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In Haiti, large numbers of vulnerable children and the country's particular historical context has led to a unique phenomenon known as the “restavèk” system. An estimated 300,000 Haitian children are restavèks, living as unpaid domestic servants. Child-welfare advocates describe the restavèk system as modern slavery, but researchers and advocates lack information about restavèk children's circumstances, particularly vis-à-vis other children in Haiti. In a cross-sectional analysis of a nationally representative sample, we evaluated differences in well-being (school attendance, work responsibilities, physical abuse, and hunger) between restavèk children and: (a) all non-restavèk children; and (b) the poorest quintile of non-restavèk children. As compared to all Haitian children and the poorest Haitian children, restavèk children have statistically significantly lower school attendance rates and more labor responsibilities. However, restavèk children experience statistically significantly less physical abuse and less hunger than non-restavèk Haitian children. The restavèk system remains active in Haiti because poor families lack basic resources to support their children, and restavèk children are at risk for mistreatment due to their vulnerable social status. The surprising finding that restavèk children are better off in some respects than their non-restavèk peers highlights the desperate poverty in Haiti and suggests that structural changes for poverty reduction will be required before the restavèk system will end.  相似文献   

This study uses household survey data to estimate determinants of schooling in Uganda, with a model that includes the price of school. Uganda's universal education policy offered free tuition, fees, and supplies to up to four children per family, including two daughters. The empirical method includes an estimation of a child-specific price of schooling. Despite widespread subsidies, the cost of primary school remained an obstacle under this policy, but the effects of price were similar for boys and girls. Regressions by wealth quintile estimate nonlinear effects of wealth and price, suggesting that there are opportunities to expand education through targeted cash transfer and subsidy policies.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the underlying relational structure between student evaluations of teaching effectiveness (SETEs) and achievement of student learning outcomes in 116 business related courses. Utilizing traditional statistical techniques, a neural network analysis and a Bayesian data reduction and classification algorithm, we find little or no support for the validity of SETEs as a general indicator of teaching effectiveness or student learning. In fact, the underlying structure appears to be non-linear and possibly negatively bimodal where the most effective instructors are within the middle percentiles of student course ratings, while instructors receiving ratings in the top quintile or the bottom quintile are associated with significantly lower levels of student achievement.  相似文献   

The government has made great strides in redressing past imbalances in education through the National Norms and Standards for School Funding (NNSSF) policy that focuses on equity in school funding. This NNSSF model compels the state to fund public schools according to a poverty quintile system, where poor schools are allocated much more funding for resources than affluent schools. Using qualitative research, school management teams, school governing bodies and principals of six public schools located within the Gauteng West District were interviewed to determine their views of how the NNSSF policy had been implemented. One of the findings revealed that equity in public schools has not been fully achieved since funding provided by the state is insufficient to address the backlog in educational resources. It is recommended that the state abandons the policy of funding schools according to quintile rankings but instead, fund schools based on resource needs.  相似文献   

健美操以它独特的魅力受到人们的广泛青睐,但在教学中教师对健美操蕴涵价值的理解以及对儿童兴趣的重视程度还停留在表层,这会直接影响到儿童对健美操的理解与掌握。如何才能以健美操为教学手段,在对儿童进行技能训练的同时正确引导儿童,使其自然进入体育天地,需要从兴趣、技能、美育三个方面对此问题进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   


Responses to AIDS have often neglected children. Drawing on a qualitative study of young children aged 7–9 years, this paper draws attention to their understandings of HIV and AIDS. It is argued that young children are able to give meaning to the disease in ways that link to their social contexts, where gender inequalities and sexual violence are common. Sexuality is a key dimension through which they express knowledge of the disease. Young children do know the links between sex and AIDS, and connect vulnerability to the disease in gendered ways. To address the missing voices of young children requires coordinated efforts, requiring systemic responses which support teachers in initiatives to address taboo subjects like sexuality, as well as the pervasive poverty in which the children in our study are located.  相似文献   

Education, health and care (EHC) plans were introduced in England in 2014, as a replacement for statements of special educational needs. Unexpectedly, the number of children and young people in receipt of an EHC plan rose by 49% during the 5 years up to 2019. Whilst most of the increase has been due to the extension of the age range up to age 25, there has still been a notable rise of 20% in the 0–15-year range. This study explores the trends and variations in EHC plans and tribunals within English local authorities (LAs) for children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND) by interrogating the latest full set of data from 2013 to 2018. Two quintile groups (n = 30) are used for comparing LAs with high and low levels of EHC plans and LA case studies are also presented for further inspection of the data. Wide variations across LAs still exist for EHC plans (5.2% to 1.0%) and tribunal appeals (43 to 0 per 10,000). LAs with low EHC plans have more appealable decisions at tribunals and are financed at significantly lower levels than LAs with high EHC plans, largely due to an historic spend factor of 50% in the national funding formula. There are also clear differences between the English regions for both EHC plans and tribunals, with high increases for both in the South East. The implications of the findings are discussed within the framework of LA critical self-reviews, benchmarking, fiscal constraints and inclusion.  相似文献   

As many as 90 % of incarcerated children and young people enter the secure setting disengaged from education. The nature of the secure custodial setting compounds the complex and challenging needs of the children, though efforts to understand this are limited. This paper reports on an ethnographic case study in one secure children’s home in England. Findings show that children can be re-engaged with education, relatively easily within a short space of time, given the right conditions. However, the secure setting was a defining feature, shaping the extent of this engagement. The implications of these findings are discussed and recommendation made.  相似文献   

Few previous studies have explored in detail how children respond affectively and cognitively to feedback in the normal interactions of the primary school classroom and how they relate feedback to their sense of autonomy. This paper reports on a longitudinal study of nine ‘profile’ children aged 9 to 10 years in a UK school. They were observed and video-filmed in threes, twos or individually during literacy and numeracy lessons across two terms from January to July 2010. The video-recordings were shown later the same day to the children who had been filmed, being stopped at frequent intervals to allow the participants to comment on specific feedback incidents. The children claimed that learning was frustrated by overly directive feedback and that their learning benefited when the teacher’s feedback included substantial but not burdensome detail. The children felt their learning was supported by feedback reminder cues and they noticed that negative and positive feedback provoked emotions which could interfere with or support learning. The article concludes by suggesting that Assessment for Learning might be conceptualised as a classroom conversation in which children as well as teachers assess how teacher feedback relates to children’s learning, which would itself constitute a major contribution to their autonomous learning.  相似文献   

赵南 《教育研究》2012,(7):115-121,129
"保教并重"被视为幼儿园教育的基本原则,体现着幼儿园教育的特殊性。然而,现实中幼儿园保育工作主要由素质、待遇与地位都较低的保育员承担,幼儿教师不愿意从事保育工作,表明"保教并重"的基本原则根本未能在幼儿园得到很好的实践与坚持。幼儿园保育工作是家庭养育功能的自然延续,对建立幼儿对幼儿园的归属感与安全感、教师与幼儿之间的亲密关系有着积极的促进作用,是幼儿园实施生活教育的直接途径,有利于保障幼儿学会基本独立生活与日常生活交往的幼儿园教育基本目标的实现。幼儿园"保教并重"的基本原则应修正为"保育优先,教育其次;保育为重,教育为辅"。  相似文献   

Teachers’ perceptions of the inclusion of marginalised groups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is based on the concept of inclusion as a process of recognising and minimising the barriers to learning and participation of all children, with teachers as the key players in implementing inclusion in practice. There are two key questions: (1) How do teachers rank different groups of marginalised children? (2) How do teachers see their own role, the role of the marginalised and other children, and their parents in the inclusion process? The groups included in the research were children with special needs, migrants from former Yugoslavia, Roma/Gypsies and children from poor families. In the latter group, it also looked at their counterparts, the children of wealthy parents. Research carried out on a representative sample of primary school teachers in Slovenia showed that children with special needs are among all surveyed groups of children those seen as the most helpless. For these children, teachers are also most likely to lower learning and discipline standards, while at the same time feeling the least qualified to teach them and seeing them also as having the lowest abilities. In the teachers’ opinion, parents of other children have the greatest reservations when their child associates with a Roma/Gypsy child, and teachers also put the least trust in Roma/Gypsy parents.  相似文献   

Despite explicit focus on addressing gender inequality in educational settings in Australia, without challenging gender binarism, inequality will persist. This article demonstrates the everyday and implicit means through which hierarchical gender binaries continue to be perpetuated. Observational fieldwork undertaken in three Australian early childhood settings with 13 members of staff and 53 children (ages 2–6) demonstrates how bi-gendered language, as well as wider discourses and practices, are being engaged in these settings. The data indicate that gender binarism continues to be (re)constructed and reinforced through subtle, but omnirelevant, invocations of gender. This happens in the constant categorisation and addressing of children by attributed gender alongside the hierarchisation of gendered attributes, and the sanctioned performativity of bi-gendered heteronormativity in play situations. This demonstrates how children continue to be encouraged into binary gendered practices in their most formative years and that this will, in turn, perpetuate gender inequalities.  相似文献   

This study aims to enhance awareness of what young children want to do outside and their preferences regarding their outdoor environment. Views of children as active participants, the affordance of the environment and the importance of place for children’s learning constitute the theoretical background of the study. The study was part of a research and development project on education for sustainable development in which preschool children and compulsory school children participated in decision-making about how their common school ground should be constructed. Data were gathered through observations and interviews with children and teachers. The findings show that the children wanted to challenge themselves as well as to be secure, explore things, be in contact with others, find or create nests and enjoy beautiful things outdoors. The children highly valued the natural environment and liked diversity in playground equipment.  相似文献   

Foster care is seen as a temporary service. However, for many children, foster care involves years of long term care. Most professionals feel that if a child must remain in care, the number of foster homes or re-placements the child experiences should be minimized. Evidence suggests that this lack of stability has a detrimental effect on the child's psychosocial development. Even though the research evidence supports the negative impact of re-placement on the foster child, little empirical research has dealt with identification of factors associated with children likely to be re-placed. This article focuses on foster children with behavioral and emotional problems and analyzes the association of these problems with placement stability and continuity. The findings report that children with behavioral and emotional problems are replaced in foster care more often than those children without similar problems.  相似文献   

新世纪以来,农民工子女教育问题在法律体系建设、工作合作机制、经费保障体制和实际工作成效方面取得了重要进展。然而,由于"两为主"政策执行过程的缩水,民工子弟学校难以保证的教育质量以及农民工子女学前教育和高中教育问题的凸显,农民工子女入学机会依然面临多重阻碍。形势要求我们采取加快经济发展,培植社会公平理念,建立长效投资体制,制定完善奖惩机制等措施来进一步保障农民工子女应有的平等受教育权。  相似文献   

儿童的自然成长具有普遍一致的规律,而我们在寻求发展客观规律的同时也不得不考虑文化教育的影响。本文从发展心理学的研究角度,探讨儿童在父母教养和社会文化环境中社会心理调整和学业努力的特征,以期建立适当的文化环境来促进青少年的发展。研究中,我们调查了中美两国儿童对其父母权威和父母教养实践的感知,并分析了儿童解释父母采取如此的实践的原因。基于父母教养方式的跨文化研究,理解在不同文化背景下儿童的社会心理与生活体验相互作用的意义,以进一步探索儿童在社会文化环境中的自主与调节。  相似文献   

白梅 《成才之路》2020,(3):24-25
教师应蹲下身子,用爱心同幼儿进行语言交流,培养幼儿的自我价值感,奠定幼儿人格基础;运用富有童趣幽默的语言,创设有利于幼儿心理健康发展的环境;运用恰当的指导语引导幼儿主动表达,提高幼儿的记忆理解能力;搭建"对话"平台,开展口语表达竞赛活动,促进幼儿的团结、合作、交流。  相似文献   

Much of the research into factors that affect children’s school performance has focused on parental involvement rather than the nature of children’s activities undertaken in school. More research is therefore needed to examine the kinds of activities that affect performance and, in particular, whether the degree of involvement children experience in those activities can affect school performance. Children in free play often choose to be involved in arts activities so the arts could be considered as a promising approach. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of ‘Play and Learn through the Arts’ programme on children’s involvement during literacy activities in five- to six-year-old children. It was examined if the arts in general or a specific art form could contribute more to children’s involvement in literacy activities. Children from four different settings participated in this study. To measure the outcome of the intervention the LIS-YC was used and items such as children’s concentration, persistence and precision were measured. The findings were analysed using a mixed method approach and showed significant benefits in all the items in children’s levels of involvement in the arts group over the control group and no difference in effects among the different art forms.  相似文献   

The earthquakes that rocked the city of Christchurch and surrounding districts in Canterbury, New Zealand, were to take their toll on families, schools and communities. The places that had once represented safety and security for most children were literally and figuratively turned upside down. Rather than reinforce the trauma and continue to frame children as passive victims, the study reported here aimed to help children reframe their experiences through active engagement in participatory research projects. This article reports on three schools drawn from a UNESCO-funded project in which schools recorded their earthquake stories. While children were the centre of each of the school’s earthquake stories, schools engaged children to different extents in their chosen projects. These three schools exemplify different places along a continuum of children’s engagement in research on their own experiences. In one school, children, families, teachers and the principal all contributed to an illustrated book of their experiences. In another school, children created a series of mosaic panels to record the community’s story before, during and after the earthquakes. In the third school, children became documentary makers and interviewed other children about their earthquake experiences. In all cases, children found their projects positive and helpful activities, enabling them to put their experiences into a broader context. This article argues that schools have an important role to play in providing emotional processing activities which help children gain perspective and distance as part of their recovery from large-scale disaster events.  相似文献   

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