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法国学校公民教育浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国学校公民教育的近代传统丰厚,公民教育的组织化程度高,其人权教育的地位突出。教学目标的中心是强调把学生培养成既有社会责任心,又能行使自己公民权利的理想社会公民。其内容包括三个方面:民主国家的基本价值观和法律知识;各种国家的政治制度;法国在世界事务中的地位和作用。相应的教育实施有相当部分是在课堂和学校活动中进行的,同时也建立了系统的公民教育社会参与机制。  相似文献   


This article is concerned with the educational value of raising the human body at school. Drawing inspiration from the work of Giorgio Agamben, I develop a new perspective that explores the possibility of taking the concept of physical education in a literal sense. This is to say that the specific educational content of physical education (in contradistinction to organized sporting life outside school) resides in its concentration on the physical ‘as such’. This is not an obvious path to explore, because defenders of physical education as a rule have to compete against the (dualist) prejudice that this discipline is merely an instrument to train the body or to keep it fit, and that it therefore should not be considered as a serious endeavour. Therefore, more often than not, apologists try to justify the relevance of physical education on the very ground that it is a practice that is concerned with something ‘beyond’ the merely physical that is at stake in movement activity. I argue, however, that this line of thought excludes the possibility of conceiving an alternative approach that relates the concentration on ‘entirely physical’ activities (as opposed to ‘merely physical’ activities) to an experience of potentiality. I develop this idea on the basis of an analysis of repetitive, rhythmical and collective body-exercise (e.g. running in a group or basic callisthenics).  相似文献   

In France, there is no religious education in state schools. ‘Convictional education’ appeared by drawing its perimeter around three educational subjects: philosophy, teaching about religions, and moral and civic education. Today, the French school is facing new challenges in a highly secularised society on which religion is laying new claims. As an institution, it is not neutral insofar as it proceeds from a political philosophy that evolved from the French Revolution. It is within the operative framework of this philosophy and with specific teaching practices that it intends to combine unity and plurality within itself.  相似文献   

This study in comparative physical education examines the curricula followed by physical-education teachers in China and France. It explores how theories of physical education and sport in each country have developed out of specific political, cultural and educational contexts, yet resulted in strong similarities in terms of the priority given to training programs. Nonetheless, it can be seen that the two curricula reflect genuinely divergent concepts of physical education influencing both theory and practice. The attitudes of Chinese and French teacher-trainers towards physical education and sport are shown to display significant ideological differences with regard to the meaning and educational import of these activities.  相似文献   

This study in comparative physical education examines the curricula followed by physical-education teachers in China and France. It explores how theories of physical education and sport in each country have developed out of specific political, cultural and educational contexts, yet resulted in strong similarities in terms of the priority given to training programs. Nonetheless, it can be seen that the two curricula reflect genuinely divergent concepts of physical education influencing both theory and practice. The attitudes of Chinese and French teacher-trainers towards physical education and sport are shown to display significant ideological differences with regard to the meaning and educational import of these activities.  相似文献   

19世纪中叶以后越南开始经历法国的殖民统治。在这个过程中,儒学教育的一元地位丧失,儒学学校体制随着殖民者实施地区分治的政治策略而出现分化,形成了越南罗马字学校、法国学校、儒学学校与新学机构并存的四分格局。教育的高度分化对法国在越南的殖民统治颇为不利,迫使殖民者加强殖民地教育的集权,加速建立统一的殖民教育体系。  相似文献   

要有效地、可靠地实施与进行无痕合辙教育活动,就必须对其进行策划。要进行无痕合辙教育活动策划就必须搞清有关其策划的某些基本问题。研究这些基本问题是有效地、可靠地进行无痕合辙教育活动的基础与保障。由于无痕合辙教育活动的进行是不能脱离学校的管理范畴的,是隶属于学校的教育体系的。因此,我们必须把无痕合辙教育活动策划作为必须学校教育策划管理的一部分,让它根植于学校教育管理体系之中。  相似文献   

This article places the current state of Dutch co-education in physical education into a longitudinal perspective. Occasionally, comparisons are made with Germany and England. The dominant, twentieth-century, co-educational tradition in the Netherlands--including its pragmatic argumentation-- has influenced educational ideals, as well as school practice, with respect to physical education. Due to a historical lack of fundamental discussions about co-education, today's problems relating to nationwide co-education in Dutch physical education programmes are trivialised. This is highlighted within this article by an analysis of the only manual on co-education ever published in the Netherlands. In conclusion, the article suggests that because co-education is not regarded as a controversial issue in the Netherlands, gender problems in physical education are neglected.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the viability of the current French educational system in French Polynesia. By combining limited fieldwork with relevant local empirical data, it critically examines aspects of the French educational system and their implementation overseas. The goal is an illumination of the relationship in Tahiti between locally irrelevant secondary education and limited socioeconomic participation. A brief introduction and presentation of historical context are made, after which problematic educational dynamics are identified. Concerns include the question of language, political idiosyncrasies, the colonial legacy, drop-outs and school leavers, poor educational performance, the problem of redoublement, and cultural unsuitability.  相似文献   

情感教育是完整教育过程的一个有机组成部分,是素质教育改革的需要,是培养全面发展的人的需要.学校体育实施情感教育能培养学生的责任心和义务感,增强学生的自尊心和自信心,培养爱憎分明的立场和用于探索的精神.为了更好的在学校体育工作中实施情感教育,体育教师应更新教育理念,加强自身情感休养,利用体育教学以及各种体育活动对学生进行情感教育.  相似文献   

在法国高等教育的发展历程中,宗教文化发挥了非常重要的作用。法国的学校教育肇始于早期基督教的教会学校,巴黎大学这一高等教育组织便与主教座堂学校有着深刻的历史联系。在巴黎大学诞生前后,其发展常受到教会力量的干预,其精神特质深受基督教文化的影响;中世纪后期,宗教领域的变化也波及了巴黎大学,新兴教会在教育方式上给了巴黎大学一定的引导。据此,笔者认为巴黎大学乃至法国高等教育的历史本质是一种宗教文化。  相似文献   

特许学校运动是发端于20世纪90年代的一项美国教育改革运动,旨在通过市场机制来促进公立教育改革.特许学校已成为美国联邦政府推进公立教育改革的重要政策抓手.新上任的特朗普总统将包括特许学校在内的学校选择设定为其最优先的教育事项.特许学校在本质上仍然属于公立学校.其关键特征是将公共资金支持和私人管理相结合,通过以"责任"换取"自治",特许学校获得改革创新的空间,从而引发整个公立教育系统形成健康的竞争环境,并最终促成教育的公平与优秀.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study attempts to define English and French cultural and educational values in primary school. It is maintained that pupil attitudes to education are derived from pupils' sociocultural backgrounds and that pupil attitudes predispose pupils to learning. Pupils interpret both what and how they learn through the medium of the culture to which they belong. English and French educational values are identified through classroom observation, teacher discourse and pupil perceptions. The comparative approach allows the contrastive characteristics inherent in each country's culture to emerge. It is argued that pupil understanding of such educational values as authority, thought or 'la pensee', control over learning and educational goals and how to achieve them are related to national culture and that they have an effect on pupil motivation. The paper is both an example of and an exploration into how culture may affect learning. It suggests that cultural values are more significant for learning than pedagogical styles as it argues that underlying educational values give meaning to styles of pedagogy.  相似文献   


Language rights embedded in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Department of Justice, 1982) and implemented in the provincial education system have allowed parents to choose French language schools over their English alternative. But creation established by law does not fully protect the continuation of such a school. The image that it presents to its school community and the wider community within which it sits is equally important because it establishes economic, as well as legal, viability. This paper addresses the marketing that a legally mandated minority-language school in Canada developed in order to foster survival in its own particular cultural and educational community. The relationship between school, parents and public at large is analyzed to illustrate the balance that the school maintained between inclusive-ness and exclusivity. Document analysis, interviews and observation, as part of a larger case study, revealed the creation of an image that addressed several different parent stakeholder groups simultaneously. This paper reports the explicit and implicit messages that a school sends its community, while it adapts to suit client needs in a legal environment of growing school choice. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_10  相似文献   

Teacher education and development takes place within an encompassing local system of education and ongoing forms of school improvement. Critical to successful teacher development when Western ideas are being adopted in other cultures is narratively linking development programmes to this local education system, such as in China, and to its culturally established ways of knowing and being. This paper presents a narrative inquiry approach to teacher development that builds on the existing educational system, ongoing school reforms, and culturally established ways of knowing and being. The paper concludes with the potential of teacher development to shape global values that may be shared among cultures.  相似文献   

法国数学教育比较优秀,数学教材是数学教育的重要载体,但国内对法国数学教材的研究比较少。首先介绍法国的教育体制,然后通过实例,对使用比较广泛的法国初中数学教材进行剖析。法国初中数学教材对中国教育工作者的启示:注重“低起点,小步子”;讲究直观实验与严谨推理相结合;注重分层教学;合理设计课前准备活动、课后活动。研究对中国初中数学教材的发展及数学教学改革具有一定的参考价值与意义。  相似文献   


The above examples are but a few ideas which may stimulate teachers and children to develop other activities that have an educational benefit and which motivate children in design and technology and physical education. They will not replace core teaching and learning in physical education and design and technology but should form an integral part of the overall school curriculum. Sound planning and curriculum development strategies should, we believe, allow the inclusion of such activities in the curriculum of the primary school.  相似文献   

法国儿童出生率和妇女就业率的上升让儿童在校外时间接受家庭以外的托管需求日渐增加。法国政府高度重视儿童托管工作,主要通过"课外活动中心"进行。它是家庭和学校之外的教育空间对儿童教育的补充,通过各种校外活动进行公民道德、合作精神和集体生活能力等方面的教育。我国儿童托管可借鉴法国的经验,探索儿童托管的具体策略与途径,加强政府的投入和监管,推动我国儿童托管教育健康发展。  相似文献   

This article draws a comparison between the Portuguese in relation to British and French discourses on overseas educational policies at the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century until the 1930s. It focuses on three main colonial educational dynamics: school expansion (comparing the public and private sectors); State–Church relations (comparing these relationships at the European and colonial levels); and missionary competition (comparing Catholic with Protestant strategies towards educational incorporation). Colonial discourse is seen here as a power‐knowledge discourse aimed at constructing the colonial subjects as individuals, enabling them to imagine themselves as belonging to a particular cultural polity. The article intends to show how cross‐national discourses on education affect the principles on which theories of schooling are built and the ways in which they influence the first attempts to systematize pedagogical and school models in the colonial peripheries. On the other hand, it tries to understand, within government technologies of domination, the conflicting views, negotiations and ambiguities between global policy formulation and local school system implementation. In this sense, the author sought to analyse the different ways in which concepts such as ‘assimilation’, ‘civilizing mission’, ‘adapted education’, and ‘learning by doing’ were mobilized and appropriated into the colonial education discourses in order to legitimize particular governmental strategies. Two main ideas run through the text: the first attempts to demonstrate the existence of discontinuities between official educational ideologies at home and local system and school expansion strategies in the colonies. The second claims that educational borrowing from other colonies at the Empires' peripheries was, more often that is thought, a crucial feature of colonial educational discourse.  相似文献   

Competition is an essential part of youth sport. But should it also be part of the curriculum in physical education? Or are competitive activities incompatible with the educational context? While some researchers have argued that physical education should embrace the sporting logic of competition, others have criticized the negative experiences it can create for some students in school. In this article, we draw on insights from the philosophy of sport as well as educational philosophy, with the aim of questioning and critically examining the integration of competitive activities in physical education. We present and discuss four normative arguments (AVOID, ASK, ADAPT, and ACCEPT) that can each in their own way inform and guide future talks on the topic.  相似文献   

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