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目前,广播电视媒体出现了节目娱乐化的趋向,这是时代发展的必然趋势,也是精英文化向大众文化的转变和过渡,但同时也产生了一些误区和负面影响,如泛娱乐、恶搞现象以及“愚乐”大众的被动娱乐化.我们要正确看待这种趋势,提升大众娱乐品位,在构建人们一种新的和谐生活方式的同时,产生正确的舆论和价值导向,避免节目本身的低俗化和庸俗化.  相似文献   

王均先生十分重视广播电视等媒体语言规范.2001年,我调到语用所工作,他见到我第一面就说,要加强广播电视语言规范研究,要重视广播电视语言规范中存在的问题,尤其要重视播音员、节目主持人语言不规范问题.  相似文献   

电视媒体在市场化改革进程中呈现过度娱乐化、低俗化问题,在生存竞争中忽视了电视媒体应承担的社会责任。针对泛娱乐化的愈演愈烈,广播电视规制进行了改革,通过颁布"限娱令"系列文件,利用行政手段加强对电视媒体在节目类型、节目时长、节目编排等方面的具体监管,由以往"放养型"、"警示型"监管转为严格把控型监管。  相似文献   

广播电视媒体对经济发展起到推波助澜的作用,节目主持人是一档栏目的标志性符号,其语言传播的样式与质量很关键,往往与节目内容、传播方式等共同对受众产生巨大的影响。广西北部湾地区广播电视节目主持人语言传播仍存在质量不高,缺乏地域化、民族化特色等问题,寻找适合本地区使用的传播策略,可从主持人的语言传播质量的培养、利用地方独特资源打造品牌等途径实现。  相似文献   

广播电视节目主持人语言问题研究是广播电视节目主持人研究的重要课题,广播电视节目主持人通过语言实现信息的有效传播,不规范的语言问题对信息传播将产生不良影响,本文旨在找出广播电视节目主持人语言问题的症结,提出对策建议,帮助广播电视节目主持人建立符合时代发展需要及审美诉求的语言面貌.  相似文献   

随着方言在广播电视媒体的再度勃兴,再度引发了两派对方言运用的不同争论。笔者以为,关于方言节目,讨论方言与普通话必须在语言规范场和语言规范度中展开,本文藉此为基础,探讨内蒙中西部方言小品的语言规范问题。  相似文献   

目前,广播电视媒介仍是推动公共语言规范化的主要力量。广播电视播音中存在的语言不规范现象会直接对公众产生误导,影响公共语言的规范化进程。从外部环境和自身内部变化角度论述广播电视媒体语言发展的背景,并具体分析当前影响广播电视语言规范化的主要因素,从而为广播电视语言的逐步规范化提供借鉴。  相似文献   

广播电视节目主持人的语言是节目主持人传递信息的重要载体,也是主持人与受众交流并借以影响受众的主要手段,更是主持人面对受众的一种口语示范,同时言语修养也是主持人节目成败的关键因素.因此,播音主持人必须掌握主持语言艺术的规律与特性,并对这些规律和特性熟练运用,在规范自身主持语言的同时,使节目质量得到有效提升.  相似文献   

在娱乐化的媒体环境下,北京卫视语言竞技类栏目《我是演说家》自播出以来广受好评,论文从创新形式、节目形态、选手评委等方面对该栏目成功的原因进行总结分析。  相似文献   

电视新闻评论节目在互动性方面不敌网络、微博等新媒体。为提高电视新闻评论节目的互动性,应打造多媒体互动平台;广泛开展媒体间合作,在节目外与政府、广告商互动交流;明确节目定位,提升节目品质;培养优秀的节目主持人和评论员群体;加强节目监管,防止娱乐化、低俗化现象。  相似文献   

Pass rates are key assessment statistics which are calculated for nearly all high-stakes examinations. In this article, we define the terminal, first attempt, total attempts, and repeat attempts pass rates, and discuss the uses of each statistic. We also explain why in many situations one should expect the terminal pass rate to be the highest, first attempt pass rate to be the second highest, total attempts pass rate to be the third highest, and repeat attempts pass rate to be the lowest when repeat attempts are allowed. Analyses of data from 14 credentialing programs showed that the expected relationship held for 13 out of 14 of the programs. Additional analyses of pass rates for educational programs in radiography in one state showed that the general relationship held at the state level, but only held for 6 out of 34 educational programs. It is suggested that credentialing programs need to clearly state their pass rate definitions and carefully consider how repeat examinees may influence pass rate statistics. It is also suggested that credentialing programs need to think carefully about the meaning and uses of different pass rate statistics when choosing which pass rates to report to stakeholders.  相似文献   

许鑫 《惠州学院学报》2006,26(2):118-121
凤凰卫视《有报天天读》栏目代表了电视读报节目这种新型的电视新闻节目形态的最高水平, 其重要意义在于打破了电视和报纸之间的界限, 符合多媒体信息整合的大趋势, 同时使电视新闻向深度和广度方向拓展。此外该栏目准确的市场定位、个性化的新闻传播等特色也代表着当前电视新闻节目发展的新潮流, 新趋势,并对内地的新闻节目改革提供了借鉴。  相似文献   


The innovative integration of technology into teacher education is at a premium. Institutions, large and small, are searching for examples of appropriate, effective, and replicable programs on which to base programmatic decisions. This article provides such a guide. The authors represent four of the first six International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Distinguished Achievement award‐winning programs. This article provides examples of how four highly innovative programs meet the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS?T) for technology integration into the teacher education programs. It provides a collection of practical examples of ways in which teacher education programs can use the NETS'T as a guide for enhancing teacher education curricula on campus and in P‐12 classrooms where teacher education candidates work.  相似文献   

文章从高等教育大众化教育质量存在的问题入手,按照本科教学评估指标体系进行统计分析,坚持“以评促改、以评促建、以评促管、评建结合、重在建设”的原则,提出以评促建、保障教学质量的有关对策。  相似文献   

分析非英语专业大学生英语听说水平多年来一直未有显著提高的原因,提出将国内广播电视英语资源应用于大学公共英语听说教学中,并介绍了具体的实践步骤和方法,以及在教学过程中需要注意的问题,指出使用国内广播电视节目进行听说教学,是从根本上提高学习者听说能力的有效手段。  相似文献   

饮食文化与旅游业有着密切的联系,开发利用饮食文化这一独特的旅游资源,可加快中国旅游业的发展和促进饮食文化的进一步繁荣。要充分利用饮食活动所占有的空间和时间,大力开展旅游活动,以实现饮食业与旅游业的双赢。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the legislation upon which the current welfare-to-work transition in the United States is based and describes characteristics of the former welfare population from which various tiers of employment options have emerged: unsubsidized-employed workers, subsidized-employed workers, subsidized-unemployed recipients, and unsubsidized-unemployed individuals. It also discusses current program emphases, and presents a format for directions for future program development which includes academic programs, situated cognition programs, integrated literacy/occupational skills programs, and integrated literacy/soft skills training.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the legislation upon which the current welfare-to-work transition in the United States is based and describes characteristics of the former welfare population from which various tiers of employment options have emerged: unsubsidized-employed workers, subsidized-employed workers, subsidized-unemployed recipients, and unsubsidized-unemployed individuals. It also discusses current program emphases, and presents a format for directions for future program development which includes academic programs, situated cognition programs, integrated literacy/occupational skills programs, and integrated literacy/soft skills training.  相似文献   

Reports of the use of behavior modification in the classroom are reviewed, with special attention given to the question of whether or not generalization of the effects of the behavior modification programs was obtained. Those programs in which generalization across time, settings, or behaviors was observed were found to differ from other programs in several important ways. These differences were utilized in formulating a set of 15 proposed “rules” for obtaining generalization of the effects of behavior modification procedures. It is suggested that these “rules” be used to make behavior modification more effective, both clinically and practically.  相似文献   

Summary There has been a steady growth of communications programs in higher education. These programs are interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the mass media. Even though there continues to be active concern and questioning regarding the spread of these programs, they continue to be established and will continue to grow, if experience is any indication. There is little consistency in the administrative patterns of organization. The administrative labels cover the gamut from departments and loosely organized committees to schools and colleges. It is possible to find institutions which offer bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees in communications, the degree being dependent upon the institution. There are many traditional academic areas represented in the various programs but the three most common areas are: journalism, radio-television and audiovisual-cinema. All programs seem to draw heavy support from courses in the social sciences. This discussion leaves many unanswered questions. What are the forces which caused programs to be established? What is being accomplished under the communications label that could not otherwise be accomplished? How do the objectives and curricula compare? These and other questions will be answered in subsequent articles.  相似文献   

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