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<正>上一期介绍了法国的启蒙运动,伏尔泰(Voltaire,1694—1778)是启蒙运动的杰出代表。说到伏尔泰对科学的贡献,人们自然会想到他是牛顿学说在欧洲大陆的热情宣传者;不过更应该被人记住的是,伏尔泰对牛顿科学著作的理解离不开一位法国贵妇,这位贵妇就是他的情人夏特莱侯爵夫人(Marquise du  相似文献   

<正>启蒙运动是发生在17—18世纪欧洲的一场思想解放运动,其核心是弘扬理性,反对封建专制与宗教特权。启蒙运动的高潮与中心在18世纪的法国,法国启蒙运动大师们在思想文化方面的最重要贡献是《百科全书》的编纂,因此他们  相似文献   

生态批评或称生态文学研究是伴随着生态运动而起的一种文学批评思潮."自然之声--论生态批评的浪漫主义渊源"一文主要阐述英国的浪漫主义运动.英国的浪漫主义是响应法国哲学家卢梭提出的"回归自然"的一场反启蒙运动;以理性为中心的启蒙运动创造了前所未有的物质财富和精神财富,但也带来了生态遭到人类毁坏的悲剧.其次,文章的第二部分论述了英国浪漫派诗人笔下的自然观,他们讴歌人与大自然的和谐,向造成人与自然分离的理性王国和毁坏自然的工业革命发出攻击.  相似文献   

杨海燕 《科教文汇》2007,(9X):199-199
生态批评或称生态文学研究是伴随着生态运动而起的一种文学批评思潮。“自然之声——论生态批评的浪漫主义渊源”一文主要阐述英国的浪漫主义运动。英国的浪漫主义是响应法国哲学家卢梭提出的“回归自然”的一场反启蒙运动;以理性为中心的启蒙运动创造了前所未有的物质财富和精神财富,但也带来了生态遭到人类毁坏的悲剧。其次,文章的第二部分论述了英国浪漫派诗人笔下的自然观,他们讴歌人与大自然的和谐,向造成人与自然分离的理性王国和毁坏自然的工业革命发出攻击。  相似文献   

经过将近半个世纪的反复争论,牛顿学说因为得到实测结果的证验而逐步在欧洲大陆被接受。在很大程度上,牛顿学说成为启蒙运动的触发点和意识形态根据,具有将欧洲甚至世界带入现代的巨大意义。  相似文献   

综观中国近代史,中国大的启蒙运动进行了三次,通过这三次思想启蒙运动,中国革命掀开了新的篇章,走上了民族独立和解放、建立强大的人民民主共和国的道路。  相似文献   

牛顿力学认为外力是克服物体惯性的动力,力的概念来源于人的体力。牛顿力学推崇力的作用,实际上是推崇人力的作用,这是蕴含在牛顿力学中的价值观。牛顿力学的广泛应用,就自然形成人是自然征服者的观念。这种观念最初在英国形成和实现。  相似文献   

1 自然体育思想产生的历史背景14 - 18世纪出现的三大思想运动有力地打击了封建势力 ,使人们的思想发生了前所未有的变化。“文艺复兴”宣传了人文主义、个性解放、“宗教改革”提出了“因信得救论”肯定了人的地位和信仰。“启蒙运动”是法国资产阶级反封建、反神权的思想斗争。肯定追求个人幸福、享受和利益符合人的自然天性 ,而且也是作为人所应当享有的基本权利。从人性出发 ,提出了自由、平等的反封建斗争的口号。在人文主义运动、宗教改革运动以及启蒙运动中涌现出一批又一批教育改革者。代表人物为近代教学论的开创者 ,近代学校教育之父夸美纽斯及英国著名哲学家、教育家洛克等。夸美纽斯 (15 90 - 16 70年 )提倡“泛智论”呼吁学习者学习广博知识 ,他从适应自然秩序的原理和感觉论出发 ,提出了一系列教学原则。夸美纽斯的教育原则是遵循自然规律 ,强调“让一切自由运行 ,永远消除压制”,并提出遵循心理学规律。学校是教育人的场所 ,不应是恐怖的地方 ,不是屠宰场 ,为自然主义教育的形成奠定了基础。洛克 (16 32 - 170 4年 )批叛天赋观念论 ,论证了认识来源于感觉的经验论原则 ,提出了著名的“日权论”。洛克的主要教育思...  相似文献   

波恩大学位于风景秀丽的莱茵河畔,它是18世纪启蒙运动的产物。1777年,人们就在波恩建立了一所高等学校,以促进蓬勃的启蒙运动持续发展,1786年又把它改建为大学,这就是波恩大学的前身。不久,拿破仑一世进攻德国,莱茵地区被占,波恩失守。由于法国人带来了全新的资产阶级民主思想,因而使这所学校成为封建  相似文献   

英国科学家牛顿被从天而降的苹果砸中,灵机一动,发现了万有引力定律。这个故事在全世界家喻户晓。不过,根据英国皇家学会最近公布的一份手稿,牛顿被苹果砸中脑袋是后人杜撰出来的故事。  相似文献   

黄婷婷 《科教文汇》2011,(25):88-89
简·奥斯丁是19世纪初期英国著名的女性作家《劝导》是其最后也是最好的一部小说。作者通过对女人公安妮·埃利奥特的爱情与婚姻的描写,表现出自己的成熟和发展。  相似文献   

英国作为一个具有悠久科学传统、重视基础研究和学术自由的国家,长期以来一直重视科研机构机制体制、管理模式的不断创新.20世纪80年代私有化改革后,英国公共科研机构出现三种管理运行模式,论文就这三种模式演变中具有代表性的科研机构的最新发展进行跟踪研究,从中分析出对我国公共科研机构改革、创新基地建设可借鉴的方面,以促进我国的科技体制创新,提高科技竞争力.  相似文献   

De Vos P 《Endeavour》2003,27(3):117-121
Few historians of science would associate the Spanish Empire with scientific innovation. However, recent research is increasingly demonstrating the Crown's strong commitment to scientific research, particularly in the areas of botany, natural history and medicine. Although this commitment began in the 16th century, it reached full development in the 18th, when Enlightenment ideals led to growing interest in exploiting natural resources in the New World. Interest in new resources, which offered alternatives to silver and traditional cash crops, focused largely on medicinal herbs indigenous to the Americas. Herbs that provided 'miracle cures' for age-old diseases would bring both material and moral wealth to the Crown, and were thus pursued vigorously throughout Spanish America. The result was a search for an 'herbal' El Dorado, reminiscent of 16th-century expeditions in search of a mythical land of gold--only in this case, medicine, not metal, was the goal.  相似文献   

英国作为近代科技革命和工业革命的策源地,具有良好的科学传统,创造了卓越的基础科学成就,也奠定了英国成为世界科技强国的基础。英国在建设世界科技强国的过程中,有丰富的经验,也有历史的教训。文章简述了英国自17世纪以来各重要历史阶段科技创新发展的历程,系统分析了两次世界大战以来英国科技创新战略的演进特征。最后,从持续保持基础科学优势、积淀深厚的科学精神与创新文化、构筑新时期国家创新体系、推进科技与经济的结合等方面总结了英国科技创新的经验与启示。  相似文献   

李轶凡 《科教文汇》2014,(2):149-150
17世纪,相对于英国画坛而言是繁荣的.也是尴尬的。繁荣之处在于这个世纪来自不同国度的杰出艺术家云集这里,主宰着英国的画坛。尴尬之处在于正是这样一群外籍艺术家催生着英国美术进入属于自己的绘画时代——荷加斯时代。这群外籍艺术家们顺应英国统治者的意愿,将肖像画创作推向顶峰。同时,也留下了大量令后世叹为观止的肖像画杰作。  相似文献   

By 1789 the French Enlightenment had alreadyestablished that the rights of citizensincluded the right to speak, write, and printfreely. This right has since been enshrined invarious national and international documents,but remains elusive in much of the world. Oneway to consider these freedoms is to look notjust across the world comparing nations thathave or don't have freedom, but back throughtime at the first effort to promulgate thesenew rights – the French Revolution. When theFrench Revolution created freedom of the pressin 1789, the French book publishing industrywas noted for five attributes: completecensorship of all publications, a rigidlyenforced printing monopoly, copyrightprotection for all authors, fossilized content,and the proliferation of illegal presses. Digital technology is enabling a second dawn ofpress freedoms, but the five problems found inFrance two centuries ago can still be seen invarious forms, especially in the massivemonopoly of book publishing by a few countries. The answers created by France in 1810 present apartial basis for how current governments couldrespond to contemporary problems with freedomof the press. Rightly used, new digitaltechnology also has an opportunity to finallyfacilitate one of civilization's fundamentalfreedoms.  相似文献   

da Costa PF 《Endeavour》2000,24(1):34-39
In tune with an Enlightenment sensibility that focused on the search for order and regularities, monsters were given a marginal position in eighteenth-century medical works. By contrast, they had an important place at the Royal Society during the second half of the century. This article first focuses on the general interest in monsters within the context of the natural historical agenda and corporate activity of the Society and then addresses the medical understanding of monsters by members of the Society. Finally, it discusses some of the moral and social implications of their medicalization in eighteenth century England.  相似文献   

Fichman M 《Endeavour》2001,25(2):74-78
Evolutionary theory aroused vigorous debate in the late-19th century, regarding both its scientific status and its sociocultural implications. Alfred Russel Wallace's lecture tour of North America, during 1886-1887, affords a striking insight into his particular interpretation of evolution and reveals the depth of his conviction that science was inseparable from ethical and political realities. Wallace's views on matters scientific and cultural were as controversial and significant in North America as they were in Great Britain and Europe.  相似文献   

Fara P 《Endeavour》2008,32(4):126-128
Few original portraits exist of René Descartes, yet his theories of vision were central to Enlightenment thought. French philosophers combined his emphasis on sight with the English approach of insisting that ideas are not innate, but must be built up from experience. In particular, Denis Diderot criticised Descartes's views by describing how Nicholas Saunderson--a blind physics professor at Cambridge--relied on touch. Diderot also made Saunderson the mouthpiece for some heretical arguments against the existence of God.  相似文献   

Endersby J 《Endeavour》2001,25(1):3-7
Joseph Hooker became one of the most influential botanists of his day. He is best remembered as a friend of Charles Darwin and an early advocate of natural selection. However, after returning to Britain from his first major voyage, Hooker spent years struggling to find a paid position that would allow him to pursue his studies of plant classification and distribution. As he worked to establish himself, he also helped transform the status of botany as a discipline. In all his efforts, Hooker relied on a network of unpaid, colonial collectors, whose often-forgotten contributions to Victorian natural history are vital to the understanding of the professionalization of the sciences in the 19th century.  相似文献   

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