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本文阐述了半连接优化算法的基本思想和执行过程,并分析了优缺点。为了改进该算法,本文提出了基于语义缓存机制的PERF连接算法的设想,该算法通过在半连接的基础上把半连接所要传送的中间结果替换成与之一一对应的PERF位向量表来进行传输,这很大程度上降低了传输带价;通过对半连接上的投影等操作采用语义缓存机制来处理,充分的利用缓存项的查询结果,使得访问服务器数据的频率降低,极大地缩短了响应时间。本文还简要的分析了该算法的优缺点。  相似文献   

基于内容自动扩展的多示例查询图像检索技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了缩短基于内容图像检索存在的"语义鸿沟",提出了一种自动扩展的多示例查询技术.该技术将传统检索使用的单一查询图像自动扩展为多个查询示例,从而包含了更多的与语义相关的图像特征.对这些查询示例进行检索,并融合检索结果,可以获得更多相关图像.扩展主要利用了一般检索算法的查准率-查全率曲线特点,对原始查询结果的图像特征距离应用K-均值聚类算法,确定多个查询示例图像.实验结果表明该方法可以显著提高原有检索算法的查全率和查准率.  相似文献   

为解决集中式服务发现结构存在的性能瓶颈问题,基于领域本体语义信息,提出一种能自适应地调整领域划分、分配系统资源的分布式web服务发现体系结构,并分析了该结构的可扩展性、自组织性和自适应性.具体描述了该结构下的语义web服务发现算法的2个阶段:语义注册中心定位和基于输入输出的服务匹配.在注册中心组成的平衡树拓扑结构中,注册代理能够快速将请求转发至目标注册中心,避免产生性能瓶颈.然后,通过引入一种新的基于语义距离的服务匹配算法来进行服务查询效果优化.模拟实验结果表明:提出的服务发现方法具有高可扩展性的优点;与其他服务查询算法相比,服务匹配算法具有更高的查全率和查准率.  相似文献   

提出一种基于关系矩阵的异构本体信息系统间近似查询方法.首先定义关系矩阵表达不同本体的概念间关系,然后给出一个重写查询方法.利用2个本体的概念间包含关系,将一个本体中的查询重写为另一个本体中的近似查询,从而解决本体异构问题.并提出用向量表示查询,通过查询向量和关系矩阵计算的结果考虑不同本体概念间的不相交关系,得到比现有方法更精确的近似查询结果.该方法可由机器自动完成,易于实现且速度快.  相似文献   

在分布式数据库查询所涉及的多元连接操作中应用半连接算法和最小生成树算法相结和的策略,优化连接方案.从而达到降低数据传输费用,缩短查询时间的目的.  相似文献   

Deep web数据集成需要对web查询接口进行模式匹配并获得映射关系.在web查询接口集成中引入语义冲突的概念,通过分析语义冲突的起源和分类,提出了一种基于本体的模式匹配方法.以房产领域的web查询接口集成为实例,详细阐述了这种方法的具体过程:通过比较语义相似度自动检测不同查询接口之间存在的语义冲突,识别冲突类别并且给冲突解决器发送消息,冲突解决器借助领域专家定义推理规则来消除冲突获得映射表.使用检测和解决语义冲突的方法来进行模式匹配,算法简单易于实现,扩充本体定义就可以使用于不同领域,灵活性和重用性较好.  相似文献   

为方便对语义丰富、结构复杂的对象数据库管理系统的操作,提高管理和开发效率,文中提出一种可根据需求自动产生结构清晰、布局合理的继承、合成及继承/合成全局结构的对象数据库模式图的算法,基于此生成的对象数对象数据库模式图可进行可视化和导航式的信息查询.实验结果表明该算法可作为对象数据库可视化查询的基础,并可推广到具有类似继承和合成等复杂结构的其他工程应用领域.  相似文献   

合理有效地管理实验设备有利于提高设备的利用率,现将时间图查询用于实验设备的管理,可以丰富查询的语义,提高设备的查询效率。将设备的使用情况抽象成一个大的时间图,将用户的查询请求转换为一个查询图,利用图匹配技术查询出相关的结果。为实现查询图的匹配,提出了3种相关算法:朴素匹配算法(NM)、基于BFS的点匹配算法(BVM)和拓扑剪枝匹配算法(TPM)。在TPM算法中设计了2种索引:TV-索引和TE-索引,分别用于快速定位节点和边上的关系,并从结构和语义两个角度对匹配过程进行了剪枝。最后,设计了对比实验,通过实验验证了3种算法的性能。  相似文献   

针对传统检索模型局限于语法层次上关键词匹配的特点,以领域本体为知识组织方式,提出了一种基于领域本体的语义检索模型,同时给出了该模型中的查询语义扩展算法和相似度计算算法。  相似文献   

针对云计算环境下分布式存储系统的数据索引不支持复杂查询的问题,笔者提出了云环境下聚类分解的高维数据混合索引方法.首先,采用聚类分解方法对分割数据建立树状索引;然后,以叶节点为单位,通过扫描线算法来获取节点内部所有对象的局部最近邻结果;最后,依据计算的结果得出启发式的裁剪距离.在单节点最近邻计算中,第二个阶段获取外部的最近邻对象采用范围查询算法.实验分析表明,在查询效率上该索引方法高于单纯的聚类方法.与M-tree、顺序查找、iDisance相比,基于聚类分解的混合索引方法在高维查询模式下具有良好的查询效率和负载均衡.  相似文献   

Querying XML data is a computationally expensive process due to the complex nature of both the XML data and the XML queries. In this paper we propose an approach to expedite XML query processing by caching the results of frequent queries. We discover frequent query patterns from user-issued queries using an efficient bottom-up mining approach called VBUXMiner. VBUXMiner consists of two main steps. First, all queries are merged into a summary structure named "compressed global tree guide" (CGTG). Second, a bottom-up traversal scheme based on the CGTG is employed to generate frequent query patterns. We use the frequent query patterns in a cache mechanism to improve the XML query performance. Experimental results show that our proposed mining approach outperforms the previous mining algorithms for XML queries, such as XQPMinerTID and FastXMiner, and that by caching the results of frequent query patterns, XML query performance can be dramatically improved.  相似文献   

带有全称量词命题与蕴含命题的数据查询是数据库应用系统中最实用的两类查询,但也是最难的两种数据查询。在这两类数据查询中,使用了多层嵌套子查询,致使学习者对查询语句的理解变得相当困难。本文从集合的角度分析了这两类查询难点所在,并通过实例阐明了实现这两类查询的编程思路,从而使学习者轻松理解和掌握这两类数据查询的方法。  相似文献   

The problem of continuously monitoring multiple K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) queries with dynamic object and query dataset is valuable for many location-based applications. A practical method is to partition the data space into grid cells, with both object and query table being indexed by this grid structure, while solving the problem by periodically joining cells of objects with queries having their influence regions intersecting the cells. In the worst case, all cells of objects will be accessed once. Object and query cache strategies are proposed to further reduce the I/O cost. With object cache strategy, queries remaining static in current processing cycle seldom need I/O cost, they can be returned quickly. The main I/O cost comes from moving queries, the query cache strategy is used to restrict their search-regions, which uses current results of queries in the main memory buffer. The queries can share not only the accessing of object pages, but also their influence regions. Theoretical analysis of the expected I/O cost is presented, with the I/O cost being about 40% that of the SEA-CNN method in the experiment results.  相似文献   

Finding all occurrences of a twig query in an XML database is a core operation for efficient evaluation of XML queries. It is important to effectively handle twig queries with wildcards. In this paper, a novel path-partitioned encoding scheme is proposed for XML documents to capture paths of all elements, and a twig query is modeled as an XPattern extended from tree pattern. After definition, simplification, normalization, verification and initialization of the XPattern, both work sets and a join plan are generated. According to these measures, an effective algorithm to answer for a twig query, called DMTwig, is designed without unnecessary elements and invalid structural joins. The algorithm can adaptively deal with twig queries with branch([]), child edge(/), descendant edge(//), and wildcard(*)synthetically. We show that path-partitioned encoding scheme and XPattern guarantee the I/O and CPU optimality for twig queries. Experiments on representative data set indicate that the proposed solution performs significantly.  相似文献   

Distributed inverted index technology is used in many peer-to-peer (P2P) systems to help find rapidly document in -set search system for peer-to-peer networkswhich a given word appears. Distributed inverted index by keywords may incur significant bandwidth for executing more complicated search queries such as multiple-attribute queries. In order to reduce query overhead, KSS (keyword-set search) by Gnawali partitions the index by a set of keywords. However, a KSS index is considerably larger than a standard inverted index,since there are more word sets than there are individual words. And the insert overhead and storage overhead are obviously unacceptable for full-text search on a collection of documents even if KSS uses the distance window technology. In this paper, we extract the relationship information between query keywords from websites' queries logs to improve performance of KSS system.Experiments results clearly demonstrated that the improved keyword-set search system based on keywords relationship (KRBKSS) is more efficient than KSS index in insert overhead and storage overhead, and a standard inverted index in terms of communication costs for query.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe presence of child pornography in peer-to-peer networks is not disputed, but there has been little effort done to quantify and analyze the distribution and nature of that content to-date. By performing an analysis of queries and query hits on the largest peer-to-peer network, we are able to both quantify and describe the nature of querying by child pornographers as well as the content they are sharing.MethodChild pornography related content was identified and analyzed in 235,513 user queries and 194,444 query hits.ResultsThe research confirmed a large amount of peer-to-peer traffic is dedicated to child pornography, but supply and demand must be separated for a better understanding. The most prevalent query and the top two most prevalent filenames returned as query hits were child pornography related. However, it would be inaccurate to state child pornography dominates peer-to-peer as 1% of all queries were related to child pornography and 1.45% of all query hits (unique filenames) were related to child pornography, consistent with a smaller study (Hughes et al., 2008).In addition to the above, research indicates that the median age searched for was 13 years old, and the majority of queries were gender-neutral, but of those with gender-related terms, 79% were female-oriented. Distribution-wise, the vast majority of content-specific searches are for movies at 99%, though images are still the most prevalent in availability.ConclusionsThere is no shortage of child pornography supply and demand on peer-to-peer networks and by analyzing how consumers seek and distributors advertise content we can better understand their motivations.Practice implicationsUnderstanding the behavior of child pornographers and how they search for content when contrasted with those sharing content provides a basis for finding and combating that behavior. For law enforcement, knowing the specific terms used allows more timely and accurate forensics and better identification of those seeking and distributing child pornography. For Internet researchers, better filtering and monitoring is possible. For mental health professionals, understanding the preferences and behaviors of those searching supports more effective treatment.  相似文献   

该文叙述了MIS中模糊查询和组合查询的基本概念,介绍了利用Delphi的Query元件实现模糊查询和组合查询的方法,并以一个实际例子加以说明.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the utility of an instructional strategy known as the query method for enhancing learning outcomes in computer-based training. The query method involves an embedded guided, sentence generation task requiring elaboration of key concepts in the training material that encourages learners to ‘stop and think’ about the information already presented before proceeding to new concepts. This study also investigated the effect of varying the level of elaboration (low or high) prompted by the queries. Fifty-one undergraduate students from the general psychology department subject pool at a major university in the southeastern United States received instruction on the basic principles of flight via one of three versions of a computer-based tutorial (no query, low-level elaboration query, or high-level elaboration query). Participants had no prior knowledge or previous experience with the aviation domain. A one-way between-groups design was employed, with the query method serving as the independent variable and a sample size of 17 per condition. Dependent variables included knowledge organization, knowledge acquisition, and instructional efficiency. Overall, results showed that incorporating low-level elaboration queries into the training resulted in improved organization, integration, and application of task-relevant knowledge and higher instructional efficiency. High-level elaboration queries consistently failed to produce significantly better post-training outcomes, possibly due to the increased cognitive load imposed on learners during training. The discussion centers on theoretical and practical implications for promoting and assessing learning outcomes in computer-based training.  相似文献   

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