑.当前,做好领域语言规划的主要问题,一是许多行业语言意识淡漠,二是对领域语言生活的学术研究有限.领域语言规划上连国家的语言政策,下通各行业末端的企事业单位的语言生活,在国家语言生活管理中具有重要地位.应通过一系列行政运作,发展领域语言学,为领域语言规划夯实基础,铺平道路.  相似文献   

中国与越南都是多民族、多语言的国家,同样面临着国内语言多元化以及国际语言冲击的格局,在近代都致力于语言政策和语言规划的改革与发展。对越南语言政策和语言规划的研究,在中国与东盟关系积极发展的背景下,将给我国语言政策和语言规划提供借鉴。本文结合中越两国的语言政策及语言规划进行阐述和对比分析。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,语言政策和语言规划越来越受到许多国家的重视。语言政策的主体是指语言政策的制定者.其中包括语言政策的研究机构。文章剖析了美国的一个语言政策主体——马里兰大学高级语言研究中心。对其基本情况、研究使命、合作部门、研究成员、研究成果进行了介绍和分析,最后总结出几点启示,为我国的语言政策与语言规划的研究机构以及政策制定部门提供参考。  相似文献   

人物简介:张治国,民进会员,上海海事大学外国语学院教授、硕士生导师、语言政策和语言规划研究所所长,华东师范大学博士,美国马里兰大学访问学者。目前主要研究兴趣为社会语言学(尤其是语言政策和语言规划)、词汇学、语言比较教育学。2011年翻译出版了《语言政策——社会语言学中的重要论题》(以下简称《语言政策》)。  相似文献   

Any policy reform in education is highly effective when it is planned and implemented ‘holistically’ and yet, it is the most challenging way forward. Many countries in Asia have reformed their English language policies and syllabi in the last two decades due to the increasing value of the language worldwide. Motivated by a ‘communicative approach’ to English language teaching, Bangladesh was one of the countries that launched such a reform in the 1990s. However, this reform has been criticised for imposing the changes on teachers without preparing them sufficiently. More importantly, there is limited evidence as to how much the secondary English language assessment system is aligned with the changes introduced in the curriculum. In order to explore this gap, a medium-scale study was conducted in 38 secondary schools in Bangladesh, following a mixed methods approach. The findings highlighted a ‘mismatch’ between the intended English language learning outcomes and current assessment practices, including the resulting challenges faced by the teachers. This paper argues that language education reform is likely to fail if the assessment system is not aligned with the curriculum.  相似文献   

教师教学语言之于第二语言习得有其广泛的理论基础,教师的教学语言在第二语言习得中有着在其他学科中不可比拟的特殊性,它既作为学习者的目标语,同时又是教师教授语言的媒介。因而就要分析教师教学语言的现状,归纳提出了教师教学语言的基本特点,以引起教师对课堂教学语言的关注,更好的发挥教师话语在第二语言习得中的作用。  相似文献   

英国华文教育的发展经历了三个阶段:从20世纪50年代末以前的初步发展,到20世纪60年代初至80年代末形成的第一波热潮,再到20世纪90年代至今的新高潮。目前正面临着机遇与挑战并存的局面。英国华文教育的发展主要受到四大因素的影响:移民潮的涌入构成了英国华文教育两次跳跃发展的直接动因;英国政府语言政策的变革为华文教育的发展提供了政策空间;华人社会的倾力支持为英国华文教育的发展提供了原动力;香港政府的鼎力支持和祖国的繁荣昌盛为华文教育的发展提供了外部环境支撑。英国华文教育的未来变革应注重与主流学校的协调与耦合,以形成合力,相互促进,使华文教育既能满足英国经济与文化教育发展对汉语学习的需求,又能符合英国华人社会对华文教育的基本诉求。  相似文献   

在基础教育与家庭社会经济背景尚存不平等的情况下,采取合适的高校招生倾斜政策对弱势群体进行补偿是十分必要的。在此基础上,通过对分配正义的理论分析,并结合优绩主义对才能的定义及其批判,探寻高校招生倾斜政策产生的理论渊源。基于约翰·罗默机会平等理论,从划分环境组别、确定努力类别、给予同等努力同等结果三个维度,分析了美国百分比计划、英国背景招生政策、中国三大专项计划的高校招生倾斜措施。结果发现,美国的百分比计划最接近机会平等理论的诉求,而英国的背景招生政策则在上述三维度均有改进空间,我国三大专项计划对弱势群体的识别较为粗糙,但政策执行更加有效。综合理论与实践,我国高校招生倾斜政策应进一步扩大覆盖面,重视对更多不利环境的补偿,且需通过多维度指标更加精准识别弱势群体。  相似文献   

This study explored relationships between characteristics of classroom talk exposure and immigrant first graders' acquisition of second language oral skills (vocabulary and listening comprehension) and literacy skills. Twenty‐six children (mean age = 6.10 years) with Turkish as their first language and Norwegian as their second, attending various multilingual and ethnically diverse classrooms in Norway, were videotaped during classroom conversations. Classroom talk was coded for vocabulary richness, discursive complexity and emergent phonics talk and the children's oral language and literacy skills were assessed. Classroom vocabulary richness and discursive complexity predicted the children's second language vocabulary skills and listening comprehension after controlling for maternal education, but did not predict their literacy skills. The density of emergent phonics talk did not predict target children's code‐related skills in this sample. Applied perspectives related to second language learning in multiparty settings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a set of research-informed resources for assessing the spoken language skills (oracy) of students aged 11-12. The Cambridge Oracy Assessment Toolkit includes assessment tasks and procedures for use by teachers, together with a unique Skills Framework for identifying the range of skills involved in using talk in any specific social situation. As we explain, no comparable, 'teacher-friendly' instrument of this kind exists. Underpinning its development is the argument that teaching children how to use their first or main language effectively across a range of social contexts should be given higher priorityv in educational policy and school practice, and that the development of robust, practicable ways of assessing oracy will help to achieve that goal. We explain how the Toolkit has been developed and validated with children and teachers in English secondary schools, and discuss its strengths and limitations.  相似文献   

于泓珊 《海外英语》2011,(8):378-379
The attempt of this paper is to investigate the main characteristics of the American language policy. It is one important part of the project "A study on the Strategy of Spreading Chinese Language in United States of America". This paper firstly explains the concept of language policy and then introduces the two main characteristics of the American language policy.  相似文献   

赵寻  叶军 《江苏高教》2021,(2):59-63
文章从语言政策的角度出发,分析了来自于不同层面、不同语言政策行为主体的语言政策活动对高校继承语教育产生的影响,以此说明美国高校的继承语教育政策是多方语言政策行为主体互相影响、互相协调、互相妥协的结果,微妙地促成了一个能够暂时平衡各方利益和需求的现状。但是,目前美国高校的继承语教育政策实际上是在努力规避触及“种族”这一核心问题,尽量维护表面和谐。严格来讲,美国高校的继承语教育并不能从真正意义上保护和促进少数族裔的语言权利,它更多的是一个单纯的外语教育促进政策。  相似文献   

This article examines four significant policy documents that have informed the Department for Children School and Families (DCSF)' s Every Child a Talker (ECaT). The analysis focuses on where the ownership of knowledge in relation to communication and language lies as part of policy implementation and training processes. The article then progresses to focus on ECaT, exploring whether it contributes anything new to promote a sustainable development of communication and language for educators and young children. It focuses on the development of educators' specialist knowledge and skills supported by critical reflection on relevant theory and research. In doing so, European perspectives on pedagogy are explored. The article concludes with discussion of possible implications for ECaT and its implementation.  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between knowledge production and primary education policy making in Bangladesh. It investigates the form of discussions and dialogues that have taken place between policy makers and researchers and considers how these have shaped the nature of the evidence policy makers have used in different periods. The paper also attempts to assess the implications of the shifting forms of relationship between policy and knowledge production for strategies to introduce universal primary education and improve its quality. The paper itself is an example of some of the themes it examines. It has emerged out of discussions taking place in the research committee of the Bangladesh Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) and Primary and Mass Education Division (PMED). (See Figure 1.) This committee, established as part of the DFID funded ESTEEM project [1], brings together officials from DPE and PMED with education researchers from Bangladesh's universities and consultants appointed by ESTEEM. An aspect of the work of the research committee has been to consider what kinds of knowledge are useful in the implementation of policy. In summary we argue that, except for an early period after the War of Independence, there has been little open dialogue between researchers and policy makers in Bangladesh. Policy has been much more closely shaped by the changing forms and values of educational administration in central government and in large NGOs than by 'scientific' forms of research and knowledge production or by the debates these might provoke. Research and education policy development have been the preserve of elite groups closely connected to central government. Very little research has been undertaken independent of government or commissions from large NGOs. However, in different periods researchers have participated in policy formation in different ways and there are indications in the present period that the views of researchers and policy makers are beginning to diverge somewhat with some more critical commentary being published. We map the history of these changing forms of participation in order to reveal aspects of the context in which successive policies have been formed.  相似文献   

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