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在不同的文化语境下,不同的历史时期,女性对自身身体形象的追求是不同的.本文探讨了体育消费文化语境的内涵;回顾了不同文化语境下、不同历史时期女性身体形象的审美规训.在此基础上提出:(1)在体育消费文化语境下,女性身体是构建自我认同的重要条件,体育消费活动是女性身体形象认同的重要路径;(2)在体育消费文化语境下,女性进行体育消费应该以“健康”作为根本目标,重新认识“健身房”和进一步解放自己的身体,走出体育消费的误区,对身体形象的价值观认识应该得到突破和重新进行定位.  相似文献   


My background as an economic historian has strongly influenced my approach to sports history which I practise as a combination of theory and empiricism, particularly of the quantitative kind. Theory is central to our understanding of the social science of sport and evidence makes the subject history rather than fiction. As sports historians we should emphasize that our discipline is as ‘mainstream’ as any other form of history and we can contribute to major historical debates on, for example, race, gender, identity, and nationalism.  相似文献   

暴丽霞  冯强 《体育科研》2021,42(5):98-104
民俗是民众身体感受的生活事象,身体叙事是对民俗体育参与主体本体回归的一种人本关照。运用田野调查、口述史等方法,在阐释与梳理黄河流域国家级非物质文化遗产——背冰民俗产生的人文地理历史流变与相关学术史的基础上,对其传承人进行访谈。研究结论:由外而内社会规训的群体“符号性身体”、由内而外超越自我的个体“游戏性身体”是背冰民俗身体叙事的身体图式;记忆与规训、竞技与娱乐是背冰民俗身体叙事的社会功能。研究认为:民俗体育由事件—人的主体转向、时间—空间的结构转向、验证—诠释的“体认”范式转向是民俗体育实现由“生物观”到“本体观”身体叙事的主体转向路径。  相似文献   

从体育教学的视角研究运动技能学习过程规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以中小学体育教学中常见的运动技能为研究对象。运用假设检验、行家调查等研究方法,以运动技能的分类研究为切入点,探索运动技能学习过程的共性规律和基于“会能度”分类的运动技能学习过程的特殊规律。研究认为:将运动技能划分为会与不会有明显区别、中间型和会与不会没有明显区别3种类型;基于“会能度”分类的运动技能的学习规律,会与不会有明显区别的运动技能在学习过程中出现“质的”飞跃现象,不同类型运动技能学习阶段有差异性现象。  相似文献   

体力与智力辨析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育是人的生命素质的体现,是人的生活方式的重要内容。学校体育要落实身体运动的教育功能,也就是要处理体力和智力的内在关系。不能孤立体力,也不能把智力的培训狭隘地理解为文化教育。运动技术的学习、技术掌握的程度和体育活动中竞技能力的表达都能反映出机智,机智就是智力的一种表现方式。建立起这样的认识,学校体育才能在学生素质教育中起到应有的作用。  相似文献   

体育经济学是一门新兴学科,其在我国的发展历程不过短短十几年,有关该学科一些基本概念的争论从来没有停止过.体育经济学研究的首要任务是弄明白这门学科的学科属性、特征和研究范围.本研究结合有关学者和相关学科的研究成果,力图阐明体育经济学的学科属性,凸显体育经济学的学科特征,界定体育经济学的研究范围.  相似文献   

对体育学科均衡、协调发展的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“体育学科均衡、协调发展”有狭义和广义两种理解:前者仅仅指“体育各学科、各专业”内部之间的均衡布局与协调发展;后者是指以学科均衡布局为核心,在人才队伍、地域分布、国家战略需求、社会影响等各方面的综合均衡。理解“学科均衡、协调发展”首先要承认学科间差异存在的合理性;不能将“均衡”等同于平衡,更不等于平均;“学科均衡、协调发展”是动态的、相对的、长期的过程;学科为社会可持续发展发挥重要作用的基本前提是学科本身的可持续发展。针对推动我国体育学科均衡、协调发展提出几点建议:澄清“体育学科均衡、协调发展”的真正内涵;加强宏观调控进行资源导向;完善体育科学研究的评价体系和监督管理体系。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the historiographical debate concerning the nature and evolution of an Australian national identity. It does so through the case study of cricket and, in particular, cricketing relations with Britain. It argues that the movement of cultural traffic – that is the two-way transmission of people, ideas and sports – between metropole and colony was central to the formation, definition and evolution of an Australian cricketing identity. Furthermore, it suggests that this sporting national identity acted as a rehearsal for a broader Australian identity.  相似文献   

《可以吃的女人》是阿特伍德最早出版的一部小说,真实再现了加拿大社会中现代女性。尤其是知识女性的生存困境。文章分析了小说文本,揭示了女主人公认识自我,追寻自我,成长自我,并最终摆脱被动无为状态,不再逃避现实,以积极乐观的态度面对生活的心路历程。  相似文献   

薛岚 《体育与科学》2012,33(1):18-23
身体不仅是流行的话语,还为研究体育提供了新的内容。体育以身体为本,行动于身体,成就于身体,以球星的身体作为研究的主体,进而讨论球星的文化象征,就自然成为本文的主题。身体资本构建了球星,球星以自然身体奠定物质基础,技术身体体现运动能力,文化身体获得社会认同。球星是先天获得了该项目能力的潜质,后天具备了专项运动的技能,在竞技场上取得成功,从而赋予特定社会价值的人。球星的身体符号被语言、非语言和综合符号系统记录、传达。球星是运动的象征、生活的象征、时代的象征、民族的象征和生命的象征。球星承载了国家和民族的情感、意志、能力和成就,增加了人们对生活世界的感知,改变了人们对生活意义的认识,践行着人类追求超越的文化诉求。  相似文献   


Why is sport history, despite the central position it plays in the examination of core issues such as gender, race, nationalism and other identities, still marginalized within the historical discipline? This brief reflection on the subject suggests – in broad terms – that this remains the case because many practitioners lack the ambition, or the imagination, to break free from well-worn areas of research and publication outlets. If sports historians consistently fail to recognize opportunities to examine new topics and publish in high-ranking non-sport journals, the historical ‘mainstream’ will continue to refer to ‘classic’, yet outdated, texts that ultimately demean both parties. As shown in the article, this blinkered approach is exacerbated by current trends in higher education funding and recruitment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to reflect on what appears to be the relatively under-used methodologies associated with oral history – principally the interview as a primary source of data – in the writing of sports history. The observation is acknowledged as one made from a UK perspective, not least on account of the authors’ status as monolingual researchers, albeit from the different but culturally diverse nations of England and Scotland. The points of reference within this article are, therefore, necessarily drawn from works published in English, and the substantive oral history case studies are mostly sampled from those researched in the UK to date, chosen because they are either groundbreaking or illustrative of the opportunities, methodological challenges and politics that have come to be associated not only with the method itself, but the discipline of sports history. This paper will, therefore, firstly outline the development of oral history. Secondly, it will discuss the ways in which it has been applied within British sports history and, finally propose opportunities it presents for the future development of the discipline and those historians researching sport.  相似文献   

大学体育学科是我国大学体育现实发展的需求和体育学科体系建设的过程中产生的一个新的体育学科分支。文章分析了大学体育学科产生的背景和动因,研究了大学体育学科发展的结构性障碍,探讨了大学体育学科发展中进行观念更新。提出了对体育学科整体规划,体育人才培养规格的重新定位,学科知识体系的构建等创新发展的建议和对策。  相似文献   

While the career experiences and trajectories of various sports workers have received increased scholarly attention, those of professional coaches have, in comparison, received scant consideration. This paper focuses on the career experiences of Maeve (a pseudonym), a high performance coach, and the critical incidents related to the creation, development, and, ultimately, questioning of her professional identity. Data were collected through a series of narrative-biographical interviews and were subject to a process of iterative data analysis. The results indicated that her significant investment into her coaching self, combined with the vagaries and uncertain nature of work in high performance coaching, led her to experience a biographical disruption that interrupted the narrative coherence of her coaching life. The findings add further credence to recent critiques of only understanding and representing coaching careers in a linear and chronically staged fashion.  相似文献   

The sports film often focuses upon character psychology and narrative in the cinematic capturing and construction of sport and sports performance. However, the limited attention given to the role of the actor’s body threatens to compromise this seamless dramatic structure of the narrative, not to mention viewer identification with the protagonist, thus leading to inadequate sporting technique that fails to achieve verisimilitude. This paper looks to address the limitations in the actor’s bodily performance, by rethinking the relationship between the actor’s physical portrayal and their cinematic construction. I argue that cinematic techniques should function as an extension of the actor’s body, thus creating a more seamless fusion between the two. Adopting such a method would facilitate a more heightened representation of sports performance, while contributing to the unfolding of the plot through the bodily interactions between the actors during the spectacle of sports sequences.  相似文献   

“体医结合”到“体医融合”的核心是摸索一条体育与医疗深度融会贯通的道路,其目的是响应健康中国战略的推进,将体育锻炼方式和医疗技术手段有机融合,提升社会公民的健康水平和身体素质,减少医疗资源的占用,缓解巨额的医疗财政开支。本文主要运用文献资料、专家访谈等方法叙述从“体医结合”到“体医融合”的现状并解析及其内涵,从理论体系、人才培养、资源配置、监管体系四个方面深入探究其处于过渡时期理念捆绑和实践脱节导致进展缓慢的困境;主要研究路径分别为理论体系上推进“五位一体”建设,以技术、理念、策略、价值、资源融合为载体;服务及资源上实施“供给侧”转型,平衡区域体育健康资源布局,实行社会参与机制,推行区域内体医融合示范区建;人才培养上落实“求同存异”方案,培养高素质复合型人才;监管体系上加强政策导引,达到顶层设计目的,使“体医结合”通过合适的路径升华到“体医融合”。  相似文献   

体育的价值区域与探索路径   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
胡小明 《体育科学》2007,27(11):9-14
改革开放以来,中国体育界对体育的概念、术语、属性、本质、功能、目标、任务以及体育科学体系的构建进行了长期争论,至今余音未了。把体育作为研究对象,应主要划分为自然、社会、人文3个不同层面的价值区域,再借助成熟的母学科,选择适宜的探索途径,才能取得正确的成果。  相似文献   

Due to their periodicity and global reach, sports mega-events play a role in the symbolic construction of an imagined community progress towards a given politic agenda. In the case of Brazil, the FIFA World Cups organized in the country, in 1950 and 2014, may serve as key occasions to the understanding of the historical development of two principles which have been central to Brazilian politics since her independency: unity and modernity; or – as in the national flag motto – order and progress. Therefore, this article sets Brazil’s (inter)national sociopolitical context in the 20th and 21st centuries first halves to, then, analyse the promotional material of the 1950 and 2014 FIFA World Cups (i.e. posters, ceremonies and so on). Such analysis is focused on the (re)creation of Brazilian identity through the games as well as the role of regional cultures in this process.  相似文献   

运用马克思主义认识论理论及有关学科知识,对人的自我健身实现机制--健身意图、健身能力和健身精神进行初步的分析,以期为学校和社会体育工作者进一步认识和研究实现自我健身的过程提供参考.  相似文献   

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