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夏玉红 《林区教学》2013,(12):62-63
英语听力教学中,语篇理解是学习的难点。听力理解过程既包含了自下而上加工的过程,又包含自上而下加工的过程。教师了解听力理解过程,有助于听力教学质量的提高。学生欠缺语篇能力,会在语篇理解中只见树木不见森林,因此,在听力教学中帮助学习者培养语篇意识;掌握语篇衔接知识(英语语篇的衔接手段分为指代、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接五种);熟悉常见体裁(听力材料的常见体裁有故事、新闻报道和学术讲座等)的语篇特点,有助于克服听力中语篇理解的困难。  相似文献   

语篇分析视角下的大学英语听力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
听力一直是许多学生英语学习中的一大障碍。尝试把语篇分析理论引入大学英语听力教学中,根据英语语篇的特点,结合听力理解的心理过程,说明听力理解是建立在语篇分析的基础上的。认为在听力教学中应帮助学生树立语篇意识,根据语篇的一些特点,抓住所听信息的主要线索,进行主动预测,达到对所听材料全面、深刻的理解,从而有效提高听力水平。  相似文献   

听力理解一直以来是困扰大学英语教学和四、六级考试中的难点,因此,如何提高听力理解一直受到许多高校的关注。本文从语篇分析角度出发,着重论述了语篇分析对听力理解的影响,并提出了如何培养语篇分析能力的策略,以此提高听力理解能力。  相似文献   

衔接理论认为衔接是所有类别语篇的共有特征,是描绘和分析语篇的有效途径。训练听话者准确识别语篇中各种显性和隐性衔接手段,有助于其在听力理解过程中把重点由词汇、句子结构向语篇转移,关注语篇结构、语篇功能以及语篇与语境的关系,将词汇、句子、段落在语义上联系起来,把握其在语篇中的作用,并根据语境和文化背景推断出语篇的整体意义,把握语篇主旨并获取关键信息,实现对语篇的准确理解。基于衔接理论的听力语篇分析的具体实践和实验数据的统计分析结果表明,衔接理论有助于听话者更加准确地分析、理解听力语篇,从而更为有效地提高其听力理解能力。  相似文献   

语篇结构是语篇的意义结构,是反映语篇主线的发展和联贯的主要方式。听力理解获得的信息不是所听材料的简单相加,而是整个语篇意义的概括。学生对口语语篇声律特征的敏感度和准确把握可以帮助学生把握语篇的宏观结构及重要信息。听力教学以语篇结构分析为突破口促进学生对听力材料的整体理解。帮助学生掌握相关声律特征知识可以完善学生的听力策略,提高学生宏观处理听力语篇信息的能力。  相似文献   

听力理解是语言多种能力的综合反映 ,任何一种能力的不足都会影响听力理解 ,阻碍听力水平的提高。其中语篇理解是英语听力训练中的难点与重点。而语义联想、逻辑思维和记忆能力是实现语篇理解的有效方法。语篇理解的训练在英语听力课的教学中应得到足够的重视。  相似文献   

听力训练和测试主要是培养和考察学生对一定情景语境中的语篇连贯性的认识和理解程度。从功能语法的角度,结合大学英语听力材料中的实例,对语篇衔接手段进行分析,将衔接理论应用在大学英语听力的实践教学中,可帮助非英语专业学生了解衔接手段的基本知识及对听力语篇进行分析,使学习者能够在听力过程中,通过不同的衔接手段,更好地理解上下文的联系,更多地获取语篇中的信息,提高对听力语篇的敏感度和理解力,从而提高听力理解水平,更快地把握语篇脉络,更准确地理解听力语篇所传达的内容和意义。  相似文献   

篇章能力是听力理解中一个重要的因素,所以语篇分析法大学英语听力教学十分丛要.通过对听力语篇进行分析,引导学生关注篇章的宏观组织结构和微观的组织纹理,有利于学生总体把握语篇发展模式,掌握构成各类语篇模式的基本要素,准确辨认关键信息、有关信息和无关信息,时所听材料的内容进行预测.实现推断性理解,从而形成以整体理解引导细节理解,细节理解增进整体理解的良好机制,提高听力理解效率.  相似文献   

在英语专业四级考试中,听力理解是重中之重。本文试图将系统功能语言学的重要理论——语域运用于专四听力教学中,分别从语场、语旨、语式三个方面论述语域对听力语篇的预测功能,激发学生参与听力理解的积极性,提高学生听力理解的水平和能力,进而提高学生的专四考试通过率。  相似文献   

大学英语四、六级考试听力短文部分是对考生听力综合理解能力要求很高的部分,是听力理解的难点。而听力综合理解能力与语篇分析能力是密切相关的。其中衔接是语篇的重要范畴之一。文章运用语篇衔接理论,剖析了近年四、六级听力短文中的语篇衔接特征,通过对听力材料和试题中的词汇衔接、语法衔接及意义衔接中的体裁与篇章模式等方面的引证分析,从而得出了针对听力短文部分的应试对策。  相似文献   

第二语言听力理解不是一个被动的简单接收过程,而是一个包含接收、加工以及产出的主动、复杂的信息处理过程。这一过程中涉及到言语辨听能力、概括能力、预测能力、理解能力、记忆能力等各个方面。提出影响第二语言听力理解的信息处理模型以及基于此模型的听力教学策略,以期达到帮助学生提高英语听力理解效率的目的。  相似文献   

上下义关系作为一项重要的语义学理论对英语阅读理解能力的提高有着较强的理论指导作用。TEM-8阅读体裁决定了其篇章结构同上下义关系理论有着天然的契合之处。文章运用上下义关系理论中词汇的外延和内涵关系,通过收集分析2005年至2007年的TEM-8阅读真题,从词、句、段、篇章的层面上分析了上下义关系理论与TEM-8阅读理解的相关性,指出上下义关系作为一种科学解题的方法论,可以正确地指导考生猜测词义、概括段落主题句以及理解篇章,从而有效提高TEM-8阅读成绩。  相似文献   

通过调查分析发现,影响大学英语四级考试选词填空阅读理解有多种因素。其中词汇知识和语法知识是两大重要因素,语篇知识、母语负迁移、阅读理解监控能力与情感因素也在不同程度上制约着学生对篇章的理解程度。  相似文献   

The author presents results of research on informatics education with emphasis on informatics system comprehension for twenty-first century local, national and global needs. Learners have to create a sustainable cognitive model of a computer to demystify such an informatics system. This can be achieved by fostering system comprehension. The underlying hypothesis of this article is that knowing networked fundamental ideas of informatics and their combination in a system helps learners to develop a cognitive approach to informatics systems. In particular it focuses on the development of networked thinking as a cognitive precondition for mental models of systems. The work contributes to the discussion on what kind of comprehension is required and how far system comprehension can be supported. Assuming there are two pillars of the subject of informatics, i.e., informatics modelling and comprehension of informatics systems, object-oriented design patterns join both together. Knowing about multifaceted interdependencies between the components of a system and the cognitive analysis of such a system is of great value in overcoming the tendency to search for a single cause of an effect. With this in mind, the author offers a theoretical basis as to why design patterns are an essential component of informatics as a subject at secondary level. New media require a new cognitive approach. With regard to the didactic system developed by Brinda and Schubert, exploration modules are an appropriate way to support teaching and learning of design patterns in practice. This article describes a current project developing an exploration module to introduce design patterns with an emphasis on system comprehension to learners at upper secondary level.  相似文献   

Children learning English as an additional language (EAL) often experience difficulties with reading comprehension relative to their monolingual peers. While low levels of vocabulary appear to be one factor underlying these difficulties, other factors such as a relative lack of appropriate background knowledge may also contribute. Sixteen children learning EAL and 16 of their monolingual peers, matched for word reading accuracy, were assessed using a standard measure of reading comprehension and an experimental measure of reading comprehension for which relevant background knowledge was taught before assessing understanding. Tests of receptive and expressive vocabulary were also completed. Results confirmed lower levels of reading comprehension for children learning EAL for both standard and ‘background’ controlled measures. Analysis of comprehension by question type on the experimental measure showed that while both groups made use of taught knowledge to answer inferential questions, children learning EAL had specific difficulties with both literal questions and questions requiring the interpretation of a simile. It is suggested that relevant background information should be used to facilitate children's text comprehension. Furthermore, several factors, especially vocabulary differences, but also text search strategies, context use and comprehension monitoring skills, may contribute to the comprehension difficulties experienced by children learning EAL.  相似文献   

为了提高英语听力教学效果,教师在培养学生语言能力的同时,要重视启发和训练学生运用图式理论提高听力水平。本文以图式理论为理论框架,分析了听力理解的认知机制,并在此基础上探讨了图式理论在促进听力教学中的具体运用。  相似文献   

语音和推理是影响学生英语听力理解的重要因素之一。本文通过听力材料中的一些具体例子来说明语音和推理对学生听力理解的影响。同时指出:通过选择适当的听力材料和了解英语国家背景知识的方法,来增强语言加工能力,提高语音和推理能力。  相似文献   

Reading comprehension is a multi-dimensional process that includes the reader, the text, and factors associated with the activity of reading. Most research and theories of comprehension are based primarily on research conducted with monolingual English speakers (L1). The present study was designed to investigate the cognitive and linguistic factors that have an influence on reading comprehension in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) speakers. The cognitive aspects of reading comprehension among L1 speakers and ESL speakers in the seventh grade were investigated. The performance of both groups was compared and the role of some relevant processes, including word reading, word reading fluency, phonological awareness, working memory, and morphological and syntactic awareness were assessed. Within this sample, three groups were examined: (1) children with poor comprehension (PC) in the absence of word reading difficulties (2) children with poor word reading and poor comprehension (poor readers, PR) (3) and children with both good word reading and comprehension abilities (good comprehenders, GC). The results demonstrated that a variety of cognitive processes, such as working memory and phonological, syntactic, and morphological awareness are important for reading comprehension and compromised in poor comprehenders. The GC group performed better than the PC group on all of the cognitive measures, indicating that comprehension depends on a variety of phonological, memory and linguistic processes and that adequate word recognition skill are important for reading comprehension. The prevalence of the ESL and L1 students was similar across the three reading groups. The ESL and L1 students demonstrated similar performance, indicating that the skills underlying reading comprehension are similar in the ESL and L1 students. This study demonstrated that ESL students are capable of developing word reading and reading comprehension skills that are as strong as those of their L1 peers.  相似文献   

This research explored phonological and morphological awareness among Hebrew-speaking adolescents with reading disabilities (RD) and its effect on reading comprehension beyond phonological and word-reading abilities. Participants included 39 seventh graders with RD and two matched control groups of normal readers: 40 seventh graders matched for chronological age (CA) and 38 third graders matched for reading age (RA). We assessed phonological awareness, word reading, morphological awareness, and reading comprehension. Findings indicated that the RD group performed similarly to the RA group on phonological awareness but lower on phonological decoding. On the decontextualized morphological task, RD functioned on par with RA, whereas in a contextualized task RD performed above RA but lower than CA. In reading comprehension, RD performed as well as RA. Finally, results indicated that for normal readers contextual morphological awareness uniquely contributed to reading comprehension beyond phonological and word-reading abilities, whereas no such unique contribution emerged for the RD group. The absence of an effect of morphological awareness in predicting reading comprehension was suggested to be related to a different recognition process employed by RD readers which hinder the ability of these readers to use morphosemantic structures. The lexical quality hypothesis was proposed as further support to the findings, suggesting that a low quality of lexical representation in RD students leads to ineffective reading skills and comprehension. Lexical representation is thus critical for both lexical as well as comprehension abilities.  相似文献   

认知研究与外语教学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年,国内外关于认知的研究发展很快,范围也扩展到语言学问题的各个方面。但是相对来说与外语教学有关的研究较少。认知研究的一些研究成果如图式理论、隐喻研究、认知规律等,可以应用于阅读教学、听力教学、化教学、写作教学等各方面。  相似文献   

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