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政策《电影制片,发行、放映经营资格准入暂行规定》等发布根据规定,在制片、发行、放映经营资格逐步放开的基础上,再次降低门槛。中资单位在连续以单片形式拍摄了两部电影后,就可成立电影制片公司;发行过两部国产影片和发行过两部电视剧的公司可在本省申请国产影片发行许可。今年,电影创作中的合拍片已占到国产影片的三分之一,《中外合作摄制电影管理规定》除要求主要演员中境外人  相似文献   

电影的发行一直是中国电影发展的一个瓶颈,文章提出要变被动为主动,不要完全把市场寄望于院线。即以它之前所"对峙"的区域发行体制来说,也是各有优长。电影发行要坚持改革之路,要立足于满足人民群众快速增长的文化需求,考虑如何让群众更快更方便地看到电影,因而建议电影主管部门推进电影四级发行体制的改革:院线体制、区域发行体制、文化专业户体制、网络体制。而最后一级体制,需要转换原有思路,大胆探索,它适应现代社会观赏电影的需求,但它也相应带来一些新问题。  相似文献   

本文力求通过对电影产业链的制片、发行、放映和后电影产品等四个基本环节的国际比较,以不同国家电影产业发展数据和运作模式为基础找出我国电影产业链发展存在的瓶颈,并从优化投融资体制促进制片业适度竞争市场形成、以发行环节为核心促进电影产业链纵向整合、加大二三线城市新影院建设力度和依托后电影产品开发多元化盈利模式等几方面提出我国电影产业链优化发展的策略.  相似文献   

覃红梅 《今传媒》2016,(7):78-79
当前,电影与金融的产业联姻促使电影产业链全面地迈向金融化的发展态势.电影资产证券化、保底发行、补票和票房造假成为分别影响电影产业链条中制片、发行及放映环节的关键性的金融工具.“《叶问3》金融事件”是我国电影产业金融化发展的一个典型案例,与上述金融工具对电影产业链条的影响相吻合,值得分析与反思.  相似文献   

(十)电影方面电影管理包括电影制作、审查、进口、出口、发行、放映、对外交流、资料管理等各个环节。在总结长期电影管理实践经验的基础上,国务院于1996年颁布实施了《电影管理条例》(国务院第200号令),它是我国历史上第一部全面规范电影制片、审查、进口、出口、发行、放映等  相似文献   

3月17日,乐视网、腾讯网、PPTV、迅雷、暴风影音、激动网等七家互联网公司联合发起成立"电影网络院线发行联盟",助推互联网成为电影的第二大发行渠道。  相似文献   

政策广电总局发布电影制片发行 放映资格准入规定 国家广播电影电视总局日前发布《电影制片、发行、放映经营资格准入暂行规定》,鼓励境内国有、非国有单位(不含外资)与现有国有电影制片单位合资、合作成立电影制片公司或单独成立制片公司。允许外资参股与境内现有国有电影制片单位合资、合作成立电影制片公司。 鼓励国有、非国有单位(不含外资)控股或单独成立电影技术公司,改造电影  相似文献   

孙宝国 《青年记者》2016,(24):80-81
随着中国正式加入世界贸易组织,中国经济开始主动融人世界经济体系中.从2003年开始,当时的国家广电总局相继出台了促进电影产业发展的政策措施,“产业”顺理成章地成为中国乡土电影的主导元素.本文从文艺政策和形态特征两个方面,对产业时代的中国乡土电影加以分析. 文艺政策 2003年,国家广电总局先后出台了《电影剧本(梗概)立项、电影审查暂行规定》(国家广电总局第18号令)、《中外合作摄制电影片管理规定》《电影制片、发行、放映经营资格准入暂行规定》和《外商投资电影院暂行规定》,目的是降低电影制片、发行放映领域资格准入门槛,吸收一切社会力量参与电影产业;激活电影流通领域,推进国产影片发行放映;压缩政府审批程序,推进产业快速发展;鼓励电影作品创新,让电影作品更好地面向群众市场.  相似文献   

刘欢  孙宏 《新闻前哨》2010,(5):94-95
电影的盈利模式包括票房收入以及后电影市场。目前,我国电影在生产、发行、放映上的脱节。相互不能及时反馈市场需求信息.电影企业对放映的影片内容、质量,事先所知甚少。中国电影人更多地重视电影产品的开发和制作,对后电影产品开发则相对弱视。随着电影产业的日益规模化、集约化和精细化。  相似文献   

国产电影在外国片、港台片等等的冲击下,由于体制不顺和发行渠道不畅等原因,从皇帝女儿不愁嫁的宝座上跌入万丈深渊。据不完全统计,刚刚过去的1993年,排在发行收入前十名的电影中,有九部是港台电影,  相似文献   

互联网已经成为企业和组织获取竞争对手情报的主要来源之一.建立基于Web的竞争对手情报自动获取系统已成为企业的迫切需求.在竞争对手情报自动获取系统中,商业机构名的识别是基础,它为竞争对手的标识和进一步情报抽取提供了依据.本文提出了一种基于互联网的商业机构名识别新方法.该方法考虑了商业机构名与其上下文之间的语义关联性,通过语义标注和隐马尔可夫模型相结合的方法进行商业机构名识别.我们以互联网上的真实中文网页为数据集对提出的识别算法进行了性能评估,并从召回率、准确率和F指标三个方面与CHMM(基于层叠隐马尔可夫模型的机构名识别算法)、MEM(基于最大熵模型的机构名识别算法)以及SVM(基于支持向量机的机构名识别算法)进行了对比.实验结果表明,本文提出的算法改善了商业机构名识别效果,并且具有很好的普适性.  相似文献   

《第27次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》发布,我国网民数量已成为全球之最,互联网普及率已上升至34.3%。如何使众多的网民有效地获取网络信息资源成为当前信息检索领域的重要课题。本文分析了用户获取网络信息资源的主要途径,提出了一些提高用户获取网络信息资源效率的有益建议。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(41-42):3-24
This introductory essay illustrates the opportunities the Internet provides for the reference librarian, provides practical points of entry for experimentation, defines some common Internet terms, and steers the librarian to sources that will help in getting a better handle on the big picture. Tracing a few introductory steps will bpefully give a broader context to the resources that follow in this issue.  相似文献   

The Internet is a convenient but complex source for health information used by an increasing number of health consumers. Especially for people suffering from a chronic illness (e.g., diabetes), information seeking forms a part of the daily management of the disease, a “project of life.” This study of Web texts examines the citation patterns for a specific and controversial health issue: the beneficial or hazardous use of dietary chromium supplementation in diabetes self-management. Texts from different categories of Web sources (scientific, professional, educational, and commercial sources, as well as diabetes discussion groups) were analyzed in order to study how knowledge is transferred between sources, and how diabetics participating in discussion groups refer to and make sense of the information from different sources on the Internet. The citation patterns suggest that deviations from the traditional models of scientific knowledge dissemination can occur in the Internet environment.  相似文献   

认为1999年因网络原生新闻概念而创立的网络报纸在台湾出现后,网络新闻开始让传统新闻媒体的产制作业产生冲击,新兴媒体时代的新闻产制过程,让新闻工作者无法用原本的媒体素养来因应网络。使用问卷调查法,了解新闻从业人员的网络素养以及具备网络素养的衡量准则。研究结果发现,新闻工作者已大量使用网络,但网络素养却十分匮乏,难以因应媒体科技在新兴媒体时代的变化。  相似文献   

Using the issue of genetically modified foods, this study examines how the Internet may affect the spiral of silence phenomenon in South Korea. More specifically, we explore whether the Internet has created a social environment, where people can exchange opinions more freely without being fearful of social isolation. Analyzing data from an online survey, we first examine whether the Internet can play a role as a source of information, from which people assess the climates of public opinion. Also examined is whether the opinions of netizens can comprise another form of opinion climate, exerting pressure on one's willingness to speak out. Finally, we explore whether expressing an opinion on the Internet is subject to the pressure of opinion climates. Findings suggest that the Internet may play an important role in shaping people's perceptions of opinion climates. Perceived opinion congruence with other people were significantly associated with one's willingness to participate in an online forum, indicating that expressing an opinion on the Internet may be subject to the spiral of silence effect. We conclude that the Internet in South Korea may not have helped to diminish the social pressure that keeps citizens from expressing a minority view.  相似文献   

中国英语媒体传播效果研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文借助实证调查法 ,从正反两方面分析了中国大陆英语媒体的传播效果 ,认为中国英语媒体的发展已取得了很大成绩 ,其作用不可替代 ,但还存在受众定位趋同等问题。文章同时还探讨了中国英语媒体传播效果欠佳的成因———如媒体理念、可信度、非产业化运作以及语言和文化等因素  相似文献   

The ways in which people perceive the relative value of the Internet when seeking information for self-development purposes were investigated. The concept of information source horizon was introduced, and it is a construct that enables one to put various information sources and channels in an order of preference to meet the requirements of information seeking. The horizon is based on one's conceptions of the characteristics of information sources, particularly their accessibility and quality. The study draws on interviews with eighteen Internet users who positioned various information sources in three zones of relevance. In their information source horizons, human sources such as friends and colleagues were preferred, followed by print media such as newspapers and books: networked sources were ranked third among six source types. Networked sources were favored for easy accessibility and opportunities to save time. The issue of “facilitating everyday life” was emphasized in this context. Also currency, broad repertoire of networked information, and the potential of the Internet to complement other services were valued highly. Critical stands on the Internet were mainly affected by the negative experiences of encountering low quality material.  相似文献   

宛玲 《图书情报工作》2003,47(9):79-82,98
在分析影响中国科学院外文网络保障体系因素的基础上,探讨中国科学院外文网络数据库保障体系的构架。  相似文献   

Virtually every public library in the United States provides public access Internet computers as a role central to its mission. This article addresses the issue of why the Internet matters for public libraries, both in terms of impacts on the general public, particularly the digitally disadvantaged (part one of the article) and impacts on libraries themselves (part two of the article). Each part of this report begins with an extensive literature review, followed by a data analysis section. In part one, the author uses the 2000 United States Census dataset to evaluate library efforts to bridge the digital divide, by analyzing differences in the growth of public terminals in library systems serving counties with different levels of household income, households in poverty, non-white households, and non-English-speaking households. The analysis finds no disparity in the number of public computers available in areas with high and low incomes but finds a significant—and widening—disparity in the number of computers available in areas with a higher versus lower percentage of non-white and non-English-speaking households. In part two of the report, the author uses a random effects linear regression model to estimate the effects of Internet access on library usage. This analysis finds that having Internet terminals (versus having no Internet terminals) has a significant positive effect on a library's visits and reference transactions, but not on a library's circulation. An increase in the number of Internet terminals has no significant effect, positive or negative, on visits, reference transactions, or circulation.  相似文献   

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