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This paper discusses the patterns of network dynamics within a multicultural online collaborative learning environment. It analyses the interaction of participants (both students and facilitators) within a discussion board that was established as part of a 3‐month online collaborative course. The study employs longitudinal probabilistic social network analysis (SNA) to identify the patterns and trends within the network. It conjectures and tests a set of hypotheses concerning the tendencies towards homophily/heterophily and preferential attachment. The paper presents identified interaction network patterns in relation to cultural differences. It also evaluates network dynamics by considering participant roles and group work in the course under study. Results of social network analyses are reported along with measures of statistical confidence in findings. The potential for extending exploratory SNA methods and visualisation techniques in educational research are discussed here.  相似文献   

This article provides a citation analysis of Lave and Wenger’s work on ‘communities of practice’ and ‘situated learning’ over the period 1991–2001. The data relate to educational research in the UK, although comparisons are made with the USA. The findings indicate that although the text was incorporated and heavily used within educational research over the period of the study there were very few citations that could be identified as cumulative. The discussion considers the value of using citations as an indicator of quality within any research excellence framework and argues the case for taking a broader, more qualitative approach to assessing research quality in the social sciences.  相似文献   

奠基于事物为本哲学的行动者网络理论在过去的三十年间被广泛应用于社会科学领域,并对以非还原论实质观为核心的关系本体论、以认识论同等效力原理为旨趣的政治认识论、以"行动者网络"为基础的社会科学方法论的形成与开创创造了条件。行动者网络理论主要由"行动者"、"转译"、"网络"和"网络效应"等核心概念所组成,作为一种新的认识论视角和复杂对象的理论分析方法,它撼动了教育研究之还原论基石,使其直面教育实践;重构已有的教育学基本概念,还抽象符号以本真;去教育学的人类与社会中心化,拓展新的研究域;最终发展起具体的描述分析方法,跟随行动者重组教育。  相似文献   

高校教育信息化工程建设的探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
分析了高校教育信息化工程建设存在的问题,提出了今后发展的方向,并从统筹规划与开发利用教育信息资源、教育观念的转变、教学模式的创新和教师素质的提高等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This documentary account explores the potential of public art pedagogy to co-construct imaginative spaces in pre-service teacher education. Based upon a collaborative venture between two professors and an arts-based educational organization, the present article describes and analyzes key features and relations that were influential in transforming the response of a resistant professor and students. Using arts-based educational research methodology, this research finds that at least five thematic ingredients were influential in designing an education event with public art that promoted the generation of imaginative inquiry in teacher education: a base of trust; a naturalistic encounter; the choice to “shake-it-up”; a jolt of awareness; and a longer shelf-life. Strategies and insights for furthering the integration of public art into pre-service teacher education are included.  相似文献   

集体智慧在开放教育资源学习中的作用日渐凸显,Cohere作为一款在线社会性语义注释及知识地图工具可以有效地支持和利用开放教育资源学习中的集体智慧.Cohere实现了网页注释、语义连接和信息筛选的功能,形成了包括文本、观点和社交的协作网络概念模型.在开放教育资源的学习中,利用Cohere可以进行知识管理、思维的可视化和协作式辩论学习.  相似文献   

专业化与卓越化是教师专业发展的共同趋势。在职业教育改革的大背景下,深刻理解卓越教师的角色内涵和专业特征是推进职业教育卓越教师培养和评价的应有之义。以上海市首批中等专业学校正高级教师为样本,采用扎根理论的研究方法开展研究,依据对个别访谈文本资料的整理和编码,构建中职卓越教师专业特征框架。从专业特征来看,首先,中职卓越教师具有充沛的专业发展内驱力,不断追求卓越;其次,积极投身并引领职业教育改革,成为"双师型"教师的典范;三是聚焦中职育人实践中的核心问题开展实践研究,形成了丰富的科研成果;四是服务教育、服务行业与服务社会相结合,凸显职业教育特色,具有较高的社会影响力。以此为依据,提出应构建"五位一体"的中职教育卓越教师角色框架,强化以教师自主和协同发展为核心的卓越教师培养体系,探索符合卓越教师专业发展特征的评价内容与导向。  相似文献   

In recent years, sociometric techniques have been increasingly used to assess friendship development in children with special educational needs integrated in regular educational settings. In this paper, the findings produced by different techniques are contrasted with a view to examining whether the variable findings reported can be attributed to the technique employed. The analysis revealed that peer nominations have been used to determine pupils' social status and have overwhelmingly produced negative results. Peer ratings have been used to ascertain the level of acceptance pupils enjoy within their class network and have also produced negative results. Social Cognitive Mapping has been used to obtain information about the nature of social networks and the relations among peers and has produced mixed to positive results. As such, Social Cognitive Mapping could be viewed as a more robust approach that addresses more thoroughly the complexities of young children's social relations than the other two classic sociometric techniques. The paper concludes with highlighting methodological challenges surrounding the application of sociometric techniques and advocates their embedding within innovative multi-method research designs.  相似文献   

This study describes a new approach to undergraduate science training that offers an alternate model to the national objective of scaling up scientific research interests and capabilities among undergraduate students. With this new focus, we seek to more effectively bring scientific research methods and experiences to larger numbers of students in non-elite educational circumstances. Our model has been designed and implemented, at the John Jay College and the Borough of Manhattan Community College, both of which are part of the City University of New York (CUNY), where we have a majority non-White and economically disadvantaged student body. We have successfully engaged large numbers of undergraduate students by linking multiple classes in the social and behavioral sciences to build collective cross-disciplinary research projects that give every enrolled student an opportunity to receive high-quality research training and create cumulative data sets over years that are cumulative, collaborative, and of professional value.  相似文献   

哲学方法论和一般科学方法论是指导音乐教育科学研究方法的两种主要方法论。参照科学思维的过程,音乐教育科学研究需在确定课题、查阅资料、提出研究假设、制定研究计划、搜集资料、分析研究、作出结论以及撰写研究报告等过程中,科学探索音乐教育的规律,为音乐教育实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Social loafing refers to the tendency for individuals to reduce their own personal input when performing as part of group. This phenomenon may be problematic if it exists in educational contexts, given a current emphasis on group collaborative classroom activities. The present study investigated whether social loafing existed in a collaborative educational task, employing groups of three and eight participants. The results indicated that individuals working within the smaller groups were more productive than those working in larger groups, consistent with the social loafing hypothesis. Future research should determine whether the detrimental effects on students' collaborative performance attributable to social loafing are justifiable in terms of gains accrued in other (e.g. interpersonal) domains.  相似文献   

随着教育技术学术研究的不断发展,学术交流越来越频繁,合作研究也越来越多,研究者之间相继形成了规模不一的派系.本研究采用文献计量法以及社会网络分析方法,以合著学术论文为依据来发现目前存在于教育技术研究领域的研究者派系,并通过计算不同年段的各种指标,如合著指数、合著率、密度等来发现教育技术研究领域合作研究的变化,从一个侧面揭示教育技术研究领域的发展程度,最后借助社会网络分析软件UCINET将研究者派系及其变迁可视化.研究结果表明,教育技术研究领域科研合作关系越来越密切,但还 处于较低水平;科研合作类型主要为师生合作;随着研究团队的扩大,整体合作关系渐渐疏远,但开始形成小团体.  相似文献   

In 2004 the Finnish Universities Act was amended to include a third strand as an essential part of research and teaching. This paper focuses on relationship building to explore whether this approach would be helpful in developing university–community relationships and educational public relations. By means of a dialogic community relations model the paper suggests that different forms of social interaction and communication strategies are needed in relationship‐building, maintenance and enhancement; but, when aiming at collaborative community relationships, priority should be given to the development of the two dialogic strategies.  相似文献   

借助社会交换网络分析法,对不同维度研究的思想政治教育模式类型化,并且抽象概括出"理想类型",在此基础上,通过挖掘思想政治教育模式构建的理论内涵,总结不同模式特性,进而从理论内涵导向实践层面。  相似文献   

近年来,深度学习在教育领域越来越受到重视,它被划分为三大维度:认知领域、人际领域和自我领域。已有的基于问卷、测试题和访谈等方式进行的学习效果分析,难以满足人们对于深度学习中的动态、过程和综合的分析需求。作为一种新的研究方法,社会认知网络特征(SENS)结合了社会网络分析(SNA)和认知网络分析(ENA)两种分析方法,能够很好地对深度学习的三个领域进行分析。通过对原有的SENS方法进行改进,提出了适合深度学习SENS方法的一般步骤,并对每个步骤进行详细的介绍;通过以两个典型案例展示如何利用SENS来促进深度学习,并将深度学习和在线协作数据分析相结合;提出了应用SENS的一些经验与建议,以期为今后研究深度学习提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

随着近年来我国教育改革的不断深入,“质的研究”方法的日渐兴起,我国的教育理论界开始关注并介绍“教育叙事研究”。随着信息化时代的到来,中小学教师的素质不断提高,教育也逐步与时代接轨,于是,个体的教育叙事研究扩展为基于互联网的协作型研究,带动教育叙事研究质量的提升。基于博客平台上的网络教育叙事研究打开了教师自我专业发展的大门。文章以中小学教师为研究对象,通过对基于博客网络平台的教育叙事研究进行介绍和分析,挖掘中小学教师使用博客进行教育叙事研究的优越性,从而鼓励更多的中小学教师开展网络教育叙事研究。  相似文献   

教育舆论分析,是就社会公众对共同关心的教育政策、事件、现象和问题公开表达出来的言论和意见等信息进行汇集、分析并作出科学判断的过程。作为对教育实践需求的回应,教育理论领域的教育舆论分析是伴随着社会利益分化、媒体改革和网络新技术发展而诞生的,因而教育舆论分析有可能成为教育理论的一部分。教育舆论分析需要从研究定位、研究内容、研究方法等角度进行考量。教育舆论分析的基本路径依次为搜集教育舆情,对基于教育舆情的教育舆论进行研究判断,提出解决教育舆论问题的教育政策建议和舆论环境建设建议。  相似文献   

Interactive relationships in online learning communities can influence the process and quality of knowledge building. The aim of this study is to empirically investigate the relationships between network structures and social knowledge building in an asynchronous writing environment through discussion forums in a learning management system. The quality of the knowledge construction process is evaluated through content analysis, and the network structures are analyzed using a social network analysis of the response relations among participants during online discussions. Structural equation modeling is used to analyze relations between network structures and knowledge construction. Working on data extracted from a 6-week distance-learning experiment, we analyzed how 10 groups developed collaborative learning social networks when participants worked together on case resolution. The results show a positive correlation between cohesion and centralization, and the positive influence of the cohesion index and the centralization index on social presence and cognitive presence in knowledge building. However, this must be understood within the context of social networks in which messages sent to all group members occupy the center. This underlines the need for reinforcing participations that are directed to the group as a whole, and the importance of the fact the network contains both central and intermediate members. By contrast, we propose that the combination of analysis techniques used is a good option for this type of study while recognizing that it is necessary to continue validating the instruments in terms of their own theoretical suppositions.  相似文献   

文章采集了Web of Science(WoS)数据库的相关数据,比较分析了我国“双一流”建设高校、AAU大学的科研论文合著机构的类型、国别、合著篇数及其引用情况,并采用社会网络分析的方法进一步统计了各个合著机构在论文合著网络中的中心度,绘制了“双一流”建设高校和AAU大学之间的论文合著网络。根据统计分析发现:中美两国建立了紧密科研合作关系;国家力量是科研创新的重要支撑;校企合作排名反映了不同的创新模式;中国高水平大学通过与香港地区各大学的合著“借船出海”。为进一步推动“双一流”建设,我国在科研创新中应当坚定不移走自主创新、开放共赢的合作发展道路,构建国家力量和市场力量“双轮驱动”的创新模式,进一步明确大学、研究机构在科研创新中的功能定位。  相似文献   

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