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通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggling with a large box. It was half in and half 1 of her car. He was a helpful kind of man, so he went up to the woman and said, “Let me give you a hand with that box. It looks very 2 .”“That蒺s very kind of you,”the woman said. “I蒺m having a lot of 3 with it. I think it蒺s stuck(不能动,受阻).”“Together we蒺ll soon move it,”the man said. He 4 into the b…  相似文献   

I liked cat very much. In my old opinion, cat was cute and gentle. One day, my friend asked me to feed the cat for him. So I went to his house in order to take care of his cat. His neighbor was an old woman. When I was doing some cleaning, the old woman asked me if I needed some help. Suddenly, the cat stretched out its sharp claws, and clawed me and bit me with its sharp teeth. WowA It was too abrupt. The old woman got scared. “It goes crazyA” I said and asked her to get out of the room, otherwise she woul...  相似文献   

I liked cat very much. In my old opinion, cat was cute and gentle. One day, my friend asked me to feed the cat for him. So I went to his house in order to take care of his cat. His neighbor was an old woman. When I was doing some cleaning, the old woman asked me if I needed some help. Suddenly, the cat stretched out its sharp claws, and clawed me and bit me with its sharp teeth. WowA It was too abrupt. The old woman got scared. “It goes crazyA” I said and asked her to get out of the roo…  相似文献   

Pat Hogan was traveling around the country in the car. One evening he was driving along a road and looking for a small hotel when he saw an old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, “I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?“  相似文献   

Mrs Brown     
Mrs Brown was eighty but she had a small car and she always drove to the shops in it on Saturdays and bought her food.She didn't drive fast because she was old,but she drove very well,and never hit anything.Sometimes her grand children said to her,"Please don't drive  相似文献   

Pat Hogan was traveling around the country inthe car.One evening he was driving along a roadand looking for a small hotel when he saw an oldman at the side of the road.He stopped his carand said to the old man,“I want to go to the SunHotel.Do you know it?”  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
I knew little about English when I first came to America.So I went toa language school every day to learn English.One day,during the break Iasked one of my classmates a question that I didn蒺t understand.When Ithanked her for it,she said:“You are welcome.It蒺s a piece of cake.”Ithought to myself:“America is really a society for money in whicheverything is done for pay.”Thus I said to her:“I haven蒺t taken any pieceof cake with me today.How about a piece of biscuit?”Sh…  相似文献   

I was driving my dad's old Caddie on the interstate in Florida,when I came across the sign forthe“World's Largest Flea Market.”At one booth,there was a sign“8-Track Tapes bought and SoldHere!”Then,it hit me,something had to be done about that ancient collection of Dad's 8-tracks inthe trunk of the car.Talking to the dealer,who was a retired cop,he said he'd be glad to take themoff my hands,and pay me a few bucks to boot!The cop came up to me,took my license,and examined it and the car.Finally he came up to my  相似文献   

"This blue jacket will fit*you,Iris,"said Mum.Iris looked at the jacket.It was her sister Dana’s old jacket."I don’t want that old thing,"said Iris."I want a new jacket.""But this is a good jacket,"said Mum."It will look good on you,Iris.*"Iris felt sad.She wanted a jacket just for her.Iris looked at the jacket.She wanted to make it special*.  相似文献   

Britney Spears (布兰妮·斯皮尔斯), who is considered to be the queen of pop music, apologized for her rude behaviour at last. It's reported that not long ago Britney attacked a certain press-photographer's car with her umbrella when she came out of her pre-husband's house and saw some reporters waiting beside the car. But after that, Britney felt regret about it. She said in her Blog, "I apologize for my rude behaviour. I was then preparing for a new film role, and the role had to behave rudely in the film. But unluckily, I did not get the role."  相似文献   

M rs Brow n s old grandfather lived1her and her husband.E verym orning he went2a walk in the park and cam e hom e3half pasttwelve for his lunch.But one day a police car4outside M rs Brown s house at tw elveo clock,5two policem en helped the old m an to get out.O ne of them6to M rs Brown,“The poor old gentlem an lost his way in the park andtelephoned to us for help,7we sent a car to bring him hom e.”M rsBrow n was very8,but she thanked the policem en and they left.“But,G randfather,”she…  相似文献   

Mrs Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came backfrom work.She was wearing dirty,old clothes and no stockings,her hairwas not tidy,she had dust on her face,and she looked dirty and tired.Herhusband looked at her and said,‘Is this what I come home to after a hardday's work?’  相似文献   

A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery(彩票). Her son and his wife heard the news on the radio.“How are we going to tell your mother?”the wife asked.“The shock(震惊)might kill her.”“That's true,”the son said.“Perhaps we'd better speak to her doctor about it. He'll know how to break the news(实情相告)to her gently.”They explained the situation to the old lady's doctor.“I'm glad you tell me,”the doctor said.“A shock,even a happy one,could give her a heart attack(…  相似文献   

On My Way Home     
I will tell you a real story. Last Saturday when I was on my way home,I saw an accident.A little boy rode a bike and knocked down an old man.But the little boy didn蒺t say sorry to the old man. So the old may was very angry.He hit the boy in his face .At this time, the little boy蒺s bike was in the middle of the road, but the people seemed to see nothing. So the traffic was blocked.They were all standing around the bike. Just then, a foreigner walked up and took the bike to the other side …  相似文献   

Mrs Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came back from work. She was wearing dirty, old clothes and no stockings, her hair was not tidy, she had dust on her face, and she looked dirty and tired. Her husband looked at her and said, "Is this what I come home to see after a hard day's work?"Mrs Jones's neighbour, Mrs Smith, was there. When she heard Mr Jones's  相似文献   

阅读短文,掌握其大意,并从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 It was a quarter to six.Mrs Black_her husband stop the car outside the house and_went out to speak tohim. "what's the matter,dear?"he asked."You look_." "I'm afraid I made a terrible_today,John,"said the woman."Mr Smith called me about half an hour ago.Wegot talking and then_thinking.I asked her and her husband to come and have dinner with us this evening." "Well,dear,"said Mr Black."That's_!We'll soon get ready for it.On the other hand(另一方面),we_them two months ago."  相似文献   

Have a Good Rest     
One day a very talkative woman came to see the doctor. She told the doctor about her family. She told the doctor about her job. And of course, she told the doctor how very ill she was. The doctor listened to her patiently and then examined her carefully.“W ell,m adam,”atlastthe doctorsaid,“noth-ing serious.W hatyou need is only a good rest.”“W hy,doctor。”said the wom an,“I need som em edicine.Look atm y tongue...”“Oh,yes,”said the doctor,“and thatneeds a rest,too.”Have a Good …  相似文献   

Mrs Williams loved flowers and had a small but beautiful garden. In the summer, her roses (玫瑰花) were always the best in her streel. One summer afternoon her bell rang, and when she went to the front door, she saw a small boy outside. He was about eight years old, and was holding a big bunch of beautiful roses in his hand. "I'm selling roses," he said. "Do you want any? They are quite cheap. One shilling for a big bunctl. They are fresh. I pieked them this afternoon."  相似文献   

I was deeply impressed by an English story. Tess, a 6,year,old little girl knew that her younger brother had a serious brain problem. And her parents said in despair, “Without money, only miracle can save him ...“ In no time, with all her pocket money, she didn‘t hesitate to buy “miracle“ in a pharmacy. To her disappointment, she failed and was refused. A brain surgeon happened to hear their conversation and promised to find her “miracle“. He followed her home and her brother was finally saved. Tess seem...  相似文献   

It was a busy scene in the street when the Spring Festival was drawing near. I was helping my wife sell the goods at her stand when there were too many buyers around. One old woman, with her both hands occupied, was picking out trousers all by herself. She was wandering which one to take. She spent so long in choosing that I lost patience. So I just left her alone and turned to greet another guest. At the same time I saw a group of guys walking towards our stand. I was glad that we could make a little more today before my wife whispered into my ear "WATCH OUT!". "WHY?" I asked loudly. "Shoo-." my wife held her finger up to stop me and rolled her eyes at me when she quickly covered the moneybag tightly. "What?" I still wanted to find out the reason when the guys stood around the old woman. The guest I served left without buying anything though he liked the item very much.  相似文献   

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