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For children with autism, social challenges may be both part of the disability and a barrier to accessing education. This article reports on a project that used drama to address such challenges by drawing on the social skills of non‐autistic peers in a special school setting. The article demonstrates how drama's flexibility may be harnessed in order to help students support each other's development of creative and communicative skills. Focusing on two children in particular, specific examples are given to illustrate how they participated in group work, made imaginative contributions to verbal and physical representations and engaged with abstract ideas. The project's outcomes suggest that, given a concrete structure and an invitation to collaborate, drama can be a powerful learning medium for children with autistic spectrum disorder. The conclusion reflects on the diverse meaning of inclusive practice that can be achieved within specialist settings.  相似文献   

As well as maintaining the central role of literature, the new Australian Curriculum: English emphasises the multimodal nature of literacy and requires students in primary and secondary schools to develop explicit knowledge about visual and verbal grammar as a resource for text interpretation and text creation. This study investigated the use of visual grammatics in interpreting picture books by students across Years Four, Five, Seven and Ten following an intensive professional learning programme undertaken by their teachers. A proposed framework describes variation in students' interpretive stance from tactical to diegetic to semiotic. Levels of student semiotic understanding are differentiated and differences between students' oral and written interpretations are discussed in relation the need for explicit teaching of written interpretive responses to multimodal literary texts, drawing on an articulated visual and verbal grammatics appropriate to the teaching of English in primary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

自闭症儿童主动口语沟通行为干预的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用示范、提示—示范、时间延宕、随机教学等干预方法对一名自闭症儿童的主动口语沟通行为进行干预,旨在探讨自闭症儿童主动口语沟通行为的干预效果及启示。结果表明:干预显著增加了被试主动口语沟通行为的发生次数,同时沟通内容及沟通功能也有所扩展。最后,作者建议通过激发儿童兴趣和动机、注意环境的设置和安排等措施来促进自闭症儿童主动口语沟通行为的发展。  相似文献   

Humans live in complex social environments. By the time they reach adulthood, most people have developed highly sophisticated social skills, including the ability to infer the 'invisible' mental states in others, and to act upon those inferences; they have become experts at 'social chess'. This paper draws upon research from developmental and evolutionary psychology, primatology, as well as studies of autistic children, to explore the processes by which children acquire the complex skills underpinning social interaction. It also examines obstacles to social skill acquisition. In light of ethological studies of social play in humans and other primates, it is argued that play is a fundamental medium for acquiring social skills.  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach to intervention that aims to foster the skill of young children with autistic spectrum disorder to share social attention and action to promote socially meaningful communication. It applies principles derived from research into pre‐linguistic development. The efficacy of the approach was evaluated through both a formal research project and within a clinical setting of a Portage scheme with groups of three to five year olds with a severe delay in their ability to communicate/autistic spectrum disorder. Outcome measures showed significantly accelerated levels of participation in social games and associated development of communication skills.  相似文献   

自闭症又称孤独症,是起病于婴幼儿期的一种广泛发育障碍。患有自闭症的儿童感情淡漠,除了能够与熟悉的人进行交往外,一般不会和陌生人交往。虽然自闭症儿童与能够听懂他们语言的家长、教师在一起时,会有一定的交往行为表现,但大多数时候他们不会表现出主动性交往行为。为帮助自闭症儿童改善人际交往能力,借助多感官综合训练系统中的听、视、触觉训练,增强老师与自闭症孩子的沟通,促进学生与自闭症孩子的交流,使之不愿交流为主动表达想法。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine gender differences in the relations between verbal, spatial, mathematics, and teacher–child mathematics interaction variables. Kindergarten children (N = 80) were videotaped playing games that require mathematical reasoning in the presence of their teachers. The children’s mathematics, spatial, and verbal skills and the teachers’ mathematical communication were assessed. No gender differences were found between the mathematical achievements of the boys and girls, or between their verbal and spatial skills. However, mathematics performance was related to boys’ spatial reasoning and to girls’ verbal skills, suggesting that they use different processes for solving mathematical problems. Furthermore, the boys’ levels of spatial and verbal skills were not found to be related, whereas they were significantly related for girls. The mathematical communication level provided in teacher–child interactions was found to be related to girls’ but not to boys’ mathematics performance, suggesting that boys may need other forms of mathematics communication and teaching.  相似文献   

格赖斯认为会话的双方都应遵守合作原则及其准则,但在实际交际活动中,总是存在不合作现象,这种不合作现象在自闭症儿童语言中尤其常见。本文以语言学理论为依据,对自闭症儿童语言交流中的"不合作"现象进行分析来探讨这一语言现象的合作本质。  相似文献   

自闭症是一种神经发育障碍.自闭症者的非社会性信息加工表现出非典型特征,其社会性功能存在严重缺陷,使得自闭症者的社会适应能力减弱.本文从自闭症者的认知能力、社会性发展及神经机制的角度进行整体综述,总结自闭症者对社会性与非社会性刺激加工的特点与规律,最后指出该研究领域尚存在的或未涉及的问题.  相似文献   

Early peer relationships and interactions influence social acceptance and a child’s ability to form social relationships later in life (Ladd 2005). Although it has been reported that some children with profound hearing loss who have experienced the oral approach since diagnosis display language skills similar to children with typical hearing (DeLuzio and Girolametto 2011), many may still be excluded socially and have subtle communication differences that impact friendships. More information is needed about how differences and similarities are manifested in young children with hearing loss. This investigation observed the frequency of three social communicative behaviors displayed by eight preschoolers with and without hearing loss as they played in dyads during unstructured table activities. The results revealed that the children with hearing loss produced about a quarter as many initiated verbal comments; however, they engaged in more verbal and play turns than their playmates with typical hearing. Implications for teaching young children with hearing loss in inclusive preschool settings are discussed.  相似文献   

专业助手是自闭症谱系障碍儿童接受教育的重要支持人员,对其学业能力的发展以及社会交往技能的提升具有重要意义。本研究梳理了近二十年国外培训专业助手对自闭症谱系障碍儿童实施干预的实证研究,从专业助手的特征,ASD儿童的特征,专业助手对ASD儿童实施干预的目标行为,实验设计,培训内容与程序,培训及干预效果等维度进行分析,在此基础上指出已有研究存在的局限和未来研究方向,以期为日后自闭症谱系障碍儿童专业助手培训的研究提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

Nonverbal learning disabilities and remedial interventions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adolescents with nonverbal learning disabilities who enroll in private, special secondary schools consistently present a pattern of behaviors which prevents achievement of their potentials in academic areas and impedes their abilities to interact effectively with others. With weaknesses in the fine graphomotor skills for writing and poor organization at all levels, they produce limited written output and often fail to complete academic assignments. Their response to pressure to produce is to become less productive. These students perceive social situations inaccurately; they are not successful in their interactions, especially with peers. They have learned to resolve difficult situations by employing their relatively strong verbal skills to enlist parents and other adults in intervening for them. They have not developed the skills to intervene for themselves. Effective remedial interventions include training the students in skills for planning and organizing, for studying, for written expression, and in social cognition and interpersonal communication. Students gain positive feelings of personal effectiveness through a process—at first verbally mediated, ultimately verbally self-directed—in which they are encouraged to plan, risk, and act on their own behalfs to resolve matters of personal concern.  相似文献   

Previous studies of preverbal development have highlighted the recurrent difficulties experienced by deaf children in acquiring knowledge of the social rules and social skills pertaining to discourse. We expected cochlear implants in children with bilateral profound deafness to improve their use of verbal language, so that their communication skill profile resembled that of younger, hearing children. Using conversation samples taken from videos recorded every 6 months over a 2-year period, we monitored the development of communication skills in a group of 18 prelingually profoundly deaf children (mean implantation age, 3 years and 5 months). Results corroborated our hypothesis that the overall communication performances of children with cochlear implants improve, both quantitatively and qualitatively, as early as the first year post-implantation.  相似文献   

The authors of picture books who write especially melodic language are doing more than simply offering up work that is pleasing to the ear. They are accessing more of the whole child. In this article five picture books will be discussed for their musical attributes: Now One Foot, Now the Other, by Tomie dePaola, The Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss, Knuffle Bunny, by Mo Willems, Mirandy and Brother Wind, by Patricia C. McKissack, and Click Clack Moo, by Doreen Cronin. Drawing on the observations of scientists, educators, and composers, I will discuss what an extraordinary aid a picture book with musical sounding language can be in the nurturing and development of the young child’s intellect, emotional life, and social skills.  相似文献   

The Department of Education and Science (DES) provided a graded list of books for pupils at Key Stage 1. These books tend to include pictures. Pictures have the potential to offer information which might be difficult to provide briefly or meaningfully in simple language. The pictures of the books on the DES booklist were analysed in order to gauge some aspects of their potential. It was found that, while most might serve as a second line of communication to facilitate the construction of meaning, they also fell into two distinct groups, one of ‘picture’ books and one of ‘word’ books. Writers and illustrators and those who select and grade books for young children might consider the attributes of word and picture together so that there is a smoother progression from one group to the other.  相似文献   

New media and technologies operate in polysemic formats that make complex demands on readers. During a time of constant change in ways of communicating, the familiar form of the picture book offers readers of all ages a route into sophisticated polysemic reading. Contemporary picture books provide both the comfort of the known and the potential of the new. As texts that use multiple semiotic systems, picture books also manifest the chief virtue of print on paper: they are 'a resting place for words' in Derrick de Kerckhove's phrase. Unlike online readers, picture book readers are literally able to get their hands on key words or pictures, literally able to trace the flow of the story. Within this well-known form, many contemporary picture books subvert literary conventions and explore challenging aesthetic and social questions.  相似文献   

In this article, we want to present and analyse the picture book The World has no Corners (2006/1999) by the Norwegian author and illustrator Svein Nyhus. The book represents a new trend in Norwegian picture books for children by inviting the readers into a world of thinking and wondering about existential topics such as life and death, growing up and getting old, God, children’s relationship to nature, etc. The picture book does not give clear answers to the questions that are raised, but has a potential for exploratory dialogues between child and adult readers. In our analyses of verbal text and images—and the relation between these—we build on social semiotic theory by Halliday, Kress and van Leeuwen, reception theory by Eco and Iser, and aesthetic theory represented by Dewey and Rorty. Through analyses of some selected spreads, we want to show both the framework keeping the readers inside the text, and the indeterminacies inviting the readers to wonder and speculate about the questions raised. We also want to draw attention towards a special way of co-reading of the spreads. Compared with the process of reading picture books where the adults often confirm or correct the child readers’ way of putting their interpretation into spoken language, the co-reading between children and adults in this picture book seems to be rather existential and poetic as well as democratic. We will shed light upon this reading process, as we consider it as a way of the readers fortifying themselves into the world.  相似文献   

作为一种新的文学艺术形式的绘本具有特殊的性质和特征。大部分绘本将儿童预设为主要读者,反映和表现儿童生活与心理,成人绘本内容形式的儿童化,令绘本普遍具有鲜明的儿童性;绘本作为图文合一的艺术整体,以简明之文和形象之图协同讲解故事,在具象与抽象、表象与意象的矛盾统一中呈现丰富性和多义性;具有思想艺术独创性的绘本,同时为读者预留了广阔的阅读理解空间,让绘本的阅读具有开放互动的特质。  相似文献   

从利玛窦易僧袍为儒服看跨文化交流中的非语言传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非语言传播无论在人际传播还是跨文化传播中都有其独特的、不可替代的作用。明清之际,以利玛窦为代表的数以千计的耶稣会士来华传播基督教。他们固然以语言传播作为传教的基本方式,但也非常重视非语言传播的重要性。在中国古代,服饰是非语言传播的一个重要的符号,服饰的不同体现了身份的不同。明清间来华的耶稣会士首先从外表做起,利用非语言传播的种种优势,以适应、认同中国文化与习俗;他们起初身着僧袍进入中国,后来又易僧袍为儒服;同时,他们对士大夫们的生存方式也颇为接受,像士大夫们那样,著书立说,互赠诗文。为了更好地融入中国文化,他们也都为自己取了中国姓名。这当中无不包含着非语言传播的哲理。  相似文献   

Children with profound hearing loss often do not have the same prelinguistic opportunities for social and communication interaction as peers with typical hearing and benefit from structured opportunities to learn these skills. This study examined the effect of two interventions to improve the communicative and social skills of four preschoolers with hearing loss in two learning environments: a preschool for children who are deaf (oral approach) and an inclusive regular preschool. A social story with a verbal prompt was provided before play (Intervention 1), and a social story with a teacher prompt and verbal prompting and reinforcement during play were provided (Intervention 2). A single-subject design revealed that in the inclusive settings, three of the four participants increased verbal comments and play turns in Interventions 1 and 2, although some changes were slight. In the oral preschool classroom, two showed improvements in target behaviours with both interventions. Generalisation of skills occurred in two participants. Additionally, all participants generalised some vocabulary from their social story to play. Implications for teaching young children with hearing loss who are oral in inclusive classrooms are discussed.  相似文献   

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