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This article describes an outreach continuing education program designed to increase the knowledge and skills of licensed practical nurses employed in long‐term care facilities in 26 rural southeast Georgia counties. The program used a modular self‐directed approach and was heavily supported with audiovisual materials. Four independent learning activities made up each of the nine modules. After pilot implementation of the curriculum, nonnurse health care providers asked to enroll in the course. Upon completion of the course, participants earned certificates as specialists in long‐term care of the elderly as well as continuing education credit.  相似文献   

继续教育是提高员工岗位胜任力的主要手段,课程体系建设是开展继续教育的关键,课程体系评价是优化改进课程体系的有效方式,对实现继续教育目标具有重要作用。文章以中国气象局气象干部培训学院天气预报员培训课程体系评价为例,从课程结构的合理性、课程内容的衔接性等方面开展课程体系评价,探索建立继续教育课程体系评价指标体系,促进建立与学历教育、岗位需求及组织需求相衔接的继续教育课程体系,有效提高员工的岗位胜任力。  相似文献   

This article describes an interdisciplinary continuing education approach for health professionals in a rural remote area implemented by the Northern Educational Centre for Aging and Health (NECAH) at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. The article discusses issues of rural health care practice and the implications for practitioners’ educational needs. The key components involved in delivering interdisciplinary education and teamwork training are reviewed, followed by a discussion of the relevance of an interdisciplinary participatory approach for rural practitioners given their practice context and work style. Using NECAH's experience in planning and delivering a 5‐day interdisciplinary education program in palliative care as a case example, it is argued that simultanous attention to these issues in the design and delivery of continuing professional education for rural professionals contributes to a relevant educational experience in the short‐term and an increased interdisciplinary collaboration in the long‐term. The article suggests that NECAH's interdisciplinary participatory approach is a significant model for the continuing education of health professionals in rural remote areas.  相似文献   

"教材城市化倾向"刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"教材城市化倾向"有着多种表现,其形成原因也是多种多样的,既有课程设计理念的问题,也有教材编写的问题,还有对<基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)>理解不够透彻的问题,但归根结底是城乡教育资源分布不均衡的问题.因此,要解决"教材城市化倾向"的问题,就应该多管齐下,包括促进西方课程设计理念本土化方面的创造性转换,打造能够兼顾城乡的教材编写队伍,努力缩小城乡教育资源分布不均衡的状况.  相似文献   

Developing a family-centered, hospital-based perinatal education program   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of a family-centered, comprehensive perinatal education program for a large, urban hospital system is described. This program was developed in conjunction with the building of a new women's center and, although the authors were fortunate that several opportunities for educational program development were linked to this project, many of the steps taken and the lessons learned can be helpful to anyone desiring to develop a similar program. This article relates perinatal education to the principles of family-centered maternity care, outlines the criteria for a quality educational program, gives rationale for this type of program development, and offers practical suggestions for starting or enhancing a perinatal education program within a hospital system.  相似文献   

发展重庆继续教育的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
继续教育对提升城乡居民整体素质和竞争力具有十分重要的作用。构建理念先进、制度完善、结构合理、手段现代、统分结合、多元互动、城乡一体的继续教育新体系,创新继续教育管理体制和运行机制,调整教育政策,加强基础建设,实施继续教育推进计划,全面促进继续教育的改革和发展,反映了重庆率先西部发展,建设学习型社会的客观要求。  相似文献   

A lack of knowledge in registered nurses about geriatric conditions is one of the major factors that contribute to these conditions being overlooked in hospitalized older people. In China, an innovative geriatric continuing nursing education program aimed at developing registered nurses' understanding of the complex care needs of hospitalized older people with common geriatric conditions was conducted and evaluated. The program consisted of didactic sessions focused on evidence-based practice and unfolding case studies designed to simulate the care trajectory of an older person with a hip fracture and key geriatric conditions. Findings from the program evaluations revealed a significant increase in favorable attitudes towards older people and increased knowledge concerning common geriatric conditions. The satisfaction rate ranked by program participants was 90%. The study, therefore, drew the conclusion that effective geriatric continuing nursing education should target participants' learning needs, support evidence-based practice, and engage participants in active learning.  相似文献   

近年来,我国的农村卫生服务体系有了长足发展,但农村护理服务却一直是薄弱环节。究其原因,农村护理人员匮乏、整体素质较低是重要因素之一。因此,培养适合我国农村卫生服务需求的护理人员成为护理教育者研究的重点。为满足农村居民日益增长的卫生服务需求,应转变护理教育的培养目标、提高教育层次、改革课程设置与教学内容以及加强在职在岗护理教育。  相似文献   

新时期农村职业教育改革的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
加入WTO后,我国农业将与世界的联系更加紧密,市场竞争将由国内竞争转向国内,国际竞争,农业资源配置也将由国内配置转向国内国际双重配置,在这种新形势和发展阶段,我国农村职业教育要进一步明确农村职业教育的发展定位,及时调整专业结构,积极开展课程体系和教学内容改革,开放农村职业培训和继续教育,努力改善办学条件,提高教育质量。  相似文献   

农业产业化目标下农村继续教育体系的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业、农民、农村问题是当代中国经济和社会发展的突出问题.中国农业产业化的最终实现依赖农民自身素质的提高,而农民素质的提高除正规学历教育外更依赖于农村继续教育体系的完善.为此,应从加强对推广农业科技的继续教育体系、促进农业产业化协作的继续教育体系、农村治理机制的科学引导体系、农村剩余劳动力的非农职业技能培训体系以及以“农民大学”为代表的普及型继续教育体系等方面的完善实现农村继续教育体系的整体完善.  相似文献   

中小学教师继续教育和基础教育的发展休戚相关,面对新课改对中小学教师的全新要求与挑战,继续教育必然采取主动回应措施,保持和基础教育课程改革的同步发展。分析新课程改革背景下中小学教师面临的挑战与压力,确定中小学教师继续教育的定位和发展的生长点,开发出合理得当的课程体系,以期继续教育能够良性发展和新课改的顺利推行。  相似文献   

2005年,我国基础教育阶段要全面推行新课程改革.本轮课程改革对城市和农村的要求是一致的.由于贵州省城市与农村教育的发展不平衡,如果不考虑到农村地区教育存在的实际"差距"、实际"困难",统一要求在同一时间里执行新的课程标准,这是不现实的.思南县的教育在贵州具有代表性,本文提出的问题,期望能引起有关部门领导的高度重视.  相似文献   

To alleviate the shortage of competent undergraduate-level medical professionals in the central and western rural regions of China, from 2010 to 2012, the Chinese government mandated 100 medical colleges to recruit 30,000 rural-oriented, tuition-waived medical students (RTMS) for the township and village hospitals. But no educational curriculum is available for the program to present. Based on investigation of rural doctors and residents, a curriculum has been jointly developed by multiple professionals from medical colleges, health administrations, and community health institutions.  相似文献   

英国的职业教育历史悠久,经过长期的发展,形成现今富有特色的一套体系:以多层次、多形式的继续教育为其主体,附之以普通教育为主、兼顾职业教育和生计教育的中等教育;职业资格体系;工读交替的课程模式等。为了适应国际竞争的需要,又出现了新的发展动向。  相似文献   

构建西部师范院校复合型师资培养模式既是人的全面发展的要求,也是西部地区的现实要求。西部师范院校培养的复合型教师要适应西部地区尤其是农村地区、民族地区的经济建设和社会发展需要,能胜任基础教育学科教学特别是综合课程的教学。西部师范院校复合型师资培养可通过完善人才培养方案、完善教师教育课程体系、大力开展双学位教育、强化实践教学训练、整合优质教育资源五种途径来实施。  相似文献   

Geriatrics education at the University of Valle Medical School uses many teaching strategies in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. These include improving communication with older patients, accepting one's own aging, teaching human values, providing experiences with well elderly, and participating in an interdisciplinary team. There are common curricular areas in geriatrics for health care disciplines which include medicine, dentistry, nursing, speech therapy, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. However, each discipline also has specific curricular components. There is a curricular program for family medicine and internal medicine residents. A curriculum design was approved for a new geriatrics fellowship program which is in development. Finally, the progression of the curriculum is according to the learning needs of each level of education among medical students, residents and fellows.  相似文献   

根据《国家教育规划纲要》提出“建立继续教育学分积累与转换制度,实现不同类型学习成果的互认与衔接”的要求,简述了汽车技术市场及社会的需求、高等教育自学考试的特点、做法和经验,据此提出构建汽车运用技术专业不同类型学习成果互认与衔接体系的构想:建立多元混合学习机制、专业人才培养规格和标准、课程体系及具体操作.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,人工智能技术在社会经济和文化教育等领域应用广泛,“人工智能+X”日益成为社会共识。人工智能为人类社会的进步开辟了新的途径与机遇,已然成为推动社会各领域前进的重要力量。人工智能应用在继续教育领域具有可行性,但是还存在数据难以采集、人工智能本身发展不成熟、缺乏专业的教师队伍和课程体系、教师对人工智能存疑等问题。在人工智能时代,继续教育应抓住机遇,从教育理念、教师素养、政企学研、着力打造继续教育智能化发展空间等方面入手,促进继续教育智能化。  相似文献   

体制性的困境是农村义务教育课程改革复杂性与艰巨性的根源,深化农村基础教育管理体制及课程开发机制的改革是推进农村义务教育课程改革的根本之策。  相似文献   

Medical care in nursing homes is not provided by board-licensed geriatricians; it mainly comes from physicians in need of educational programs in the field of geriatrics. Such programs, based on curriculum guidelines, should be developed. The purpose of this study was to seek input from nursing home physicians on their perceived needs for training in geriatrics. A mail questionnaire survey was sent to nursing home physicians regarding their opinion on the most needed subjects and preferred training methods. Of the 210 surveys mailed, 132 (63%) were returned. More than a quarter of the respondents had not had any kind of geriatric medical education. A desire for geriatric training was evident, preferably in the form of courses and periodic seminars. Use of medications, infectious diseases, depression, dementia and cardiac disorders were the most important topics indicated by the respondents. These data can be of help in preparing the curriculum for a continuous medical education program in geriatrics, preferably in the form of courses and periodic seminars.  相似文献   

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