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据日本产经新闻网2012年9月29日报道,厚生劳动省最新统计显示,截至2012年4月,日本"待机儿童"为24825人,比去年同期减少731人,人数已连续两年下降。所谓"待机儿童",即虽有资格进入受国家和地方财政补贴、保育费较低的保育机构,却因这些保育所满额而无法进入的儿童。厚生劳动省有关人士分析指出,"待机儿童"的减少部分归功于保育所招生人数增加。因越来越多的日本母亲选择留在工作岗位,大  相似文献   

"特殊儿童"是指孤儿、盲、聋哑、智力低下和肢体残障等儿童的总称。新疆伊宁市的特殊儿童多被放在家里由其父母照顾和教育,家长对其发展缺乏科学的规划,并且资金投入较少;社会公众对特殊儿童的关注多停留在了解层面,很少愿意采取具体行动;政府制定了一系列的补偿性社会政策和发展性社会政策,但特殊儿童的福利机构明显较少,福利设施相对匮乏,保障机制尚不健全。  相似文献   

儿童政策背后的核心理念之一是儿童、家庭、国家三者之间的关系问题。儿童在美国、德国、日本三国均有很高的地位,并且通过完善的法律政策来加以保障。三个国家儿童政策的实施,均基于家庭是儿童照顾和发展的最主要责任者的理念,国家通过替代性支持和补充性支持等方式来介入家庭中的儿童保护与发展。三国儿童政策理念对我国儿童政策具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

近几十年来,工业化及城市化发展带来的家庭结构小型化、女性就业意愿强烈、离婚率增加及祖孙隔代家庭增多等家庭变迁,对我国传统家庭功能造成了冲击。一方面,父母无力承担儿童课后教育、照顾与保护的重任;另一方面,当前的儿童课后服务供给主体又存在多重隐患,协助与支持家庭的教育服务需求日益迫切。各级政府需承担起儿童课后照顾与教育的公共责任,科学制定儿童课后照顾与教育服务制度,合理规范儿童课后照顾与教育服务市场,优化与恢复家庭及学校在儿童课后照顾与教育服务的功能,保障儿童获得公共照顾及教育服务资源的权益。  相似文献   

保育设施缺乏入托难日本"待机儿童"连年递增在日本,需要进入托儿所托管,但因相关设施和人手不足,只能在家等待空位的学龄前幼儿被称为"待机儿童"。社会保障完善速度跟不上日益增长的保育需求,日本待机儿童数量连年递增。据日本NHK电视台报道,日本厚生劳动省公布了一项  相似文献   

儿童照顾不仅需要付出经济成本、服务成本,更需要付出大量的时间成本。时间成本的分担直接影响生育主体的生育意愿,也关乎儿童的健康发展。目前各国的儿童照顾时间成本分担模式大体可以分为以下5种:妻主夫辅+代际分担+市场购买型的自由主义模式;夫妻公平分担+雇主友好+公共服务健全型的北欧模式;家庭承担为主,国家干预较少的地中海模式;雇主雇员集体协商,政府责任显著增加的欧洲大陆模式;母亲为主+代际分担+国家责任渐增的东亚模式。在当前社会福利普遍紧缩的背景下,大部分国家儿童照顾时间成本的分担都在经历一个国家、雇主、市场化照顾者等家庭外社会主体承担程度不断提高,家庭承担程度逐步减少的过程。全面二孩政策实施以后,我国生育主体遭遇的时间压力显著增加,但儿童照顾时间成本的分担结构仍然不够均衡,家庭承担程度过大,增加了生育主体尤其是女性的时间压力,影响了新生育政策的实施效果。我国应借鉴国外的经验教训,构建一个更加公平的儿童照顾时间成本共担模式,政府除了增加自身直接分担时间成本的比例以外,还应健全相关法律法规,并监督其执行,以实现各相关主体在儿童照顾时间成本分担上的相互补充和相互支持。  相似文献   

本研究运用NVivo质性研究软件,以15名乡村小学儿童(简称“村小儿童”)家庭为主要研究对象,以其外部家庭环境和内在心理变化为切入点,探究村小儿童家庭的不利处境及成因。研究发现,村小儿童家庭的不利处境包括监护照顾不全面、物质供给与生活支持不匹配、情感供给资源弱等。据此本研究提出:要纠正村小儿童的不良行为,培养良好的学习习惯,提高家庭监护水平;积极调节村小儿童情绪,改变不良情绪认知;提供良好家庭情感支撑,满足村小儿童的情感需求等改善策略,理清村小儿童的家庭处境的演化动态与内生因素,寻找促进村小儿童健康发展的治理路径。  相似文献   

倡导0~3岁儿童早期保育与教育是发展型社会政策举措与社会民生热点,在此背景下,参照21世纪主要国际机构儿童发展行动主张,对比英、美、法、日等国家儿童发展政策目标与服务开展现状,梳理我国儿童早期发展政策变化与机构沿革,对我国当下托育政策目标与发展趋势进行分析。  相似文献   

家庭在儿童的成长过程中具有不可替代的作用,国家充当着为家庭赋权增能的角色,我国现有的公共托幼服务、亲职假、经济支持政策等儿童照护政策影响着家庭的生育意愿以及儿童和家庭的发展。社会、人口与家庭结构的变迁带来了新的儿童照护需求,当前我国儿童家庭照护面临儿童养育成本不断增加、家庭教育科学化需求不断提高、儿童养育和工作难以平衡、家庭内部性别平等议题突出以及婚姻和家庭的稳定性下降等挑战。从家庭视角出发,构建家庭友好的儿童照护服务、时间、经济政策支持体系对促进儿童和家庭的共同发展具有重要的现实意义。在家庭友好的儿童照护政策支持体系指导下,政策保障和服务将覆盖所有有儿童照护需求的家庭,为家庭赋权增能,缓解家庭照护儿童的压力,规避家庭在照护儿童中可能遇到的风险,促进家庭每个成员的可持续发展。  相似文献   

儿童"赋权"是指通过内部赋权和外部赋权来挖掘儿童的内在潜力,改变儿童"权力"现状,减少儿童的无力感,增加儿童对自我生活的掌控感与行动的能力和信心的过程。儿童"赋权"有其赋权的应然性、可能性和必要性。儿童"赋权"有利于儿童自身和社会的发展。应通过改变儿童观念、技能赋权、建立儿童工作小组等策略来进行儿童"赋权"。  相似文献   

The present study examined the factors influencing childcare workers’ promotion of physical activity (PA) among children aged 0–4?years, a particularly interesting context because of the increasing number of children attending childcare. Twenty Dutch childcare workers were interviewed. The interviews revealed some important barriers to the promotion of children’s PA: lack of facilities and time; rules and policies regarding safety and daily duties; non-cooperative colleagues; a large range of ages of children; poor weather; unsuitable clothing and lack of communication with parents. The respondents identified the parents rather than themselves as persons responsible for promoting children’s PA. Parents and childcare workers could improve their communication regarding children’s PA. Childcare centres could review their internal policies and provide workshops teaching childcare workers how to promote children’s PA.  相似文献   

《保育所保育指针》是日本保育工作中必须遵循的重要法规。截止到2018年4月,日本对《保育所保育指针》已进行了四次修订,它的每一次修订都反映了所处历史时期日本保育政策改革的新方向。从历史的视角分析《保育所保育指针》四次修订过程,梳理五十年来日本保育政策改革的特点,特别是以第四次的修订内容为核心,考察日本保育政策改革的新进展,可以发现其特征主要包括:为保障全体幼儿入学前的基本素质,制定了幼儿期应培养的核心素质与能力的目标;启动0~3岁婴幼儿教育,实现0~6岁全程"幼小衔接"的教育变革;为全面提升社区婴幼儿的保教质量,发挥保育所在社区育儿中的支援功能;完善职员研修制度,促进保育士的专业化发展。  相似文献   

Each year millions of children are enrolled in center-based childcare. Childcare employees are tasked with handling over half the children’s weekly meals. Proper food handling practices are crucial in mitigating this high-risk population’s risk of foodborne illness. The purpose of this study was to identify childcare food handling employees’ (n?=?278) perceived barriers and motivators to follow recommended food safety practices. Six important barriers and 14 key motivators to following recommended food safety practices were identified. Important barriers pertained to time restraints, workloads, and lack of understanding of the importance of following proper food safety practices. Key motivators were focused on children’s safety, available supplies, communication, and food safety training/information. Employee and facility characteristics were shown to influence perceived importance of barriers and motivators to following food safety practices. Childcare directors should review scheduling and job duties of employees as the majority of identified barriers focused on “work pace” and “time restraints.” Directors should also attempt to increase food safety communication through practical situational training, written food safety policies, and use of food safety signage to increase understanding of the importance of proper food safety practices. Ensuring proper supplies are available is necessary.  相似文献   

近代以来,日本的保育事业逐步发展,保育思想也不断发展。今天其《幼儿园教育要领》和《保育所保育指针》的基本思想,就是重视孩子自身的各种感受,重视孩子的嬉戏和生活体验。从"健康"、"人际关系"、"环境"、"语言"和"表现"五个领域规定了比较具体的目标和内容,以确保孩子在各个方面都能够"体验"、"感受"和"享受"各种各样的事情。嬉戏作为孩子的自发的活动,是培养其身心协调发展的基础的重要的学习。日本学前教育机构的工作就是从五个领域指导孩子通过嬉戏和生活体验逐步形成生存的基础,逐步为生存能力的形成奠定基础。  相似文献   

本研究运用队列要素法,使用Leslie矩阵建立人口预测模型,基于第六次人口普查数据,以平均总和生育率1.57为基础,确定分城乡、分孩次的历年总和生育率,估算“全面二孩”政策下我国2020—2035年城乡0~3岁婴幼儿人口总量及其变化趋势,然后参照国家卫生健康委员会颁布的《托育机构设置标准(试行)》,基于已有相关研究,以24.95%的入托率预测我国托育服务资源需求规模。结果显示,尽管中方案和低方案下2020—2035年托育适龄人口呈现递减趋势,托育机构需求预计在2020年达到10万~11万所,2030年降至7万~8万所,至2035年将稳定在6万~7万所;对托育机构教师的需求量将从2020年的453万~508万人减为2025年的391万~431万人,2035年托育机构教师需求量为312万~349万人。这对托育机构的硬件设施也提出了相应的要求。由于我国长期以来托育服务严重供给不足,“全面二孩”政策下存量与增量叠加,托育资源配置压力将更加凸显,应尽快推动建立动态人口监测系统,精准把握家庭托育需求,增加有效供给;多方面调动和扩充资源,尽快补齐3岁以下婴幼儿托育服务资源短板;加强托育服务专业化、规范化建设,不断提升托育服务质量。  相似文献   

Young children spend a high proportion of their time at childcare sitting. Reducing sitting time or breaking up prolonged periods of sitting may be positively associated with health outcomes among children. The purpose of this study was to identify childcare educators’ perceptions of what environmental and policy modifications could be made within early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings to reduce sitting time among children during childcare. Eighty-seven educators from 11 ECEC centres participated in 11 focus groups between September 2013 and November 2013. Each focus group was audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. A semi-structured schedule was developed to investigate the educators’ perceptions of the influences on children’s sitting time at childcare. A problem–solution tree was developed to determine potential solutions for reducing total and prolonged sitting time in young children at childcare. Most educators were unaware of the high levels of sitting time among young children. Educators identified that childcare practices, the physical environment and the weather were factors that influenced children’s sitting time. Potential solutions to reduce sitting time were to break-up prolonged sitting time by using movement breaks, standing desks, movement transitions between activities, relocating key facilities around the space to promote movement, and integrating movement during learning activities. Also, educators suggested that posters could be used to increase awareness among educators about the benefits of reducing sitting time. Educators identified key practices that could be modified to reduce young children’s sitting time in childcare. These potential solutions should be evaluated to understand their effectiveness.  相似文献   

Childcare as a policy issue has received unprecedented attention under New Labour, through various aspects of the National Childcare Strategy introduced in 1998. This policy focus looks set to continue, with the government announcing the first ever 10‐year plan for childcare in December 2004, and childcare playing a major role in the 2005 manifesto and general election. Early years care and education is a productive area for New Labour as initiatives here can address several agendas: increasing social inclusion, revitalising the labour market, and raising standards in education. The provision of childcare is seen as having the potential to bring women back into the workforce, modelling child‐rearing skills to parents understood as being in need of such support, and giving children the skills and experience they need to succeed in compulsory education. This article offers an overview of recent policy on childcare, drawing in places on a two‐year study of the choice and provision of childcare in London. The article examines the developments in childcare planned and set in motion by the government, identifying some points to be welcomed as well as areas of concern. The authors demonstrate that even for privileged middle‐class consumers, such as those in their research, the current childcare market is a very ‘peculiar’ one, especially when compared to the markets of economic theory. In conclusion, the authors argue that social justice in childcare is more than a matter of access, and highlight the lack of parental voice shaping the future direction and development of the childcare market.  相似文献   

With increasing numbers of women joining the evening/nighttime workforce, there is a need for quality childcare during these hours. This project, conducted in Japan, sought to compare the effects of expanded childcare on the development and adaptation of 866 young children after one year. Parents completed a survey on the childrearing environment at home, their feelings of self-efficacy, and the presence of support for childcare. Childcare professionals evaluated the development of children. The results of the multiple regression analysis indicate that factors in the home environment, not type of centerbased care, explained developmental risks one year later.
Tokie AnmeEmail:

With increasing numbers of women joining the evening/nighttime workforce, there is a need for quality childcare during these hours. This project, conducted in Japan, sought to compare the effects of child day care, child evening care, and child night care on the development and adaptation of young children. Caregivers completed a survey on the childrearing environment at home, their feelings of self-efficacy, and the presence of support for childcare. Childcare professionals evaluated the development of children. The results of the discriminant analysis indicate that factors in the home environment, not type of center-based care, explained developmental variance.  相似文献   

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