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为了对新闻媒体平台的重大事件进行话题演化建模分析,基于隐含狄利克雷分布(LDA主题模型算法)对话题动态建模,在变分推断主题模型基础上建立衡量话题内容和热度变化的流行话题模型(TTM-OLDA)。针对用户关注的重大新闻事件发展方向与热度,提出话题内容向量与流行因子,对整个话题生命周期进行量化,从而有效地从大量相关新闻中挖掘出话题演化细节,帮助用户更好地掌握话题发展情况。在特定新闻板块筛选的数据集下,通过设置对比实验和人工评测方式,验证该方法在困惑度上优于在线主题模型算法。  相似文献   

大学生法治素养提升需要加大高校思政课法治教育专题教学力度。思政课专题教学体系的实施,应当注重在专题教学师资人员选定、专题教学组织、专题教学管理、专题教学实施、专题教学评价等环节全过程融入新思想、新理论。  相似文献   

笔者通过研究分析汉语和日语话题句中的显性话题句的肯定否定式对比句、平行式对比句、显性对比话题句中对比话题的数量和位置,及带有对比功能的话题标记的异同之处,对这两种语言的显性话题句进行详细的对比研究。  相似文献   

人的问题是一个古老而常新,恒久而不废的哲学问题。当代中国哲学对人的问题的思考是与中国改革开放的现实步调一致的,对当代中国人的问题研究的梳理总结,就是对中国改革开放和社会主义建设的回顾与反思。当代中国人的问题研究梳理总结:多学科对人的问题关注到人学的独立思考;人的问题研究主题内容的历时变换;人的问题研究的多向视角。人的问题研究发展前瞻:全球化语境下人的发展问题;人的问题研究的现实性和实践性问题;人的问题研究的学科复合和综合创新问题;关注人的个体发展、群体发展和类发展问题。  相似文献   

This study assessed the ability of history students to choose the essay topic on which they can get the highest score. A second, equally important question was whether the score on the chosen topic was more highly related to other indicators of proficiency in history than the score on the unchosen topic. Overall, for both U.S. and European history, scores were about one third of a standard deviation higher for the preferred topic than for the other topic. For U.S. history, about 32% of the students made the wrong choice; that is, 32% got a higher score on the other topic than on the preferred topic. In European history, 29% made the wrong choice. In the U.S. history sample, the preferred essay correlated .40 with an external criterion score, compared to .34 for the other essay; in the European history sample, the preferred essay correlated .52 with the external criterion, compared to .44 for the other topic.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the statistical modeling of latent topic hierarchies in text corpora. The height of the topic tree is assumed as fixed, while the number of topics on each level as unknown a priori and to be inferred from data. Taking a nonparametric Bayesian approach to this problem, we propose a new probabilistic generative model based on the nested hierarchical Dirichlet process (nHDP) and present a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm for the inference of the topic tree structure as well as the word distribution of each topic and topic distribution of each document. Our theoretical analysis and experiment results show that this model can produce a more compact hierarchical topic structure and captures more fine-grained topic relationships compared to the hierarchical latent Dirichlet allocation model.  相似文献   

语文老师在作文教学中,要培养学生审题意识,使学生养成审题习惯,教会学生掌握审题步骤。作文审题有四个步骤:(一)初读题目,找出关键词,并思考关键词的内涵,从中揣摩命题意图;(二)读提示语或材料,弄清写作对象、范围和重点;(三)根据题目以及提示语或材料,构思立意;(四)根据题目的要求或暗示,选择适当的文体。  相似文献   

While prior knowledge of a passage topic is known to facilitate comprehension, little is known about how it affects word identification. We examined oral reading errors in good and poor readers when reading a passage where they either had prior knowledge of the passage topic or did not. Children who had prior knowledge of the topic were matched on decoding skill to children who did not know the topic so that the groups differed only on knowledge of the passage topic. Prior knowledge of the passage topic was found to significantly increase fluency and reduce reading errors, especially errors based on graphic information, in poor readers. Two possible mechanisms of how prior knowledge might operate to facilitate word identification were evaluated using the pattern of error types, as was the relationship of errors to comprehension. Implications of knowledge effects for assessment and educational policy are discussed.  相似文献   

选题是期刊社出版方针,任务的具体体现,这是所有的职教期刊社必须贯彻执行的方针和完成的任务;选题是编辑工作的基础选题工作是整个编辑工作中的第一道工序,是编辑出版工作的基础,只有在优秀选题的基础上才能得到好的期刊。选题是编辑人员的工作依据;选题是出版社实现社会效益与经济效益的根本保证出版社。为此,职教期刊在选题中,既坚持握选题工作的价值取向,又要把握原则、和基本方法,同时要善于运用一些技巧,把这项工作做实做好。  相似文献   

目前英语专业毕业论文选题与其它专业毕业论文选题一样,存在不少严重的问题。所以,引导学生规范选题,理性选题是任务所在。针对笔者在指导学生论文写作过程中所遇到的问题,本文叙述了毕业论文的选题思路、原则、选题存在问题及应对策略,以期对今后的毕业论文写作有所帮助。  相似文献   

This paper studies the teacher perceived applicability of historical topics for interpretational history teaching and the criteria teachers use to evaluate this applicability. For this study, 15 expert history teachers in the Netherlands striving for interpretational history teaching were purposefully selected. Teachers were asked to mention historical topics using a ranking task technique to rank topics in order of applicability and to elaborate on how the topics were ranked. The results showed a large variation in perceived applicability among topics, both within and between teachers. Eight different topic-applicability criteria were discerned in the teachers’ elaborations: (1) topic knowledge; (2) topic affinity; (3) topic constructedness; (4) topic deconstructability; (5) topic abstractedness; (6) topic sensitivity; (7) topic materials; and (8) topic inclusion in the history curriculum. We found that teachers tended to judge topics as applicable for interpretational history teaching partly depending on the degree of ‘canonised interpretativity’ in lesson materials and the curriculum, and to the degree to which they belonged to ‘cold’ (morally neutral) or ‘hot’ (morally sensitive) history. A theoretical implication of the findings is that interpretational history teaching is topic-dependent. Teachers can be supported to teach history as interpretation by structured pedagogies.  相似文献   

高静 《宜宾学院学报》2005,5(8):121-122
连续几年的高考话题作文已越来越多地受到人们的关注。话题作文较之命题作文和材料作文,有其显著的特点和长足的进步。如何在话题作文中体现学生的主体性是当前语文教学中亟待解决的问题之一。  相似文献   

The effects of topic knowledge, text coherence, and topic interest on learning from text were examined. One hundred sixty high school students participated in 1 of 4 groups according to their levels of topic knowledge and interest. Participants read 1 of 3 versions of a scientific text: minimally coherent, locally coherent, and locally and globally coherent. Text comprehension was examined by tasks aimed at tapping both textbase and situation-model levels. The contribution of topic interest seemed to increase according to the quantity of learners' topic knowledge. High-knowledge and high-interest students performed significantly better than those in the other 3 groups in all tasks. Text version differentiated students' performance on all measures but 1. The expected Group x Version interactions did not emerge.  相似文献   

题目是一篇论文思想的浓缩和灵魂的体现。中小学教师在教育科研论文的选题上存在一些普遍性的问题,影响了论文的整体质量。为了纠正教育科研论文选题中常见的问题,需要有针对性地采取如下策略:选题大小要适度;选题要基于工作实际;选题要有明确的论点;选题要体现创新性。  相似文献   

思想道德修养与法律基础课程是高校思想政治理论课之一。在这一课程教学中实施专题教学法是十分必要和可行的。思想道德修养与法律基础课程教学中,开展专题教学,研究教学大纲,归纳教学目标,设置教学专题,整合教学内容,探索教学方法,及时进行总结。实践证明,这样开展专题教学,教学效果是十分显著的,增强了教学的实效性。  相似文献   

为确定歌词隐含的情感主题对音乐分类的作用,在传统主题模型中融入情感、语义元素,定义基于情感主题的音乐分类标准并进行音乐分类。结合文本情感词典、Word2vec词向量空间,将主题模型的基础主题进一步归类为情感主题,并通过爬取网易云音乐歌曲信息进行模型训练及测试。实验证明,该模型具有较好的分类效果,对音乐情感分类平均准确率达到80%。  相似文献   

Students studied instructional materials under two choice conditions. In one case, students were free to choose the topic of study from six alternatives; in the other, the topic was assigned randomly. In addition, some of the students received immediate tests on the materials while the others took placebo tests. When free to choose the topic, students had higher affect for the material, showed greater willingness to continue work on the topic later, and spent more time studying the materials. While the presence of an immediate test increased delayed retention, freedom to choose the topic did not. A measure of students’ perceptions of the amount of freedom they felt in the choice and no-choice situations suggested that they felt relatively but not absolutely freer when able to choose the topic. Apparently, the relative increase in feeling of freedom was sufficient to influence affective but not cognitive outcomes.  相似文献   

主题班会是班主任工作的职责所在。主题班会中班主任要有针对性地有效地作好主题讲话。主题讲话应根据中小学德育大纲的要求,从学校工作计划、社会热点、重大节日纪念日、相关学科教育和博物志趣中选择内容,主题讲话应有真理性、哲理性、共鸣性、情感性、激励性和人格性。主题讲话要收到好的效果,班主任应主要学会用心讲话。  相似文献   

硕士论文开题报告的质量决定着硕士论文质量。硕士论文开题报告的首要任务是选题。一个好的选题必须遵循专业标准和问题标准。前者指一个选题必须符合专业研究范畴;后者指一个选题必须遵循四大标准:具体、集中、原创性和意义。富有意义的选题一定是真问题。学术研究区分真假问题有事实原则、逻辑原则和学理原则。真问题一定具有学理意识,它指一项学术研究要符合该领域学术共同体所遵循的学术习惯和学术标准,故学术研究一定是范式研究。  相似文献   

主题型酒店:发展、问题与策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了主题酒店会在我国发展的成因,指出存在的主题酒店与特色酒店被视为一物;酒店在进行主题选择时,往往忽视与其所在她域的形象相协调等问题。最后从“蓝海战略”反思本土主题酒店的经营,阐述了对策与措施;按“剔除-减少-增加-创造”模式创造价值,并不断创新发展,打造出主题型酒店牢固的合力与强大的实力;开拓顾客群;打造品牌,长期留住顾客;建立电子信息系统,加强与利益相关者的沟通。  相似文献   

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