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数学教育的一个重要任务就是培养学生的数学思维能力。而要达到这一要求,一要让学生了解数学思维及其特征,二要让学生了解数学思维品质,三要在数学教学上培养学生的数学思维能力。  相似文献   

加强数学和生活的联系 学习生活中的数学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑丹阳 《成才之路》2012,(4):15-I0010
正《数学新课程标准》中指出:"教师要紧密联系学生的生活环境,从学生的经验和已有的知识出发,创设生动的数学情境……"这不仅要求选材必须密切联系学生生活实际,而且要求让学生有更多的机会从熟悉的生活中学习数学和理解数学,从而增强学习数学的趣味性。这就要求我们在数学教学中应该多从生活中寻找数学素材,把生活经验数学化,数学问题生活化,使学生能较好地感知和理解所学的内容。一、创设学生熟悉的生活情境,激发学习积极性  相似文献   

不同的国家有着不同的数学教育要求和理念,从数学问题的编拟可以看到他们的区别。俄罗斯是数学大国,试题命题旨在考查学生的数学功底,对学生的理解能力要求较高。日本的数学命题对学生的创新要求较高,要求学生善于转化,通过转化达到沟通不同部分数学知识的联系。加拿大的数学凸显了大众教育目标,它的选题易被大众接受,同时具有探索性和启发性。虽然这三个国家的数学问题的编拟有诸多不同,但培养学生的思维、提高学生的创新能力却是相同的。  相似文献   

新课改明确了初中数学教学必须要注重培养学生的数学思维能力,作为一名初中数学教师,要严格按照新课改的要求对学生数学思维能力进行培养,以此来提高学生的数学能力。基于此,本文主要围绕初中数学教学中如何培养学生的数学思维能力进行了研究。  相似文献   

数学阅读就是要仔细理解题意,明白题目的要求,并能按照题意完成题中的各项要求。学会数学阅读是准确理解和正确做题的前提,也是学好数学的关键。教师在指导学生数学阅读时,要从文字、图表、填空题、图文结合应用题等方面重视对学生进行阅读方法的培养。学生在数学阅读过程中应注重思维能力的培养,养成良好的学习习惯,形成一定的自学能力和运算能力,培养数学学习的兴趣。  相似文献   

在数学教学中培养学生良好的数学习惯,从而使学生养成主动学习数学的能力,这就要求教师在课内、课外给学生创设形成数学学习习惯的良好氛围,进而使学生形成主动学习数学的能力.  相似文献   

数学是思维的体操,数学教学就是指数学思维活动的教学,发展数学思维能力是数学教学的重要任务,我们在发展学生数学思维能力的努力中,不仅要考虑到能力的一般要求,而且还要深入研究数学科学、数学活动和数学思维的特点,寻求数学活动的规律,培养学生的数学思维能力。创造良好的探索问题环境,培养学生勇于探索的精神;让学生自己去发现结论,培养学生积极探索的能力;引导学生去“发现定理”,培养学生直觉思维能力;变式题教学中,培养学生发散性思维能力。  相似文献   

在数学学习中,对学生观察能力的培养是重点任务。新课改要求初中数学教学,必须使学生掌握数量关系以及几何图形的基础知识,并且要求初中学生具有一定的运算能力、处理简单数据的能力、空间想象力以及数学逻辑思维能力。  相似文献   

在我国新课程改革全面深化的背景下,对于初中数学教学提出更高的要求,这里的要求不仅体现在对学生知识和技能的传授上,更加体现在对学生数学思维能力的培养。而将数学思想渗透到初中数学教学中无疑是培养学生数学思维的重要途径,因此,初中数学教师应当加强对数学思想在初中数学教学中有效渗透的研究,以此来更好的顺应新课程改革的要求。鉴于此,本文主要对几种常见的数学思想方法在初中数学教学中的有效渗透进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

本文从教师的数学观角度谈培养学生数学应用意识的教学,主要从以下几个方面阐述:教师要树立正确的教学观念;数学应用意识教学应贯彻教学的一般要求;激发学生学习数学的兴趣,提高学生数学应用意识;重视课堂教学,逐步培养学生数学应用意识,通过"数学建模"活动,增强学生数学应用意识。  相似文献   

The crisis in UK mathematics education, both in schools and universities, has been widely reported. Currently, 24% of full-time mathematics teachers in English secondary education have `weak’ or `nil’ qualifications in the subject, 31% of secondary mathematics teachers are now over the age of 50, and it is estimated that England alone is short of 3500 qualified mathematics teachers. Furthermore, studies suggest that UK mathematics undergraduates often lack confidence in several key skills essential for teaching, and the availability of attractive careers for mathematics graduates impacts upon the numbers entering the profession, thus risking a spiral of decline. This paper recounts the development of a unit of study in the Faculty of Mathematical Studies at the University of Southampton, England, in conjunction with a new national initiative entitled the Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme (UAS). This aims to address the crisis in UK mathematics education through the training and placement of final year undergraduates as teaching assistants in local schools, with a view to promoting mathematics as a university choice to the broadest possible constituency, whilst simultaneously developing those key skills in which undergraduates regularly feel least confident, and facilitating an insight into teaching as a career option. The paper also provides a detailed evaluation of this new initiative, together with the recent comments of students who, having completed the UAS unit, have progressed subsequently to postgraduate teacher education.  相似文献   

高师作为培养中小学教师的部门,关系到基础教育质量。本文通过对数学教育专业学生的基本技能、专业技能及教学能力的调查分析,反思学生教学技能训练中其存在的问题,力求为师范生的从教能力培养提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

本文阐述了在新的高职培养目标要求下,学生要具有扎实的基础理论知识、较强的技术应用能力、较宽的知识面、较高的综合素质及能够适应生产、建设、管理、服务等第一线需要的高等技术应用能力.为了让学生具备应有的数学知识和能力,高职数学教育改革应该围绕这个培养目标,尝试一些新的教育观念、教学内容和教学形式。如:数学建模、数学史、数学的人文价值、数学实验、分层教学、研究性学习、WebQuest教学和多媒体等,这些全新的教育理念方法进入课堂,给数学教育输入新的血液。  相似文献   

数学是中职教育阶段一门非常重要的基础学科,由于长期以来人们对中职教育存在错误的认识,中职院校的生源普遍基础很差,因此,在数学知识的学习方面很多学生都感到压力很大。文章通过对中职数学教学中存在问题的反思,提出利用微课技术这种新的教学方式改善中职数学教育的方法,以此来提高中职数学教学的质量。  相似文献   

代数是中学数学课程的重要部分.在高等代数知识方面,教师能理解一些基础而重要的概念,并掌握公式算法.但理解涉及逻辑知识的一些符号表示的复合命题时有困难.在学校代数知识方面,大多数教师显示出扎实的代数基础知识与技能,特别是常规问题的解法明确,运算准确.高中数学教师具体较为扎实的学校代数与高等数学中有关代数的知识,但在理解学生的学习困难,错误概念等方面有待提高。  相似文献   

There is increasing enthusiasm for teaching approaches that combine mathematics and biology. The call for integrating more quantitative work in biology education has led to new teaching tools that improve quantitative skills. Little is known, however, about whether increasing interdisciplinary work can lead to adverse effects, such as the development of broader but shallower skills or the possibility that math anxiety causes some students to disengage in the classroom, or, paradoxically, to focus so much on the mathematics that they lose sight of its application for the biological concepts in the center of the unit at hand. We have developed and assessed an integrative learning module and found disciplinary learning gains to be equally strong in first-year students who actively engaged in embedded quantitative calculations as in those students who were merely presented with quantitative data in the context of interpreting biological and biostatistical results. When presented to advanced biology students, our quantitative learning tool increased test performance significantly. We conclude from our study that the addition of mathematical calculations to the first year and advanced biology curricula did not hinder overall student learning, and may increase disciplinary learning and data interpretation skills in advanced students.  相似文献   

针对目前高职航海专业数学教学中存在的教学内容体系陈旧、教学手段单一、学生缺乏学习的积极性和主动性等问题,指出在高职数学教育中应以专业培养目标为导向展开教学,从而培养出应用型、技能型的航海专业人才。  相似文献   

赵帅 《天津教育》2021,(3):28-29
当前阶段,小学数学教学各项活动已经受到教育界乃至全社会的广泛关注和重视。数学作为小学阶段最主要的课程之一,教师肩负着传授学生丰富的科学知识以及对学生进行"立德树人"教育的重任。教师应当通过日常教学充分发挥教师的模范作用并且激发学生的德育潜能。鉴于此,笔者以立德树人为背景,对构建新时期小学数学高效课堂的有效策略进行一定分析和探究,并且提出一些合理化的教学建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

The principles, difficulties and challenges in control education are discussed and compared to the similar problems in the teaching of mathematics and systems science in general. The difficulties of today's students to appreciate the classical teaching of engineering disciplines, which are based on rigorous and scientifically sound grounds, are discussed. The new demands for modern engineering education assume that the mathematical skills of the students in modelling, analysis, synthesis, simulation and validation of control problems improve significantly, which sets a major challenge to the education system. To meet that challenge new activating teaching methods are needed, which together with traditional studies bring the students closer to practical applications. In the current paper two new teaching methods are presented, which are aimed at bringing the control world near the student more easily than the traditional courses do. These example cases are control courses in the net with self-study sections, interactive repetitive questions, problems with complete solutions (both pen and paper and computer problems). Also, new ‘interactive laboratory exercises’ have been included, where the students prepare their preliminary problems first, and after that test the controller with a real process over the net (from their home or from a computer class).  相似文献   

The phenomenon in which students enter university under-prepared for the mathematical demands of their undergraduate courses, regularly referred to as the ‘Maths Problem’, has been widely reported in Ireland, UK, Australia, and the US. This issue has been of particular concern in Ireland recently, with beginning undergraduates’ performance of basic mathematical skills showing signs of significant decline in recent years. New mathematics curricula, commonly referred to as ‘Project Maths’, were gradually introduced into the Irish secondary school education system from 2010 onwards. These new curricula aim to place greater emphasis on student understanding of mathematical concepts, use of contexts, and applications of mathematics. This study analyses, through mathematics diagnostic test data gathered between 2008 and 2014, the change in the basic mathematical skills of beginning undergraduates over the time period in which the new mathematics curricula were introduced to secondary education in Ireland. It was found that students’ basic mathematical skills have declined over the time period during which the new mathematics curricula were introduced. Significant declines in beginning undergraduates’ performance of basic mathematical skills were observed during the period 2008–2014, particularly among students who have achieved Higher Level C grades and Higher Level D grades.  相似文献   

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