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一、发展背景早在1992年,瑞典就开始了在中小学课程领域的改革。改革的中心在于从以教学为中心到以学习为中心的转变。在这个转变的过程中,瑞典中小学信息通信技术(Information&CommunicationTechnology)教育扮演了一个重要角色,中小学信息通信技术教育课程受到了高度重视。1998年,瑞典政府制定了春季财政法案。该法案提出自1999年至2001年,瑞典政府专门拨款1.5万亿瑞典克郎用于中小学ICT教育,同时瑞典政府向国会递交的《学习的工具——全国中小学信息通信技术计划》(ToolsforLearning:ANationalprogrammeforICTinschools,…  相似文献   

据美国IDC公司的调查显示瑞典于2000年和20010年连续两年被评为世界上信息技术发展最快的国家瑞典民意研究所1 //0年0月20日公布最新调查结果其国际互联网已占全国人口的33?%人均上网比例居世界第一瑞典将教育与信息技术有机地结合起来传统教育搭乘快车使瑞典的教育走在了世界的前列0887年瑞典国会通过了政府提交的学习的工具全国中小学实施信息通信技术计划在瑞典的大学课堂已不再是学生与老师沟通的唯一渠道每一个学生都可以通过网络就他们感兴趣的问题与老师在网上进行讨论在享受自由交流的同时学校内部的网站还随时发布各类教育信息学…  相似文献   

瑞典中小学劳动和职业教育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从50年代初期开始,瑞典着手改革教育体制,率先在欧洲国家中进行综合学校实验。70年代初,瑞典建立起全国统一的中小学教育制度。在新建立的教育体制下,又以课程改革为中心,成功地把普通教育与劳动和职业教育融为一体。在西方国家中,瑞典中小学劳动和职业教育是成功的典范。一、中小学劳动和职业教育的现状瑞典现行教育体制是50年代至60年代的改革确定的。1950年,瑞典议会决定改革中小学教育体制。经过12年实验,新学制终于在1962年确定下来。废除民众学校和初级中学,设立9年一贯制的基础学校,对全国7-16岁儿童和青少年实施普及义务…  相似文献   

今天我们在这里召开全国中小学教师远程培训暨教育技术能力建设计划实施工作经验交流会议。这次会议的主要任务是,认真学习贯彻教育部关于加强和改革中小学教师培训工作的要求,总结交流中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划实施情况和经验,研究如何充分利用现代远程教育手段,加强中小学教师培训,特别是农村教师培训工作,研究如何进一步扎实推进中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划,提高广大教师教育技术应用能力。  相似文献   

瑞典非常重视学校教育。二战后至今,教育的步步改革,尤其是中小学课程改革成效显著,使瑞典成为一个令世界瞩目的“人人、随时、随地而且免费”获得学习机会的学习社会。 一、中小学课程改革政策 30年代瑞典的社会福利体制逐渐形成。1939年,政府提出重建瑞典社会和经济生活的计划,致力于改善低收入家庭的经济状况,把瑞典建设成为一个民主的、平等的社会。随着民主、平等思想在瑞典人  相似文献   

今天我们在这里召开全国中小学教师远程培训暨教育技术能力建设计划实施工作经验交流会议.这次会议的主要任务是,认真学习贯彻教育部关于加强和改革中小学教师培训工作的要求,总结交流中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划实施情况和经验,研究如何充分利用现代远程教育手段,加强中小学教师培训,特别是农村教师培训工作,研究如何进一步扎实推进中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划,提高广大教师教育技术应用能力.  相似文献   

2005年4月5日~6日,教育部2005年教师教育工作会议在北京召开。会议印发了《教育部关于启动实施全国中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划的通知》。全国中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划是为了贯彻教育部《2003~2007年教育振兴行动计划》,配合基础教育课程改革和农村中小学现代远程教育计划,提高中小学教师教育教师应用能力和水平,促进教师专业化发展而制定。计划以《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(实行)》为依据,在2005—2007年间,将组织全国中小学教师完成不低于50学时的教育技术培训。  相似文献   

瑞典中小学教育一瞥姬向群1994年12月6日至21日,以杨玉民副局长为名誉团长、以文副局长为团长的北京市教育考察团一行7人,对瑞典斯德哥尔摩市(以下简称斯市)的中小学教育进行了为期半个月的考察。代表团参观了斯市的10所普通中小学、芭蕾舞学校、警察学校...  相似文献   

为切实加强中小学(含职业技术学校、幼儿园)教师队伍的专业化建设,优质高效地完成全市中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划工作,进一步规范培训管理,提高培训质量,建立一套规范性、权威性的中小学教师教育技术培训、考试和认证体系,使全市中小学、幼儿园教师的教育技术应用能力和教学水平得到显著提高,近日,格尔木市教育局制定并下发了《2009年中小学教师现代教育技术能力培训计划》。  相似文献   

随着教育信息化的发展,教育技术能力已成为衡量教师信息素养的重要方面。2004年l2月,教育部正式颁布了《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》(以下简称《标准》),这是中国颁布的第一个教师信息素养标准,它对教师教育技术能力的界定有了明确的依据。随后,教育部启动"中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划",明确提出:在3年内组织全国中小学教师  相似文献   

This paper reports of how ICT and a computer rich environment is used in a an upper secondary Swedish school to change traditional teacher and pupil work. A teacher and his classes were followed during one week. Observations, field notes, spontaneous conversations and formal interviews with the teacher and some pupils were made. Teachers' and pupils' work is affected in many ways. Some of the traditional teacher's work is here left to the pupils. In spite of the pedagogical intention to promote cooperation, the technology seems to strengthen individual work. ICT also seems to lead to the dissolution of boundaries between home and work place, working time and leisure time. The pupils' task to search for information on the Internet and transform it into personal knowledge is not an easy one. Discussion or evaluation of sources and origin of texts found on the Internet seems to be negligent.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):236-253

The demands of the twenty-first century require effective and sustainable use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education. Various ICT strategies and initiatives across South Africa have not resulted in system-wide, sustainable ICT integration in schools. Although the roles of principals are acknowledged in educational management, the question remains how principals influence teachers' effective and sustainable integration of ICT through teacher professional development (TPD). A matrix of theoretical criteria selected seven participants across diverse contexts. In-depth interviews produced an integrated dataset that revealed principals' patterns of influence, their perceptions and experiences, their leadership and management styles, their attitudes towards ICT integration, their knowledge on related ICT and related TPD issues, as well as their strategic thinking on ICT integration. The proposed theoretical framework illustrates the interrelatedness of aspects that influence principals' leadership through open distance learning.  相似文献   

This paper argues that educational technology in the Greek-Cypriot educational system has reached a critical point since ICT now appears for the first time in the newly reformed national curriculum. This study primarily illuminates the ways in which ICT is depicted in this curriculum with regards to primary education and, secondarily, explores whether the approach adopted appears consistent. The methodology employed involves a documentary analysis of the reformed curriculum in terms of four domains: rationale, content, teaching methodology as well as achievement processes across the 15 subject areas. Findings indicate that references to three ICT-related words are only made in some subjects. In addition, these references reflect either the socio-economic rationale towards ICT competency -also expressed in the general aims of the new NC- or the educational rationale, underlying the contribution of ICT to teaching and learning. Consequently, the approach towards new technologies fails to emerge as systematic across all primary school subjects. In this regard, although the inclusion of ICT in the reformed NC of the Greek-Cypriot educational system is certainly a way forward, the intended curriculum needs to be revised to reflect a clear approach, resembling either a focus on ICT competency or the educational perspective, or both. Furthermore, in anticipation of the implemented and attained curriculum, school structures as well as teacher professional development arise as issues for further consideration.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the development and practical testing of a theoretical framework for the identification of important factors in relation to the implementation of ICT into a UK secondary school. The approach is characterized by considering the process of implementing use of ICT across a whole school for teaching and learning as a special case of implementing change.

The theoretical framework was derived from reviewing and synthesizing the literature in the field of change management and that of ICT in schools. Using an interpretive approach, a single case study was the practical basis for undertaking research, guided but not constrained by the theoretical framework and finally mapping the case study findings against it.

This process enabled the possible contribution of the framework with regard to the implementation of ICT in schools, to be assessed, and its further development considered.  相似文献   

Included in the contemporary mathematics curricula in Ghana is the expectation that mathematics teachers will integrate technology in their teaching. However, importance has not been placed on preparing teachers to use ICT in their instruction. This paper reports on a study conducted to explore the feasibility of ICT use in mathematics teaching at senior high school levels in Ghana. Interviews and survey data were used for data collection. Preliminary results showed that mathematics teachers in Ghana do not integrate ICT in their mathematics instruction. Among the major perceived barriers identified were: Lack of knowledge about ways to integrate ICT in lesson and Lack of training opportunities for ICT integration knowledge acquisition. To overcome some of these barriers, opportunities of a professional development arrangement for pre-service mathematics teachers were explored. Findings from the study revealed specific features of a professional development scenario that matters for ICT integration in mathematics teaching in the context of Ghana.  相似文献   

This literature review explores the historical development of information and communication technology (ICT) in Irish postprimary/secondary schools and examines how the education system has responded to the various ICT initiatives and policy changes. The review has found that despite national policy and significant ICT initiatives, it appears that the use of computer technology has instead evolved independent of these changes. The various policy nudges throughout the past three decades have had limited impact on the nature of its use. The predominant use of the technology lies within discrete informatics subjects which tend to focus on learning about the technology rather than learning with it. Future ICT policy needs to be cognisant of the past, particularly how national ICT initiatives are mediated within schools and the powerful influence of the prevailing ICT culture on external ICT initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first phase of a study in teacher education, which explored how a conceptual framework for creativity with information and communication technology (ICT) might be developed and expressed in professional development for primary education pre-service and newly qualified teachers. The Creativity and Professional Development Project (C&PD) involved 16 education ICT specialists in the final stage of their BA in an English University. They participated in the project to investigate their classroom practice in the use of ICT to promote creativity in the making of digital video movies, and to reflect upon the development of their pedagogy with ICT in primary classrooms. The analysis focuses on the student teachers’ experience of engaging in creative activities to prepare, teach and evaluate a school-based project, and identified themes of their understandings and personal experience of creativity, the contribution of ICT, and their reflections on professional development. This analysis raises the issue of designing learning experiences, which promote and support creativity with ICT in the context of teacher learning. A conceptual framework to describe creative practices with ICT in teacher education was developed from the study.  相似文献   

The overall appeal of ICT in education in China is promoting deep integration of ICT technology with teaching. From a regional point of view, intelligent terminals, such as laptop and tablet, were integrated into classroom, in Beijing, Shanghai and other developed cities. Interactive media equipment (whiteboards, interactive TVs and iPad etc.) have been applied in classroom teaching with deeper and broader ways. However, regarding the pedagogy, it is still a challenge to apply ICT technology for the revolution and further development of classroom instruction properly. In order to evaluate the quality of classroom teaching in an ICT environment and support teachers teaching with ICT technology in daily life practices, this study explored, measured and analyzed the features of classroom instruction in ICT environment, according to the sample lessons from a district in Beijing. Based on our prior research findings on Pad-enhanced teaching pedagogy, the “TPOCME Deep Classroom model” was proposed. 66 sample lessons that applying the TPOCME model was analyzed. The study found that student’s Higher-order Thinking, Classroom Participation and Meaningful learning all have qualitative improvement compared with the traditional classes. The progress concerning the integration of ICT in education and teaching changes the relations between teaching and learning in traditional classes. This study also proved the effectiveness of the proposed model and provided a basis for further development. It was an exploration of promoting ICT-enabled classroom teaching pedagogy in China.  相似文献   

ICT in the Classroom: Is Doing More Important than Knowing?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The introduction of ICT in Swedish compulsory schooling and related changes in the curriculum include a greater focus on pupil activity and responsibility. At the same time the role of the teacher is expected to change. What changes are occurring under these ICT-related initiatives? This paper is based on an empirical study of the work with ICT in nine different schools. It points to at least two on-going trends. Firstly, a shifting of focus in education from content to form. Secondly, a dissolution of boundaries in terms of room, time and activity. This makes it even more difficult for teachers to exercise control over the learning process. This has created a situation where “to do” something with the computer seems to be more important than to understand the content in different subjects.  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用PISA2018跨国学生测评数据,通过多层次模型方法系统刻画与评估个体-学校-国家层级的ICT水平对数字化阅读素养的影响路径及其效应。实证研究发现,不仅各层ICT水平对学生数字化阅读素养具有显著正向效应,且不同层级间存在显著的跨层交互调节效应;同时,“一带一路”国家与发达经济体在ICT水平上的发展差距在短期具有拉大数字化阅读素养差距的“马太效应”,但长期来看“一带一路”国家更快的ICT发展速率又将“平抑”技术分层导致的差异固化问题。中国应积极利用自身ICT发展优势,参与全球教育治理,引领“一带一路”沿线国家ICT水平与国民数字化阅读素养的协同发展,为全球教育发展开辟新的发展道路,贡献中国力量。  相似文献   

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