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The motivations and benefits of educational travel among individuals aged 55 years old and over were examined in this study. A total of 136 older adults enrolled in Elderhostel programs participated in this study and reported their perceived benefits and motivations for engaging in educational travel experiences. Correlation analyses were used to explore relationships between the adults' perceived benefits and motivations. Analyses of variance were conducted and significant differences in adults' motivations for educational travel were found by gender, education level, health, and activity level of the program. The findings from this study are discussed in terms of successful aging, and implications for organizations offering educational travel programs are provided.  相似文献   

Despite rates of participation in post-compulsory full-time education reaching approximately 84% in Wales, social class inequalities continue to shape young people’s transitions from compulsory to post-compulsory education. This article draws upon data from a project which explored how young people’s educational decisions and transitions in Wales, UK are influenced by national economic landscapes, the popular narratives framing them and the structure of local employment opportunities. The analyses revealed that young people from similar social class backgrounds, but living in different localities, make very different sorts of transition from compulsory to post-compulsory education; in essence, they are either ‘pushed’ or they ‘jump’ into post-16 education. The article aims overall to contribute both empirically and theoretically to understandings of the complexity of educational decision-making, revealing how class and location intersect to frame decision-making processes, in so doing producing and reproducing educational inequalities.  相似文献   

教育政策的价值系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育政策是政策主体控制教育资源,追求教育利益的一种活动。教育政策的价值系统主要由教育政策活动的价值要素及其关系构成,包括教育政策的价值主体、教育政策的价值客体、教育政策问题和教育政策的价值关系等主要方面。教育政策主体控制教育资源并追求教育利益时,产生和形成各种教育政策问题;教育政策试图解决这些问题的过程中,其价值要素之间构成了一系列基本的价值关系。  相似文献   

To improve students’ transitions between successive educational levels, continuing learning pathways are being designed and implemented in many countries. This study was carried out to examine the effects of the Green Lycea (GL) as critical cases of continuing learning pathways in vocational education in The Netherlands. The GL were compared with a traditional pathway (pre-vocational secondary education and secondary vocational education offered as separate programmes) in terms of students’ learning performance and transitions. GL students and comparable students following the regular pathway yielded the same mean final exam scores for four core subjects in the first phase of their educational programmes, despite the fact that GL students took this exam one year earlier than regular students because of the acceleration of the learning trajectory in the GL programme. Regarding the students’ transitions, the GL and the traditional pathway yielded comparable percentages of students who either did or did not obtain a pre-vocational secondary education diploma; For the GL, however, the percentage of students who proceeded in secondary vocational education was higher. To conclude, it seems to be possible to improve students’ transitions between successive educational levels (with their learning performance being an important precondition) through continuing learning pathways such as the GL. In this regard, GL design characteristics as described and examined in this study can be valuable ingredients for continuing learning pathways internationally as well.  相似文献   

农村教育效益是关系整个农村教育发展的重要议题,建构农村教育效益指标体系对于科学测评农村教育效益有积极意义。本研究在深入剖析农村教育发展效益理论内涵的基础上,对教育效益与教育效率、教育经济效益与教育非经济效益、教育效益与教育公平之间的关系进行了必要梳理。我国农村教育发展效益指标体系的构建,主要体现在农村教育发展的贡献率、农村义务教育阶段绩效工资、学校标准化建设以及农村家庭教育支出4个维度。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, educational attainment is the result of a sequence of separate educational transitions. Because of the tracked nature of the Dutch educational system, students do not make binary stay‐or‐leave‐decisions at each transition. After having entered one track of secondary education, students can change tracks during the entire secondary course. The initial track and the secondary school outcome therefore are incongruent for a significant proportion of the Dutch students. As social background partly predicts initial track placement, track changes and successful termination of the course, we suggest distinguishing conditional and unconditional effects of family background in the transition to secondary school outcome. This paper complements findings of previous research by taking into account the tracked structure of the Dutch educational system and the entire sequence of transitions in secondary education. For the empirical analysis, repeated cross‐sections from the Family Survey Dutch Population (1992, 1998, 2000 and 2003) are used. Multinomial logistic regressions reveal that inequality in the outcome of secondary education is partly explained by the fact that initial track placement is socially selective and because this initial inequality is even enhanced by track changes during secondary education. The remaining ‘conditional’ effect of parental education, however, indicates that parental education works on top of this selection to prevent drop out. Inequality in secondary school outcome thus is a cumulative result of social background effects in a sequence of educational transitions throughout secondary education. Decreasing inequality over time is entirely explained by decreasing inequality in the transition from primary to secondary education.  相似文献   

This editorial introduction frames the special issue by highlighting its choices: examining transitions in the educational process, so as to highlight common features of many educational phenomena, often considered separately; and conceptualise transitions as time-embedded processes. Such theoretical choices raise methodological questions, among which, that of preserving the dynamics of education. Three main methodological options for doing so are considered: time reconstruction (verbal or graphic); real-time data gathering; and focus on the individual-social articulation. Each of the papers is thus presented through its specific methodological choices. Finally, two transversal characteristics of transitions are highlighted: the person-and-environment mutual responsiveness, and their inherent playfulness; some consequences for education are suggested.  相似文献   

In the area of education and training, different configurations of government with different institutional structures may produce similar or quite different educational and employment outcomes. Other factors come into play in assessing outcomes. For example, young people's transitions from education to work are shaped by a variety of structural and institutional relations in education and the labour market. We argue that analysis of developments in approaches to education and training benefits from including these perspectives. This article explores these differences and similarities in a comparative transnational context across two continents. The article suggests that it not useful, whether from a policy or scholarly perspective, to link education and employment without examining the role and type of the welfare state, including the role and type of capitalism within that state, and the relationship of the welfare state to transition systems. With these concerns as our focus, the article has two objectives. The first is to establish some links between comparative research on transition systems and the literatures on welfare state regimes and varieties of capitalism. The second is to draw out some of these links with two concrete and contrasting examples in a comparative manner, focussing on Denmark and Australia.  相似文献   

This article analyses the school exclusion and subsequent educational inclusion of pregnant young women participating in a course of antenatal and key skills education at an alternative educational setting. It examines the young women's transitions from ‘failure’ in school to ‘success’ in motherhood and re-engagement with education. This article draws on participant observation- and interview-based research carried out with pregnant young women and staff at an alternative educational setting in London in 2007–2008. The young women's participation in the course represented a severing of past negative experiences in mainstream education, allowing a renewed focus on education alongside a positive maternal identity. The setting represented a form of inclusion, and the young women appreciated the focus on their social and emotional well-being, yet the limited academic provision in some cases continued to reinforce an educational exclusion.  相似文献   

We study life-cycle educational transitions in the German education system which is characterized by early tracking and institutionalized branches of academic and vocational training, but with the possibility to revise earlier decisions at later stages. Our econometric model covers all major transitions ranging from primary education through secondary schooling to different forms of tertiary education and vocational training. We consider the role of previous decisions and background characteristics at each decision node and also study ‘indirect’ routes through the system. Our results suggest that a considerable proportion of the population takes ‘second chance’ decisions but that these decisions are as socially selective as the standard routes through the system. We also model unobserved heterogeneity and document the sorting of individuals along unobserved characteristics across the stages of the system.  相似文献   

试论美国师范教育的转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王凤玉  单中惠 《教育研究》2006,27(11):80-85
19世纪后期的美国师范教育经历了两次转型,从而使其从封闭定向式的教师培养模式走向了开放非定向式的教师培养模式。转型为美国教师教育的发展带来了新的契机,尽管转型后出现了诸如师范教育在大学中的边缘化、教师职业地位低下及专业性不强、教师入业标准如何控制等相关的问题。尽管如此,这种转型一方面加强了师范教育与整个教育体制的一体化,建立了综合性大学现代开放型的教师培养体系;另一方面师范教育通过转型增强了自我发展技能,拓展了生存空间。中美两国国情不同,但师范教育的转型有共同的规律可循,美国师范教育转型的历史经验值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

Institutional self-assessment is considered to be a crucial quality assurance mechanism in higher education. However, the criteria employed in self-assessments tend to ignore the overall organisational effectiveness of the institution. This paper describes a study which employed the effectiveness criteria contained in the Competing Values Model of Organisational Effectiveness (Quinn & Rohrbaugh, 1981, 1983) to produce a set of organisational effectiveness self-rating scales for Hong Kong higher educational institutions. The scales were developed using the behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS) procedure. The study produced scales which address the organisational effectiveness of an institution and appear to be a useful addition to the array of quality assurance mechanisms in higher education. The paper highlights the qualitative benefits of the scale development procedure and resulting scales and notes that the procedure could be employed, and the qualitative benefits enjoyed, in other higher educational systems.  相似文献   

教育利益是指教育主体从教育过程和结果中获得的、能满足其需求的物质财富或者非物质财富。教育改革是对教育中利益关系和利益格局的调整。当前我国的教育改革进入深水区和攻坚期,教育中一些重大利益关系的调整势在必行。教育法是调整教育利益关系的基本法律手段,与教育利益关系调整的道德手段和政策手段相比具有不可替代的突出优势。教育法要关注重大教育利益和重大教育问题,并将之纳入法律调整的范围内。  相似文献   

An increasing number of LEA Educational Psychology Services (EPSs) are expanding their range of services to the further education sector. This article reports on a project with two main aims: to conduct a feasibility study into the provision of EP services to the local further education college community and to evaluate the effectiveness of a staff consultation and training process. The report concludes with a discussion of the potential benefits for the EPS, the individual educational psychologist (EP) and the further education college community.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, there has been a sharp increase in the number of students attending higher education institutions in Spain. Many commentators believe that this expansion is associated with greater equality of opportunities as more university places offer greater potential for the advancement of students from poorer backgrounds. Unfortunately, this argument is not always true. In fact, there is empirical evidence that the expansion in higher education system disproportionately benefits children from relatively rich and well educated families. In that context, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the possible effects of socioeconomic background on the decision to complete a degree before leaving the educational system in Spain. Taking the data from the Spanish module data on school to work transitions, I estimate several logit models in order to detect the influence of personal and regional characteristics on the educational decisions. The results show that, in spite of the disappearance of universities for only the elite, socioeconomic variables heavily influence the demand for university education, so the equality of opportunities in this educational level has not been completely achieved.
Marta Rahona LópezEmail:

走向高等教育强国:发达国家教育理念的传承与创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界高等教育中心的转移与世界科学活动中心转移之间存在强相关关系。世界强国首先是高教强国;发达国家走向高等教育强国在很大程度上得益于教育理念的创新。依据教育理念分野,世界高等教育分为两大体系和三种教育传统。两大体系是指罗马传统的高等教育体系与盎格鲁—撒克逊传统的高等教育体系。前者对世界高等教育的贡献是提供了职业教育理念、专业教育理念、学术教育理念(教学科研结合)、产学结合教育理念。后者对世界高等教育的贡献是提供了自由教育理念、通识教育理念、学术教育理念(研究型大学)、服务社会教育理念。三种教育传统是人文教育、专业教育、学术教育。这三种教育传统构成了大学的文化基因,教育理念的创新是文化基因的遗传和当代环境互动的产物。  相似文献   

产学研结合既是一种经济活动,也是一种教育活动,它是人类社会教育、科技与经济相互关系的统一。产学研结合的矛盾在于教育规律与经济规律的矛盾、教育效益与经济效益的矛盾、学术价值与商业价值的矛盾。作为教育模式的产学研结合应遵循非营利性、教育性、互利共赢、学生参与等原则;作为经济活动的产学研结合应遵循以企业为主体、以市场为导向、共同发展、注重实效等原则。产学研结合的局限在于,过度推崇会导致基础理论与人文社科研究的动摇、纯学术研究与大学品格的损害、教学核心价值的旁落、组织公平感的破坏。  相似文献   

Much of the current literature on decentralization of decision-making suggests that significant benefits accrue to educational organizations which adopt that model. Although most of the research reported in this literature has been conducted in developed countries, several developing countries, including Ghana, have chosen to decentralize educational decision-making in the hope of obtaining the benefits reported to be linked to decentralization.A key thesis for proponents of decentralization is that, when those closest to where decisions are implemented are empowered to make decisions and given ownership of the results, better decisions will be made. The quality of education is thus improved. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which this thesis has been enacted in Ghana. A study of the perceptions of key stakeholders in Ghanaian education with respect to the extent to which they were involved in various aspects of educational decision-making provides the ‘lens’ through which this examination is conducted.The study suggests that, currently, key educational stakeholders in Ghana may not feel the levels of empowerment and ownership which the literature links with the potential benefits of decentralization. However, it may be too early to expect that they would feel such levels of empowerment and ownership. With careful attention to feedback, such as that obtained in the study reported herein, educational policy makers may well be able to respond so as to ensure that decentralization enhances the quality of education in Ghana.  相似文献   

Among the more relevant questions in educational research is how the governments and policy‐makers in transition countries address the high educational inequality inherited from the past and what policies they develop in order to reduce the strong effects of the background family and the type of school on students' achievements, their aspirations and their chances of succeeding in the most important educational transitions. This paper addresses one of the most topical issues in this area, namely the social selectivity of Czech basic and secondary education. Special attention is paid to the role of ‘multi‐year’ gymnasia. The results of analyses carried out on data from the Programme for International Student Assessment 2000 study corroborate the initial hypothesis according to which multi‐year gymnasia, introduced into the Czech educational system after 1989, represent one of the main sources of the variation in students' achievements at the end of compulsory education. However, this variation can be almost entirely accounted for by the specific socio‐economic background of the students. The same holds true for their future aspirations. The results of the analysis support the conclusions of the OECD Review of National Policies for Education from 1996.  相似文献   

This article aims to study one of the potential contemporary updates of pragmatist philosophy. Specifically, it explores pedagogic possibilities that open up by adding Axel Honneth's studies to the discussion on the ethics of recognition, with the community dimension of education found in John Dewey's philosophy of education. In the spirit of Richard S. Bernstein's understanding of Dewey's radical democracy and from a more clearly educational philosophical perspective, the article explores the pedagogical possibilities that arise from broadening the communitarian dimension of education found in Dewey's philosophy of education with the studies by Honneth on the ethics of recognition. In the line of Colin Koopman's definition of transitionalism as a ‘philosophical temperament’, Honneth's ethics of recognition ‘transitions’ the Deweyian tradition towards a more contemporary disposition to think through the ethical dimension of education. The article intends to make use of a fruitful dialogue between classic pragmatism and critical theory to address some challenges of contemporary school life.  相似文献   

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