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This special issue addresses a topic of journalism studies that has previously been somewhat neglected but which has gained increasing scholarly attention since the mid-2000s: the coverage and evaluation of art and culture, or what we term “cultural journalism and cultural critique.” In this introduction, we highlight three issues that serve to frame the study of cultural journalism and cultural critique more generally and the eight articles of this special issue more specifically: (1) the constant challenge of demarcating cultural journalism and cultural critique, including the interrelations of “journalism” and “critique”; (2) the dialectic of globalisation’s cultural homogenisation, on the one hand, and the specificity of local/national cultures, on the other; and (3) the digital media landscape seen in terms of the need to rethink, perhaps even redefine cultural journalism and cultural critique.  相似文献   

Doubly Dominated     
Based on comprehensive surveys in 2005 and 2013 among journalists, professional critics, and artists in Norway, this article analyses the cultural journalists’ position within the fields of journalism and culture. Although increasingly adhering to journalistic ideals and becoming more similar to other journalists through education and social recruitment, cultural journalism is still not the place to gain prestige and honour in the journalistic field. As cultural journalists tend to be recruited more from journalism schools than from higher education in the humanities, they also lack the skills and knowledge to be properly recognized within the cultural field. Cultural journalists seem to occupy a subordinated position in both fields—they are doubly dominated. The analysis also shows increasing differences between cultural journalists and professional critics. Cultural journalists are more anti-elite and populist in their view on culture than critics (and artists), and they are more likely than these groups to be supportive of the idea of culture as a private realm of leisure that should be guided more strongly by economic interests. There are signs of a division of labour where critique and high culture are left to professional critics, while employed cultural journalists with less formal competence adopt an advisory role in the realm of popular culture. With increasing coverage of popular culture and traditional criticism under pressure, these are signs of a less-critical cultural journalism that falls short of the idea of a cultural public sphere as a site for acquiring intellectual and cultural resources to (better) cope with the complexities of modern life.  相似文献   


Notions of circuitry are central to Stuart Hall’s conceptualization of how communities, cultures, and media constitute each other. This is very explicit in his encoding/decoding model from 1973. Hall here reserves the term “circulation” for a delimited process within a broader argument for a circular movement, or a “reproduction” of culture through media. In this broader view, however, Hall sees circulation as both technological and hermeneutical processes through which meaning and/or ideology move into and out of discursive form. The encoding/decoding text(s) refer on several occasions to “current affairs” but later applications of this model have somewhat neglected the sphere of journalism. This paper consequently situates Hall’s notions of circulation in relation to new modes of circulating journalism on participatory digital platforms. Given the status of Hall’s model, the overall goal of this re-reading is twofold: seeing Hall through contemporary issues puts into perspective key aspects of Hall’s thinking, while Hall’s framework in turn helps illuminate important characteristics of how journalism is ascribed meaning in a digital landscape. The paper ultimately argues that while Hall’s insistence on seeing the circulation of journalism within a broader circuit of culture is as important as ever, some of his main tenets and assumptions need to be rethought and supplemented in light of newer developments.  相似文献   

Germaine Greer’s print journalism forms a significant portion of her archive. It needs to be reassessed and recognised as having equal value to her other types of writing. Greer’s journalism powers much of this major archive and it is important to acknowledge that this archive is as much a journalist’s one as it is the archive of a feminist, a performer or a literary scholar. Greer’s own methodical creation and re-creation of her print journalism legacy into a series of records in the Greer Archive is also an implicit argument for the value of her ‘smalls’. As a recordkeeper, she has gathered up ‘the madwoman’s underclothes’, the hundreds of articles published around the world.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):44-61
The profile of sport journalism has increased as the scale and media profile of large-scale international sporting events have escalated. This article considers the ways in which sport journalists have responded to such changes. It concentrates upon the nature of sport journalists’ relationships with their sources; their relationship with gatekeepers; and the issue of collusion, between journalists themselves and journalists and their subjects and sources. Drawing upon extensive periods of participation and observation at the Olympic Games, the FIFA (men's) football World Cup, and international football club and national championships and tournaments, and citing in-depth interviews with a senior wires-based journalist, the authors examine the practices of the sport journalism profession. These are also discussed in the light of journalists’ own published accounts, memoirs and reflections, and the wider, limited literature of research into the professional culture of sport journalism. In conclusion, the article argues that traditional legacies of source relations combine with current trends in promotional culture to confirm the collusive dynamic, and in widespread cases to intensify the trivialisation of the subject matter of the sport journalist.  相似文献   

Reflecting a change from high to liquid modern culture, journalism is said to be encountering a transformation from high towards liquid modernity. Cultural journalism, however, has been found to be “journalism with a difference”. Due to this distinctive character, the principles of general journalism do not directly apply to cultural journalism. Consequently, the manifestations and consequences of the high and liquid modern ethos appear differently in cultural journalism. Proposing a theoretical framework of the core aspects of journalism—(1) knowledge, (2) audience, (3) power, (4) time, and (5) ethics—this article argues that cultural journalists differ from other journalists in their responses to the recent transformations in the professional values, working practices and the status of journalists.  相似文献   

Placing Facebook     
Facebook is challenging professional journalism. These challenges were evident in three incidents from 2016: the allegation that Facebook privileged progressive-leaning news on its trending feature; Facebook’s removal of the Pulitzer Prize-winning “Napalm Girl” photo from the pages of prominent users; and the proliferation of “fake news” during the US presidential election. Using theoretical concepts from the field of boundary work, this paper examines how The Guardian, The New York Times, Columbia Journalism Review and Poynter editorialized Facebook’s role in these three incidents to discursively construct the boundary between the value of professional journalism to democracy and Facebook’s ascendant role in facilitating essential democratic functions. Findings reveal that these publications attempted to define Facebook as a news organization (i.e., include it within the boundaries of journalism) so that they could then criticize the company for not following duties traditionally incumbent upon news organizations (i.e., place it outside the boundaries of journalism). This paper advances scholarship that focuses on both inward and outward conceptions of boundary work, further explores the complex challenge of defining who a journalist is in the face of rapidly changing technological norms, and advances scholarship in the field of media ethics that positions ethical analysis at the institutional level.  相似文献   

张昆 《新闻大学》2020,(1):113-123,129
中国当代新闻教育蔚为大观,不同类型、不同层次的高校竞相创办新闻传播类专业,其教育模式也异彩纷呈。其中,华中科技大学作为非综合性大学最早设立新闻专业的高校,领专业性高校新闻教育的风气之先,并形成了独特的新闻教育模式--"华科大模式"。其核心内涵是:自主办学,学者治院;以人为本,教学相长;文工交叉,应用见长;物质强基,文化铸魂。这一模式对同类高校的新闻教育不无启发、借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article examines how journalists defend their boundaries and epistemic authority in the face of the challenges from user-generated content (UGC). It investigates the issue through exploring 51 Chinese journalists’ views of UGC producers and journalism. The interviews reveal that in this case study, Chinese journalists’ commitment to their social identity as ‘people of work units’ (danwei ren), i.e. their identity is defined by the employment relationship between journalists and news organisations, forms the ground of demarcating the boundaries between journalists and UGC producers. As a result, this group of Chinese journalists reinforces their conventional journalistic norms and identity as ‘organisational men/women’ and keeps old-fashioned journalism alive. In the meantime, however, they are aware of changes in the environment within which they practice, and therefore they reflect on their work and (re-)define what journalism is in order to adapt to the changes. This case study shows that the boundary work of Chinese journalists interviewed in the study and their understanding of boundaries are contextually bound. The boundary work of journalism is not only about defence but also about adaptation. It offers a perspective for understanding both continuity and change in the transformation of Chinese journalism as well as the boundaries of journalism in general.  相似文献   


This article investigates the course literature in the curricula of 12 major journalism schools at Northern European universities. This analysis of the course literature listed in documentation of bachelor programmes traces how journalism education institutions constitute their knowledge base on journalism. It is found that Nordic journalism students are required to read almost four books per study credit on average. Undergraduate academic journalism programmes are professionally oriented, and professional literature by non-scientific publishers occupies a major place in the course literature. A strong emphasis is placed on professional books written in the domestic language, with an average age of seven years. Though the Scandinavian languages show high degrees of similarities with each other, there is very little circulation of literature across the countries within the Nordic area. This analysis of the literature points to a relatively homogeneous educational culture with small differences and raises questions about the qualitative dimensions of instructional design.  相似文献   

The role of recordkeeping in our personal and professional lives is rarely perceived as a topic of mainstream interest outside the world of professional records managers and archivists. While corporate records management has been written about throughout the recordkeeping literature, there has traditionally been less focus on what McKemmish describes as the role of ‘personal recordkeeping cultures’. Yet personal recordkeeping can play a role in creating a sense of belonging, especially for children and families. For example, within the field of Australian early childhood education, one of the key policy documents replicates a similar theme with the aptly titled ‘Early Years Learning Framework – Belonging, Being & Becoming’. By reflecting on her own personal recordkeeping story and that of her family, the author aims to explore the purpose of recordkeeping awareness and the role this plays in the wider profession. This article will draw upon relevant recordkeeping theory as well as some key early childhood education literature to introduce how ‘recordkeeping awareness’ could be reconceptualised as ‘recordkeeping literacy’. She will also explore what impact a reconceptualised understanding of continuum-based ‘recordkeeping literacy’ may have upon evolving recordkeeping theory and practice.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(7):817-833

This article reports on job loss among Canadian journalists between 2012 and 2016. Building on Australian research on the aftermath of job loss in journalism, this article examines the experiences of 197 journalists who were laid off or who took a buyout, voluntarily or not, due to corporate restructuring in Canadian media (both French and English). To date, no scholarly research in Canada has examined what happens to journalists after they are laid off, including the personal and professional experiences journalists undergo when they lose their job and seek a new one, or the implications of these experiences for Canadian journalism in general. Overall, in a result that mirrors laid-off Australian journalists’ experiences of re-employment, we find a dramatic shift among journalists’ employment status and a decline in incomes after job loss. The majority of our survey participants moved from full-time, secure, and well remunerated work to more precarious forms of employment in and out of journalism, including freelance, contract and part-time. This shift in employment status demonstrates underlying precariousness in Canadian journalism. We argue that job loss in journalism has implications for broader social life and for journalism as an institution vital for participation in democratic life.  相似文献   

This study examines the rationalisation of the news frames of currency-related international economic interaction by analysing news articles from the ‘China Focus’ column in China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency. Thematic analysis of the main themes in the news articles shows dominant positive coverage of China’s economic development. Using qualitative content analysis, it also investigates the breeding of the ‘emergence’ of constructive journalism practices in China. It finds that Xinhua prioritises the frames of referring to solutions to the conflict and problem and mentioning the social and economic stability, sustainability, and prosperous development. The frames of moral judgement, conflict and its formation, and human interest are less applied in news articles. It bears elements of constructive journalism, but still needs efforts to make a clear division from positive journalism and Party journalism.  相似文献   

Through an investigation of three forms of popular culture in Hong Kong, the study identifies four patterns of absorption and indigenization of foreign cultures. They are respectively named ‘Parrot’, ‘Amoeba’, ‘Coral’ and ‘Butterfly’. These patterns vary in the extent to which they absorb the form and content of foreign cultures. The author analyses how these patterns are shaped by the interplay among the consuming power of the local audience, the relative strengths and weaknesses of local and foreign productions, the competition and stimulation from other forms of culture, demographic changes and government policies. Four postulates on the relationship between these factors and the various patterns of absorption and indigenization of foreign cultures are advanced.  相似文献   

杨保军 《新闻界》2020,(1):39-45
在当代中国新闻学研究的学科层面,实际存在着多种名称或概念(有些准确,有些模糊),诸如新闻学、党报理论、中国特色社会主义新闻学、马克思主义新闻观(新闻学)等,它们之间互相联系,但又互有区别。最基本的关系是:党报理论是中国特色新闻学的核心内容,马克思主义新闻观是中国特色新闻学的理论立场和基本方法。因而,中国特色社会主义新闻学,就是以中国新闻现象、新闻活动特别是以"党媒"新闻宣传活动、新闻舆论活动为主要研究对象,以马克思主义为基本立场、观点和方法,以党报(党媒)理论为核心内容的新闻学。其中的"中国特色"是当代中国新闻学的特征描述,"社会主义"则是当代中国新闻学性质定位。中国特色社会主义新闻学与新闻学在研究对象、研究目的、研究的价值取向上虽有相同之处,但重点有所不同。  相似文献   

余玉 《新闻大学》2020,(3):71-83,119,120
陈景韩是清末民初一位真正以报业为志趣的报人,然而他在新闻史人物研究中的地位一直被边缘化。他曾任职上海《时报》和《申报》长达28年,在其漫长的新闻生涯中积累了丰富的报刊经验,形成了富有特色的新闻思想,集中表现在独立的新闻职业精神、客观公正的新闻理念、不随流俗的报业革新思想,以及富有远见的新闻团体意识。他的新闻思想对近现代新闻业的职业身份转变、新闻本位复归、业务革新倡行、团体意识提升、职业伦理规范等方面产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

当代中国马克思主义新闻观主要由党性原则观念、人民中心观念、舆论引导观念和新闻规律观念构成。其中,新闻规律观念在四大观念结构中居于基础地位。基础观念,是一个观念系统结构中的根基性观念,是其他观念发挥合理作用的出发点或奠基石。新闻规律是新闻活动的内在本质联系、稳定机制,新闻规律观念是对新闻规律的自觉。新闻规律观念的实质就是以新闻为本位的观念,对职业新闻活动来说,规律观念表现为专业新闻观念,体现在新闻工作中,就是坚守专业精神、专业伦理,按照专业原则、专业方法生产传播新闻。在更为广泛的意义上,新闻规律观念要求所有新闻活动主体要承认新闻规律,尊重新闻规律,按照新闻规律办事,不断探索新闻规律;一切期望通过新闻实现的追求都要首先以新闻的基本目的、基本功能为基础。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):720-737
As user-generated content (UGC) and citizen-driven forms of journalism have risen to prominence alongside professional media production, they have presented a challenge to traditional journalistic values and processes. This study examines that challenge from the perspective of the creators and consumers of citizen-driven news content, exploring their perceptions of citizen journalism and the professional tenets of good journalism. Through a nationally representative survey of US adults, this study finds that citizen journalism consumers hold more positive attitudes toward citizen journalism, but do not show a significant identification with professional journalistic values, while general news consumption is positively related with affirmation of professional journalistic values. Compared with consumption, content creation plays a relatively insignificant role in predicting attitudes toward citizen journalism and the professional tenets of good journalism. Implications for understanding the changing perspectives of news creators and consumers are discussed.  相似文献   

新闻在世界选举民主中的历史已被描述为新闻工作者职业身份认同的开端,这种认同是新闻工作者对自己社会独特地位和作用的诉求,是建立在职业意识形态的基础上并得到其坚决捍卫。尽管新闻学研究有关文献将新闻理解为一种职业意识形态,但是学者们倾向于将这种意识形态的基石或多或少视为理所当然。本文通过分析新闻意识形态的理想价值观,考察当下文化和技术发展的环境中,这些价值观是如何遭到挑战和演变的。  相似文献   

陈锐  高卫红 《传媒观察》2020,(4):98-104
新闻巨子范长江历经"自由记者"、"新闻战士"到"人民勤务员"的职业求索,逐步突破其早期自由主义新闻思想和"战时新闻学"思想的桎梏,发展至中共党报思想,进而完成从一名民主主义自由记者转变成共产主义新闻战士的光荣与梦想。这是"一个艰难的探索过程",是其在救亡图存、挽救国运的核心目标指引下,在新闻领域为实现救国救民志愿的积极探索,是其走向中共步履中的自我认知革新,更是以其为代表的一代新闻人投身民族解放新闻事业的筚路蓝缕和精神发育史的真实写照。  相似文献   

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