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鉴于中国职校教师教育的发展与德国经验的密切关系,本文选择德国职校教师教育这一主题,梳理了德国职校教师教育发展的基本脉络和以专业教学论为中心的特点,并就职校教师教育中的两个典型难题专业学科与教师职业的关系,以及教育教学理论向教学实践能力的转化,分析了德国职校教师教育面临的挑战,探讨其对中国教师教育可能的借鉴意义。建议从专业教学论的内容层面开展合作,关注教师教育的模式设计,从人员、体制上保障,通过合作科研来实践其中的多学科、多地点的合作关系。  相似文献   

高师学前教育专业实践教学问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高师学前教育专业实践教学的不足主要表现在理论教学与实践教学关系不明确、实践教学的体系尚未形成两个方面。建议借鉴医学教育、工程教育以及美国教师专业发展学校的经验来构建高师学前教育专业的实践教学体系。  相似文献   

<正>2015年1月,笔者参加了北京教育学院组织的中德教师培训者专业发展伙伴研修项目,本次研修旨在通过学习,借鉴德国基础教育和校长教师培训的先进理念与实践策略,提升学院骨干教师和管理者国际视野下的教学、研究以及管理水平。研修内容聚焦于两个方面,一方面是德国基础教育特点及发展趋势,包括学校管理以及学科教育教学;另一方面是德国校长教师的培养和培训体系架构,包括培养培训内容、培养培训模式、培训师能力建设等。  相似文献   

本文对教师专业化发展的涵义进行了阐述,分析了应用现代教育技术促进中小学教师专业发展的依据,提出了在信息技术环境下应用现代教育技术手段来促进中小学教师的专业化发展,形成现代教学理念与意识、提升教育教学能力、促进教育科研能力、提高教师反思能力、培养终身学习的能力。  相似文献   

教师教育系统现代教育技术专业立足于培养系统掌握现代教育技术知识并具有学科教学能力的专门人才。但是目前现代教育技术专业培养的学生在中小学教学系统中从事辅助教学工作,在教学工作中依然扮演现代教育技术实验员、教学课件的编制人员的角色,这实在是人力资源的浪费。因此,教师教育系统现代教育技术人才培养过程中应该增加学科教材教法的内容,形成新的教学思路,使现代教育技术专业学生也具有参与学科教学的能力,成为复合型的现代教育技术人才。  相似文献   

各学校、教研室及各位老师: 为了推进全国中学理科新课程的实施与研究,提高中学理科教师教育技术应用能力和教学能力,促进教育技术与学科教学的融合,推动中学教师专业发展和教学能力提升,中国教育技术学会微格教学专业委员会联合北京师范大学《高中数理化》杂志社拟定于2014年7月在北京举办“全国中学理科信息技术及微课程实施成果评选与交流活动”。  相似文献   

教师专业发展水平受制于多重因素影响,其中教师自身专业发展需求的满足对激发教师专业发展动力,提升教育质量具有重要意义。本研究采用TALIS 2018从教师自身的发展需求出发,探讨“上海初中教师最想发展什么”这一问题。研究发现,上海初中教师普遍对学科教学、21世纪教学技能与多元化教学有着较高需求,对个别化教学需求最为迫切。上海初中教师的专业发展需求在教龄、职业选择、学历与年龄上存在显著性差异。为此,以学科教学发展需求为基础,提升教师的跨学科教学能力;回应教师的个别化教学发展需求,提升教师的多元化教学能力;关注教师发展的阶段性特征,满足不同阶段教师的发展需求,可针对性地支持上海初中教师专业发展。  相似文献   

高校英语教师专业发展是大学英语教学改革及人才培养创新模式成功的关键。反思性教学是我国高校英语教师专业发展的有效途径,是提升高校英语教师学习与发展观、学科教学能力及外语教学观、职业观与职业道德观,以及培养高校英语教师的创新精神和创新能力的有效途径。鉴于我国高校英语教师专业发展及反思性教学的现状,提出更新教育理念,培养反思及创新意识;践行反思实践,提高反思及创新能力;营造反思氛围,促进合作反思,建立创新团队。  相似文献   

在教育信息化的历史背景下,教师专业发展与技术应用日益密切。教育技术学是研究教育和技术深度融合以实现教育、教学现代化和最优化的学科,以技术应用作为主要特征的教师专业发展是该学科近年研究热点之一。该研究选择教育技术学领域的两本核心期刊《中国电化教育》《电化教育研究》中2000-2011年间与教师专业发展相关的文献,通过内容分析法描述出我国信息化背景下教师专业发展研究的基本脉络、研究现状及未来趋势,以期从一个新的视角解读信息化背景下的教师专业发展研究。  相似文献   

教师教育系统现代教育技术专业立足于培养系统掌握现代教育技术知识并具有学科教学能力的专门人才。但是目前现代教育技术专业培养的学生在中小学教学系统中从事辅助教学工作,在教学工作中依然扮演现代教育技术实验员、教学课件的编制人员的角色,这实在是人力资源的浪费。因此,教师教育系统现代教育技术人才培养过程中应该增加学科教材教法的内容,形成新的教学思路,使现代教育技术专业学生也具有参与学科教学的能力,成为复合型的现代教育技术人才。  相似文献   


Can teacher education promote cultural understanding? In the Norwegian context, culture is discussed as a tool to promote change: a crucial theme for teacher educators as a basis for their double role as bearers and communicators of a culture. Among actions undertaken to promote understanding, there are possibilities for cultural exchange in teacher education. A comparative study on INSET in the technical and vocational area in 11 European countries exemplifies a learning process where the individual cultural background had to face interesting challenges to all the participants. Among the proposals: ‘Introduction to cultural knowledge’ as a specific subject matter; reinforcement of foreign language learning and a deeper knowledge in history; research on teacher education as a cultural element; development of competencies among teacher educators to promote knowledge about culture at a national and at an international level; a network of persons and institutions promoting and enhancing the cultural qualifications among teachers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

The reconceptualization of mathematics teacher education based on current mathematics education reform efforts necessitates the elaboration of theoretical frameworks to guide both the practice of and research on teacher education. The author presents a framework which has been useful in shaping two major mathematics teacher education research and development projects. This framework for mathematics teacher learning builds recursively on a framework for mathematics learning which derives from a social constructivist view of learning and incorporates aspects of French didactical theory using the organizing structure of the Karplus Learning Cycle. The framework can be used to think about the content and organization of a particular lesson or of an entire course or program for teachers. Further, it describes the interconnection between different domains of teacher knowledge.  相似文献   

This article addresses preschool education as an integral part of the general education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This article describes problems related to preschool and certain areas of school development, such as early childhood development, communication, socialisation, creative thinking and leadership. The three studies described below illustrate efforts to increase the early literacy of low-income pre-schoolers: Training child care providers to implement early literacy curriculum, comparing materials and coaching to support early literacy, and assessing the impact of a statewide multipronged teacher support strategy to improve early literacy. Consequently, high school has a powerful potential for developing the leadership potential of students. Because further development of society depends on people with innovative thinking, imagination, and different ideas, there is a need for an ability as well as opportunity to develop leadership within school in order to allow students to see life prospects, to achieve specific goals, and to learn independently.  相似文献   


This article presents a case study of student teachers of secondary school physical education (PE) and their subject mentors in subject knowledge development. Grenfell's (1996) application of Bourdieu's notions of 'field' and 'habitus' in relation to initial teacher education (ITE) is applied to interview data to argue that student teachers show varying dispositions to develop subject knowledge at the field sites of university and school. Furthermore, such dispositions are suggested to be enacted by student teachers through the development and exchange of subject knowledge as 'capital'. Thus a dynamic for subject knowledge development, which is neither specific to field site or difference between field sites is conceptualised. The article concludes that student dispositions to learn, in context, should be considered to assist understanding about the development of PE student teachers' subject knowledge. It calls for a redefinition of nationally prescribed subject knowledge in relation to learning how to teach.  相似文献   

以往,教师是作为国家政治思想及文化传统的传播者,而今,在世界市场经济竞争激烈的形势下,教师教育的发展已和经济的发展紧密的联系起来,教育被作为促进国家的经济发展或者说维持国力的重要因素来考虑,教师亦成为影响国民经济发展的重要社会资源之一。教师教育受到了前所未有的重视。世界各国都在对之进行广泛而深入的改革。其中,对教师文化的重新审视与构建成为当今日本和欧美教师教育研究的一项重要课题。本文从市场经济全球化与知识经济时代发展的视点出发,把日本与欧美各国教师文化的形态特点、发展的新趋势进行分析和比较,以期对我国教师文化的建设与发展提供借鉴与启发。  相似文献   

美国高校创业教育的动因及特点探析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
历经半个多世纪的发展,美国高校创业教育业已形成了较为完善的体系结构,且在领导力量、师资配备、课程建设、组织机构以及评价机制诸方面形成了自身的特色。文章在阐述美国创业教育的动因与特点的基础上,结合我国目前创业教育的现状,围绕创业教育的理念、师资队伍建设、创业实践体验、中外合作交流诸方面提出些许建议。  相似文献   

Educational reform in Australia recognizes the need for an effective teacher evaluation system but has fallen short of actually prescribing one. Current practice does not align to policy intent, with teacher evaluation largely an exercise in compliance around performance management as opposed to a process that promotes evaluative thinking, continuous improvement and connection to student outcomes. The recent introduction of the Australian Professional Standards for Teaching has gone some way to providing a common language and the idea of a nationally acceptable pathway for teacher development and performance. Nonetheless, two things are missing in the Australian context: the privileging of developing evaluative mindsets in teachers and school leaders and the tools and methods that provide the ‘how’ of evaluation and support this thinking. Situated against a period of reform in Australia’s diverse federal and multi-sectoral education system, this article first provides an analytical review of the Australian approach to teacher evaluation. It then presents two innovative approaches that support the process of evaluation and the broader information needs of an evaluation system while developing teachers’ and school leaders’ evaluative thinking which engages evidence-informed change and ultimately more sustainable outcomes for the education system.  相似文献   

职业教育督导评估现代化是深化职业教育领域综合改革、推进职业教育健康发展的必然要求,是现代职业教育体系建设的重要内容,更是全面推进我国现代职业教育体系建设进程的重要保障。职业教育督导评估现代化的若干要义包括:职业教育督导评估现代化的前提是"法治化";职业教育督导评估现代化的核心是"专业化";职业教育督导评估现代化的支撑是"信息化";职业教育督导评估现代化的关键是"开放化"。  相似文献   

教师教育:职前培养专业化教师的问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从教育强国的高度来看,拥有和建设高素质的教师队伍,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的战略措施。美、德、英等国家教师培养机构已变迁,我们在向西方学习时,要注意到其改革与变迁各自的“背景”。开展教师教育改革,“形”可散,而“神”要聚,要以教师的专业发展作为改革的价值取向。教师专业既包括学科专业性,也包括教育专业性。在教师专业化中,“理解”应该扮演重要角色。教师对两个专业的理解分为两种水平,即对执教学科的操作型与概念型理解和对教学的操作型与概念型理解。教师只有对教学的理解处于概念型水平,对执教学科的理解也处于概念型水平,才能自觉、有效地实施理解性教学。促进师范生对教学的深刻理解,不能完全由教育类课程独自承载。促进未来教师加深对执教学科与教学的理解是促进教师双专业化的有力环节。  相似文献   

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