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In virtually all the countries of the world, the need for staff‐development programmes for university and other higher education teachers has been recognized. Because the developed countries of Europe and of North America have a head start in the domain, specialists from these countries have frequently been called upon to create and to offer staff‐development programmes in the universities of developing countries. This article discusses the appropriateness of European conceptions of staff‐development for African universities. Concluding that Euro‐centric staff‐developers and pre‐packaged European programmes are not appropriate, that they run the risk of becoming a form of cultural neo‐colonialism, the author considers ways in which European specialists can collaborate with their African colleagues in the structuring of staff‐development programmes that are not only African‐centred but are geared to the real needs of African universities as they are perceived by Africans themselves. If the author's suggestions are accepted, African universities will be able to make use of those aspects of European staff‐development concepts and programmes which have universal value without having to accept European cultural tutelage along with them.  相似文献   

The author offers a survey of the teaching of public relations in Bulgarian universities. For her, the democratic transformation of Bulgaria and the other countries of Central and Eastern Europe require the effective use of public relations by all social institutions. Even the institutions that teach public relations must make use of it to promote their programmes as well as their graduates. The new private higher education institutions in Bulgaria are more successful in terms of self-promotion via public relations than the older state institutions. The author proposes three common initiatives: (i) a network of chairs and professional organizations devoted to public relations; (ii) publication of a book on “Crisis Public Relations”; and (iii) the organiza tion of common professional and academic activities in public relations in Europe.  相似文献   

A sweeping analysis is provided of the problems and challenges inherent in adapting the higher education systems of South East Europe to the Bologna Process. For the countries in question, not yet members of the European Union, educational reform, particularly the reform of higher education along the lines of the Bologna Process, are viewed as crucial steps to be taken on the way to membership. Such matters as course programmes and credits, faculty and student mobility, brain drain, the employment of graduates, quality and competitiveness, use of the NITs in the region, inter-university co-operation, higher education and society, lifelong learning, and the actions of international organizations are discussed. Some suggestions for further progress are given.  相似文献   

This article essentially fulfills three tasks, that of giving a rapid and systematic overview of doctoral programmes by country in western Europe, that of describing certain initiatives taken by specific countries with the aim of improving third cycle (doctoral) studies, and that of arguing in favour of the establishment of so‐called European inter‐university doctoral programmes. So far as the first task is concerned, the authors note that all but two of the countries concerned have opted for the so‐called PhD type of doctoral programme rather than for long‐cycle programmes. In the case of the second task, they have given particular attention to efforts made in the Federal Republic of Germany to create separate doctoral level institutions. In the case of the third task, the authors have sketched a networking process by which inter‐university and inter‐disciplinary doctoral programmes are being created in certain specific disciplines, particularly scientific ones. The authors consider that such doctorates hold great potential but that their elaboration is being held up by lack of resources and by difficulties in finding, matching, and linking partners.  相似文献   

An examination of the statistics indicates that Turkish women have made great strides with respect to their recruitment to positions at all levels in the higher education institutions of their country, particularly in such fields as medicine, the hard sciences, and engineering in which women in very many countries are usually thought to be underrepresented. The author attributes this achievement to the Republican ideology of post‐1923 Turkey, the opportunities which were opened to élite women by the correspondence of the latter with the developmental needs of the country, the availability of domestic service provided by non‐elite women, and the existence of family solidarity networks. Women, however, have not been so well represented in such fields as law and political science which, were traditionally close to the loci of political power. In recent years, however, with the expansion of the higher education system, competition between men and women for posts has greatly increased, and economic change and urbanization have dried up the supply of inexpensive domestic help and have stymied family solidarity networks. Thus academic women are increasingly beset by conflicts between their professional and their family roles. This new situation has caused Turkish women to lose ground with regard to recruitment to prestigious positions in higher education and to seek conservative Islamic solutions to the conflicts in question. Reforms based on a renewed Republican ideal are needed to improve the situation and to enable Turkish women academics to build on their past achievements.  相似文献   

In recent years universities in developing countries have followed their counterparts in developed countries in adopting quality assurance to improve the quality of their teaching, research and direct community service programmes. While many of the conditions required for the successful implementation of quality assurance programmes are not present in most universities in developing countries, their adoption will still be useful. Such programmes show how a university's seemingly disparate activities are related to one another to serve a common cause and how the quality of these can best be improved by adopting an integrated approach. In the process, they provide more focus and direction to the work of the traditional academic committee system. However, the quality assurance programmes must be modified to suit the conditions prevailing in developing countries, by being simple in design, modest in expectations, and realistic in requirements.  相似文献   

This article is an edited version of the Keynote Address given by the author at the Annual EAIE (European Association for International Education) Conference that was held in Budapest from 5 to 7 December 1996. It examined the question of the development of international educational exchanges on equal terms. Looking at the situation in Europe, the article suggests a number of preconditions that the author considers important in favouring the growth of partnerships on equal terms, referring, for example, to the different types of relationships that can exist and to the importance of the choice of partners. The question of financial inequality and what to do about it is evoked. The article also mentions different mechanisms available in Europe for building partnerships, concentrating on the impact of the enormous growth in European Union investment in higher education co‐operation programmes over the last ten years. The conclusions reached are that both institutional and individual commitment are crucial to the development of sustainable relationships, that each partner must contribute something of value to the relationship, and that the partners must have respect for and confidence in one another. Finally, co‐operation on equal terms must be seen as a work objective, one that is as much a challenge among western countries as it is between western countries and central and eastern European ones.  相似文献   

The emerging competitive environment of higher education, both within and between countries, is requiring universities in Europe and other pans of the world to emulate American institutions by becoming corporate entities with an independent capacity to make strategic choices among academic programmes and activities. A number of the leading American universities have developed comprehensive planning processes that offer suggestive guidance for managing in this new environment. These processes have emphasized: clarifying and articulating norms essential to the legimacy of planning; grouping and consolidating functions; promoting reciprocal communication; encouraging the development of a planning capacity within each strategic unit; and increasing direct communication and the sharing of information among members of the academic community. Essentially these universities have conceived of comprehensive planning as a problem of organizational design, systematically seeking means of promoting integration in a highly differentiated organization. The specific mechanisms by which this integration has been accomplished are reviewed.  相似文献   

国家学位标准要与时俱进   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析当今国际上一些国家和地区学位标准的特征和特性,指出我国学位标准不能停滞不前,而要与时俱进。  相似文献   

In the 152 Ukrainian universities, colleges, and other varieties of higher education institutions, women hold positions in large numbers at only the lowest levels of the academic hierarchy and in only certain disciplines, like those of the humanities, in which in some cases women hold the majority of staff positions, even if invariably the heads of such chairs are men. In the same vein, not a single Ukrainian institution of higher education is headed by a woman, nor does Kiev State University, the principal Ukrainian university, have a female pro‐ or deputy rector or a female dean. Part of the problem stems from the fact that there is little mass realization on the part of women academics in the Ukraine that they are objects of discrimination. Another aspect of the problem is the small number of women who earn the doctor of sciences degree, the prerequisite for a senior administrative position. Finally, there are structural problems such as the diminution in the number of openings for teachers of the Russian language, an area where women are concentrated. The solutions called for include the creation of international exchange programmes, particularly for teachers of languages, and affirmative action programmes for women in all academic domains.  相似文献   

教授治校源于欧洲,是欧洲一些国家大学保证学术权力行使的重要制度。在我国近代大学创立之初,教育家们也对教授治校进行过探索。教授治学是现代大学内部事务的一种管理模式,是指教授更多参与学术事务的管理和决策,调解与学术相关的资源。校长治校意味着校长在高校管理中拥有相应的决策权,处于领导地位。事实上,在大学这个系统内部,要实现有效治理和优化治理,更重要的是通过组织设计,实现学术权力与行政权力的协同运行。  相似文献   

A Joint Council of Europe/UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region is a necessary evolution that takes into account the increased political and economic integration of Europe, the mobility of academic staff members and students, and the diversification of higher education. The latter tendency, indeed, explains the stress on general principles, particularly on recognition, in the draft Joint Convention, rather than on equivalence and attempts at formulating detailed equivalence procedures. However, along with the stress on recognition must come common agreement as to the guarantee of quality and on procedures for accreditation, on the one hand, and access to information on one another's education programmes and their quality ratings, on the other hand. The Joint Council of Europe/UNESCO Convention will be backed by the excellent European National Information Centres on Academic Recognition and Mobility (ENIC).  相似文献   

为打破欧洲各国的高等教育边界,欧洲各国于1999年签署了《博洛尼亚宣言》,由此启动了博洛尼亚进程。目前,欧洲各国教育部长们在推动旨在促进学生流动的学习项目方面达成了共识,一方面,吸引欧洲以外的学生到欧洲国家修读学位项目,另一方面促进欧洲内部的短期学生流动。虽然该政策的效果评估面临各种问题,但有些大体趋势依然可见。首先,博洛尼亚进程有助于促使欧洲以外的学生到欧洲学习,但对促进欧洲内部的学生流动作用不大。其次,到毕业为止,学生频繁向外流动的情形超出了很多学者的预期,但也因国家而异。最后,由于学生流动的排他性式微,其价值逐渐减小。  相似文献   

Why, the author asks, despite the women's movement, policy initiatives, the enhanced participation of women in higher education, particularly as students, are women so under-represented in the higher strata of higher education and in the e ´lite professions in general. She seeks the answer to her question in an analysis of micropolitics, particularly the micropolitics of gender in organizations in general and in higher education and the learning society, in particular. Through the manipulation of gendered power relationships at micropolitical level the traditional, and flawed, power structures of higher education persist and graft themselves onto the new concept of the learning society. Notions of leadership, superiority, and academic excellence continue to be characterized as masculine.  相似文献   

This paper describes current trends in the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It looks at issues and strategies involved in educating women about HIV/AIDS in the context of the global pandemic, focusing particularly on Canada and Vietnam. These strategies are essential steps in preventing the spread of HIV and in caring for those who have already developed AIDS. The strategies identified include the formulation of public policy within Canada, Vietnam, and the UK which would strive to eliminate inequality and discrimination, while at the same time positioning HIV/AIDS education within a gender‐sensitive perspective. Other educational strategies include teaching women how to practise negotiated safety while understanding the power dynamics within which safer sex must occur, being sensitive to local cultures and moving away from individualistic programmes towards programmes that focus on structural inequalities.  相似文献   

汉语特点及其学习规律初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近些年来,汉语教学界已经逐步认识到,教汉语学汉语必须从汉语自身的特点出发,切不可盲目照搬其它语言特别是印欧系语言学习的模式.可是,时至今日我们并不完全清楚汉语的特点及其学习规律到底有哪些,也就无法找到教学汉语的真正路子.现在,我们迫切需要借鉴和整合相关的学术资源,从汉语自身的特点及其规律中来研究和发现汉语学习应有的一些规律和方法,为中外学子学习汉语指明一条高效的学习路子.  相似文献   

This article begins by recognizing that Finnish women, like those in the other Nordic countries, were admitted to universities relatively early. Although they now constitute some 52 percent of enrolled students in Finnish higher education and 47 percent of the labour force, they have lagged behind men in terms of obtaining academic employment and even more so with regard to being appointed to leadership positions in universities and in other academic organizations. A combination of factors accounts for this situation: the tendency to channel aspiring women academics into non‐scientific fields, the failure of women academics to be included in the informal professional networks, the deprecating attitudes of male academics towards the research results of women, and in general, a societal power structure which favours men. Finally, an economic climate which is leading to cutbacks in higher education budgets is creating a situation which makes catching up by women academics next to impossible. Only major structural changes in Finnish society will lead to further progress for Finnish women in academic careers.  相似文献   

One of the most vehemently discussed questions in the process of restructuring traditional long study programmes according to the Bachelor/Master model is how to develop first cycle curricula and degrees which are a meaningful preparation for a following Master programme as well as for the labour market—as stressed in the Bologna Declaration. It remains to be seen for which occupational levels undergraduate programmes will prepare and how these new degrees will be assessed on the labour markets in different countries in Europe. The article focuses on the employers' viewpoint, giving an overview of the assessment of Bachelor degrees in four countries: Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands and Norway. As it is a very early stage to provide in‐depth analyses because so far there are hardly any Bachelor graduates on the labour markets, the article illustrates from a more analytical perspective what factors might influence their transition to the world of work and the development of their further careers.  相似文献   

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