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加强水电节能管理,建设节约型高校是当前各大高校需要关注的热点课题.本文概述了经济评价、水电节能管理及目的等相关理论,剖析了高校水电节能管理的现状,并进一步提出了高校水电节能效益模式的应用对策,以期为提升高校水电节能管理水平提供一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

在国家经济的快速发展的背景下,能源问题已经是制约经济发展的主要因素之一。高校又是高能耗用能单位,所以高校进行节能工作是非常必要的。在此环境下,高校节能管理部门须弘扬创新精神、提升创新理念,创造性地开展节能管理工作。先进的智能水电监测技术与优秀的节能管理理念成为解决高校发展中能源节约问题的重要途径,利用先进的智能水电监测技术为管理部门提供了强有力的数据支持,方便了管理部门与用户之间的数据沟通及分析。管理部门和用户可以在节能管理平台上第一时间得到水、电等使用信息和数据分析,从而管理部门能及时了解能耗  相似文献   

以惠州学院节能管理为例,对高校能耗具有总量大、建筑自身节能差、用能周期强、水电为主要能耗品种和节能潜力大等方面的特点进行分析,指出高校节能存在基础薄弱、管理粗放、节能意识不强等问题,提出以管理与教育相结合、建立水电指标化考核体系、智能化能源管理平台、合同能源管理机制等节能管理的意见和建议。  相似文献   

本文结合福州大学至诚学院水电中心的建设和管理经验,针对目前高校传统水电中心所存在的一些不足,提出了高校水电中心建设管理的一些措施和技术选择,并开发了一套高效实用系统。通过对学校原有历史能耗数据进行分析比较,找出能源浪费点,寻找节能方向,并对高校当前能源使用状况进行统计分析,充分挖掘节能潜力,从而确定节能降耗方案。  相似文献   

1.水电节能工作存在的问题及原因分析 1.1 学校对水电工作重视不够,水电管理模式落后,师生员工节约意识淡薄. 学校水电采取"实用实报"计划经济管理模式,各级领导和师生员工的节能意识淡薄,学校水电工作要求和目标落后.  相似文献   

本文阐述了目前高校用电现状,高校节能管理中存在管理人员、教师及学生节能意识淡薄、水电规章制度不完善等问题.提出了高校主要用电设备如变压器、空调、路灯等节能方案.建议利用有限的资金,尽量使用高效节能产品,通过高校自身优势,加强节能宣传,完善高校节能监管平台,不断提高高校能源使用效率.  相似文献   

一、加强和促进水电暖管理建设的意义建设环境友好型、资源节约型社会是党中央根据我国经济发展与能源消耗之间的供需矛盾提出的战略性要求。在"两型"社会的建设中,高校作为重点用能单位具有举足轻重的位置。完善高校水电暖管理体制,是实现高校能源管理工作的关键,是创建节约型社会,实现可持续发展的重要环节。加强高校水电暖能源管理建设,减少办学成本,为教学科研提供更多的经费支持,是我国可持续发展战略对高等教育的必然要求。高校要有步骤地实施能源管理战略,带头开展节能科技创新、  相似文献   

正技术节能和管理节能是当今高校节能的两大主要推动力。量化管理是一种先进的科学管理理念。国内部分高校的实践已经证明,把量化管理运用到高校水电管理中能产生巨大的节约效益。比如武汉理工大学,2009年比2008年节约电费150多万元,节约水70万吨[1];浙江工业大学之江学院2010年出台《浙江工业大学之江学院水电指标化管理试点工作实施办法》,当年用水量下降5.6%,用电量下降3.1%[2]。与此形成鲜明对比  相似文献   

加强高校水电管理改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了在高等教育改革发展的新形势下,高校水电管理的现状,高校进行水电管理改革的必要性,同时提出了加强高校水电管理改革的有效措施.并对水电管理改革预计取得的成果进行了展望.通过这些工作,希望加快高校水电管理改革,合理配置与利用教育经费.  相似文献   

近几年来,全国高校水电消耗普遍逐年增加,据有关方面统计,增幅一般都在20%左右。庞大的水电开支严重增加了学校的经济负担。如何科学、合理地管理好水电,最大限度地进行节能化管理,创建节约型高校,成为当前一项极为紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

付朝 《滨州学院学报》2011,27(5):102-106
《孙子兵法》舍事言理的论说式结构是文章体裁的重大创新,具有深厚的文化渊源。其最早的源头应为《周易》:主要概念和概念构成均取自《周易》,主体结构的理论框架也源于《周易》,而一句一理的结构占位和立象尽意的哲理化思辨也都深具文化特质。所以,这不仅是文体结构的重大进步,也成就了我国轴心时代理论言说方式的深刻变革,对提升整个民族的理论思辨能力和文化发展均具重要意义。  相似文献   

Deformation-based freeform feature reconstruction in reverse engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For reconstructing a freeform feature from point cloud, a deformation-based method is proposed in this paper. The freeform feature consists of a secondary surface and a blending surface. The secondary surface plays a role in substituting a local region of a given primary surface. The blending surface acts as a bridge to smoothly connect the unchanged region of the primary surface with the secondary surface. The secondary surface is generated by surface deformation subjected to line constraints, i.e., character lines and limiting lines, not designed by conventional methods. The lines are used to represent the underlying information of the freeform feature in point cloud, where the character lines depict the feature's shape, and the limiting lines determine its location and orientation. The configuration of the character lines and the extraction of the limiting lines are discussed in detail. The blending surface is designed by the traditional modeling method, whose intrinsic parameters are recovered from point cloud through a series of steps, namely, point cloud slicing, circle fitting and regression analysis. The proposed method is used not only to effectively and efficiently reconstruct the freeform feature, but also to modify it by manipulating the line constraints. Typical examples are given to verify our method.  相似文献   

紫村是华南区域化格局的一个代表,其壮族婚俗化中传统因素的传承与时代的变迁发生了相互适应的密切关系,其中经济形态和经济生活对壮族民族的择偶心理与通婚对象起到显在或隐在的制衡作用。  相似文献   

中国某传统民居选址对自然通风的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用计算流体动力学模拟了传统民居当大门建筑群丘陵地形下选址与自然通风的关系.该模拟包括不同气候与地形下的4个案例及其建筑周边风压与风速分布.模拟结果显示:山体能够降低建筑迎风面和背风面的风压绝对值;在有山体的地形中天井对自然通风的促进效果大于没有山体的地形,对比冬季与夏季天井效果时也可得到同样结论;作为障碍物,山体还能降低建筑周边的风速,且由于冬夏季风向不同,山体的影响程度呈现出较大区别.分析结果表明,丘陵位于建筑北向的选址方式可以解决亚热带气候条件下住宅冬夏2季不同的自然通风需求而造成的矛盾,尤其在含天井的住宅中最为显著.  相似文献   

This article reports on a classroom study of a unit on New Zealand birds that focused on adaptation and conservation in a Year 7 class. The unit used a ‘context as social circumstances’ model. The researchers observed the nine lessons and interviewed students, the classroom teacher, and three other teachers who had taught the same unit. The students completed a pre-test and a post-test for the unit. Findings indicate that the students enjoyed and were interested in the unit, and had learnt more than usual. The students investigated predators using the tracking tunnel in their school gully and, of their own volition, in their home gardens. Some students pursued this interest into the wider community after the completion of the unit. The ‘context as social circumstances’ unit teachers helped students see the relevance of learning science for their lives, personally and socially, which opens up the possibility of action outside the classroom. The role of context, content and activity selection in the design of a unit that has social relevance is discussed.  相似文献   

"王冕死了父亲"等是领属性致使句,其中动词受致使范畴扩展,有相应的把字句,主语是致使范畴为动词选择的论元,可以关系化,也可以被转指。主语由致使范畴指派致事角色,它通过成分统制跟役事的领属者建立领属关系。有领属关系的两个成分不一定构成结构体,它们可以是非连续成分。动词的论元由扩展它的功能范畴选择,论元跟动词的关系可以很松散,甚至可以是另一成分的领属者。  相似文献   

优秀诗歌所传达出的感情,都是典型意义上的感情。真实、独特和普遍概括,是构成诗中典型感情的三要素;三者的完美统一,使优秀诗歌传达出的感情具有了典型意义和美学价值。优秀诗歌中的“理”.除了有时候表现为一种明确的思想外,更多的情况下,则表现为一种深厚微妙的意蕴。意蕴是诗人的人格学问、阅历生平、认识体验水乳交融流动在诗里的一种深厚的理性状态;是诗人的意识(世界观、人生观、美学观)和潜意识在诗中的反映。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to compare the effects of different communication media on the quality of arguments and the development of argumentative reasoning. The study involved 73 undergraduate students. It consisted of a pre-test, an intervention session consisting of either an asynchronous online discussion or a face-to-face discussion, and a post-test. The pre-test consisted of a mini essay to ascertain participants’ opinion of smacking, and a 21-point smacking scale, where participants indicated how much they agreed or disagreed with smacking. The online group participated in a seminar discussion over a period of 2 weeks. The face-to-face group participated in the seminar discussion for a 1-h period. The seminar discussion was about the detrimental effects of smacking on children's development. One week after the seminar discussion, the post-test was administered. No statistically significant differences were found between the two conditions in terms of improvement in the quality of the students’ arguments. However, the quality of the argumentation used in face-to-face was higher than that used in the online discussions. The implications of these findings for theoretical models of collaborative activity are discussed.  相似文献   

《牡丹亭》的结局,一般都认为是大团圆结局,然而杜宝始终不认可杜、柳二人的自由婚姻,故《牡丹亭》并非传统意义上的大团圆结局。如此安排,让《牡丹亭》中的现实世界与浪漫世界的冲突和碰撞展现在观众、读者面前,使其具有更加深刻、丰富饱满的社会现实意义。  相似文献   

Despite the wide implications of attachment theory there remains a lack of research exploring interventions which encapsulate the principles of an attachment-based framework in the school context. The aim of this research was to address this gap by implementing an intervention for a group of five primary-aged pupils with identified insecure attachment styles, and a key adult figure in the school context. The 10 week intervention consisted of weekly sessions based in a mainstream primary school. The research adopted a mixed methodology, with a predominant qualitative focus. The perceptions of children in relation to attachment concepts were explored both before and following the intervention. The findings revealed positive changes in the children’s behaviours and experiences, in that the children’s Internal Working Models were positively shifted, and impacted on their social and emotional behaviours.  相似文献   

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