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建构主义教学理论作为一种全新的教学理论成为众多教育者研究的对象。建构主义强调学习是主动的意义建构过程,学习者利用自己的原有知识和经验通过个体与环境的相互作用(同化和顺应)主动建构意义。文章综合了建构主义的一些主要观点,从学习观、教学观两个方面对建构主义理论与传统教学理论加以区分和分析,并在此基础上提出建构主义理论对大学外语教学的启示。  相似文献   

建构主义理论与电视机原理教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出建构主义是当代教育心理学中的一场革命,它强调学习的主动性、社会性和情境性,对学习和教学提出了许多新的见解,更适用于学习的高级阶段,着重介绍了建构主义的基本理论,阐明了建构主义与教学的关系,提出了运用建构主义理论对电视机原理教学进行改革的意见与建议。  相似文献   

本文综合了建构主义的一些主要观点,从学习观、教学观两个方面对建构主义理论与传统教学理论加以区分和分析,并在此基础上提出建构主义理论对大学外语教学的启示。  相似文献   

本文是作者著“建构主义在职业与生计教育中的应用”中的一节。标题是本节原有的。本节对建构主义作了概括性的介绍。  相似文献   

建构主义理论新探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
建构主义是一个比较完整的教育思想体系。建构主义整合了以往各种教育学理论以及与之相关的心理学、甚至哲学思想。应当从建构主义的教育范式及其隐喻、对教师职能的认识、对认知弹性的运用、对阅读和写作的解释、对社会因素和心理因素间相互关系的考察和运用,以及运用建构主义要注意的问题等方面进行深层次的探索,以利于对建构主义理论有一个全面的了解。  相似文献   

建构主义的澄清与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建构主义近几年影响越来越大,同时,对建构主义的批评和误解也有增无减.首先,本文追本溯源,从当代建构主义的时代背景和一般特征出发,回答了"为什么说建构主义是与客观主义或实证主义相对应的认识论".其次,从理论发展方法的"演绎法"视角,阐释了建构主义与学习理论、教学设计的关系.最后,分析了典型案例--乔纳森的建构主义观对学习理论、教学设计的影响,以揭示建构主义给教育教学理论发展所带来的影响,反思建构主义在教育实践中的困境.本文期望通过在认识论、方法论、实践三个层面系统理清与反思建构主义,促进人们对该理论的深层次正确理解和有效运用.  相似文献   

根据最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》,新一轮大学英语教学改革的核心任务是要建立一个"基于计算机辅助的英语多媒体教学模式",即CALL(computer assisted language learning)模式。这一新的大学英语教学模式的理论基础是建构主义教学理论。阐述建构主义主要观点:如教学观、学习过程观、学习者与指导者角色观,和建构主义教学模式的基本要素,然后在建构主义教学观与传统教学观比较的基础上,提出了建构主义教学理论对大学英语CALL教学模式的深刻启示,并对它的实施提出几条建议。  相似文献   

建构主义教学理论与大学英语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合建构主义的一些主要观点,分析了建构主义教学观与传统教学观区别,并提出了建构主义教学理论对大学英语教学的启示。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论也可称为结构主义,作为一种新的认知理论,建构主义学习理论的兴起是在上世纪的八九十年代。瑞士著名的心理学家皮亚杰因为其创立了有关儿童认知发展理论,被看做是当代建构主义理论的最早提出者。他认为儿童是在与周围环境相互作用的过程中,逐步构建关于外部世界的知识,从而使自身的认知结构得到发展。建构主义理论的贡献在于强调了人的发展的一个最主要的方面就是认识主体的能动作用。建构主义的认识论是能动的反映论,它对认识个体的主体性给予前所未有的关注,  相似文献   

本文为西方教育心理学中流行的教学理论——建构主义理论的综述及评价,研究了该理论对英语教学的启示,概括性地介绍建构主义理论的发展脉络及其基本观点;较详细地说明建构主义理论的主要教学观;归纳和分析了建构主义教学观与传统教学观的根本区别;重点推荐建构主义的几种主要教学模式。  相似文献   

Constructivism in science education has been the subject of considerable debate in the science education literature. The purpose of this study was to facilitate chemistry teachers’ understanding that the tentative nature of scientific knowledge leads to the coexistence and rivalries among different forms of constructivism in science education. The study is based on 17 in-service teachers who had registered for a 11-week course on ‘Epistemology of Science Teaching’ as part of their Master's degree program. The course is based on 17 readings drawing on nature of science and a critical evaluation of constructivism. Course activities included written reports, classroom discussions based on participants’ presentations and written exams. Based on the results obtained, it is plausible to suggest that participant teachers experienced the following transitions leading to greater understanding, as they acquired experience with respect to constructivism: (a) Active participation of students as a pre-requisite for change; (b) Different forms of constructivism represent competing and conflicting interpretations of progress in science; (c) Acceptance of the present state of constructivism as a Kuhnian paradigm; (d) Social constructivism as the preferred form of constructivism; (e) Critical appraisal of social constructivism; (f) Despite its popularity, social constructivism does not constitute a Kuhnian paradigm (due to controversies, there is no consensus in the science education community); (g) Contradictions faced by constructivism in science education provide the base for its advance and evolution towards more progressive forms, and hence the need to consider, whither constructivism?  相似文献   

杜远阳 《高教论坛》2012,(6):100-102
作为一种面向市场、面向社会的教育,高等职业教育的目标就是为社会经济的稳步持续发展提供第一线所需的高技能人才,这要求高职教育应该及时调整培养人才的策略,完善教学模式。然而,怎样才能做到?这是一个值得研究的问题。笔者从建构主义理论出发,结合当前的新形式,通过传统教学模式与建构主义教学模式进行比对,从信息化、现场教学、工学结合、抛锚式教学这四个模式探讨了高职教学模式的改革。  相似文献   

An Essay for Educators: Epistemological Realism Really is Common Sense   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“What is truth?” Pontius Pilot asked Jesus of Nazareth. For many educators today this question seems quaintly passé. Rejection of “truth” goes hand-in-hand with the rejection of epistemological realism. Educational thought over the last decade has instead been dominated by empiricist, anti-realist, instrumentalist epistemologies of two types: first by psychological constructivism and later by social constructivism. Social constructivism subsequently has been pressed to its logical conclusion in the form of relativistic multiculturalism. Proponents of both psychological constructivism and social constructivism value knowledge for its utility and eschew as irrelevant speculation any notion that knowledge is actually about reality. The arguments are largely grounded in the discourse of science and science education where science is “western” science; neither universal nor about what is really real. The authors defended the notion of science as universal in a previous article. The present purpose is to offer a commonsense argument in defense of critical realism as an epistemology and the epistemically distinguished position of science (rather than privileged) within a framework of epistemological pluralism. The paper begins with a brief cultural survey of events during the thirty-year period from 1960–1990 that brought many educators to break with epistemological realism and concludes with comments on the pedagogical importance of realism. Understanding the cultural milieu of the past forty years is critical to understanding why traditional philosophical attacks on social constructivist ideas have proved impotent defenders of scientific realism.  相似文献   

Beliefs about knowledge, learning and teaching are assumed to impact teachers' practice (Brownlee, 2004; N. Entwistle, Skinner, D. Entwistle, & Orr, 2000). A change of beliefs is an important step for teacher learning, but it is often seen as difficult if not impossible (Cooney, Shealy, & Arvold, 1998). This study investigated the impact some teacher education programs from China and the USA had on the teachers' beliefs and teaching strategies and how these teachers integrated the acquired knowledge and teaching strategies in their practice. Researchers were particularly interested in investigating teachers' ability and willingness to use the strategies congruent with constructivist learning theory in their classrooms.  相似文献   

小学科学课程的培养目标在于提高学生的科学素养,具体到课堂教学中,就是如何实施“三维目标”的整合;以建构主义理论为依托,从科学教师、学生的主体性、课程资源、教学方法及评价手段这几方面具体阐述了科学课程“三维目标”整合应采取的策略,以此来激励学生对科学的学习。  相似文献   

基于项目的学习(PBL)模式研究   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
“基于项目的学习”是当前美国中小学广泛采用的一种探究性学习模式。它的理论基础是建构主义学习理论,杜威的实用主义教育理论和布鲁纳的发现学习理论。在此将全面介绍这种学习模式的定义、构成要素、特征和操作程序等。这种模式对于当前我国中小学研究性学习的开展有较大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Why is John Dewey still such an important philosopher today? Writing from the perspective of the Cologne Program of Interactive Constructivism, Stefan Neubert tries in what follows to give one possible answer to this question. Neubert notes that Cologne constructivism considers Dewey in many respects as one of the most important predecessors of present‐day constructivism and regards Deweyan pragmatism as one of its most important dialogue partners in contemporary discussions about pragmatism and constructivism in philosophy and education. Among the many aspects in which Dewey's works still speak powerfully to us today, Neubert highlights in this essay one theme that is at the heart of Dewey's philosophical approach: the relation between democracy and education.  相似文献   

从建构主义的理论建构入手进行分析与反思的论述近年来不断见诸教育杂志,然而建构主义并非仅停留于理论层面,其于实践层面亦有自己的主张.本文在分析建构主义意涵的基础上,从平等的师生关系与建构式教学两个方面对建构主义展开实践的反思,并进而指出建构主义实践的未来前景.  相似文献   

论建构主义教学设计范型   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
文章从考察建构主义的基本假设出发,在分析建构主义教学设计的基本特点,讨论建构主义教学设计模式倾向的基础上,描述了当前有影响的八个建构主义教学设计模式。  相似文献   

在公理化、建构主义的基本思想观点的基础上论述了公理化与建构主义的联系及对数学教学的启示 .  相似文献   

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