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刘坚 《四川教育》2009,(2):70-71
2005年,数学教育界有一个非常大的争论,争论的焦点是:新课程到底是提高还是降低了学生对数学的基本理解与计算技能,新课程是否提高了学生的问题解决能力、数学表达与交流以及应用意识,新课程是否提高了学生学习数学的兴趣与数学素养,新课程是否缩小了来自不同家庭背景的学生发展的差异性,促进了学生发展的平等性。  相似文献   

以小学数学课程为例,研究追踪考察了参加新课程改革与使用原课程两组学生的家庭社会经济背景与学业成绩的关系。结果表明:(1)对于高层次思维能力,来自不同家庭社会经济背景的使用新课程的学生发展差异表现出逐渐缩小的趋势;而对于来自不同家庭背景的使用原课程的学生,其发展的差异未表现出缩小的趋势;(2)不管是使用新课程还是使用原课程的学生,来自不同家庭背景学生对数学的基本理解与计算能力的发展差异均有缩小的趋势。但与新课程改革的学生相比,来自不同家庭背景原课程的学生在这方面发展差异的缩小趋势更明显。  相似文献   

伴随着新课程标准对于小学数学教学的深入影 响,基础教育阶段数学教学更加重视数学核心素养能力的培 养,而运算能力作为小学数学核心素养能力之一 ’是学生学习 小学数学的最基本的能力。但是当下的小学数学教学现状不 容乐观。本文将韦绕在小学数学教学中提升学生的运算能力, 从“小学数学+兴趣培养”,培养学生的数学兴趣“学科素养+ 运算意识”,强化学生的运算意识和“信息技术+能力提升”,提 升学生的运算能力三个方面展开系统论述。  相似文献   

重视数学应用是现代科学技术发展的需要,是数学教学改革的必然.新课程高中数学教材突出了“从生活中来,到生活中去”的课程理念.高中数学课程目标之一,就是培养学生解决实际问题的能力,要求学生会提出、分析和解决有实际意义的数学问题,使用数学语言表达与交流,形成应用数学的意识和能力.为此,教学要注重“应用问题”情境创设,灵活运用“应用问题”因材施教、延续课堂学习,把培养学生的数学应用意识和解决问题能力落到实处.  相似文献   

数学核心素养包含了数学的思想、人文以及意识这三方面内容。在这三者中,数学的人文素养是学生们学习数学的重要推动力,能够让学生们对数学学习产生兴趣的同时,也能够利用数学语言来进行相互的沟通和交流。在小学数学课堂教学中进行人文素养的培养,能够帮助学生们更好地理解数学,并将数学知识与现实生活联系在一起,更好地将课堂所学应用到实际当中去。一、小学数学课堂教学发展人文素养过程中存在的问题1.缺乏兴趣培养。  相似文献   

数学作为一门复杂的学科,其特点是严谨的推理和抽象的思维.因此,在初中数学课堂上,教师应该既注重传授学生基础知识和技能,也注重培养他们的核心价值观和思维方式.核心素养是指一个人在接受教育的过程中逐步形成的重要能力与基本品质,即人在接受教育的过程中所具有的,能够适应社会生活与进一步发展需要的基本素质.初中数学核心素养是指学生在初中数学学习过程中形成的对数学学科本质、方法、思想、意识等方面的理解和应用,即学生对数学学科知识的理解、应用和解决实际问题的能力等.  相似文献   

万建花 《考试周刊》2023,(30):61-66
“综合与实践”作为小学数学教学工作开展中的全新内容,强调数学知识整体性、现实性以及应用性,在教学中培养学生自主探索、动手实践与合作交流的综合能力,深入理解并应用数学知识解决实际问题。基于此,为了培养小学生在数学课堂中的创新意识与实践能力,将采用定性结合定量分析,展开面向师生的问卷调查,了解目前小学数学“综合与实践”课堂的开展情况,发现学生对此课程的参与兴趣明显更高,基本课程源于教材,学生更倾向于生活、科学、数学史相关的课题,学生参与综合实践应用表现出强烈兴趣。根据现状整理当前课堂教学存在的主要问题,提出多学科整合教学模式,并用于教学实践证实此模式的教学效果,旨在为小学数学“综合与实践”课堂实施多科整合教学模式提供参考。  相似文献   

在小学数学教学中使用学具,让学生动手操作,有助于发展学生的主体意识,培养学生的操作能力与合作意识,促进学生形成数学概念,理解算理,激发学习兴趣,培育创新精神和实践能力,提高数学素养.  相似文献   

美术素养是学生人文素养的重要组成部分。其是指学生在学习了美术课程及相关知识之后,所形成的美术方面的感知、想象、表达、审美、评鉴和参与人际交流等方面的能力和意识。其有利于促进学生较好地理解艺术与社会的相互关系和艺术本质,树立科学的态度和正确的价值观,可为学生终身学习美术奠定基础。在初中美术教学中,教师该如何培养学生的美术素养呢?一、激发学习兴趣兴趣是学习美术的基本动力之一。美术教师应充分展现美术特有的魅力,使课程内容与不同年龄阶段学生的情感和认知特点相符合,  相似文献   

小学生数学修养包括数学意识、数学思考、数学交流、数学操作和数学人文精神等方面。本文主要阐述要合理改编教材,提高学生学习的兴趣,在教学中训练学生的数学语言,培养学生的数学交流素养和数学应用素养。  相似文献   

This study investigated curriculum influences on student mathematics achievement by following two groups of students from fifth to sixth grade that were taught either the reformed curriculum or the conventional curriculum. Analyses with three-level modeling were conducted to examine learning outcomes of the students who were assessed three times over a period of 18 months. Achievement was measured with regard to computation, routine problem solving, and complex problem solving. Affective aspects included self-reported interest in learning mathematics, classroom participation, views of the nature of mathematics, and views of learning mathematics. The results showed overall improved performance among all the students over the time on computation, routine problem solving, and complex problem solving but not on the affective measures. There were differentiated patterns of performance between the groups. On the initial assessment, the reform group performed better than the non-reform group on calculation, complex problem solving, and indicated higher interest in learning mathematics. The two groups did not differ on the other achievement and affective measures at the first time of assessment. There was no significant difference in growth rate between the groups on the cognitive and affective measures except that the non-reform group progressed at a faster pace on calculation. Therefore, the non-reform group outperformed the reform group on computation at the third (last) assessment. These results are discussed with respect to the possible influence of the curriculum on student learning.  相似文献   

The study examined the impact of curriculum reform on teaching practice in primary mathematics in mainland China. The participants included 58 fifth grade mathematics teachers from 20 schools. Thirty-two of the classrooms had utilized a reform curriculum for 5 years prior to conducting the study, and the remaining 26 had been using the conventional curriculum. Each of the 58 teachers was videotaped for 3 of his/her classes during a 3-day period and the videotaped class sessions provided the data source for the study. The focus of the study was on the instructional tasks that were implemented in the classrooms and on the teacher and student interaction. Results indicated that a greater proportion of high cognitive level tasks were implemented in the reform classrooms when compared to those in the non-reform classrooms. Numerical symbolic representation as well as single-solution strategies were dominant in the instructional tasks for both groups. However, in the reform classes a higher proportion of instructional tasks were used that involved visual illustrations and hands-on manipulation and multiple-solution strategies. An analysis of classroom discourse showed that most of the teacher questions were related to memorizing exercises and explanations of answers. However, the teachers from the reform classrooms were more likely to ask students to describe the procedure that led to an answer and to inquire further into students’ responses. The results indicated positive changes in classroom practice resulting from implementation of the new curriculum.  相似文献   

Mathematics education and learning disabilities in Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the first part of this article, we describe the basic objectives of the math curriculum in Spain as well as the basic contents, teacher resources, and obstacles perceived in mathematics instruction. Second, we briefly describe the concept of learning disabilities (LD) as they are currently defined in Spain. As stated in the recent educational reform, a student with LD is any student with special educational needs. The emphasis is placed on the educational resources that these students need in order to achieve the curricular objectives that correspond to their age group or grade. Third, we comment specifically on the educational services model and the evaluation and instructional procedures for students with math learning disabilities. Finally, we describe some lines of research that have appeared in the last few years in Spain that have led to the development of new evaluation and intervention procedures for students with LD in computation and problem solving.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the results from a longitudinal examination of the impact of a Standards-based or reform mathematics curriculum (called CMP) and traditional mathematics curricula (called non-CMP) on students’ learning of algebra using various outcome measures. Findings include the following: (1) students did not sacrifice basic mathematical skills if they are taught using a Standards-based or reform mathematics curriculum like CMP; (2) African American students experienced greater gain in symbol manipulation when they used a traditional curriculum; (3) the use of either the CMP or a non-CMP curriculum improved the mathematics achievement of all students, including students of color; (4) the use of CMP contributed to significantly higher problem-solving growth for all ethnic groups; and (5) a high level of conceptual emphasis in a classroom improved the students’ ability to represent problem situations. (However, the level of conceptual emphasis bears no relation to students’ problem solving or symbol manipulation skills.)  相似文献   

课程体系与教学内容的改革是高师数学专业整个教学改革的重点和难点,是实现本专业培养目标和培养规格的基本保证.在课程设置上,既要重视数学专业课程,又要重视教育类课程,延长教育实践时问;在课程内容上,要加强数学与其它学科的联系和应用;在教学方法上,要创造轻松的学习环境,培养学生的创新意识和研究能力.  相似文献   

In 1997, the Ontario government, like many other jurisdictions, undertook systemic reform of their elementary school mathematics programme, developing a new mathematics curriculum, report card, and province‐wide assessment. The curricular reform embodied a new vision of mathematics learning and instruction that emphasized instruction using challenging problems, the student construction of multiple solution methods, and mathematical communication and defence of ideas. While the design of the original large‐scale assessment incorporated much of the latest research and theory on effective practices at that time, these traditional item development and scoring practices no longer adequately assess mathematics achievement in reform‐inspired classrooms. The difficulties of marrying traditional assessment practices with a reform‐inspired curriculum could be addressed by creating a construct definition from the recent research findings on students’ mathematical development in reform‐inspired classrooms. The importance, challenges and implications of redefining the construct on the basis of existing research on students’ mathematical development, as well as collapsing the traditional content‐by‐process matrix for item development, are explored.  相似文献   

遵循新一轮基础教育课程改革对高中地理教学的要求,如今的高中地理教学的方法已经不能满足对高中学生培养的要求。教师要改变自己的课堂教学模式,以适应新课改和社会发展的需求。对分课堂教学模式符合新课改对教学的要求,可以有效地激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。在实际应用中,对分课堂有提高学生的学习兴趣、激发学生的学习积极性的功效。同时在培养学生的自主学习能力、引导学生的创造力和想象力等方面具有突出的优势。只要合理运用、灵活运用、据实调整,就能提高教学效果。  相似文献   

This first article of the special issue presents theoretical and methodological considerations about longitudinally investigating curricular effects on the teaching and learning of mathematics in a cultural context. In particular, in this article, we discuss seven issues related to the investigation of curricular effects on the teaching and learning of mathematics: (1) the need to investigate longitudinally the effects of curriculum, (2) the nature of the reform and non-reform curricula, (3) multiple representations of curriculum use, (4) assessment of classroom instruction, (5) student diversity and achievement gaps, (6) multiple measures of student mathematics achievement, and (7) multi-level analysis of student achievement data. This article not only serves as an introduction to the special issue, but most importantly, also provides a theoretical and methodological context for the two longitudinal projects.  相似文献   

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