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NEET族之家庭教育应因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、NEET族的概念与构成1.NEET族释义“NEET”一词是英语Not in Education,Employment,orTraining的缩写,最早产生于英国,专指那些在义务教育结束以后,既不升学也不工作,也不参加职业培训的年轻人。目前,世界上许多国家和地区均有类似情形。出现了20多岁的成年人仍让自己父“母养活”的现象,美国将他们称“为归巢小孩”(Boomerang Kids),日本、台湾叫他们尼特(NEET)族,而在中国大陆则称他们为“啃老族”。①在英国“,NEET”主要存在于16岁~18岁年龄段,约占总数的10%②,而且大部“分NEET”的受教育程度都不高。在美国,按照美国…  相似文献   

从结构和文化的取向分析了NEET的形成过程,并提供日本学校为本的生涯辅导和体验式生涯辅导两种模式,指出生涯辅导是个人、家庭、学校、社会的系统工程。  相似文献   

无情啃老:"2030"令"4050"很受伤 "累得半死,才挣几百元."这是24岁的张滨赋闲在家的理由.现在他每天在网吧打游戏.父母为他找过两份工作,张滨都以太辛苦为由放弃.  相似文献   

孩子不就业已成家长心病,教育缺陷造就“NEET族”,我们不愿聘用这样的人,NEET族大多身无长技,总不就业会与社会脱节  相似文献   

日本的"NEET"问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,“NEET”问题逐渐成为日本日益严重的社会问题。该问题之所以产生,年轻劳动者的就业竞争力相对薄弱等客观因素不可忽视,同时也有就业积极性低等主观因素的影响。而日本政府的对策具有一定的局限性,“NEET”问题的解决需要日本社会各界的共同努力。  相似文献   

"NEET"是"Not in Education,Employment or Training"的缩写,指既没有正式工作,也没有在学校里上学,更没有去接受职业技能培训的人。近几年,在经济发达地区的城郊农村出现越来越多的NEET人员,这不利于城郊农村持续发展。该文结合对浙江部分地区的调查,提出城郊农村NEET人员的社会化过程中家庭、学校、同龄群体、大众媒介这几个外界环境因素共同作用,造成其文化目标与制度化手段不匹配,导致这几年"城郊"这个区位出现NEET族。  相似文献   

Neet一词在中国乃至世界都已不再是一个新名词了,但是中国的Neety有其独特成长土壤,这群逃避长大的一族,不仅改变了自己的人生轨道,也给社会带来了不安定因素。本文主要是在了解中国Neet形成原因和分类的基础上,以社区为单位,进行一系列的社区教育活动,以减缓、缩小中国的Neet一族数量,使得我国社会能够健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

罗雪挥  孙冉 《科技文萃》2005,(6):162-164
2005年春天的"两会"期间,全国政协委员江中联的一份提案使得中国NEET群体浮出水面. 江中联在<关于职极稳妥安排"新失业群体"的建议>的提案中指出,"新失业群体"数量已经超过下岗职工等"老失业群体",这是人们首次在一个较高的层面关注到中国NEET问题.  相似文献   

"NEET现象"最早出现于20世纪90年代末的英国,是Not in Education,Employment or Training的缩写,意指在结束学校教育以后,那些不升学、不工作,也无接受职业培训意愿的、处于15至34岁年龄段的失业人群,后陆续被日本等国引用并说明进入21世纪以来迅速扩大的年轻人失业、无业和不就业现象.近年来被我国媒体称为"啃老族"或"傍老族"的出现正是NEET现象在我国的反映,是呈日益扩大化趋势的青年就业问题的一种表现.  相似文献   

马杰  杨晶晶 《考试周刊》2007,(12):15-16
近年来,高校毕业生未就业人数逐年增加,出现国外一度流行的“NEET”(Not in Education,Employment or Training缩写)族。上世纪80年代的英美国家开始关注“NEET”族,90年代日本  相似文献   

Background: The concept of NEET (young people not in employment, education or training) was introduced to capture the varieties of youth labour market disengagement and has become a standard statistical indicator for labour market performance. However, it is criticised for simplifying the heterogeneity of young people in problematic youth transitions and for emphasising their deficiencies in terms of affiliation to key institutions in youth transitions.

Purpose: The article contributes to the research on youth transitions by offering a narrative perspective on the status of NEET. Its purpose is to investigate how NEET periods are embedded and reflected within biographical action and self-perceptions.

Sample: The article is based on the analysis of 21 cases from a qualitative longitudinal study about coping strategies of secondary school-leavers in school-to-work transitions in a city in the west of Germany (altogether, 180 interviews were conducted). During the first wave of interviewing in 2012, the young men and women were 16–20 years old.

Design and methods: In order to reconstruct the young people’s biographical experiences of the transition as well as their interpretations of these experiences qualitative problem-centred interviews were carried out over three waves of data collection. The qualitative analysis combined case reconstructions with cross-case analysis of typical narratives, which focused on the identification of key themes organising the biographical orientation of the young people.

Results: In biographical accounts, analysis revealed that NEET periods are embedded in analytically distinguishable rival narratives that establish different selective perspectives on events, choices and experiences. We identify seven main narratives related to the topics of vocational status, self-actualisation, meaningful activity, convenience, money, leisure and life problems. Young people are well aware of the problematic nature of NEET status. On the level of action, they try to avoid or exit them by accepting precarious and de-qualifying activities; on the level of biographical reflection, they use rival narratives to re-embed the NEET experience, to bypass it or avoid mentioning it altogether. We suggest calling this phenomenon ‘NEET in disguise’ (NID) referring to acts of system justification.

Conclusions: This article shows how young people struggle to avoid and conceal the problematic status of NEET and thus, contribute to the institutionally suggested normalisation of biographical discontinuities.  相似文献   

高校毕业生“NEET”族的透视与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校毕业生未就业人数的增加,"NEET"族的涌现带来了新的社会问题.对此,我们应加强关注和管理,为未就业毕业生提供切实的服务、指导与教育.  相似文献   

“NEET现象”最早出现于20世纪90年代末的英国,是Not in Education,Employment orTraining的缩写,意指在结束学校教育以后,那些不升学、不工作,也无接受职业培训意愿的、处于15至34岁年龄段的失业人群,后陆续被日本等国引用并说明进入21世纪以来迅速扩大的年轻人失业、无业和不就业现象。近年来被我国媒体称为“啃老族”或“傍老族”的出现正是NEET现象在我国的反映,是呈日益扩大化趋势的青年就业问题的一种表现。能否客观地解读这一现象,是寻求解决办法的关键。与“NEET现象”论者的理性和客观不同,“啃老族”或“傍老族”论内含了…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   This paper problematises the official discourse of economic competitiveness and social inclusion used by the 2007 Education and Skills Bill to justify the proposal to extend compulsory participation in education and training in England to the age of 18. Comparisons are drawn between this attempt to raise the age of compulsion and previous attempts, which took place in a significantly different socio-economic context. It is argued that the needs of those most likely to be affected by the current proposal – young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) – are subordinated to the needs of an English economy that is increasingly based upon low-skill, low-pay work relations.  相似文献   

Background: The UK, like most countries across Europe and other advanced economies, has experienced an alarming rise in the levels of young people (aged between 16 and 24 years) who are detached from both the labour market and the education and training system. In the UK, there are nearly a million 16–24-year-olds who are recorded as being not in education, employment or training (NEET). For governments throughout Europe, the need to address high levels of youth unemployment and social disengagement has become an urgent priority. As a result, policy-makers are faced with the challenge of developing effective interventions to prevent these levels being sustained over the longer term, with potential scarring effects on successive generations, and concomitant economic and social impacts.

Purpose: This paper will inform the development of policy and practice targeted at NEET prevention and reintegration of those young people who have become NEET, with suggestions for areas to be addressed and methods and mechanisms which might be incorporated into programme implementation. The paper highlights gaps in our knowledge and understanding of the size, characteristics and geographical distribution of young people in the NEET group in England, and questions the continued relevance of the term ‘NEET’ to capture youth disengagement.

Sources of evidence: After drawing on Europe-wide data to present a picture of the scale of youth unemployment throughout the continent, official UK data are used to drill down to specific issues which are the focus of the piece, in particular, the regional disparities in the size of the group whose destination is ‘unknown’. This is discussed in the context of a range of literature relating to the emergence of the term ‘NEET’ and the characteristics of the NEET group. A review of current policy intervention in England to tackle the NEET ‘problem’ is also presented.

Main argument: This paper will suggest that the implementation of effective policy interventions to address the ‘NEET’ issue is highly problematic, due to three overriding concerns. These are: (a) a lack of clarity in the definition of this group in England; (b) inadequacies in determining with any precision how many under-18s there are in this group, or where they are located, leading to large numbers whose post-education destination is ‘unknown’; and (c) misguided stereotyping of NEET young people’s behaviour, attitudes and aspirations. These problems have partly been exacerbated by budget cuts and changes to guidance and support services, as well as inadequacies in mapping and tracking systems.

Conclusions: The paper concludes with recommendations that policy development must, in the first instance, be underpinned by robust and reliable data about the size and composition of the group, derived from impartial, independent mapping and tracking services. Furthermore, policies designed to reduce the NEET population should include measures which tackle NEET prevention, re-engagement strategies for the hardest to reach groups and active labour market policies for the young unemployed.  相似文献   

The paper, first, outlines the official policy regarding education and training 14–19, second, picks out five areas within which that policy might be assessed, and, finally, raises questions about the educational thinking which underlies the policy.  相似文献   

This paper is a reflection on What is policy? Texts, Trajectories and Tool Boxes, which was first published in 1993, in Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. It looks back to what the 1993 paper was trying to do and at some of the developments of the ideas first sketched there in my later work, in particular in the book How Schools Do Policy (2012). It also considers the continuing tensions between domination and agency, discourse and text, in policy research and the misuse of the concept of discourse in some policy analysis work.  相似文献   

Community participation in the governance of school systems is a recurrent theme of educational reform in developed and developing countries alike. This article analyses the effort of one developing country – Nepal – to promote broader participation in educational decision-making through local school governance structure. It looks at how the current policy creates spaces for community participation in school and the extent to which a gap exists between policy intention and policy implementation. Drawing on the case study data, this article suggests that while the policy has created legitimate spaces for community participation in school, participation in such spaces is taking a form of tokenism, and the community represented in school governance is restricted to a small number of political elites. Given that ethnic, cultural, linguistic and socio-economic characteristics of the local populace, problems exist within the school system to embrace differences and diversities that prevent a majority of parents from effective participation in school. This article concludes that along with the structural reform, participation can be reinforced by developing a long-term strategy to build community capacity for the provision and management of education, as well as by preparing educators to work effectively with parents of different socio-cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

In this article, we quantitatively assess education policy change in OECD countries. While research has frequently underlined the importance of international exchange for national policy development, it is yet unclear whether resulting policies are converging. By distinguishing different kinds of education policy goals, we hypothesise that indicators related to macro-level goals are more likely to converge than those related to implementation. We then analyse the development of several education policies since the 1990s. We find strong convergence of some indicators and among some groups of countries, but no clear pattern emerges. Convergence is only partially influenced by the abstractness of education policy goals, and in particular the Scandinavian countries seem to pursue their own approaches in important education policy options.  相似文献   

文章以个案作为导入,试图针对"NEET"族的特点.借用社工个案辅导、小组工作、社区服务三大工作方法,提出了教育援助的策略或方案.旨在通过对社工视角下教育援助方式的多角度探讨,尝试为NEET回归提供一种全新的思路.  相似文献   

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