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循环结构是结构化程序设计的三种基本结构之一,也是最重要、最复杂的一种结构。各种语言的循环语句既相互区别,又有相通之处。本文的目的是将BASIC语言、PASCAL语言及C语言中的循环语句进行系统的总结和比较,使读者对循环结构有一个高层次的认识。  相似文献   

杨锋英 《考试周刊》2007,(24):89-90
For语句是C语言程序设计中重要的循环语句之一,结构清晰、使用灵活。学习For语句应注意它同其它循环语句的区别和联系,熟悉其执行流程;同时还要多练习,在编程实践中牢固掌握它的使用方法。  相似文献   

C语言是国内外广泛使用的计算机语言,学会使用C语言进行程序设计是计算机专业本科生需要掌握的一项基本功。它在各高校计算机专业中既是其他课程的前期基础课,又是培养学生具有程序设计、调试能力的专业核心课程。程序设计的三种基本结构重中之重就是循环结构。而循环中的for循环是程序中运用最多的,它既是前面知识的延续,又是后面知识的基础。本文针对学生的实际情况,具体阐述for循环语句的教学方法和过程,使学生理解for循环语句的格式、功能和特点及其在具体编程时的灵活应用。  相似文献   

胡年芬 《家教世界》2012,(2X):37-38
C语言是一种结构化的程序设计语言,其基本的结构有顺序、选择、循环三种。而实现循环结构的语句在中职教材中有while、do~while、for这三种。在以上三种循环语句中,使用最灵活、学生最喜欢、中职高考应用最广泛的应当是for语句了。本文从多年的中职高考的角度出发,对for语句在中职阶段的应用作些探讨,希望得到同仁的指导!  相似文献   

许桂平 《考试周刊》2014,(21):117-118
C语言是一种广泛使用的高级程序设计语言,文章对C语言中三种循环结构语句进行了分析和比较,使学生更容易理解和掌握。  相似文献   

《For循环语句》是浙教版高中信息技术选修教材《算法与程序设计》第四单元第三节第3课时的教学内容。本节课主要的任务是帮助学生掌握For语句的格式,理解For循环语句的功能和执行顺序,并会简单的应用。  相似文献   

TI图形计算器,具有良好的代数计算系统、几何操作系统、数据分析系统、程序编制系统.其内置的程序语言是TI-Basic语言,其特点是简单易学、功能强大.其经典案例有利用条件语句求值或排序、利用While循环语句求最大公约数和判断回文数、利用条件语句和While循环语句求函数的零点、利用条件语句和For循环语句寻找完全数、利用Loop循环语句求圆周率π的近似值.  相似文献   

TI图形计算器,具有良好的代数计算系统、几何操作系统、数据分析系统、程序编制系统.其内置的程序语言是TI-Basic语言,其特点是简单易学、功能强大.其经典案例有利用条件语句求值或排序、利用While循环语句求最大公约数和判断回文数、利用条件语句和While循环语句求函数的零点、利用条件语句和For循环语句寻找完全数、利用Loop循环语句求圆周率π的近似值.  相似文献   

C语言是一种很好的结构化程序设计语言;结构化程序设计方法可以概括为自顶向下、逐步求精、模块化、限制使用goto语句,将原来较为复杂的问题化简为一系列简单模块的设计.一个程序的任何逻辑问题均可用顺序结构、选择结构和循环结构这三种基本结构来描述.  相似文献   

何明瑞 《教育技术导刊》2014,13(10):150-152
Visual Basic语言提供了For-Next、While-Wend、Do-Loop等3个循环语句。在3个循环语句中,Do-Loop语句的格式变化最多、功能也最丰富,既可以实现当型循环结构的功能,又可以实现直到型循环结构的功能。因此,Do-Loop语句应作为循环语句的讲授重点,让学生理解并灵活运用,以解决实际问题。  相似文献   


This paper offers a review of the former soviet higher education system and compares it with the current UK system, arguing that there is much that the latter can learn from the former. It goes on to argue that the 'academic drift' of the former polytechnics in the UK towards 'university' style teaching and courses was wrongheaded, and that the drift should now go the other way, with universities all moving towards a Soviet style 'polytechnism' in their structures, courses and mission statements.  相似文献   

本文考察了情感主义的代表人物A·J·艾耶尔和C·L·斯蒂文森的元伦理学理论,比较了二者在事实-价值问题上的基本观点.指出尽管在如何区分事实陈述和价值陈述的问题上,以及元伦理学与规范伦理学的关系问题上,二者存在着差异,但是在否认规范伦理学的理性品格这一问题上,二者并无实质差别.  相似文献   

Some errors in the learning of algebra suggest that students might have difficulties giving meaning to algebraic symbolism. In this paper, we use problem posing to analyze the students’ capacity to assign meaning to algebraic symbolism and the difficulties that students encounter in this process, depending on the characteristics of the algebraic statements given. We designed a written questionnaire composed of eight closed algebraic statements expressed symbolically, which was administered to 55 students who had finished their compulsory education and who had some previous experience in problem-posing. In our analysis of the data, we examine both syntactic and semantic structures of the problem posed. We note that in most cases students posed problems with syntactic structures different to those given. They did not include computations within variables, and changed the kinds of relationships connecting variables. Students easily posed problems for statements with additive structures. Other differences in the type of problems posed depend on the characteristics of the given statements.  相似文献   

Although most teacher education programs include instruction in the basic science of psychology, practicing teachers report that this preparation has low utility. Researchers have considered what sort of information from psychology about children's thinking, emotion, and motivation would be useful for teachers' practice. Here, I take a different tack. I begin by considering three varieties of statements in basic science: empirical observations, theoretical statements, and epistemic assumptions. I suggest that the first of these can support classroom application, but the latter two cannot. I use that conclusion as a starting point for considering the instruction of prospective teachers in psychology.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examine the mission statements of 136 zoos in the United States that the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) has accredited, and report on the predominant themes of education and conservation in the statements. To explore the relation between these two themes, the authors present a literature review of the roles and purposes of zoos and discuss how the literature compares with the roles and purposes of zoos as found in the zoo mission statements. They conclude that with more than 134 million visitors a year, zoos are in a unique position to provide environmental education and conservation education to large numbers of people.  相似文献   

探讨分析了结构基础隔震应用中应注意的问题,提出了非线性动力时程分析计算模型并编制了程序。借助该程序,分析了基础隔震结构在地震作用下的层间位移、加速度和剪力等地震反应,并与相同结构未隔震的建筑的地震反应进行了对比。  相似文献   

Mission statements have been a staple of higher education institutions for decades, but little is known of how they are used as a tool for institutional decision-making. Using three distinct data sources, this study relies on framing theory to analyse the perceptions of university presidents in the United States on the role of mission statements in deciding when and how to communicate. Further, we compare the espoused values of university mission statements to the statements university presidents made following the 2016 US presidential election. Findings indicate presidents view mission statements as central to their decision to communicate and our analysis reveals some congruence between mission statements and public statements.  相似文献   

Mission statements have been the subject of much discussion in the managerial literature and have recently been adopted by most British universities. This paper reports the results of an investigation into how mission statements have been introduced by British universities and reviews the appropriateness of their use in this sector. Based on a questionnaire survey, an analysis of the degree of commitment to mission statements as a valuable management tool is offered and recommendations suggested for their more effective application. The authors conclude that although there is generally a positive attitude towards mission statements, senior managers within universities tend not to consult widely when formulating them and have put little effort into communicating them to the university's staff. Their importance seems to be perceived in terms of meeting the requirements of an external stakeholder rather than offering the opportunity to develop a real sense of purpose within the organisation.  相似文献   

A domain of 2,186 competency statements was collected from a survey of counseling professionals, liteature, and counselor education programs. An examination of these statements revealed they were written at various levels of specificity and often the areas of knowledge, skills, and personal characteristics were confounded within a single statement. A concept analysis showed that competency statements have not been written for all of the duties performed by counselors. This article presents a model to rewrite existing competency statements in a standardized format; eliminating the problems of nonspecific, confounded, and missing competencies. Examples of the application of the model are given.  相似文献   

Explaining natural phenomena is an important goal in science teaching. A logical analysis reveals that causal explanations exhibit formal operational structures in that they consist of implication statements chained together through transitive reasoning. It was hypothesized in the present study that individuals who do not reason formally will have difficulty in learning explanations presented in instruction. To test this hypothesis, the effect of levels of operational thought on the explanations which ninth-grade (n = 26) and college (n = 40) physical science students reconstructed after instruction was investigated. Subjects in the study were classified through Piagetian tests as concrete or formal operational. Both concrete and formal subjects were successful in recalling explanations requiring the chaining of two implication statements. Formal operational subjects performed significantly better than concrete operational subjects in three of the four tests of the reconstruction of complex explanations requiring the chaining of six implication statements. In teaching complex causal explanations to students at the concrete operational level, it is suggested that teachers be prepared to furnish some external structuring which the students can rely on in logically relating the various propositions of the explanation to one another.  相似文献   

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